22 § Bratislava and Brno, Czechoslovakia, as the guest of the Czechosio vakia. Figure Skating Section Don.and h's dad will leave by air for overseas tomorrow 1964 lef of Donald kson 'of the and of hi Ice Follies father aca Edition shows George inviting 20," 21 Oshawa gram him to perform Dec Labor Protests Boost night first Jack General with 'London stop-off point on is an Motors Oshawa --Oshawa T G employee of Canada mes !Union Will Hold their eorge of in Photo In Oshawa Bus Fares t} H added that ODLC wa red to support the Tuesday|the bus system would Dis-, with. a t The. in from $19,000 to $50.000 de look a any reduc said R 12 bus: fares uls the came meeting Oshawa Council bus service inder fire re fact the December it of th and de Labo Corse 50, Canadian a fe years does not there is going to be Emplovees tion."' Mr. Pilkey against The more ses and reduction in serv-|bus will get us deene ent to Oshawa City) hole he and the Oshawa Public Utilities Commission. -The Labo Council approved the motion Cl b H ld If they put fares up. they losc u 0 S "My said. a lower cus Jame de it Loca Public protests e 'of on. of tha fare Uni moved proposed who. use into people increa vice be Counc p : Corse should drive routes on They on fares eut put a to and] then to tomer If buses stopped some and friends District Old a hilarious ¢ "Tramp Columbu Members Oshawa and y Club had at their d at the Knights people \ able get to church DEFICIT INEVITABLE Clifford Pilkey, chairman of,! the ODLC, pointed out that costs Hall Saturday vening were bound to. rise and'that no|/People attended in bus system can operate without dressed as tramps and hobos a deifcit. "Only 180 people use| hours of operation on the aver- e Sunday he stat "My opinion § is should -be cut out by Mr, Bill Fullerton and mem bers of the Embassy Band group of Cockney . sang 'Maybe it's Phone Firms:::..: 22." Join Forces Notice rent that they entirely." ag because I sever sang Nove Walk Brown and Knees Up group served hot Cornish pastie Id hot dogs vy mussels kles published in the of The Ontario { the granting of of ama nation Community 7 Company Limited. The ha head office in of Dunnville The new ng through the the Erin 'Cor phone Compan also ssue able After the and parade rize went to Mr companyjuel Norton of town! prizes ladie toilet into| raffle 7ette o interval: came tramps and Mrs Orono patent of ntr and building by ize Moorey place of were a set The company came Wa von amatlor Tele Orono be of amais imun and and second pr to M Madel In its regula meeting the ladies group h turkey Gle went ty the Limited.|1s amalgama- it innua 1963 dav eve Telephone The ton. was si Company reement for per ened Oct. 1 in nho ] Fwenty-six nd enjoved a repared by the of, Glenholme arded Children supper gifts vanged and pianist lian Dodsworth 1963 5) > nded wa The thorized 6.090 preference ened Oct new au deliciou nio| meal Auxili Re fter has an ded with a each, issuable for 000. common ar value tors ob the com Seward Cc lin, Members Pa Rt ll La- ing games and prizes w ind Kervan La- by Mrs. Len Ri'ey, Mrs Dunnville; E Boakes ard Mrs. Ron Township of Erin Mrs. B. A. Tunnicliffe Mo prize at musica' ct company dis shares | capita L yar value of $25 and ares withor The first direc iny are Hale were ©X Mrs. Ti played musicz d \ Mi McKinnon and Robert Day wo me n wnship 0 on airs, ¢ vhich members danced OLD AUTO ON DISP vulomob on t Autor Simcoe str displa 1 ive Mu- south he Canadian seum ne eet thaf, ing operate the Tramp Night: of the Coun ven Night" Many costume music for dancing was provided members m il other ty avail- Their fund Alan B Aron} one month Id Mon- m ¢ members at Schoo entertained red Wh to P Mr the bi more iffinstead ayers should I sup to pay Vice wards Times iway ery f u or of on the iS passengers at the Th t city do is ilkey curta tickets eight for sev of 0 who do not more the idea but at Some us ort ite one hairman Th said that columnist bus which the ted 1 an was servi 6) and. should a one-ma bus service of council Is the the In taxes of increase will have omas Oshawa chipping a bus has proud a ult ce DLA