Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Dec 1963, p. 3

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UNDERCRADUATE WINNERS AT DONEVAN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE | CAPSULE NEWS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wabnndey, Bacembr 41968 3 Rare Swans Shot Hunter Sought CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C.inews magazines Time and (CP) -- A reward will be of-' Newsweek Wednesday, charging fered for information leading to they had committed "critical the arrest of a hunter who acts of injuny against the Cam- slaughtered four rare trum- bodian government." The an- peter swans near this Vancou- nouncement did not specify) ver Island community in an which stories in the: magazines "orgy of wantonness." The were considered objectionable tru. peter swan is protected un- der the Migratory Birds Act FRANCO IS 71 The penalty for shooting one is MADRID (AP)--Gen. Fran a fine ranging from $300 to cisco Franco, Spanish chief of $500 with the possibility of a state since 1936, was 71 Wed- six-month prison term. nesday. The hardy leader had a busy day, including confer- ences with government 'officials | ; and formal opening of a nearby jJones, a 40-year-old seaman, higgway tunnel & } CE RG) J JUDITH DALTON CAROL DEMPSEY was fined $50 and costs Tues- DOUGHOS BESh sie a arenee ieee day for assaulting Michael ADMIRE STEINBECK |Sheehan, former president of BUDAPEST (AP)--More than |the Canadian Maritime Union 1,000 Hungarians, each holding (CLC) during the recent-Inter--a copy of a John Steinbeck national Longshoremen's Asso- novel, lined-up outside a Buda- ciation (CLC) strike in St. Law- pest bookshop Tuesday to get rence River ports the American author's auto- graph. Steinbeck's novels, par-| EDMONTON. (CPy_Quebec's Ucularly The Grapes of Wrath Srl fd a Ge na rieg Ag ,-jand others 'with sociological problems have resulted from is themes, have been best sellers Toi J. Porter of Calgary. pres. 't Communist countries | UN OFFICIAL VOICES APPRECIATION ident of the Progressive Cor KILLS MOTHER Paul sative Association of Alberta. DAR EHS SALAAM, Tangan ( said Tuesday. Quebec | re- vika (AP)--A 28 - year - old ceded into a shell and 'd woman who slashed her mother the facts of time, he said in aM tg death because she thought address to the Macdonald-Car- por mother was a witch has Me wont riescn_feremmetace we Clarke To Buy -- CITY AND DISTRICT OTTAWA (CP) -- Radio sta- d-ath of her two children on . : Fire Engine HOSPITAL REPORT was representing art and the 'oll ERGY ' tion CJBC Toronto, the princi- her mother | pal station of the old Dominion NEGRO ON COUNCIL Following is the report of the Oshawa Automotive Museum at ' u ] r se 1 night + ee z - W ie ae gets een ' " LAWTEY, Fla. (AP) -- The ORONO -- The price of fire OShawa General Hospital for the the meeting on Thursday of the ? roadcastir in ench starting a 3 sn week Pa lov r My PRE 1 IDE J JOANNE KOLYNKO } nt patury to becoming first Negro candidate in the his- protection in Clarke Township thes ae a ad- Oshawa and District Arts Coun- DIRK GARLICHS DAPHNE HART TRAUDEL HUTH : = e ' Sint : full French stati tory of this northeast Florida will start at $18,236 TES ONS 315; births ue e 17, cil, Mrs. McLaughlin and Miss Adleaex t # the CBC announced farming community was elected) -ppat emale 16; discharges, 320; new- Dp, Van Luven were representing ON x . to a two-year term on. town : ides discharges male 17 a art and the Henry House Mu- idee . male '1 nior iol ees " A Ki ouncil Tuesday, Robert. Scott.! jumper. to serve Orono and the minor « major surgery, -79;/seum SLASHED OWN FACE brick mason, won one of township minor surgery, 128; eye, ear, ' ' >) 41 nose and throat, 56; treatments 2 Mt. three seats ¢ > , > ' iT vin res pierre ee " nit a ae 1 te F pylcniage at Tender for the vehicle, de- and examinations, 179; casts HALIBUT YIELD nigh school studer adr (€d candidates egroes I 4 pete Sees : e in court Tuesday he slashed his whites 169 to 140 on voter regis- Scribed as a triple combination . ---- treatments) Canada's Pacific coast hali- as x ayy ' ! dis 5 visits 509 occupational en own iace with a razor blade tration rolls in Lawtey, 35 miles pumper booster and hose truck, ,;. rapy. 23 : ceupational but fishery yields more than and then told his teacher he southwest of Jacksonville was submitted by King Seagrave censure 70,000,000 pounds annually, was assaulted, Gordon Drew, 17 ; GE Woadsieck. 