Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1963, p. 5

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{Bridge and Euchre will be play ed. Admission will be one dolla: jand refféshments will be 'served DISTRICT WI THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 9, 1963 § UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Knights Of Columbu Plan New Years Dance tario Women's Institute pur hased the Hoodless Home last vear for. a Museum An executive meeting of Dis Ethe] Chapman, editor o trict. Women's Institute was held Home and Country magazine Tuesday afternoon in the Cana- wrote a boqk "From a Road- dian Education Building, Brook- side Window". All members lin were urged to read this most in The teresting publication over First Monday .in February on 'There were prizcs of 1963 sil-,Port Perry, District president. Chanel 6 TV members of Wom- er dollars given to commemor-|Eleven branches were repre-ien's Institute will speak on the ale the year. Many other prizes sented and reports were given. "Role of Women in Ganadian are cordialiy invited to attend were distributed by Mrs. May Arrangements were made for Economy" lthe party and join the club! fie evening closed with Mrs.jthe District Annual to be held" | was announced thal a handi members i .R. Imrie presenting 25-year-|in Greenbank in May. A defin- craft display would' be viewed The regular meetings are held pins to: Mrs. R. G. Langford,|ite date has not been announced. at the District annual on Friday afternoon of each| Richmond Hill Mrs Cliff PuE Ne roll cal] will be: 'Pennies: + 44,. Gawker closed: jw ment veck. and there room fo don, Ajax, Mrs. G. D. Conant,/for Friendship ng and a delicious lunch was vations are now many more members. Tea is Oshawa, Mrs. J. A Anderson A one hundred dolla: served. - d orved and the members. both! Whitby ship from the District was won f 1964 men and women, 'enjoy 80 Others receiving pins, who by Mildred Martin of Prince astic, Cheesman here will be a Club KC dinner ciable afternoon and) were not present are: Miss Ella! Albert. Mildred is now jn train She ial 2.44, Goulet "dance. One of the highlights of other games ; eo a7) F. W. Marsh. ing at Wellesley Hospital in 'To this event will be a= Frenct Soe as : rs t atch, Mrs. D.Jronto for her nurse's course Buffet. Chairman H. Forbes. and REBEKAH IADGCE Ewart Carruthers and Mrs. D Che a 11 at 1.30 Nenevolent Rebekah Lodge B Coleman. Toronto a or a Je will present the R. Bibe have announce eau h announced No, 132 held its Christmas So WHITBY RED CROSS ' Gat Hoodies Brother A. Miller advised that : al Wednesday, Dec. 4 at the A . man retreat Wh tby Red Cross Volunteer lows He le Gr. fi as i Oddfellows Hall. Noble Grand yoi1q greatly appreciate dona the Feb. 7 alt : 7. HS finn now Gwen Halton was in charge. as-\s ion. Of dosidipe Jewel: hand by. Vice Sister kerchiefs. scarves. ete suit & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily vas concluded by 4 K Vizzard able for use as Christmas gifts PHONE 668-4341 WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby tureau Office 111 Dundas St. West One-Stop DECORATING SHOP © Wallpaper end Murals @ Custom Draperies © Broadioem end Rugs © C.LLL. Paints end Varnishes © Fle-Gleze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Phone 668-5862 Decor Centre 107 Byron $t. S., Whitby Manager: John Gault Vel. 668-3703 meeting was presided by Mrs. Sam Cawker PLAY DIXIE TONIGHT Maroons Nip Dunnies On Last-Minute Surge T PERIOD Cunningham CouncillSanta Claus will be on hand to distribute gifts All elder residents Knights of Columbus 1895 held its December meeting Wednesday. During the meeting the Knights announced the at ivities planned for the coming months