THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 11, 1963 lj LODGES AND SOCIETIES _| | TG Ay ie | the macic of christmas BeGins at The regular meeting of The The member ere reminded Daughters of England, Empress that + tovs are being collect of- India, Lodge: 26, was held in\eg e given to the the Orange Temple da) epartment, to be evening. Worthy 'President Sis-jrepaired, renové ind given} 9 ter Edna Huband, presided with] some needy ildre | vice-president Sister Kate Glo-|Christma ver assisting. Sister Kay Large cnchine i A will , >, led the devotional period i} Grlaini arly On Nominations of officers W@Siyronday « ine. December 16 held with Worthy District De-\ oj be exchanged, and puty Sister Annie Mitchell pre-lthe jnembers are asked to bring siding. Scrutineers were Siste xt rift of food, fruit, can- . . . . ae Hurst, Nan Kirkbridelqia. and s nitts to help fill Every department is brimming with a and Lily Mosier the 'Christm hes Boxes Officers elected for 1964 w« + Worthy president, sister "Katelner"Next meeting will be Mon- collection of exciting gifts for the whole Glover; vice-presiden Siste vo D alte AR SO I tage 4 Nance McWeall; secretary, Si ARSE es ; . FE ee ee akeat Ca or onl family! At Walker's "Good Taste In Fashion Sister Annic¢ itchell; h 1 Soront i t 1 Sister Doreen Ladd; 1st Guid 1 District held its ar Sister Sarah Van de 5 meeting | it th 2nd Guide, Sister Flor Vinn Greene; 3rd Guid ence Wood; 4th Guid Ann Heaslip: inside LS B g \ Shae bean i \ Hai A Blouse of minicare cotton with embroid- Sister §S Mu 8 ery trim. White in sizes 9) 3.98 Is Not Expensive". Sister Eva Tipt trust t 4 | { ter Ethel Hortor 1 M ' i 10 to 16, Hurst to YWCA Auditors Sist M Dores I Kirkbrid D B Cotton jacket: blouse with lace overlay. Red, black and white in sizes . ¢ 12 to 18. 3.98 C Sporty striped cotton shirt with "roll-up" sleeves. Blue or green in sizes 9 Qc oO. 98 12 to 18. 'Sugarbush"' stretch slims with detachable tep straps. Black or brown in 8.98 10 a0 5 10 to 20, Yr BEKA a ee as pene ; D The 'Suspender Dress" of woven cot- inshine Rebekal ton. Blue or green in sizes 5 O8 | the 4 to 6X, Uae | MAPLE LEAF LODGI 9 7 to 12 cember December 2 Rooms. Lodge ¢ to ritual with N¢ McKee | VG Sister: |} j A Phe Mae obou ~| & E Boys' pure Orlon* cardigan, striped pat sented and tt Susar tern in Alpaca stitch. Red, blue, 4 OR comed beige or grey mix. Sizes 4 to 6X. tid O Reports re ' a Sister "Estelle. Sin ee 1 : 6.98 nance tee. and ter * rc ee) | ' $izes 28 - 36. oe Edna Ht the CP ! ( y | mittee Frances Corn the sick and shut-ins and §$ ter Margaret Henderso: inge na : ot Ey Hoapital yi ele anal rnin Widsets erect eae F Men's long sleeved sport shirt with regu ospita yu m : faetory -progress. ip ! lar or button-down collar styles. 9 ) Whe past noble grande don-| # S.M.L. sizes, 3,00 as banqt t ' tyle day, Decemb Alice Henry A vote Sister _G Layered look twin set of Orlon*. Turtle cial ' , if neck pullover with sleeveless shell. cember w be S Jer A™ Bape } | White/Red, Blue/Navy, Yellow/ --r c Perry and Sister I . 'y Brown in-sizes 8 to 14, 0.98 son, assl 1 t M r Lenious from our : bre y AncuSs-(;RAYD ONG isters to Y { ; CARPET COMPANY Christmas r 3 ' . 13, 1963, at the 1 : pe % tyles in the collection. Blue, ) QQ Oddfellows H » t \ ay professional si shrimp or gold jn sizes 12 to 18 'La O98 Barrie. It I t a PUR kk : of the membc 'Ge aad attend. Decen H Quilted crepe duster, just one of many CLEANING 4 J Slip of easy-care Arnel* with permanent pleated and lace trim. White : or black in sizes 32 to 42, 2 98 ci When! grow up e ce Just a few giftable suggestions from our wide selection. I'm going to Wea | A no.rm ( Sie | Gifts with Man Appeal! b \_special MAGIC 5 @ touches at walker's ; os f Ws stretchy fabric. Plain and fancy dress socks for Men in a ( from $l j Lollipop Tree -- where ey : . . Men's boxed tie bar and cuff link set in ' ere every child accompanicd by an adult $ will get a free lollipop, " silver or gold. from yA : coe : : Fleece lined Capeskin gloves, Tan, black Count the Stars Contest -- win a $25 Mi rchandise Certi- or grey in sizes 8% to 11. from 2.98 ficate. Open to children 12 years of age and under. He's sure to enjoy 'Old Spice". Avail- : ha Whe Gift Wrap -- any parcel, no matter how large, beautifully gift Spies Apne, Hele cream. aICun powder 1.50 ironl: Ww hopeted slanbencs: wrapped for only 25¢. gees and after-shave lotion. from 1. ° ° Personal Sho --ask ove Oy a ais , ' oing to buy it at Pper-- ask our Personal Shopper to assist you And I'm g g y with your gift problems. ' Santa's Mail Box -- where any child 12 or under can mail 9 their letter to Santa. And enter the"'best letter' contest with a $25 Merchandise Certificate as the prize. i Abtdss = =! OSHAWA SHOPPING OPEN EVERY NIGHT PHONE THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE a CENTRE UNTIL 9:00 P.M. 728-4626 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. @ GIFT BOXED FREE