'The t oo 3 AMBULANCE CALLS . - § stock ne tender was of Vaughan Township was BULGARIANS SHOT Oshawa police report an acci-|/ veo ie . accepted at ey: sting | manded a week for sentence af-- VIENNA (AP)--Two Bulgar- 2 ted al a special meeting dont free Monday in Oshawa NEW HOME | 7 16 if vic ag of council P ter pleading guilty to a chat ans convicted of espionage for in Orono Monday Fire crews were called out of public mischief the West have been executed by, Other tenders came from three times during the day, once SPECIALISTS aA s a ng squad, Radio Sofia re-| American Marsh (Canada) Ltd..|/to wash gasoline off the road SENTENCES UPHELD sorted Wednesday. The broad-'c } sey and Sons. Ltd...after a fuel tanker overturned SEOUL (AE 2 a eB aaa ast said Ranguel Kirjalkov and! an nee Fire Engine and at Stevenson road and Highway tences ag Ains at ee ne i 3 tko Maney were. sentenced to Foamite id 401, The. two other alarms were convicted plout a 9 i leéath for "anti-state activitie At a Nov. 27. special meeting to assist home owners who had hror gman Chung Be ee - ; PIN Seth 5 t t - » deage " OnEM at ie ont Rie the service of a capitalist cajied for consideration. of the forgotten their door keys. Am- a art il y governme M espionage organization." r 2 e 5 ulance crew y call Saas : wees Bheld bs same tenders, no firm -decision bulance crews were called out an army court Wednesday. The was made although the, matter," three routine calls. officers are Lt.-Gen, Park Im 0 h D was discussed from 8.30 p.m REPORT IN ERROR Real Estote Ltd. hang. former construction min Ss aWa octor until 2.15. a.m It was erroneonusly reported TRADES ACCEPTED ; : Ee : ister in the jun 3rig.-Gen No decision has yet been in last Friday's Oshawa Times | 728-6286. 323 King St. W. DENNIS PARTRIDGE KENNETH ROBINSON CAROL SAUNDERS ELIZABETH WHEELER Lee Kyu-kwang, former 'army made regarding a replacement) that Mrs. Ewart McLaughlin . : provost' marshal, and Co Raps Foreign for resigning vans roads, THESE STUDENTS OF Dr. stifute will be among those arships and diplomas Friday its. annual commencement pag Foley SA appeal to superintendent George Staple- TS ja ss ie Supre | f nk : ELE be . jton, whose resignation t Donevan Colles ll receive prizes, sc hol- night when the s sc chool holds exercise A d P on ta kes| F. J. mi ----------_------_ et NEW CHINESE PM ] rogram |effect Dec. 31. | TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)--Fi- FINED FOR ASSAULT MONTREAL (CP) -- Peter Hoffman, head of the day for Canada's increased. year from $2,500,000 Mr. United Nations Specialized contributions to the fund. Can- Hoffman also met with Exter- Fund conveys thanks to ada_ recently increased its. ai Affairs Minister Martin. Prime Minister Pearson. Tues cotribution to $5,000,000 a (CP Wirephoto) _ was the. amount of the successful tender for.a new ae - +3 , a ae n~ TORONTO (CP)--An Oshawa' tpone Ruby Trial MeGill Wins 20 "N oo mom orm 7} LOWREY ORGANS named prem 9 ationalist working in Malaysia under the China Wednesday, replacing, ; . '5 hina , E Colombo Plan says Canada's 7 are aps *heng ; says | : s ¥ % YS ; In Manvers _ Vist: Present "chen. cheng. foreign aid programs in, South * FREE 3-DAY HOME TRIAL bruar 3 | BETHANY Lewis MeGill President Chiang Kai-shek's po- nq ae ae oe a : ' of 'RR 1, wa raga ms ected litical -heir,, resigned Tuesday oo WE LOVE ae | DEMONSTRATIONS AT STORE neon at Mesien Taine He lll health was the announced Dr. ¢ pee Rwiacig Ponca tn Be Pot AN-ACCOUNT J 5 FREE LESSONS ' ; Manvers: Tov , een i: Taney -eee women's group her sday ; U R ae Jali an pee o 'city jail t - Ruby. now facing trial olled 442 votes ist 287 for reason, but informed sources °° gel hats ant ' Tage gong gt pe el ec aad reg 8 Pal Palled 442 votes Saaint! 267 tar ett ng wan ikea, decause| tet. fh relrigeration anit TODAY. OVER rial of Jack Ruby Lit ! are iS Op} arvey MMT cna' made meyern\. wilitae a yere - Bens with killing President -- The scholarships for Curtis. .Mr. McGill was a member of\Ch'ang made several militar packed after: they arrived in Pd EASY TERMS i is - +e n ; st E sivil ar i ts without nedy's accused assassin, Tues- WASHINGTON (AP) .