Chairman reported that dance is bet advance » being acct Early in' February of Whitby Morgan O'Conno the New' Year planned and tha scholar and Wright both disheartened at their teams's loss. A win would have ven the locals a piece of the and a chance to move standings stands they tral One thing in they play the Mar more games, twice The game tonigh another big for who are playing interesting hockes host to the Dix.e {rue 10 their Whitby ° vay 7 ia ig team witl f f t a Dunnies 1 FIRS vi ( Davie oach Ne were CLIFF GORDON Ne M their games close, hard-fought th Whithy Dur Shanter Ne held 11 minute Then the rampage By TORONTO extended treak 12 to 12 vith a 1, Ne Nhite Whitby 2 Whitby Penalties Everett, Allan ; < Monday, December 9th - 8:30 P.M. © WHITBY ARENA @ DIXIE BEEHIVES WHITBY DUNLOPS JUNIOR "BY" ADMISSION ADULTS $1.00 ---- STUDENTS (with cards SOc) MINOR HOCKEY CHILDREN 28¢ Carike 9ay a cards Ne ut Sur O'Shea 9 Masoons of heaten day 6-5 top slot in the now points ahead As it four favor oons three at home hould - be Dunnies ome ( SECOND PERIOD Cunningham, win Ove Jan Ne > 3 Tam Dunnie than the game Maroons went on the for three unanswered lan Young did a guarding the to ops al The with le to ) of On history Th by fe thei Ay 4 a 5-3 Meecha Gay, lead Neil Fletche interested in a Home" weekend hould contact The meeting di thy heesma Penalties Pits Byers on 1964 18.47 David 6 of go in 6 majors Gay | Meenan Viar iow Peters agals tes 40 sted Grand Wanda 4 tI te THIRD PERIOD cussion o avende: great job o business session wa were made jy da D Tizzard be prize Catholic activi hy Bopha t short for Senior Citizens ; botli 1 have. anything ict e lines, please contact m A. Nixon at 668-2877 but was with the late | Beehive ame a rea ylenty of oval goa conducted hey will plas 1 angement ; alt Mrs able ope for } Sister will who are the ny urge efreshments ; l . Neil. ( ke and Gord ( DuLe vere served by Brothe p peec The speed Decrply nigham each notched a pair o for the winners nt to Get Mee 0 Single. Will have to be on their toe n ret back on the winning road one goals ons han and 40 o beau and his committee Vas again the Dunnie iome a brace o Gay, Bil} Last for as | big gur d Ricky lad f ed ) and 7 yr WHITBY BOWLING NEWS Lavender roundea -- out -- the scoring The Du Maroons by battle wil WHITBY AND: DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE WEDNESDAY 700 and 755 (287) B foi ou F Wa 7 Triples ove! Hut lam 723 ") ) 250 wo-leam the ead. They to regain as 'they tangle with the RBeeHives at Whitby Arena Ihe Maroons drew first blood inningham ored kK Shearer 'veh hinson hance fonig Dixte some ground 3 Hf 50 son and ove de1 291. 261; Bill 83,3. Scott 280. D Childs 275. 1 | Ore 162. G Rou 159 King Whitb Machinery Andrews Ramblers 3. Drews 9, Legion Papermakers 4 Queen's ? DPonlop |. Bathurst Hoffer Valles Cartage lor's ? Honevockers Single Bru He Henderson Reed 2 Sunday, as ( froma Whitby net the scramble around -- the ib rhe Dunnie t minutes Shea fed Gay a of the Maroon took a 2-1 Lasti ane eau 251 contest K won Mitton Hote 1 Barber a 0 front They ter as Points ead & Shop 3 oned \ 5 hitb zham and Meehar tal third. period the host « Cur ed a sutset of the ning pair of fast es al e Hote Millwork: | Andersor a Barber Shop 0 ead for 9 aw took penalty to B once again The Dunnies appeared command 'in the early stages of the third period as Lavender and Fletche them a 5-3 advantage ed some other opportunitie { ne pered at' Ma gain the The etcher ee ontinued advant ers and tied Prive. winner ! Perron WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE antile Department 1-1 set from Brown Elec with Earl Birch (693) Sweet (683) heading had a in Kat Bemis single to he Mer Store 1ooK a