erce %. a Nova 5cO-| Tre OSHAWA TIMS, sodearlicremtl ey December 4,1963 ]9 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | | {Speculatives Besa eee 1963 19 Algoma ie Canada Packers, | per cent pfd. series B $1.37%, Push Market |B both advanced % and Abitibi ' DIVIDENDS Jan, 2, 1964, record Dee. 15. and Hayes Steel % each. Hawker Siddeley Canada Ltd. & = ilder Among losers, Dominion 7 neg |pfd. $1.43%4, Jan. 2, 1964, record Master House Bu Volume Up |Glass was: down %, Walker- By THE CANADIAN PRESS | ec 1k. Gooderham Canada Cement, Bank o fNova Scotia, 55 cents, Wendershot Paper Products : : _-- and Interprovincial Pipe Line! Feb. 1, 1964, record Dec. 31. '|Ltd., pfd. $1.50, Dec. 20, record 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER @ hd TORONTO (CP)--The stock 1, each and Trans-Canada Pipe, B.C, Telephone Company, 60 Dec. 13. in +S) Te- '@ | S es market had a patchy day clos-\Lines %. cents, Jan. 1, 1964, record Dec.| Ontario Steel Products Ltd., §- DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ling with prices mixed to higher) Hudson Bay Mining' rose %,|17_ jcommon 15 cents, pfd. $1.75, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE indi-| Luesday. Geco Mines 5¢ and International Canaal Vickers. Lid perce 14, 1964, record Jan. 15, . _| Trading in speculative ssues Nickel % in senior base metals.| sage saad - pee - ne zs a sick Wei ' D p | p he d h h dex) Cents, Jan.' to, , recor ec.| Supertest Petroleum Corpora- sd - ' vanted a Pushed the . volume over 'the! Qn index, the exchange in ie : a - mal business education to work 2,300 cadet' Winnipeg ion sel ori Chae people w 3,000,000 mark, but the remain- rose 16 to 124.84, industrials . : tion ee common 2%. raed or- fe MR IRE man for him in. a busy house-build-/will be living in homes built by P der of the market was generaily|{g 133.43. base metals .18 - Chateau-Gai- Wines Ltd., 20 dinary 25 cents, pfd. $1.25, Jan Re Flange ing career Metropolitan Since then this market has! qj), 57.94. western oils were down Cents, Jan, 3, 1964, record Dec.|15, 1964, record Dec. 13. ; oe ee OAT FER EN ENN NS e : loninag na. Myles says he is "not a car-'pecome "saturated". -- second- s S - - ---- The 37-year-old Winnipeg na jel ag ane " a : ; On the industrial board,|.51 to 80.84 and golds .22 to ! tive graduated in commerce Salenes OR georeh a ee Ae et banks registered gains, Mont-|122.57. Volume for the day was Consumers' Gas Company, ° Canada's peak sheep-raising from the University of Mani- ut he neds i re ee f iis this araet: real and Royal both ahead 14|3,224,000 shares compared with cmmon eight cents, 5% per year was in 1932, when 3,644,500 toba, got 2 master § egies in ing Po tag and ideas ae is nities ee _ |and Imperial Bank of Com- 3363, 000 Monday. loent pfd. series A $1.3714, 5'4lhead were recorded business administration rom - year ago Mr. inson RETA, EAA if Hh ban SRE REE Se iasis & & the University of New York and| 1. There was no profit in sub- jeared before Governor-General became an executive trainee|contracting. Each job that he Vanier to receive a Canadian with a retail organization in could do himself could lead to a Housing Design Council award, New York saving that could be passed On|haseq on a belief by the firm ae Deane ; BU LKY RIB KNIT MITTS "TL had made up my mind to to cost-conscious consumers. that customers wanted a two- om, REM, . BO, 4. : , get out of Winnipeg," he said.) 2 iit buying could lead. to storey house at a time when one PL MSE te Hitt | ANY ' i TN : : A large selection of colors. "but suddenly realized my own saving storey homes were the usual aN ae Fant § hie it Sa he is LADIES' Sizes: S-M-L. 1 29 WINNIPEG (CP) -- Mylesthe firm:turned out 30 houses.;,Winnipeg area market Sheldon Robinson has put a for- By the end of this year, about'cated there was a" shelter mar- country offered far greater pros- 3 There was. a market, and product, ¢ a { Ga avian mat Ath a, A PAIR pects." opportunity for the mass He returned to Winnipeg to bu der in the Metropolitan Win- Creat for Wek award tel ae mn fe ny i Y Y Po sad areal 98 . o-- Y { ' as ; 5 J join 'his. father in a sporting nipeg area, which Ne y Poe Ratrock. in edn i a ut Pe iva ' bi al idk Os Hgedps, FAIR : ag goods business. That associa lation of 500,000 I soit 2a x i 4 u CHILDREN'S Sizes: 2-3-4 se tated gi jdeveloping, the design; and io Hon. iasted "Rearly tour veut Pn ABS MUCH WORK citizens who attended Metropol- alge ey ited Myles