Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Dec 1963, p. 14

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| 80-day general strike this year. 5] Canadian Press reoprter Russell Elman is on a re- porting tour of British Car- ibbean countries. In this story he reports on the ten- sion that grips British Gul- ana. By RUSSELL ELMAN GEORGETOWN, British Gul- calm, tensions remain high in this self-governing British col- ony still smarting from the scores of racial conflict ,mur- der and arson Fear of new outbreaks of ter- ror lurks beneath the suface in the wake of a_ controversial British decision to reform Brit- ish Guiana's constitution before granting the colony indepen- dence, Yet, there is also hope in some quarters that there will be a period of relative quiet dur- ing which confidence can be re- stored in an ailing economy jstricken by riots in 1962 and an Outwardly life has returned to Race Wars, Murder Grip British Guiana ana (CP)--In spite of apparent, OES Otticers | Installed At | Port Perry By MRS. CHARLES REESOR PORT PERRY -- Many visi- tors and friends of Blue Ray Chapter, No. 238, Order of the Eastern Star, met in the Mason- ic Temple, to honor the newly elected worthy matron, Dora Suggitt and her staff of officers for the 1963-64 term recently. Presiding Worthy Matron, the 1,200 British soldiers posted; New elections are likely to be at key points to guarantee lawjheld some time next year and and order. the. intention is to employ a 2, The charred ruins of ajsystem of proportional repre- large section of the business|sentation. British Common- centre of Georgetown, burned in}wealth Secretary Duncan San- a fire arising out of last year's|dys says the system is designed riots, and the steel-mesh fences|to lead to creation of new par- guarding store windows fromities which might | eventually possible looting in the event of|amalgamate into large multi-/-Emma Cook, welcomed Past new disturbances. jracial groupings, 'Grand Matron Edna Anderson, 3. The erp of new con-| Under the present voting sys- Of Bowmanville; Past District struction, with mortgage moncy',,, aie andijct, ,,\Deputy Grand Matrons Meta tight, new investment at al~™ ~ im which a candidate 1S' Moore and Agnes Kemlo of Osh- trickle, and development proj- deciared elected if he tops the'awa and Ruby Clark of Clare- ects virtually at a standstill for/Poll even though he doesn't re-jmont, all Honorary Members of lack of funds. ceive a clear majority--Dr. Ja-|Blue Ray; along with presiding 4, The torrent of invective gan was able to form a govern- matrons Jean Scott, of Oshawa; and rumors fomenting racial] ; ; bs) jEvelyn Pratt, of West Hill; and political division, jment without getting half the!Gladys Walkey, of Newtonville As one talks to Guianese, it|t@! vote and several presiding patrons. becomes evident that for many| In 1961 his party won 20 of| Also welcomed were PMs the lines of racial division,/89 Seats in the legislative as-/Myrtle Palmer, Mildred Jef- fanned by readily inflamed|SeMbly with 42.6 per cent of the/frey, Mabel Chapman, Jessie emtoions and an explosive po-|VOtes cust. Opponents think the Espie, Margaret Cornish, Mar- litical situation, continue to har-|Change in system would enable|garet Jeffrey, Jeanne Dymond, den. ithem to win |Ethel 'Nottingham, Marian San- Indians, who constitute close| Representatives of Dr. EP cower a ee bes to 60 per cent of the 600,000\gan's party don't cone ir! SHAM BAO DAR) DEMCDs) population and who still mostlyldistike for the system peli apes go ag aga ir gp live in rural areas,- generally|by Mr. Sandys. But many arelp a, ne et oe ee Be normal in the sultry, easy-going capital of Georgetown and pro-} duction is again in high gear in} the reyenue-earning sugar cane} * estates and bauxite mines.) & k ™M ws WANTS TO TEACH seeking educational qualifica tions that I teach school Donald Smith, 21, an albino else- who has only 10 per cent of normal vision, is attending the University of Ottawa on a grant from the Canadian Na- tional Institute for the Blind ing in that province, but -he War Camp Escapees Would Try It Again MONTREAL (CP)--Two men plan, helping dig the tunnel. He; The men. recently saw a who played a part in the great'aso helped acquire equipment!vate screening of a Holivwood mass escape from Germany's needed the film about the escape "J had Stalag Luft 3 prison compound| Watt missed the actual es-|goose bumps all over said during the Second Worki War|cape by a few days when he| Watt "It 'was like getting a gay they would attempt it again|was transferred to the southjkick in the stomach," said if they. ever found themselves|compound, which contained|O'Rellly. in similar circumstances American flyers. He had been) Of the 746 Commonwealth air|raised in Kansas and that, to! f Itloere who fled the com-|the Germans, was sufficl t tol FY il R ; found it March, 1044, through a (qualify him as an American, Hek QUIMLY SKCUNION