be Ost attempt- | the te continued should debt cither pay s a pub: sales of folk music records the last two months were high-! Ed lawa Jaycees Hosts 30VS {Training School annual awa Jaye tion lunch Inclt Chapte cockles their Accore Oshaw 'ence The ers boys Mr. .K school One the on Master levenin Wives deli Polic » won Bank David Simcoe street utom It The To Malto jreetor oy were prest vehicle at. the Christmas p ee Toby' Coutur made ided in the quarters, the 1" and 'The a hypnotist enjoved i rty 4|day night, sponsored by the' Osh- the records | Javcees o youth development | arrangements dances included the Lambeth|the evening's entertainment and dealer said, years ago the fall Mother program During the interval the -ladies,several numbers by the Oshawa Come 3arbershoppers Four-in- Sportsmen" Harry the;succeeded in amazing his audi- recordings seem to be most in First Sam- | At BTS Party The master of ceremonies for] mo Bowmanville z Oshawa's bus system during 15) the event was Bill Smith, and oo aX bus The Canadian section of the International Union UAW will hold an economic conference in Toronto in March to draw up plans for dealing with purely Canadian aspects of major bar- gaining programs which the union faces in 1964 in both Can- ada and the United States. | Bargaining committees of all Canadian UAW locals will be added to the regular 140 dele- gates at the March meeting of the Canadian UAW Council which meets quarterly to recom- mend policy on problems the union js encountering in Canada. | The council, meeting in Wind- jsor over the weekend, unani- |mously endorsed its allegiance} to the International Union UAW) and its complete support for the iprinciple of international unions jin Canada George Burt. Canadian UAW| idirector, emphasized that the |council's position was taken in spite of the bad publicity which jinternational unions received in Canada as a result of the Sea- farers International Union scan- dal and despite anti-union -edi- jtorial propaganda across the} ejected leadership jcountry and inter-internationa] union discussion in some unions. Noting that 70 per cent of Canadian Labor Congress affili- ates are international unions, Burt siated: 'Our Canadian economic conference is just onc of the many evidencés of the complete autonomy the Cana- dian Region of our International Union enjoys. In any number of collective . bargaining -- sessions with international corporations in Canada, we have had. ample | lution jassassination of Economic Rally proof that the Canadian man- agement we deal with does not : 3 have any meaningful east at all. In such cases, national|~ unions would be a disservice to) Canadian workers." The - council hit General Motors' hiring practices at Osh- awa, accusing the company of using National Employment Ser- vice offices there as a "sort of GM filing cabinet". It said that instead of NES referring appli- cants to General Motors, the company checks through NES books and does its own deciding as to whom it will interview. "This company has made a lackey out of a' government agency,"' Burt charged. The council asked the Ontario Federation of Labor to promote a mass demonstration at Queen's Park for legislation which would permit _ strikes over speed-up during'the life of collettive agreements: Ontario labor law at present makes such strikes illegal. The present law leads to "wildcat strikes', it was charged. Such strikes are chaotic and take control out of| the hands of the democratically-| In an election to fill a vacancy, John Ideson, president of Local 199, St. Catharines, was voted council vice-president. He defeated Gordon Lambert, vice- president of Local 199. The meeting endorsed a reso- of sympathy for Mrs John F. Kennedy in the her husband President Kennedy had made a magnificent contribution to the welfare of all mankind, the reso- lution declared elected their ECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1963 OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD EXECUTIVE of the Mrs. Margaret District Real tate and Geor a recent meeting executive for the president and Douglas. Bullied; first