men and their committees for their excellent work. It was announced that the children's Christmas party would be held Thursday, Dec. 19, All parents are welcome to be present. Mr. Deveaux welcomed Mrs. Del Ramsden, Aldon School Principal, back after her stay at the Ajax Hospital. Don Law- rence, Director of the Associa- tion, was also hospitalized, Both THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 2, 1963 § Ajax Man Killed At Intersection AJAX (Staff) -- A 59-year-old Ajax man was killed in an auto- mobile accident here late Fri- day night. Gordon Douglas Gilchrist, 20 Birch street, became the town's first traffic fatality since 1951 as his car collided with one driven by Lucien Emard, 23, of 336 Arthur street, Oshawa, The mishap occurred at the corner of Birch street and Har- wood avenue. Police believe the Gilchrist car was westbound on Birch 'and the other vehicle northbound on Harwood. Emard is in Ajax Memorial Hospital with a broken nose and undetermined head injuries. Gilchrist is survived by his wife, Dorothy and one son, |James. UNITS, GROUP, AUXILIARIES Benefit Of Good Food Explained To Ladies will be held at the home of Mrs.|mittee. The next meeting will : Pellow. be held Tuesday, Dec. 10. ag wished 'a complete recoy- 3 Wrenn ORDER OF EASTERN STAR | WORK AND PRAY SOCIETY All members ate reminded ' iat the home of Mrs, W. Pellow, Whitby Chapter No. 248 Ord-| Christian Reformed Church|that the election of officers for 206 Euclid street, with Presi-ler of ide ut Star held|Ladies Society Work and Pray|the 1964 term will be held Tues- ' ldent Mrs, Earl' Ward in charge.|their regular meeting Thursday|held its meeting Thursday, Nov. day, Dec. 10 at Aldon hy | Roll call was answered by 12/Nov. 28, in the Masonic Hail/8 at the Church Hall. iA hype lige a Eg , |members and two visitors pres-|With Sister Louella Cook pre-| President Mrs. William pou. eee ipsa Pient: siding in the East with Brother/ma opened the meeting with re grid lenge groom! Mis, Ward 'pave hee ear on Clarence Hallett, Worthy Pat-|hymn and prayer, and wel- ; 3 lron assisting. |comed everyone present. |with refreshments served by "A Day At Central Ar -| 5 | . j ay entra! ea Con Minutes 'aid reporis Mrs. John Woods and-her com: % , gi lvention In Toronto". A business) After opening the Chapter the Were! mittee. period followed, after which|Worthy matron gave a warmiread and approved, The roll) TED SIMS Ontario Hospital by Mrs. W. Allen, Mrs. V. Scott, Miss B. Stephenson, Mrs. F. Rosettani and Mrs. O'Hagan. Visiting con- vener, Mrs. L. Branishewski, called on 14 patients at Oshawa General Hospital. The telephone committee has contacted the parish concerning the bazaar to be held Dec. 7 in the parish hall, reported Mrs. J. Mackey, telephone convener, Mrs, J. Jack submitted a re- port on radio and TV and Mrs. W. O'Neil advised that a total of 13 articles had appeared in three publicati inthe past month. Mrs. G. Parrott 'mentioned that Mrs. Greg Carter and Mrs. Carl Parise attended the im- munization classes for two hours Nov. 21. | In the absence of Mrs. Wil- ogg Wb gs Bos report was sie KATHLEEN ROW y Mrs. man. It indica pr eae bi padegs A q that a tentative date of Jan, 27 School Association executive eas been fet ter the Puilic 4 Speaking Contest. meeting was held Wednesday - evening at the home of Mrs.| The report of Mrs. M. Hughes WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault 'AFTER 11 YEARS . . . County Engineer Ted Sims Resigns Ontario County will lose its|man of the Planning Board, and engineer to private practice injan officer in the David T, Camp- the new year. R. E. "Ted'\h0u Lodge. ey eet He is married to the former Tel. 668-3703 Whitby Women's _ Institute held its monthly meeting Wed- nesday, Nov. 27 at. 7.30 p.m. Mrs. Pellow introduced the| Welcome to: Sister Edna Ander-/call was answered by the 14 |guest of the evening, Mrs,/89", PGM of Ontario; Sister, members present. | {Dorothy Gregor Home Econ- Leola Thrasher, Grand Adah of) Scripture reading was given jomics teacher in Scarboro who Ontario; Sister Ruby. Clark,/by Mrs, Larry Hall; the intro- chose 'as her: topic "We Are PDDGM.: of Corinthian Chapter,|diction was by Mrs. Andrew What We Eat". Toronto, Sister Agnes Kemlo,|Jeninga. A discussion followed.