gave y Per Merchant ouple of Jordan 733 but int m he and in a shots ow the the Browns Maroon cage shooters Mery a big (752) and the fell short for Clairmont box. when The Maroons broke the Du nies' bubble as they roared back with three unrequited goals and the 6-5 win. Cassidy made it 5-4 and then Clarke drilled home his two in less than a minute was Lavende rena scored She Service yut 2-1 over Rovals with Jack Brown's 706 leading the way Freq Watson topped the losers with 737 (305) Fleming's won Jack Ross tossed a 3il singe MORE WHITBY LADIES' CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Points the day'. All Gumdrops |, Humbugs | Beans 1, Life Savers 3 ops 3, Maple Buds 3 Peppermints 3 Triples over 400 ady 621, Isabel Farndale 964 nice Moase 547, Sophie Dilling Betty Pascoe 532, Florence Moore 528. Sandra Labanovich 525, Muriel McKim 525, Haze Moore 513. Edythe Walke and G.ace Sandford 502 Singles over 200° Isabe dale 257. Gladys Wiles Bernice Moase 140 Hazel Moore Grace Sandford 218 Muriel McKin 116 Sandra Labanovich 208 and Margaret Farquhar 207 Any. members iparticipate party to be held at the Brook side Restaurant on Wednesda, Dec. 18, are reminded that they may do. so by: pay entry Dec. 11. The who intend. to banked games are asked to contact the bowling alley at one hour before bowling of their intention so that se retary may pich up all early bowling. scores at one time. The annual chicken roil will be held on Wednesday Dec. 18. and as this is not al for Lo and Wiles Be G 37 413 146. 230 9 220 wishing to tne stil] ng their fee on gi ise least time the the e Christmas hey Odfellow yannin ) fo Gardens and ere' an ey a tran Internationa The off'cia Jul 1964 Reb ka ny The a situated Manitoba and North Dakota borde s portion FAITH BAPTIST Faith Ba held it Thursday Wiis iia Peace fe ywening w 4 Oddfe re invited he ows and companied to attend \ neaut the ino b Mrs. Reg opening al Campbell the 0 hie det ¢ or Mo pravel M : sag of ¢ esting t 1 yed with a Christm f vif inh enjoyed alad lunch istmas cake d by M Fred ommittee gave ollowing the busine polal iis Presiden a. socia haired 'the as 9 n the charge proved Robert Following meeting Mr Ker cripture he more t offer and and kland James kK reading Clarke Mrs. Gie 4 la Dev meeting wi 18 sible .qutz Mrs. William fading Was dire MacDonald by M The Mrs \ Song VIS. GREENWOOD IODE \ 4 scount LOD} elebrated Dd held b Chapter ends evening Wa Greenwood Va er Lo Scatt entitled and S Ann Bridge Bridge HoT he a ae ie G. A. Welst Aft if ing gan with de ' * wonderful as dis birthday center ected Guest ax members ang 'Christmas therr Speaker ersal er Hicks told « n South the evening Jim Mi ars .] eturned f he Ca Phe meetin i] A soeie F nioved ort ' ri ver ith 5th with andies a buffe served io Hick The ladies sented Mrs fami) epresentat SENIOR Whitb are holding mas par rsda n the ,Anglicar rch will CITIZENS Se Board Chap Imrie bridge Toror tings and or ¢ Z ib Ce of -rovinela their annua t I ered the d Ma There Ye games. ce ; : t pre singing and musica ie cemiiianalananen aun : appreciated would be the donation of a good used re ord player ALL SAINTS EVENING GUILD \Jl Saints Anglican Chure! Wh tby Evening Guild held its egular meeting. Monday even Dec..2 in the parish hall sident. Mrs. Ralph Strat opened the meeting with \ short business meet followed Py ford raver ng Mrs. Marguerite Crawforth in troduced the guest for the even ing, Mrs. Gregor who gave a demonstration of gift wrapping She also showed a film. illus trating the art of gift wrapping This was followed by a question and-answer period The Guild) presented My Greeor tion uck It Game Monday This was followed by a pol supper Was announced Night" would Jan. 13 at that heid