vice-president. Standing from left Charles Smith treasurer; Kenneth Hann retary: director director Hall, ze Blyleven, ensuing year. Seated from left are Jack Sheriff, second vice- president; Carl B. Olsen, president; Sal Hyman." past The Osh and at members awa Board, a sec Photo by Hornsby 'Folk Music Promise Probe Ethical Codes LAY 21 CHARGES Growing In Popularity A manufacturers record that in recent report from indicates er than in the whole of 1962 Dealers in Oshawa agree that sales have been very good re- cently. although they say that has been the case throughout 1963. They find that rock "n' roll and country. and western musc still outsells the folk music, but they are all now in the same class The Mariposa Folk Music Fes- tival held earlier this year was definitely a contributing factor this new enthusiasm, as are the popular "Hootenanny" shows on television. Many. of these shows come from colleges universities, and it is the tu their, people in this age group, from Tues educa di-, for, away were 117 to 30 vears of age, who buy In the. dealers' minds this burst of popularity is not mere-| | to fade As one fad. should soon last. y another but of but rock 'n' roll was predicted, this prediction has not yet true. Those, therefore, and who are already claiming that Ross folk music has had its day may yet be proved wrong The folk music singers whose Paul and demand are Peter, Jaycee and barbershon- Mary, who at present can do the who plays school, a ay pre ind Ss own quartet higt t of the ntation the of by Bi the "Fay boys of of Doug the unch g was of cious FALSE e were ALAR called of Commerce branch alarm bel found to by rtic was caused LAY AT MUSEUM ronto, i ywned of Guelh ceremonies be an then entertained 'by,n® wrong according to the hit isted by Parade charts, lan and Sylvia, sented by pal a Chr three the Mary tv wa stmas Brooks eS yadminton Taycee M Tuesday guess- night to the Canadian Imperial and when an was sound false electric Kin "Protest Increase for sets Crysdale served The the Brothers and Joan Baez. Peter, Paul and! are exponents of a more commercial side of folk music than Ian and Sylvia or, definite- lly, Joan Baez, but this makes little difference to record sales Other names now increasing n popularity include the Clancy and Tommy Makem and, at the present rate, there will soon 'be quite a number of others joining them $45 Stolen From Service Station WHITBY (Staff) A cash register. containing $45 was emptied and'another cash regis- ter containing $5 was left un- touched in an early morning break-in at a Brock street south service station early today Harley Durkee, 216 Centre street south, arrived at his 'ser- vice station and discovered the money had been taken. Police said the thief gained entrance through an unused back door to the furnace room = anqd_ fled through a 12-inch opening above the furnace Constable Dick Sandford of the Whitby Town Police investi- gated j|Oshawa |fo sidered suitable and thus avoid-|theit NES Complaint Recent criticism of the local| office of the National Employ-] ment Service andthe hiring| practices of General Motors of Canada Ltd. has sparked re- sponse in Ottawa At the monthly meeting of the {, and District' Labor Council .Tuesday a letter from|_. Labor Minister Allan J. Mc-|! Eachan was read. The labor|H minister said that complaints! |, made by the ODLC would be investigated and reported. te him. Michael Starr, MP council that he was making'f efforts to have the situation re- ay viewed. Mr. Starr included aj, copy of a letter from A. |, Pe Stapleton, personnel director of General Motors, which said hat 'splendid co-operation existed between the NES and GM'. Mr. Stapleton also wrote that e NES weeded out applicants d st i | ed 'discouraging experiences'|§ for those who were likely to be fe turned down r (huh Ride Child In Hong Kong ° Members of the Oshawa Ki- |W wanis Club learned: with in-! fe d A G terest and satisfaction, at their human Tuesday luncheon meeting that)/H they a the Canadian Save the Children!st Fund The proposal for the sponser- tt ship of the child was made by\bz the