|ajcy Pearce King street, informed the group of the Girl She called attention to Cana- nh cactet Pact oe ge cl During the intermission light) Mrs. Pearce chaired the ineet.| tide tat dike tate --_ _ Roberts, PDDGM Oshawa; and oe My weieslhanaces one: It Nad announced that the | silver collection for the retard- visitors from Oshawa, Bowman-| 4-416 ot : next regular meeting will bejeq children's fund. ae idtatins ' scussion followed. It was sug-iheld Wednesday, Jan, 8 at 8 : p ville, Pickering, West Hill, To- gested that a folder be made|p.m. | Rev. L. J. Austin, Spiritual ronto, and_ Rochester, New for children in hospitals to house| Guest speaker will be Dr. 9 Corer of the i ---- xe their personal belongings. These|S, Koerber, organizer and first og, Pagal all u sin successful. On behalf of the folders will be Christmas wrap-|principal of Variety Village, 4 activities 3 bg |Salvation Army, Mrs. Read ped by members at the next|vocational school for handicap-| : thanked all who donated and -|meeting, Thursday, Dec. 12. the Citadel. Mrs. Captain Ed- ward Reed was in charge of the devotional period. During the business meeting it was reported that the recent | bazaar and supper proved to be ped teen age boys. Mr. Koerber'SA WOMEN'S HOME LEAGUE attended. A Christmas program will |!5 a lecturer in Psychology De-| salvation Army Women's| 'The next meeting will be held at the Church in Decem-/Partment of Education Summer Home League held its weekly|in the form of a social gather- and Auxiliary Edu-/meeting Thursday evening at/ing with all members assisting. conducted won by ber. This is a joint evening for|COUrses all societies and guests are wel-,cation. ; come. | The next executive meeting | will be held at the home of Mrs. A hymn was sung and Mrs. by * Bouwma closed the meeting Herb Edwards, 1018. Centre with praver. street south, Jan. 22. RETARDED CHILDREN'S | ST. JOHN CWL ASSOCIATION An executive meeting of St. Ajax, Pickering, Whitby Re- John the Evangelist CWL was tarded Children's Association|held Wednesday evening, Nov. jheld its monthly meeting Tues- pal with Rs members present. |day,, Nov. 26 at Aldon School, |The mesting was opened with a | Piesident Bernie Deveaux a) y eh. Desmond New: jopened the meeting. All reports) 4 penort by Mrs. :Vanderpivm |were read and adopted. contunne of immigration, Sated During the business meeting, |that four new families had been chairman of the dance commit- visited. tee, Mrs. Samuel Fallon, report- be as 4 ' Mrs. Dan O'Hagen, citizen- ed a profit of $310 was received ship convener, reported that from this project plus a_ net } seven and one-half hours had profit of $450 on the Hi-Fi draw.|been spent visiting Fairview Some two hundred people|Lodge and 13 hours spent. at watched Ajax Mayor William} Parish perform the task of burning the $23,000 mortgage. Mrs. John Woods, convener of the bazaar, reported that a most successful event resulting in a net profit of $208. The president {congratulated the three chair- RHEUMATIAAP ae After 21 twice as many women as men &re made miserable by common urinary irritation caused by a germ, Escherichia To quickly combat the secondary There are 29 great whiskies One-Stop DECORATING Wallpaper ond Murcls @ Custom Draperies © Broadioom end Rugs © C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER --_ 