--With and are Kaige wi n- the 1963 cor and Mr. Mal ae We te oe niments: WIMMOUL Me aaveia' because no ere EneW Z iar tas I et rs Jacq ne K 1 st re vy th allas. A nd M n jeputy r ¢ &, ¥ ; } ° e day was postponed u t Jacqu Kennedy stand- sored by the Dalla and wi ty V how to assemble them. ? ALTO M S | 3 : ng by ret Service Agent Club and the Texas A. and. M r re ' eds Hen 2 ue : Rae ' j usic upp 1es is Clit | ' @ medal Former Students Associatior : lpi illo FLOODS HIT ISRAEL Now Canada is going to® ges The postponement was 1 fan i eons -v Tues. Contributions coming into the TY .vakeman, who 'declined tol JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel build a television relay system a 453 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH by state district Judge J =e hetscapiy aus wai a caged acum seek n ter was hit. Wednesday bv its worst in Malaysia when there are not tts ; ; th d ) 5. effec tect Dallas police tatior totalle . . , : % ae 3rown after -const a pas Ne ee ipa jase ee ee a : aL : 4 rter of RR 1. Janet- flood in years after several days even enough schools or medical PHONE 725-1501 state and defenc wets 1 furir th mecnss ration sae the and at t ets 1 M "ville, received: z acclamation of heawy rain turned dry river equipment," he said LADIES' WEAR Hanew nedy during the assassination near 2 e of the day. Money : District Att ore y tack in Dallas Nov sent to other places totals about Wade and Ruby's defer ay e i $55.000 clamations u were H.jtorrent n the Negev Desert. there, we were never given our ver. Tom Howard, agreed t ire reCrerary Doug ae ae \. McMast f Betha John Daina was estimated at more promised Operating room or continuance. The trial da rig- la or esenting the meda ioe AE \ on than $300,000 i 2 5 vising the monev cot y had t for a t dded lustre 2 é Vile y had been set for Monda I | added lustre and) or corer : ; ry, Se BAN TIME, NEWSWEEK Oo -------- Ruby has been ind ' page to t zreat tra-'in for the Oswald . ae Hie ners well -PHNOM.~ PENH, . Cambodia the murder of ' OF COUFARE And. NeTolsm He said one it VAS «sano ; "(AP)--' Cambodian govern AGINDINNESS wald. Howard ud er t z re vi a hichifor $100 but most of the dona: 2. ment banned the . American BEYOND PRICE, dence would S ! h sury de- tions have been less 1} CLARKE TOWNSHIP YET WITHIN several weeks 5 Io tment : : . ; ' . vera ve : , : _A Houston minist aid his Final results 'from Clarke i EYE REACH OF ALL' he wants a p a i } 14s. heen with the church members \ 1,900 for ing for Ruby pel. Sorvice since: 1988 Hisithe Oswald family at Services oe ey ee On coun EXAMINATIONS GERROW A Foster (286) White House assign- Sunday ce Perrault Os) and, Robert PHONE 723-4191 FUNERAL __ NASHINGTO . AP) : ment was the protection of Mrs.| Money for the Oswalds is be- Chater (248) by appointment CHAPEL Hal side of the Feder igs 3 a turned over to secret serv: Reeve Earle Walkey and De- F. R, BLACK, 0.D. SE Ry \ eau of Investigation, The ( a sa aid Hill was ice men, who give it to the fam- vy Reeve John W. Stone were |" 436 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ing W. in charge picked Me shortly after 2 a.m inda ; : Nov. 24 lirectly behind the presidentia 3 gins mousi and at the un f At the other end of t ne, ay f he ¢ tp ii in male voice to'd Spec Agent Kaban J. Gordon. Shank would be made to Harvey Oswald, the cused of assassinasing if . a oe ee : \ (AP) -- Donations earher fc he f{ ly of slain Dall A justice departmer INCE, Holicer J Tippit neared relating the story Tu cor e $120,000 figure Tuesday and tinued , ty vere promised As soon a h t mou I hips at Texas A. and M caller hung up, Shar \ phoned FBI headquarte r i lain prior to the for deputy ree pn. Given-ac-|beds .and ravine into raging "For the two years we were ; a ee 725-0532) medical supplies." in i ront running iy returned by acclamation ret Service car ed'on t rear t and his own Washington v dered to rest I Harvey Os ald pass the war z on t Alva god ¢ ssin President police Kennedy, who was' later shot a At 2:15 a.m., he called the y in -pclice custody. by Jack lee co ee e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e © EXTRA FEATURE @ that Oswald would be We ee ey é FRESH PORK (NOT FROZEN) SUNIOST ail to county jai : : eS [ea tan | CDR ERTBS 43: spt ne dark threat | 43 -- CLARK'S 10-02 aiceet '7 2 - " pais TIN 8 ot wae "DRAPES LEAN MEATY 59 FRESH PORK 39: Tomto Soup C CALL' OR SEE eee prey BLADE SHOULDER BUTTER 55: : at DIXON 5 ae ee cpa: SHORT rieo9 BUTT 49 pala c TOMORROW, DEC. 5 - 1:30 to 4:30 and 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. a i ya BREAD £ ror AT ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE ST. NORTH rs Geer ove le 14 PHO SHORT CUT (1st 4 rib) 75 FRESH PORK 5g © EXTRA FEATURE @ THE BLOOD COLLECTED AT THISCLINIC MUST 50. YEARS 'ae $ 725.1151 11 PRIME RIB LOIN END FRESH KILLED KEEP OUR BANK SUPPLIED OVER THE HOLIDAYS SULT W A R D : S sage oincg 59 Be aici genie 39 CHICKENS 39: pe one ee si engin 723-4663 BEY GO» PRIME RIB SAUSAGE . OUR GOA SIMCOE ST é AT ATHOL ST. 2-34 AV

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