club, through the: efforts of ti the Support of Churches Cam. e mittee, under the chairmanship|most religious people may ob of Kiwanian Rev. Dr, J. R Leng The Kiwanis Club's hes ward" is Tam Yuk Sun, an'11- year-old boy who was born in! Hong Kong, who attends the St bi st loon, Hong Kong. He _ resides with his family there, the fam- ily including besides his par-| 5 ents, a 10-year-old brother Yuk ehyiees ure Cheng, four-year-old sister Sui Kam. and.a three-year-old bro- 25 ness dren ther, Yuk Kwong Yuk Sun's father is a laborer social of e informed Mr. T 4 thy se'f h Ti that ; r GM jobs who were not con-|Many.if not most people d rive] ant | ethical standards by ob-| truth guide variance 'fanatical € sponsoring a needy Chi-| you fee] good after nese child, under the auspices ofler devoted much of his time to ye of arriving at. a method of ethics) a eek " ' t Thomas' Church School, in Kow- Mie Are Examined Arrest Three Youths By Speaker : worse" Qn Break-in Charges Insti ite Technology, was the weaker the of the nitarian Fellowship of Oshawa is subject was "'Is There Rea an Ethical Standard? Dealing w'th traditiona William irector _of science at Ryerson Detectives but the number officers rushed tojhas 'been charged: with one car hadicount of and entering re- gone The was circu-| ind | MacKenzie Darling, three lated among on patrol.Jaged Division -- street, break has en with SPOTS AUTO ' Bd ORe ount of intent to break and Constable Kenneth'Ostler 1 p , enter and three. charges of | ted the car his way home breaking and entering mornings He called the station then held = " a Car the occupants until detectives MAY CHARGE OTHERS SUSPICIOUS arrived Chief Constable As a result, Robert Trewin, !9 ffsaid today aged 17, 843 Masson street, has laid against been charged with 15 counts of CONNeetion§ with breaking and 'entering,- one Series of breakins count' of attempted breaking The city has and entering and two counts of|for three month roperty damage office breaks."' lan Ayres McNamee Chief 166 Oshawa boulevard alert constable's way An realous Oshawa look Tue n manner the of police scene breaking at meeting hom ulted youths and the arrest 382 total of ng charges ona charged ing enteri mode 4 not made, to polic headquarters Tuesday - that the occupants re acting 'in a report wyas on codes pting established " tablishing ethica 'rimble pointed out the of culties in acce which are "Fire Damag Minor At ady-made codes ften difficult to interpret bristian commandment neighbor thysel the difficulty of knowing one neighbor and the, of oving 'thy be ] this same as {i* been plagued ents with shop and Ww ah ho $ iterpretation aged 17,| north Flintoff manner the Con- praised in which table' Ostler acted while | off | duty. He said Many people | YULE LIGHTS eave work and forget all a This man acted with speed thought when he spotted care" Mr. Trimble pointed out their many the be conventions of Like they and modify to conform erving the The sec llow-citizen Phe se broke vty mah nthe THEFTS ARE UP trim storage depart the General Motors Oshawa Chief Constable wt. Damage was of a Herbert Flintoff today warn Production was' ed householders not to put Christmas lights in by the.958)- Tn department their front gardens or sects. in. North soon had-the blaze under contro)|, around ground floor win- | The person. who hears and only three or four sets of| dows | trim were involved. Oshawa} There has been a spate of | fire f were called as thefts of the bright colored measure but lights in Oshawa on their caused 0 ind the " scan out their adar . screen orizon aviour The cushion ment at south pl minor nature not disrupted Struck Shunter Woman Injured A car driven by Mis, William A. Delong early today collided with a CPR shunter train engi? the level crossing at the Gen- eral Motors south plant, Steven- son road south She was. taken to Oshawa General Hospital with shoulder njuries but later 'allowed to go home after treatment Mrs Delong, 445. Gibbon wtreet, was driving north, when the collision occurred, It is esti- mated that $300 damage was done to the car The eng vworth, of Scarborough, was