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Adams Private Stock CANADIAN RYE WHISKY A terrific DARRYL LEACH Port Whitby CALENDAR -- of -- Alice |Hewis 212, Marion Brooks 201, & Isobel Ups, while Dionne produced a & just how the voting is going, so JERRY DIONNE very interesting on a number of occasions. With the cooler weather now settling in, more and more fans are realizing that the hockey | season is here, We fully expect} to see a big crowd out for to-| night's game to cheer the Dun- nies on'.to victory. This being election day in Whitby, many of the fans may) not want to stray too far from home. We will, however, do our best to keep you posted over the Public Address System as to of the SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers PHONE 668-4341. | rou" 153 cubmiied, is Tesignaton pcg Cooper of Elma and 3 :, |has two children, Derek, 7, and He will be replaced by Assist- Catherine, 5. Twelvetrees. Mr. Sims will be-. come Mice feeadent of George|just over a year ago by George L. Totten Consultant Engineers|l. Totten, former County Engi- in Cobourg on January 16. neer for Durham. The addition . " baie Pe. staff to four. capacity as Engineer and Secre- "eeTing § ' ' ' or the yo ii Suburban| Mr. Totten has announced |da's food rules and the benefit R Commission. Mr. Twelve-|plans to open a branch office jderived from good food, well 'oads ; : ; trees has been ceded permis-jof the firm in Whitby. Aside prepared and daintily served. as well. organization carries a full com- announced that, by January of "Feasting With Salads" was var When Mr. Sims became Coun- plinent of draftsmen, 'surveyors !1964, services of Specialists in'shown, Several pamphlets and| * °K. ty Engineer in 1952 he represent- and engineering assistants. sanitary: engineering, land use recipes were given to the mem-| Officers were named for 1964: ed the total engineering staff} They are employed almost ex- and development, and. parking bers. Mrs, Ward thanked Mrs, Matron for the Installation for a corporation with the ex-/clusively, at present, in highway! and traffic would be made avail- Gregor:on behalf of the mem-|Ceremonies; Sister Edna An penditures in excess of $300,000 and structural engineering for'able by his firm. bers. derson PGM: Brother Wilber dema for roads and A flower contest, Teeple, PP Installing Patron; held ieee etl him: to augment by Mrs. Fe low, was Sister Anna Patterson, PM In- his staff. The volume of work WHI Mrs. Ward stalling Marshall; Sister Helen has extended the annual expend- ; coated fol sy. yi re- Breen hood page Chaplain, Hures to between $1.5 and $2,000- WHITBY MEN'S Austin 08%, Harold Forbes 0), ciacsen of the. evening, Mrs (Fiore Cerisonys Bieter. kek Ye. Doe MAJOR LEAGUE |Jim McCarroll 619, ClarenceiT ot ward. Mrs. R.A. Smithirey "McKenzie, EM Oreanua: Municipalities seine ' ote Burtinsky Florists took it on Hendricks 594, ee womige a and Mrs, William Pellow Brother S. Coombs, AP, Soloist. his advice on subdivision, sew-|tne chin again this week, drop-| Singles over 200 ames: There will be no December Delicious lunch was s¢rved by ers, drainage, streets and water! jing three points to Mercantile|Marg. Carter 242, 203, Lorraine meeting. The January meeting|Cora Fallow and' her com systems. He personally desgn-/enartment Store. The Mercs|Bronishewski 230, Mary Forbes)" id fe oe ew a one ed and supervised the construc-| wore Jed by Chuck Gill with 813/229, Fran Schatzman 227, 213, tion of streets and the installa-| (339° 969) karl Birch with 759|Pat sya 221. is on P a . tion of sewers and water sys-/(313) and' Frank McQuay's 740) Men: Father Austin 289, 238, H h F] D tems of the County Home Sub-|(971), 'Ron Bragg "a best for|Harold Forbes 266, 202, Fd 1g ie ying unnies division. : the Florists with a 756 (274). |Samanski 250, Al. Taylor 247, Mr. Sims was