Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1963, p. 16

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: , : 1 Church THE OSHAWA = oe December a, sin 15 : Goalie Chuck Goddard ain Catholic League | _, ™= ALINE IT LISTS! At Puck-Stopping Best Hockey Hockey Results Dawson scored twice and) In Pee Wee League action, |lips -St. Hedwig's 5-0, with Welsh once as Westmount and|St. Mary's defeated Hol y|Paul Welsh turning in a fine Harmony tied 3-3. The goal-|Cross 3-1 with Dennis Waduk;game to earn the shutout. Gord, O Cc | ) e me getters for Harmony were Grif- giving the winners their start Moore opened the 'scoring, on a fith, MacDonald and Han-'on a three-way play with Matt/pass from Robert Kennedy, in) "k Masternuk and Lacasse. Laterjthe first period.-In the second} coc foncoe_pusttane | Lan ah usa Pt mason Ind SANSA OP aati ty HARMONY: gpl MeDoyaenf ad pete op nts Cs ke W946, paper into Peterborough Petes'|mendous goaltending was the only one point, The return of|ai1, R. Bice Db pence :\tons. Ricky Dignem. and Dave dressing room and shown goal-jsecond such event' in succes: former Whitby Dunlop star Forapada, D Onun BM Gill,| Garry Lawless was almost un-'O'Reilly with Ken Lane, tender 'Chuck Goddard, the ad-|sion.. Only a week ago, Gen- Harry Sinden, to active duty,|, They. G MacDonald i sr beatable as he turned aside|Rorabeck vertisement of last night's. en-jerals had victory stolen {rom has made considerable ditfe Inally D. Griffith Borie: c: |shot-after-shot as the Holy Paul Brisebo counter, which read, "Goddardjthem by similar _netminding , ence along with the. arrival "a " Woncock 7 °»-|Cross boys gave it a good try.) St. Gregory's nosed out shutout' Oshawa once _ before.|tactics by Marlboros' Gary J from Boston. of rookie rear-[Bone, G. Hancork, 2. Hender-| Garry Suites, assisted _ by |Joseph's "3-2°.in. their close-| 1utou Hcg te ee Pablo . Bh guard Don Aw a praduate|50. R. Mackie and R. Farmer.| 2% ary a bidet Zi Ul heck ee ir 4 '¢ oe will he do it again; Generals Smith Giaiasd ce Magara Falls "wivers WESTMOUNT: goal, B. Hold-|Richard Zilka and Mike Zim-|checking ult, All of the win-| my NO! He proceeded is dine Ade ae aA 'a nats 4 xt awa action for Generals awy; D. McKee, T. McKee, B. miny did succeed in saving Holy ners goes came ey the first Gener players, by ,"Hcent, but as their goals | im Pe: Gh they|Annent, J. Welsh, M. Dawson |Cross from a shutout. period, Guby Lambert being the| inst" record indicates (low. | j Seas Falls ae ak 3, M W. Jozma. H. Wot.| St. Gertrude's eked out a 2-2/first to beat goalie Pat Nor- anvill league) their rearguards sob % Honeymoon ROMAN | on, J. Badg'ey, M. Wall, De eee <a on a ee rhachis gras es gyn é oro Jamiesor "Da Sharp, Vander- ers are one club which Genera!s|Brown and M. Eliott, Hedwige Compiies, wiv al | Mike Soa DICKEG. DD) IN Rer Goddard was wih a cis 0 Be pate op! ne 4 4 i have an undefeated record St. Andrew's blanked Simcoe |the scoring coming in the fina jwith Paul OS la} rating an} mined 40 Been ORY vecied hee ¥ th opposing i against. The other is St. Catha- Street 5-0 with B. Holmes scor-| Period. The "Combines othe assist bed each ot nee rng acti ae . a gies Grearis 'by ty ng them up in rines Black Hawks, who move|ing three of the goals and D led their best game of the sea- ' a Sregory a thal da 0) BE TOL Omiy BECUINIE Ey eer oe ahs Bonl ae, into Bowmanville next 'Tues-(Britten getting the other two. son with Larry Flynn and Paul keep Dave Mosier in_ check} oe rae igh ee vary see oe ae 2 ~ p. Bradicy turning in strong until late in the game but he "tims for seco time, freezing puck in their the goal, continually 9 é Si ANDREW'S: goal j day : ANDREW'S: ; De cere lacie stance. .