p.m be 8 | with a gift in apprecia-! She used to he hothered by backaches | and tired feeling. When she learned that irritation of the bladder and urinary tract can result in backache and tired feeling, she took Dodd's Kidney Pills. Smart girl. Dodd's Pills stimulate the | kidneys to help relieve the condition | causing the backache and tired feeling. Soon she felt hetter--rested better, If you are bothered by backache, Dodd's stopped part of the regular scheduled] County Bow! 2:1 with some!games it is up to the individual] weak bowling on both sides. if she wishes to. use banked} Ron Brage's 682- (264) was best games for that day for the Florists while Ron coun icag,'" MINOR HOCKEY Jewellers nipped NEWS Bassett's Jordan Brothers- Food Market GRENIER Monday -] with George Hubbard and best to insure the win Burtinzky Florists The Dunnies pulled Young tr the latter stages in favor of six attackers. Byers of the Maroons Was serving another and, despite the two-man vantage, the locals were able to te it up JUST TALKING a hard one f ose as they appeared to liave in. the bag only to fall off in the final 11 minutes Kidney Pills may help you, too. You can depend on Dodd's, a5 } Port Whitby Texaco PETE HUBER, Prop © Tires and Accessories @ Free Pick-up and Delivery COR. VICTORIA and BROCK ST. S. PHONE 668-3471 un CALENDAR -- of -- Weekly Events! This was ol Dunnies to se] Himes bowling 693 and 687, ive Doc Dafoe led the men with 718 (290), 9 Ry LOUIS Midget action was at its usual Two games were featured in the night's play as COF trimm-} ed Lions Club 4-1 hatd ast game thal saw pena and a lot of hard by trams SUMMARY First Period COF: ¥.. Grills (Goddard) COF J Harris (J. Hay, J Goddard Lion P. Brown (unassisted) , espect Dec Manager Market HENRY HIGH NEWS Lady Basketballers Lose Both Contests By KATHY CUDDY ° : om ANNE HENSTOCK AVIS LEGGETT basketha has Henry now that examinations a dnesda De 4 hosted the jur basketball teams Hope Unfortunately Port. Hope won both Wednesda Moto re the ( This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! THIS WEEK'S HARLEY'S SPORTS Serre cane EVENTS AND DELIVERY HOCKEY Licensed Mechanic Mertopoliton Jr. "B" League Maénday, Dec. 9, Moje rand Minor Repairs Rambler, Trailer, Dixie Beehives vs the Whitby Dunlops, at 8:30, Whitby Arena i Sales and Rental: FINA CENTRE Thursday Dec at Lakeshore a few he hoth work WwW. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD Ample Parking Facilities achoole trict n were rated il] try. an on Friday Ontario' D national s Second J}. Hay Gri | Hay Grills) begun officials Period the officiating 14 These 2 Y again at Men's he ou don't hove-te November Or Henrs and seno exam are Dev s) aver ploy @ sport te be the W ' ASSEMBLY An a ade 12 © good sport Ke from Port for Fler Rame emb vas held and 13° students De { ented a movie Moto In intere - for The second game was a slam-bang affair' as the Al Stars outshon on Bandsmen 4-2 in a penalty-ful stitute' game. A game misconduct wen! and to one young. scrapper who} - found out that you 'can't spit al the referee and get away t MERCHANDISE 668-8211 1101 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY WHITE'S B.P. 616 Brock St. WN. Whitby 668-8241 After Hours 668-8265 GENERAL REPAIRS 24 HOUR TOWING LICENSED MECHANIC FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY OPEN 7:30 A.M. -- 10 P.M. 110 Dundas St. £., Whitby 668-3410 on Genevaj tam renera eve wh ting GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST, $ SIAL 666-3524 WHITBY, ONT WANT ADS HOLD THE KEY TO EXTRA CHRISTMAS CASH SHinoS caliente IREMRAOnIEE GEORGE'S» FINA SERVICE Licensed . Mechanic Free Check-Up Enjoy Corefree ASSOCIATION is Athi tic Assocjati on Friday, Dec ymnasum was pacned apacity and a time was had by al that exams are over esuming their' regu on 6 SUMMARY First Period men: E. Christie Duncan) P. Vipond Keenan) G. 