born in To-| ToidEh Brothers Food Market 246, " ns ogg Haine ote m ronto, and, after serving as altopped the Royals on. the|Edwards 219, Leo Steffler i M t M kh T ht Flight Engineer in the RCAF,|«trength of Captain Marty Jor-|Clarence Hendricks 208, Adrian ee ar am onig enrolled in Civil Engineering at)qan's 830 (291, 276, 263) and) Goverde 205. the University of Toronto, Jack Moore's 728 (313, 279). Bill) = ; ae IAGUE By CLIFF GORDON ' After graduatng with honors) Jordan led the Royals with a nde sigmatel be e Whitby Dunlops, currently rid- in 1950, he worked for the To-!745 (318, 262). Points Won -- Saber Jets 12, ing high in the Metro Jr. "B" ronto City Traffic Engineering' Ron Swartz paced the County| Rockets 16, Missers 16, Echoes League, Eastern Division, will Department, and later as Bowl team to three 'big points|22, Poker Chips 14, Woodpeckers 146 another home appearance # s steed here tonight as they play host Township. ing an 805 (292, 270), John Watts|Whitby Cleaners 11, Hopefuls 14,19 Markham Seal-A-Wax. | ay He has been active within the helped out with a 745 (281) pore a ina oT ee a8; These two clubs have met engineering society and in local| Eddie Wilson was:a one-man-|Vitly Six 1W, Pipers 14, Neign- twice before this year and on affairs. gang for the losers, putting to-| bors 4, Deadlegs 9 4 both occasions * they He is a member of the Assuci-|gether games of 299, 315, and| Singles over 200 Eileenithe fans with some ation of the Professional Engi-|241 for a. triple of 855 |Campbell- 202, Barry Denyer hockey neers of Ontario, a past presi-| Bassett's Jewellers edged/210, Joan Newstead 203, Beryl The Dunlops have been get- $a dent of the County Engineers|Fleming Shell Service 2-1 as|/Watkins 220, Doug Watkins 220,/ting a well-balanced -- offence ) 1 222. C Iter 205, Barb Gill "|p ha ae ally dancer ; Cc » Engi- and Mel Meulemester"s 715 (286) |222, Clare Holter , ,three lines are equally danger- noth Aadiecy Comuiiie, ts leading the way. Mic McMaster|24,3 Marty Jordan 211, Betty/sus. This is a fair situation for ihe Minister At: Highway "| was tops for the losers with ig Sore rd bd Footie ne any coach or manager to find ie Sings acre 763 (295, 280). ev Childs 218; Verna Sand-| himself in. f Locally, he is a past president' w., we Ril Peake 229; Sam Peake 224; the Dunnies are fast becoming gay Pia Won Grant, 209 known as the "Whiz Kids". LJ s ; (rrenoeday) | Triples over 600 -- Bruce Han-|These young fellows, all with ew ul ing Triples, 700 and over -- C./comb 719, Clarence Moore 709,,four and five years of Jr. | gs pro J. Mifflin 715 (347). |McMaster 696, George Childs|that they have plenty .on ithe » To House All Singles, 250 and over -- C.'676, Millie Peggs 666, Tom Mc-, all despite their youth, i {Bowler 309, C. White 301, Billityor 666, Chuck Gill 661, Doug). .The line is comprised of Daryl, Offi jHenderson 296, B. Brown 273,/Rowden 656, Richard Sandford|!each, Danny Sandford and County 1ces B. 'Henderson 262, T. Byron 262,|rrank 635, Ron P 629. Ril]|UP a goal and two assists the|S94! with his efforts. Leach, : : W. Rye 256, 254, E. Young 255, Newstend 63" vi sorann Re other night in the Dunnies' big|While working very hard, did When Ontario County' snew|A, Locke 255, J. Verkuy! 250. Ruth Frank 617, Ron Adair 699,\Win over the Brampton Seven- i nie ~ Hage lag Points Won -- Mitton Machin- Rowden ' nt |Brampton goal but did make Building on Rossland road wig owden: -606, completed it will house all de-|son Cartage 3, Millwork 0; Dun- partments pertaining to county|lop 3, Andrews 0; Ramblers 2.) WHITBY LADIES maintenance, politics and legi-|Joe's Barber Shop 1; Legion 2,.CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Slation. Whitby Barber Shop 1; Honey-| Points for the Day -- Allsorts The new structure was begunjockers 2, Drews 1; Queen's Hotel|3, Gumdrops 3, Humbugs 3. to be habitable by the summer'ley 2, Bathurst 1. {Lollipops 1, Maple Buds: 1 and of 1964. Its costruction was; Prize Winner, Bruce Hender-|Peppermints 4 Officially begun with the laying/son. Triples over 500 Gladys of the cornerstone last week Wiles 637, Ann Labanovich 574, County Building on Ontario} Triples, 700 and over -- Dicki555, Florence Moore 550, Betty street Whitby, which has served Adams 803 (401), Frank Kappy/Gascop 540, Rose Peleshok 515, the County for 110 years. 