& , x jefforts broke loose to notch two nice} Peterborough's and generally being adept at 4 : j j PETERBOROUGH -- Goal, ews, defence, S Lowe, K. * By este inihanatings to a a. \ jand 8 Bat ar bane are i , Goddard: 5 Jamieson |Zwicker, D. Famme, H. Bryani, Bernie LaCroix opened th goa's, on lone stick-handling | erthing | ut the ki én ste sutral territory, when need Vander s _ and Jop-|D. Kitchen and P,. Bennett, Peel y unnspisted, | Aer coer': "y's W ver H y Sines Ae Ps adard : selaroge sae gm. --<. __ e on, Sprott,|forwards, B. Holmes, M. Bryan Gertrude's and Robert Pell St eri -- bakes oly; pes at Godda g 36a ' mS. CEPrOral : it or en 40 rig aR Ws art a a Bie wes fortune.|. SHORT NOTES , ... The in- Mllipppi tinovich, Nauud, O'Byrne |S. Pooler, C. Chase, J. Staple-;Leren, On & Det from '* ; te eae i the utiuee fed ny fis dazzling < God. tury bug has struck Oshawa PP cqattililien * Warm Godson, Watson, Redmond,|ton, N. Mackie, D.. Brown, D.Smegal, tied i Up shorly hea i oe ae a a su eating hic Generals once more. G and Hunt |Britten and W Penney after wat the midway mark, with alates ale mane big pee u fe vember 14. in 'ractured his right ankle when JIM BLAIR SSHAWA Goal, Gibson;| SIMCOE STREET:. goal, B.|Don Villeneuve from LaCroix assists. John Sagan had a goal ye eh ee aniided Aas : ne Ore Smith" Robetts,|Smith: D, McDonald, . Groat,|and Jeff Wilson, made it 9-1 for and an assist while Martin MO ae : ae inate tal ing yon. wy St. Gertrude's and Larry Flynn,|Vaiks had the same record, D LSO SHINES neeman Jamieso yin the ,..,\Domm, and Ch for-|J. Manning, B, Warne, Rf : azmowsk: O'Brien atid Nocl O'Brien ez Denn i aah I - oat. for was takent o 0 h- Blair, home for only one day s O'Shea. Zai ubeau.|\Todd, J. Bernard, G. Arnold, 4 aided by -- the Praz mowsk: O'Brien and Noel O'Brien each Gane Ls A atuetea sane 'spifal and theljust long enough to view n. Little. Vail air (Boneruk. S. Warne, T. Mur-.| brothers, Jan and Richard, tied notched singles, with John Nich- Sar ait feat ww otone , 1g ast night's g iK Lane ond Moershall ~ "ldock, D' Hambly, B. Venn, C./t up with three minutes left to olls, Tony iteck ang Ted ied frame 0 1 ne fficial as 'left. for Minneapolis to be | FIRST PERIOD 1Sh d° B. Brown and D play Dionne getting ass third frame. Only. on officials was un ' ; een gh: Grant cadosi St. Joseph's crushed St. Greg- : i Nameit a >, lo by a trip to West I Abd sky causes borough shot cluded } Z sen bone, lowed by a ty F 19 15, Kado be , Vv } rot we hod Z 0st r : u fa th ¢ Ainat : e > toner. Ory's 7-1.in their meeting with Zohn Van «i scored: (ita all ct st was hoped to be < B j r 4 ra hara 5.5 St: s nosed out West AS Lica city ; empty Os 1 Z Blair, a rookie mane yt as cal ster with D. Germond Leonard McAvoy scoring four ou mea n 1 fall the): p mpson. scoring for goals, to rate top: honors for three seconds rema n th own, Was ad @ é c (holdin ick 3 pe Sta c 1 d the > adir t Bit gain some cor taff > in V peg, J t 11.36 iners and J. Coedy get- the winners, Wayne Bryan ] game and the cordict. Gondence in: his vent n While there, ects i wie! he minster. tally. scored a couple and John un e core art tacane (for CA. COMPANY. 5 1c yn the ; S: ogal, Ar Drew; Bathe got the other, with Leon- 5 ss : pte ime " £ ¥ - Peterbor 57 drew ter >» ard Powers, Bathe, Joe Reid but a last-minute drive, as diq)man Paul Domm wa | } Penalty: Watson (tr ' zig. Andrews, D. Germond, P, | at : other sustained <s le ng spot > clubs in Manitobe ites Thompson. K. Munroe, D.,and Mike Dudgeon all edrning ~&™ oin Ins throughout the evenir ) Terry' Lan ot -r. apolis Bruins, unde he ¢ : |Fryza, B. Patterson, G. Brick, assists ' : The following are the results shy : ay tion of Blair, "ha xtended REMEMBER WHEN? ...