ANN LANDERS * _, 'insist on visiting the sick in hos- jpitals--but one more time won't) \hurt. I'm a nurse who recently THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 2,1963 7 | it again. "Do your hospitalized friends and relatives a favor and leave them alone unless sa Sn it SIN SAR a A NR A TE BENE OD ME RNR Sent GAD SPD Re ee States His Case jhad surgery so I now under-| stand this problem from all an- 'gles. For Two-Timers Dear Ann Landers: Why is|ME but to your wife--or should society so merciless to the mid-|I color you yellw? dle - aged husband who leaves) Dear Ann Landers: I've never his nagging, selfish, overweight|written a letter to a newspaper wife to enjoy the company of|in all my life, but I simply must some pleasant woman who has\comment on the letter from the the sense to praise him ocea-| woman who signed. herself sionally and makes him feel/Top-notch Secretary." In my like a man? lopinion she is a Top-Notch Trou- How could his business col-\hle-Maker who has, I suspect, leagues honor him with a din-|something beyond a_ profes- ner ag he leaves his socks| sional interest in her boss. on the floor, blows his nose too} I, too, work for a "terrific hard and forgets to pick up the). but he is married and has dry-cleaning? Such a man, of|, family, which means he's off- course, is» not worthy of affec-iimits so far as 1 am concerned. | tion. A pat on the arm in public}; gon't care if his wife phones will help get aeross the idea to|nim 30 times a day.If the calls friends that they are a devoted) annoy him then HE can tell her. couple. But if he wants more Furthermore, her presence in than a peck on the cheek when|the office is of no concern to they get home she says: "'At)me. She can pitch a tent in the}; our age? You must be a sex|reception room. I couldn't care maniac." le Millions of husbands would SS, probably take a powder tomor- A Top-Notch secretary knows row if they didn't fear the label! of "'heel" for walking out and leaving 'the poor thing" with| the children, the house, the car,} and the bank account. Me--I just left.--Color Me Gone what to keep her nose out of. And at the head of that list is Family Matters. -- Peace It's Wonderful Dear Wonderful: Thank you for an astute observation, You'd Dear Friend: There's no|make an excellent member for point in trying to reach you/my recently formed "Mind since you are already Gone. But| Your Own Business Club." Wel- to other husbands who feel as/come to the fold you do, I'd like to suggest that' Dear Ann Landers: You have you spell out your feelings, dealt repeatedly with the prob- frankly and promptly, not to lem of friends and relatives who Follow Social Etiquette In Signing Christmas Cards With the Christmas season ap-\the youngest. Sometimes the proaching, a problem _ of words "and the family" or "and etiquette make- an appearance. |the children" are substituted for How do you sign your greeting the actual names. In the case cards? Here are a few simple "rules which will solve this an- nual problem. for many people When a card is sent by husband and wife, the one who writes the card uses the normal cour- tesy of signing his or her name last, However, if names of chil- dren are to be added, father's name is first, then mother's name and then the names of the children from the eldest to of a large family, it is quite cor- rect to sign "From the James Doakes, all five" In addressing the envelope, if the card is intended for the whole family, it is proper to write to Mr. and Mrs. James Doakes and Family on the en- velope and it is also correct and i> keeping with the spirit of the season to write some personal message to the family under the Some folks in hospital enjoy |visitors. It's good for their mor- | ale. These people are the aged, ithe handicapped, children who' \must be confined for long pe- riods of time, and fracture) leases on the mend. Unfortu- nately, they are mot the ones lwho get the company. | Usually the woman who had! \a baby this morning of the man! who had a coronary last night leet the long lite of visitors. When I was a hospital patient I entertained more guests in my |room than I ever entertained at home. I was happy to check out 'of the hospital so I could get lsome rest. Please, Ann, say it again. Do jyour friends and relatives in hospital a favor and leave them alone unless they send for you.) --R.N. of Pa | \they send for. you." WORLD OF AWAITS YOU HERE! Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair permanently ond painlessly by ELECTROLYSIS New Kree Imperial Machine now installed for your con- venience. MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel, Dec. 2,3,4 PHONE 723-4641 Dear R.N.: I am happy to say BOLD BRETISH LOOK Collection OF BOLD STRIPES you YOU'LL LOVE, LOVE, free... the girdle that walks with you...never rides up WITH A DISTINCTLY BRITISH: FLAVOUR LOVE, this NEW bra at a HONEY of a price You can'? help but love $ what this bra does for 2.50 your figure! Skillfully designed for peér- fect fit in fine embroidered broadcloth with high priced features. Sizes 32-36 A, 32-38 B, 32-40 Cc -- It's Sarong's famous criss-cross design that gives you such heavenly freedom «>, walks with you, moves with you... never binds or. pulls, never rides up, however active your busy life. Step into a Sarong ... step out in freedom! White embroidered nylon taffeta and eae ; Terylone stretth leno bra, 32-40, A, B, ©, , * prevents easing D cups, $4; white batiste, leno and satin j : Bie ber csi lastex hi-waist girdle, 24-42 .