772 (326), Des Denyer 748 (274), land Lois Lockie 513 Architect of the new building)Gord Schmidke 738 (296), Marty) Singles over 200 -- Lois Lockie Pickering-Oshawa. Contractors|tis 710 (281), Ed Samanski 709\qrace sz ifor 48 3 are Milne and Nicholl Ltd, | (272), Warren Watson 707. (262,| Moore Fr gg orci "ar Koh The modernistic, three-storey |260), Frank Robinson. 701 (298).|rabanovich 221, Betiy Gascoe reinforced concrete structure|Ed Brush 700 (273), Red Mc-i917° Rose Pelechok 315. Alice rooms, a Bar -Association Li-, Singles, 250 and over -- B-/Goidie Marshall 201 and brary, Surrogate Court, Sheriff's eh ge aig _ Pilon rib Bradley 200. Office and Crown Attorney's! yar) ee aoe ac ine ow. %The president, Dorothy Moore Office in its Administration of |' " As Sh | oe ' jin favor of a Christmas party Offices for the administraton 262, Tom Metvor 251, |this year. The members voted = ; a Vaughan 279, D. Dafoe 309, Jim of County affairs will include Sutherland 271, Al Hepburn 965, bY a show of hands that they those of the ---- ogee | Points Won -- Abner's Ram.|Were in favor of the Christmas Engineering, Health Unit and ; ious 4 ¢ c! : Wings 3. Citizen's Financ 9; |Dec. 18, 1963. The captains are Also included will be a Coun Meleon 3, Post Office 1: Goold's asked to collect the admission hy = chamber and a pub- furniture 2. Silversmiths 1;|€e from their bowlers next ie cafeteria, Mr. Beddali has disclosed that (9 [AM 1: Ottenbrites 2, Le- The dear corner pins were out- room for expansion of facilities gion Two 1; Legion Old Sweats! Standing this week and many of has been allotted at th l5-acre 9 Credit Union 1. us whispered to ourselves but site, which overlooks both Ross- those corner pins still stood up. ingineer W. : St Comnty | Engines The Totten Firm was begun He has siso resigned his of Mr. Sims increases the engi- sion to take over this position from the four engineers, the municipalities, Mr. Totten has| An_ interesting color film Assistant Engineer for Torontolover Brown Electric, by bowl-|19, Cadillacs, County Bow! 23, Assoication of Ontario and Past Sel Himes with a 755 (300, 285)/Shirley Crook 223, Sam Bonk from their team. to date. All : [ford 211; Chuck Saw 68;; The so-ce "third line" of the Rotary Club, past chair-| WHITBY AND DISTRICT 'ord 211 huck Sawdon 268;| The so-called "third line" of | Moore 820 (296, 285), L. Reed! wendy Wotherspoon 699, Mickey|hockey left, have been showing _ B. Holsey 273, K, Laundry 270,/¢55, Harvey Roberts' 651, Ruth|Jerry Dionne. Sandford picked Courthouse and Administrative isiery 3, Papermakers 0; Ander-|mothersill 606, Ward Bick 604, in September and is expected|2, Whitby House 1; Hoffer Val-|Jelly Beans 0, Life Savers 1 It will replace the outdated THURSDAY NIGHT Jean King 567, Grace Sandford was T. W. Beddall of Toronto-|Jordan 737 (259, 258), Reg Lor-\951 "Gladys 'Wiles 251. 