decided y operation that can be tan's. forums to tell. what they 10 trv us wn wings = ion away from the building liked in homes Oe: z dus i a = ial foes site is done by craftsmen in the i = SOE fs ' 24" ELECTRIC RANGE- ' } Boys' Fancy Stitched and the most backward in the firm's plant at neighboring BETTERS PRODUCTION % if construction world. I felt I could Transcona Nearly 7,000,000 pounds oof t 7 E D is : K PA N EL ! iti G Le grow with it." Mr. Robinson does not hesi- honey were produced in. Mani- : LI G . Renee He founded Metropolitan tate to seek advice and use pro- toba in the 1963 crop year z : . Homes Ltd. and in its first year 9 seen eens an ERR RMA EM AM AREER Oo essional. aid about 2.000.000: more than in loves in assorted His original estimate of the.1962 ples 2 Saks LF De make the : , os - switches, Electric Clo Gordon Mackay Z RRS outlet. Oven light with le oven element. 10 oven rack posit c | Th ' : rT p PAIR '98 And Stores Ltd. | ' ere are s aie 4 wim % door, Like any MOFFAT range... it t to last a housetime, ! { i on sil ae. A rae Boys' colorful Jacquard designed Declares Dividend | 3 MorrAT a: dom Whee BE Directors of Gordon Mackay| 24H45W FROM ; up 'i. § shay and Stores Limited, Toronto, ' RANGE-- i ¥: a declared at a recent meeting a}. | 2 cores x we PAIR quarterly dividend of 124 cents " : on each of the company's Class} rea ; *A' and Class 'B' shares The| dividend .will be payable De-} FOR A MODEL THAT 1s COM- cember 15, to shareholders of ud bd fib. i i red Naren he tt whiskies | PACT IN SIZE AND COST, ASK Sales during nine| months of the fiscal _ yee ; S oes ; ; showed an increase of 13 m rs ' A 5 : TO SEE OUR MOFFAT 24" cent over those of a year a e ' ' 1 the Directors reported. As gros ; : : : i = Bes MODEL 24H20. profits had shown a satisfactory) improvement and expenses had been held reasonably. close to 5. t '| " 5 : os igur a 4 oS 5 : eee | Adams | | | . MISSES' GLOVES mani smproy een oye the} ° 4 & "IE he y knitted gloves with dainty designs in oll the 7 F vit y though the rest . | of 'the lst Private Stock } 4 ' si peoilet shades, Sizes: 5-6-7 PAIR three months of the year were} et . ; doa ; ee: : i CANADIAN RYE WHISKY : ABIES nave. not yet known, it was still be- lieved that profits at the year- Whomad Hedams Dibtiliees Litt ; . . Durable warm gloves with smart colorful designs end would be significantly better} Za : Furniture & Appliances in sizes: S-M-L. PAIR than a year ago. é The successful operation of| : says. the Walker Stores, a ---- of Sy 5 "You'll be proud to own a MOFFAT : 491 Ritson Rd. South Gordon Mackay an tores| appliance because they're Limited, played a 'gingers le} quality-built to last a : j Children's part in the increase in profits, ; ; housetime !"' il j as did the recent elimination of E , PHONE 723-3343 . . loss operations and the improve- , ~ Knitted Mitts ment of merchandising direc- ul 3 - = _~ - 'i e ' -- : ~ ete Worm, soft mitts with opplique design ond 1-34" ribbed cuff, Various colors ond sizes: 2-3-4, ic PAIR Men"s Handsome Smooth, rich cape leather full-cut for comfortable fit, Three rows of pointing. on back give extra appear. Brown, black and grey. Sizes 8-11. PAIR Ladies' VINYL GLOVES Vinyl Palm and Bock Great new way to balance the budget -- ---- | Ve Hal: UL, Pies. Flannel Lining, Three Price the new 1964 Valiant and prove for yourself Canada's only 5-year--50,000-mile power-train = ee ' Vd pocatag from. "Block, you don't need to break the budget to drive the warranty. This long-range reliability will actu- - - J ee ei best. What a beautiful Valiant it is...Valiant ally stretch your budget by guarding against major Sf for '64 has the authoritative look and feel of a _ costly repair bills. You'll go a long way in a Valiant : eine s] 00 far more expensive car--and the dependability of ... and get there more economically! : - PAIR whe Men's S | NOBODY BEATS Va ' nt FOR VAWE | DRESS @& CHRYSLER a CANADA LTD. THE CAR WITH THE 5-YEAR-50,000-MILE POWER-TRAIN WARRANTY SEE THESE ee FOR PLYMOUTH, CHRYSLER OR VALIANT SEE THESE DEALERS FOR DODGE, CHRYSLER OR VALIANT CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 7 SMITH'S SPORTS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO 353 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO DISNEY MOTORS LIMITED Northside Chrysler Dodge (Whitby) Ltd. _---- a KINGSTON ROAD AND CHURCH, PICKERING, ONTARIO 916 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO Romcxwans a s