(except 37- F shoulder straps have 39-41), straight, average and full hip, $ "\digding' ane different lengths, $10.00. IN THE NEW TRIM FIT SILHOUETTE BY 4 R RK OW Elementary, my dear Watson, the B & B Collection is bold British stripes: ARROW has combined fine Imported cottons with rich distinctive stripes to give you a'shirt with classic patterns. We have B & B Collection in smart tab collars, short point soft collars with permanent stays and in the no wrinkle fused collar. Sanforized to insure against shrinkage. In a variety of coloured stripes on white backgrounds. Why not drop in today and see for yourself this newlookin Men'sclothing. B & B shirts are tapered for neat trim fit in the new silhouette by ARROW. Price Only $6.00 went 'digging' and strain. S--Elastio insert in waistband breathes with you and won't tail wp. "4--Vbiantie back closin ves twouwi oo <a> x allowed the cards to stand free regard for fhe recipient will dic- on the mantel or other flat sur-!tate the type and manner of faces. Signature Cards shine the Christmas '*K he warmth of your home to your Dramatic Beauty signature. s Rules for family cards follow Christmas Cards and fast rule on which name should come first for a-married first is prevalent, following the s - Mr. and Mrs, form. To Festive Decor ' busines. quai The fantasy of Christmas be-|Enown to Tain thease eg home during this beautiful sea-| 4 i inient | Oh When you tisk the avait! lone. However, if the recipient} for is really a friend whom you Most homes have candles 'and hope to introduce to your spouse they unearth annually and then|be used. In this case you must carefully pack away at the end decide whether to address the wreaths and ribbon ornaments whom you may not know. If complete the feeling of Christ- both names are included, it is Christmas cards are part ofthe recipient's home rather than the Christmas fantasy, and sojoffice. ly to the glittering themes de-|colored inks when hand signing sired. Many of this year's cards|cards, to add to the gaiety of : of the tree. Try attaching your back of the envelope. However, cards to iengths of ribbon andjenvelopes should never be ad-! Go) WHF frames or mantel pieces. Trans-|cards must be printed or hand- parent tape, straight pins or/|signed. \ the cards to the ribbon. Tie ajlow is to base your own zood » sheen bow at the top of the rib-| judgment on the depth of social v4 y much easier, too, than if you;each name on your list. Your THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 2 " : OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. * OT i HIC is as above and there is no hard Adapt Themselves couple although the man's name Business cards, when sent to comes an integral part of your/should be signed by thé sender hs SF ceca your dace. jis a social acquaintance as well, | miniature decorations which\at some time, both names may of the season. Gay bells,|card to the man and his wife, mas in the home. preferable to send the card to many of them adapt. beautiful-| It is quite acceptable to use are trimmed with glitter or fea-'the card, and return address | i" - ture embossed desigris which may be printed, written or ad- H eI ELF, ! catch and reflect the soft lights dress stickers: pasted on the | 2 "4 4 hanging the ribbon to dosrdre:sed by typewriter, and staples can be used to attach) The best rule of thumb to fol- bon as trim. You'll find dusting|and busiess involvement with --. YOUF bra neighbors. Paste or tape parti- cularly pretty cards to the win- dows, design side out. Use rf others to decorate stair wells nd io frame mirrors. ~~ Fashion ribbon chains to fes- B\ toon the Christmas tree or to iq add a touch of Christmas to lamp shades, door frames and windows. A wreath for the door is easily made with a series ,of knotless bows, made with the ribbon that sticks to itself when moistened. Use layers of silver paper over shaped cardboard to create Christmas bells. Trim 'ith a red bow at top and add one or two jingle bells in the "entre for decoration with the raditiona! touch. Ribbon poinsettias vie with the ) real flower for beauty and can ' betised year after year on nar- cels, on the tree and for 'home decoration. Small poinsettias or ribbon roses make beautiful corsages to present to your guests or to wear yourself.' Practical Economy Distinctive Simplicity Isabella ALL (me ONE LOW PRICE 65 Other Styles, Shapes and - Colors to Choose From Here is a frame for the Canadian Lady, be she young or old, Miss or Mrs. The "Isabella" with its simple, clear upsweep shape, and French carved temples, gaily trimmed with matching stones: for that costume effect, is the choice for all occasions. Available in Flaky Blue, Luscious Mink and Marble- ized Black. Complete with the lenses you need, it is truly a wonderful buy for anly 11.95. REG. TM. 4 ae This is the bra that comes in 34 different sizes... like having your, bra custom-made, just for you! White broadcloth with "breathing" band, Cordtex inserts, sizes 28 to 44, AAA to D cups, $1.75. Others: from $1.00.. SINGLE VISION $41.95 Complete with Frames, ; Lenses and Case. AKC * -- the only bra with Cordtex inserts for lasting uplift, breathing waist, elasticized straps and back in quality broadcloth in these sizes: 28-34 AAA, 30-36 AA, 30-38 A, 30-42 B, 32-44C,D. J@S *REG, T.M. USE YOUR CONVENIENT CHARGE ACCOUNT Please send met quant. Item . Quality This seal is the hallmark of quality in the Rug Cleaning Field. As a member of NIRC, Nu- Way Rug Co.. Ltd. have the knowledge and equip- ment to do a thorough, professiona] rug clebning job. : NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. 728-4681 "AN work done in Oshawa by Quolified Oshawa Technicians" BIFOCALS ane Address. / City ® 0 Money Order Complete with Frames, Lenses and Case. O Cheek {0 Have charge account ZELLER'S KNOWN FOR VALUE @ NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED REPAIRS Broken lenses repaired, frames replaced while you wait. Lowest prices! DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE 723-2294 US. Trademark Registered OPTICIANS--OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 Sronchés in mony prir OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-2209 We Fill All Occulists, P.5.1. and Optometrists Prescriptions. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily Open Wed. 'til 12 Noon - Founded 1904 eee > ~~) Dont Seovle for Less thon QNATIONAL BRANDS F cipal cities of Canada & U.S.