298. will contain four separate court-|Coy 700 (281) p03 lig Soe Bl den 253, Al Knibb 300, Al Young|8ked the members if they. were Civil Defence officials blers 2, Legionnaires 1;\ Red|Party to be held on Wednesday, 'ounty Bowl 2, Firemen 1; K of Week and hand in to executive Jand and Brock roads, The ad- ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST) dition of Registry Office on the MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE GAMES ABOLISHED site is considered a possibilty. | S:andings after Nov. 25 -- Pin, 'The first Olympic games were Parking space has been pro-|Pals 39, Strikers 33, Dodgers 29, held from 778 BC to 394 vded for 300 cars. It is expect- Ups and Downs 26, Korner Pins whan they were abolished by ed that the present facilities|25, Hopefuls 25, Crackers 24, Ae ' Monday, December 2nd © WHITBY ARENA @ MARKHAM FLYERS WHITBY DUNLOPS JUNIOR "'B"' ADMISSION: ADULTS $1.00 -- STUDENTS (with cards 50c), MINOR HOCKEY: -- 8:30 P.M. CHILDREN 25¢, will be adequate for at least! Hurricanes 21. 25 years. The building will also. Triples over 550 -- Ladies: } contain two cells for the stor- Fran, Schatzman 622, Marg age of prisoners on Court days, Carter 586, Lorraine Bronishew a fireproof vault and janitor's ski 561. quarters. Men: Al. Taylor 688, Father BROCK WHITBY Evening Shows At 7 & 8:20 Last Complete Show At 8:20 Starrin KIRK DOU JGLAS red 4 and bate mbet above below! weit rd ' svfraught hours Abe Kamikaze ned teu! f _ 4 half-crazed abo Per freight Roman emperor Theodosius ek oh he SID See AND DRY EWALK SLABS -- FROM == \ Brooklin Conerete Products Ltd. Also -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "ZOTZ" (The Magic Word For Fun) 'Starring'... TOM POSTON, JULIA MEADE Texaco PETE HUBER, Prop. @ Tires and Accessories @ Free Pick-up ond Delivery COR, VICTORIA and BROCK ST. S. PHONE 668-3471 Ww. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Ample Parking Facilities You don't have to play a sport to be a good sport 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3410 GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports. HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S. DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT WANT ADS -- HOLD THE KEY TO EXTRA CHRISTMAS CASH GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Enjoy Carefree Holiday Driving PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY YOUR ORT This Programme Presented By The Local -- Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS HOCKEY Metropolitan Junior 'B" League -- Monday, Dec. 2 at 8:30 p.m., Markham Flyers vs Whitby Dunlops at the Whitby Arena. Sunday, Dec. 8., Away Game -- Whitby Dunlops at Neil McNeil, Toronto. Whitby Mercantile Hockey League, -- Sunday, Decv. 8, at 12 noon Durno's Garage vs Arena Sunoco, at Whitby Arna, Sunday, Dec. 8, at 2 p.m., Fleming's Shell vs Ot- tenbrite's Men's Wear, at Whitby Arena. Johns Manville Hockey League -- Sunday, Dec. 8, at 8 a.m.., Office vs Transite at 9:45 a.m., In- sulations vs Flexboard, at Whitby Arena, SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA Wednesday, Dec. 4 -- 8 to 10 p.m., Adults only. Friday, Dec. 6 -- 8:30 to 10.30 p.m., Adults and Children, Saturday, Dec. 7 -- 2 to 4 p.m. Children 14 years and under, FIGURE SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA Saturday, Dec. 7 --. 10:30 a.m, to 12:30 p.m. Children's Skating Classes at Whitby Arena. HOOKER & SONS LTD. YOUR BEST DEAL ON NEW AND USED CARS No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR | BROOKLIN 655-4811 Weekly Events! HARLEY'S Service Centre FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Licensed Mechanic Mojo rand Minor Repairs Rambler, Trailer, Sales and Rentals FINA CENTRE MERCHANDISE 668-8211 1101 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY . WHITE'S B.P. 616 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-8241 After Hours 668-8265 GENERAL REPAIRS 24 HOUR TOWING LICENSED MECHANIC FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY OPEN 7:30 A.M, -- 10 P.M. For Home Delivery of Ontario County's ~ Only Daily Newspaper 'PH. 668-3703 Blair Park Plaza Barbershop WHITBY NOW 2 BARBERS NO WAITING Closed Monday-- Open 8-6 P.M. Tues. to Sot. Proprietor M. THERAULT