'Town Moon) Bandsmen (FE Chr Stars i (G Stars 12, Away game, Whitby Dunlops Bands (D Stars (M tars (J 9 ¢ g00d t Whitby Mercantile Hockey League --Sunday, Dec 15, at 12 noon, Flemmina's Shell vs Arena Sun oco; at 2pm. Durno's Garage vs Ottenbrite's Sunday 9.45 Now the lubs ay NEW LOW TRAIN FARE EVERY DAY TO REGINA $25 That's the incredibly low one-way passage fare on the new Faresaver Plan, And look what coach travel on The Canadian gives you: Reserved reclin- ing seats with full-length leg rests, Scenic Domes, aomeeti 210 615 7 is SONG CLUB Folk Song ( 9 Thursda nreparation for an at the Christmas b The Drama Club 2 to hold tts regular reading sessions The Johns Manville Hockey Leaque Dec 15 Flexboard vs Office; am vs Insulations _ FOLK The M ste) Moon Town) M. Keenan (G and P. Vipond) Columbus UCW Hobbies Shown By MRS. Bk. LAVIOLETTE COLUMBUS East unit the United Church Women al the home-of Mrs. with Mrs. G Mrs. R. Ratcliffe Spry took the wor theme The. Living God in Our Lives The rogram two accordior ub held Rowland De appear Assem ® con piav a at Bam at Transite Ree 190} 0 ance SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA Wednesday, Dee. 11, 8 to 10.pm Adults Only Friday, Dec. 13, 8:30 to 10:30 pm. Adults and Children son For Home Delivery of Ontario County's Only Daily Newspaper PH. 668-3703 BASKE On T CLINIC Other clubs functioning une f t examination the Chess Club and Camera Club BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:30 WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:30 GIVE YOURSELF A _ LAUGHTER Jd Pp utr "oO TRALI anein insday inter. Off Se Henry Basketball a s ne Higk ub Saturday, Dec, 14, 2 to 4 p.m. Children 14. years and under porter service, and music. And you can purchase delicious meals in the Dining Room or Skyline Coftee Shop. The Faresaver Plan is also available for All-Inclusive (meals and passage) in tourist and standard sleeping cars. See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. 5 of} | FIGURE SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA Saturday, Dec. 14, 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m, Child- ren's Skating Classes, at Whitby Arena me! Ballard Corner idi and Mt sn) God pres TORONTO.REGINA To Winnipeg $2050. t ouve! $4 quire about Faresaver Plan t nformation and reservations way coach passage fare other ports RA 3.2224 $25 Blair Park Plaza Barbershop | WHITBY NOW 2 BARBERS NO WAITING Closed Mondoy-- Open 8-6 P.M. Tues. to Sat. Proprietor M, THERAULT HOOKER & SONS LTD. YOUR BEST DEAL ON NEW AND USED CARS No. 7 Highway, 3. miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET---OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR ted 4) by Mrs by Mrs a TRAVEL / G2 stan Scott a a cons SO108 readings Mrs. R Gilroy 4 hobby Tune-uns in COLOUR SCREENPLAY BY JACK Davies OIRECTED BY KEN ANMAKIN *® STARTS AT 7 AND.10 P.M show was with each member bring her own such as sewing crocheting, baking and a scrap Holiday Driving book of poems that Mrs Albert fe ar h : ane 5 PICK-UP & DELIVERY -- ne The. Do nd. TH OT ssioitisnastbaioendiclen in Lebotesisii 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY , prese ee arm Tha a /anire | PLANES Te HOTR 8 / TELECOMM Also -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "THE MANIAC" KERWIN MATHEWS - NADIA GRAY Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WORLD'S MOST COMPLE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM « Vv) an he pe \ BROOKLIN 655-4811 [he group reached thesr nancial objective for the year

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