not injured, The .shunter was not idamaged y or revealed an erratic the wide supernatural proves to be as witnessed by tree practiced ant fire ifferent merica od's... voice often becomes a the ers cautionary out fire Mr. Trimbie described as the Jeal code of behaviour one Th Nige hich brings satisfaction and a," fl cling of satisfaction as a damag being. quoting Ernest Oshawa fire department were Bale wa ¥ Morality what also called to a burning storage - The speak shed behind a store at King and Wilson streets Tuesday after- hoon t is believed the fire was started by children playing -with matches. Part of the shed and a number of soft drink cases were damaged. Total damage was estimated at 50 Five routine ambulance were answered by the Fire De Thieves find it easy to snip the electric wires and make off with strings of the lights They either use them to dec orate their own "homes. or just throw them away afte: smashing the bulbs Chief Flintoff: said that if citizens really wanted the lights in front of their homes they. should put them around second floor windows or out of reach of youngsters who are greatly tempted by the flashing lights ipporting his conviction of the ssential goodness of human na asserting that: infants' are loving and co-opera- ire asically ve Mr serted that rimble as ner: calls et to such an empirical way partment, Tuesday it will probably approve of the % andards to which it leads 4 eee The. speaker was introduced La a Robert Gray and thanked by i Ae s Aileen Hall During the discussion period, »veral members questioned the goodness of human na- and drew attention to the essiveness and competitive- of very young chil- my even (coolie) who earns approximatc- $30 in Canadian money, per } and. their home is a 9 x9) square foot "flat" Yuk Sun has been highly ¢>-! commended by the Field-worker there, as deserving of and in need of assistance. In addit to sponsoring the assistance the will be given to this needy Chi- nese lad, Oshawa Kiwanis Club committee members are antici- pating the pleasure of corre- who is' celebrating CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dent of Oshawa and district his birth- day today Bob ista 37 Buena Williamson, 3 Phone 723-8474 sponding with him In '§ Old Folks Home Rates which wa by Al made Pat A protest against increase ofjada Ltd was the voiced by the Oshawa and Dis-/ing federal rates in old folks homes trict Labor Council Tuesday Hugh Coutts, a member of the political action moved that the ODLC test the increase. of raies | at homes for the aged and like/fntuly in the next round of nego- institutions following the in- crease in Old Age leaving pensioners with approxi- committee, |the ODLC "npo-|thing which will have to be cor- Pensions, and labor." had lopped $10 from pensions of retirees follow- a the increase made. by the M government Pilkey ie 3 h said, ', i ie r "this is Clifford rected and will figure promin he uations between the company CI Mr. Coutts also asked that the Ri mately 35 cents per week out. of|Canada Pension Plan be approv- the $10 increase." PENSIONS CUT The delegate of Local 18, Ca- Union of. Public Em Douglas Lindsay, add- nadijan ployees 'ed that General Motors of Can-| ed are go ng in the right direction," by labor council] and "By, supporting Cz his kind of recommendation. we' de sa Mr Pilkey stated aper that/ers.of America !Premier John Robarts be asked ance 'companies have been Job- not to obstruct the implementa- bying the government while the tion of the Plan {Started Labor Council also approved motion asking the Federal Inister of 'Health and. Wel-! Miss LaMarsh, that CPP on the order "The. CPP Coutts comment re Judy be put once ~My e al r bab 1s ed \ mass lobby »p in favor of the urged by William a delegate of Local Automob:le Work- The big insur Was itherford United 2S, % WINTER WONDERLAND tawa winter encrusted branches inadian Labor TAWA me little.' | My id; "a mass lobby now, Congress has Rutherford] « should be} IN OT in this Ot ilumit glass Hall and sim- ited bu the projects 1 d Rid (CP eng as frest- - banks of frame the plicity grandeur with its