|p. Breck. T. Nicholls. J. Stain- Paul Kane scored the orphan 9* games payed it Neigh- Peterborough's other goa | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | E. Smith R. Thompson, tally for-the losers, on a 304:-'porhood Dart Association on came in first period pit sreat line work, 1 mouth pass from John Weid- necember 5, the beginning of WESTMINSTER: goal, Ray mark the Second Section: I n i] e i Danny who along wit! Jinnipeg Blue Bombers. lost.' | an = sas pes eso ge ag People Ss Clothing he Grey Cup by one point {Ellison; forwards, J. Watson, BANTAM GAMES Southmead 4, Woodview No 26 y | Brage. B. McDonald, J.| In Bantam Teague piay, St-\9 1; Rundle No. 2, 4, Wood- better attackers ago today as Tor- sras : 1 ne B. Camp- Gertrude's blanked St. Phil- yiew No. 1,1; Fernhill 3, Rundle prove ; blanking them, wit t mates, 2-0, last might i - in the OHA Junior this morni periods of left wing 1S ompson and°B. Bolton Argonaut working ady, D: Bannon, 3 Braun, F, Scott, G No. 1; 2 | n sob. = Ishi s punts : ; 3 =" RE ee Z l ) f t A th cnucored out a 43 victory' (Schad, T. Hudson, D. Braun, D. frey, E. Wilbur, T. Griffing, B.| Doubles -- J. Cole 2, C. Cole, Jr. Keystoners € ea n ony S | Is st ! 15 3. rds t ed, K. McBone d aah S aaiaine and s. och B. ries 2, L Shortt, PQ, Anon . ter "not ft | He KING STREET: goal. D. Sap-2, M. Muir 2, R. 'Harman 2 (Aiviiks77-\:® SUBURBANITE Clothing cé ip} Antt hooters were ¢ = by Bob Fritz kept up Win- yelsa;.J. Guthbert. A. Howe, J./E. Ford,.O Clark 2, M, Wilson ne ' . People's | two Win Two Games «» aight win th : | : : | ' hou Th Sateen nipeg's hope \Strect 3-0 with D ur, J. Rushnell,, R Harding, L.'2, D, ¢ ford, J, Crawford. 2 n, N, Ogden; M.. Par , F. Parsons, D. Don- nd J. Alexander doing Tresise, D. Robinson on Saturda h fevstoner: hawa's ate they bowle eir | t s by th , wom I a ju enre 1 ; * 1 pci toet fy " deel hone tote of: the sea 124 io 1107. due to some fine) Motor City Mowat Cartage|the scoring. Reeson, K. Sherban, J.'ald, N. Pullen, .G. Waite, FE eae beh Howied wm neres450~tomtakelsmteh = baw : nd: Piet te] 29 each. Pco-| NORTHMINSTER: GOAL, F.|Pearse and D. Cut Major, T. Emm, 0. Twine, T Be ange cicton Us! ihree points from T. Anthony|frame b hn Trott a ple's Clo ltay: J. Alexander, C, Griffin.) Knox Church defeated Christ)Twine 2, R. Shobbrook, L. Shob- aio 1 3a 7 IP, Sloggett, J. York, P. Mc-,Church 3-1 bit since neither brook 2, V Ross fashion, scoring T ips who bowled 5669. How- Bajlem. T was hich with 26 \P _M : coming Saturday, Peo-| Vet Stephenson, B. Hicks, coach turned in a- scoresheet a 3 inning -- T, Twine their first two s 5 . yore to be exe FAret ie i ley w SCor wer e -'for Peor 5 BR rt u lay, : In their first r the } | te 5 yas th ' ihe Aine in a Aasekine ) journey to Aprile Lanes, to}P. Vanderv ;. Jeffrey, E.{details: of the game and the'5, O. Clark 5 and P. Rogers 6 stoners noser itra! Col+ltcams were "at O'Con he pelief 'stint. © For| 'ake 0" O'Conner Bowl. -- |Nichols, J. He | J. Jof-'ine-ups are unavailable High 3 darts -- Vi Ross 111 BES T DEAL IN ? 0 W N 5 POA AA A ee a PL ty Rae FIFI, NEW GOODFYE ARR EXCLUSIVE é NO LIMIT Road Hazard Guarantee on ALL Goodyear Auto Tires On Monday night of this week,|247 was the only People's shoot-| to, ge the two teams met in 2 2 a re table score}. } fio toning fansie = ; re Ai Pa Yi ai LIMIT ON MONTHS session and this time the Jt vhile Chuck Reed at 296 and!saturday jn the battle that will] (/)| 7 --% Jo} -- : et : dp te acter es b Neco as | daa LIMIT ON MILES Keystoners claimed a 40 Ron Antho at 280 carried the|qocide the -- serie legiate § as day night. Both teams were alr, little nervous in this opener bu idence of: the : big Tom DeJong shook himse fliaNiooted when y Pe rel coe, on ibe loose often enough to notch 13] ple's Credit aivall oniy|for,_ People's : sees w oints,, to lead the winners. Hel howled 58 ay : w lows Nesbi 1197, S$ Ai followed by. Ken Hickey nee ey uh ions ene we ms 1181, Strutt 1013 for 44 fr On ae fin Mewden, Ronlaty as Grae 8" ele ee ote Dee Be Burnett and Bill . yma each Proak The 6.006 hoy! 779 for 40, and Trott 602 for with four and Benny King's lone| ob Ralaara, ela {For Anthony's, Reed was. high basket, coming:-late in the fourth! 40° dd "dest between Peo-|.with 1292 followed by Roncadin Sigg hitter BN ourth ple's and Anthony's resulted in\1131 and Franciotti 1112 quarter provided the winning an audity when the score ended| . : 1. Cae : ae 'up tied at 1098 apiece. People's) With only one week remaining Centrals were paced by Larry), Tae ae : c n Group "'B Horne and Walter Ruc He [es we Pe nie ee Foods have taken sibssannt daha rame bowl-off. Bob Strutt wi ; 3 points ¢ F>, 4 care enough ACK'S LS WN aN ZF SSS \ EES socc.r matches playe ues = Z y n-ght in Br tain European Cup Winners Cup , 1 SCREEN Second Round, Second Leg Man Un.ied 4 Tott 1 cision with Bill Jepma leading! load for Anthony's O'Connor Bow? is third with 4l | : (ure: g = fl IES Yj einer Win Na tl The second gee wet ces |g a | 3SE7 | | @ LIMIT AS TO ROADS Centrals, was hind, with! yr il He : a iN oF Central, w with] Prancitt ted y's with 3 SHORGAS | a pe a aaa ' Ne LIMIT AS TO SPEED sncaach dim Brady is stl)"on|with 255.was high for Pe HEATING & /\ 2 mn Hae [EL Telomere genre ip ti Y CERTIFICATE REQUIRED FOR the lookout for more players to| Tho third again went APPLIANCES Oy a ' Be y WARRANTY ADJUSTMENT orien boys hi beet ast fe thony with 506 followed Industrial and Y)\\ \ | Bir: baled F Wait a ae A \F yy Uj eae on tre adicny Se Nome bf the Ben. C ial § | Bike e040 ; Mund a Syne Aigo eng Junior teams in| nes sh ters could h t en The siohie,he Ges ! ee ' ¢ tees $3 , re \ ' " i ( ' B es ; SPECIALS Any young 7 wishing te Ses fr die , rae } i tf oo Sige, * |Sp ' cepwoteie Ace es! ol ceunast. | YOM le Fabien 2. ye AS | «FOR XMAS...1 pew Sew Hal Boss" Cu Va 28, and, 23 respectively wij] 72BeOA41 : Men yee yee | Club gymnasium, ime EN thy Bick af pps wore ) sieet south HOCKEY « BEAMED | (7) THURS BG wi). a "Tl --' from £26.95 OLD COUNTRY ere Live' BL) AND Be ay P| SOCCER SCORES TONIGHT : Pts WERLICH QUALITY LONDON © (Reuter tesuits & ; ' | {|| WEEK i } ; | j 1 a 4 TRICYCLES Tie Re THE LUXURY COAT i 9PM. Boilie : by Gledhill of England I DUNELT CYCLES Here is the coat of authority, Distinguished in appearance . « « \A discreet yet. fashicnable in pattern an colouring. Unmistakably, : Not enh iti Replay { H } Ad ; i EO pie 2 es top ae Hon vi : ; cidvatiss | i TONKA TOYS Notts C1 Doncaster 2 Pia f Ty \/ English League | Z i h | : 3 ( Ve Arsenal 6 ele : : oreo by y| N 4 ' i} D | PEDDLE CARS i c Nentest NG 0S 5 E she eet 4) © APPLIANCES, etc psi TOP TIRE TRADER Z| t 4 For the Discriminating Man cana INS : : { we » he Glentest label is a recognized sym 1 pereres WEST PRICE EVER " )| : " pest: Pi eager see S | Mi ay 2 USE OUR CONVENIENT WINTER SERV "REQUIRED | MG -- Sua LAY-AWAY PLAN WINTER SERVICE y Progress Brand Crornes a Ss , FOR CERT MAS GIS SNOW TIRES eee NG | : re | a Tg is 26 IN Bee HG Gift Certificates f, | \ my ee INSTALLED Oe Bs! | Ay now available at Black's. a > GooD, YEAR Pair installed fis iio 30.00 \ r< ¢: ; oR i "The House Of Style For / { Men & Boys' @ Budget Terms COMINION Wepre = ) ( TIRE STORES <4 GoD wast g " ae} 74 SIMCOE NORTH ¢ SERVICE STORES - : 725-6511. ; x ' ' \ | M EN'S WEAR LTD. ogee ) 162 KING ST. 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