At Maple Grov narrow tunnel, only three even-)immediately went to work there tac their way to free-| building another fumnel | ee of oo were " Reilly's job in the escape was ontreal-erea men who\carrying sand from the tunnel sai were there, Mac Reilly, 43, of sty ihe waln area of the camp| By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN Pointe Claire, and Tom Watt,/and acting as security officer. MAPLE GROVE -- Mr. and 41, of Ste. Rose, say it was| Reilly's place in line the night|Mrs. Harold Cooney and. family worth while. of the escape was 86th. The Ger-|were hosts for a. family re- union of his brothers and sis- ters, numbering 24, Their moth- er, Mrs. Blanch Cooney, of Trenton, was able to be present hopes to get a position will permit him to where. Donald earns pocket Ontario regula- ist and folk singer --(CP Photo) tions prevent him from teach pri- in escape "There are some things a mans discovered the escape as man does instinctively," Reilly|the 77th man was poking his says. 'The shooting of the 50)head above ground. The plan was @ horrible shock but in the/had been to get 250 men out of money as a professional guitar- | over-all effect, i' the others had been asked to do it again they would have answered 'yes'." "We were still fighting a war even if we vere prisoners," Watt added. 'We felt it was our duty to tie up as many German security troops as we could \the camp |WASN'T CRICKET "You know how I got in on the escape in the first place?' he asks. "I saw a sign that said anyone wanting to play jcricket should sign his name. And we did. We had th nds| io never played cricket, but I wt 'Waning a var ae OEE, as 8 eat ee, PLANE SHOT DOWN jeffect and I didn't know that Reilly, now a businessman|Gticket was what they after the plan had been put into with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. (Jake) Laird were recent Sunday . afternoon visitors with their aunt uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laird, Toronto. Mrs. L. C. Snowden was a re- cent supper guest of Mrs. Harry Wright and attended the Rotary play in the town hail Miss Heather Thomas is re- quperating after an opération. Her place at West school has been filled by Mrs. Glen Bamber. SOUNDPROOF ROME with wife and two daughters|the escape." and a eon, was shot down over) Watt d to escape later Holland May 1, 1943. Watt, an|\when prisoners were being eirctaft engineer and father of)marched from that camp to four sons, Was in command of|southwestern Germany near the a Wellington bomber broughti\end of the war, He wandered down neat Paris Nov. 21, 1942. |about France for six weeks be- 'Watt evys he was a "mole" fore he found his way to Allied end '"'ecrounger" in the eacapellines home in London's South Nor: wood afea is to be sound: proofed. Teen-age girls staged a riot there, screaming and smashing windows. | es | 2nd Mortgage Loans An announcement from the newly formed Realty Division of Superior Discount Limited «= A MEMBER OF THE SUPERIOR GROUP OF PANO COO LOWER COST FIRANCING. 1 you ae @ homeownn fewer-coet financing is available t you. You Gen obtelt tenmedists cash to pay all your bills; pay off an existing mortgage; psy for your children's university education; make borne Improvements; travel, of for ery worthwhile purposa. PAYMERTS TO SUIT YOUR BODEET. Yoo am ute Op 6 ten years 06 repay your loan In low monthly peymerde. However, you can prepay ell or part of the loen at any time, without notice ot penalty, Since interest is charged only om 'ths unpsid belence, this means that esch peyment made seduces the emount of interest being charged. SUPERIOR SERVICE, Ke matter where you go, you cant Beet the finanetel eevee avaliable te you In eny SUPERIOR office. As the fastest growing all-Canadien Loam Company, our advice and facilities are available to you et ef tithes. There le never erly obligation when you Grop in te iecuss your Mortgage Finencing. CASH AVAILASLE TO SECOND MoRTeAGE HOLDERS. If you hold & second mortgage on # property, 'we will buy the mortgage from you and give you the cash now, LIFE INSURANCE, Life insurance i@ available on of SUPERIOR mortgage loons. BROCHURE AVAILABLE. you would Bike more Inform ition end details on SUPERIOR second mortgage financing. Phone or write today for your free booklet, entitied "2nd Mortgage Loans", If it is convenient, visit the SUPERIOR Office nearest you. You will be under no obligation and the Wfornstion could seve you money. LOANS AVAILABLE TO 016,000, Depending apex the property Involved and the emeutt of your equity inh. (the 'Gifference between the value of your property end the amour wing on It) you can borrow up to $10,000. MONTHLY INTEREST RATES FROM 1% TO 14% Depending on the location of your home, its value, and the smourt of your equity, Interest retes are from 1% to 14% per month (12% to 18% per annum) on the unpaid balence BO HIDDEN CHARGES! HO BONUS! HO BROKER. AGE FEES! There ere never any hidden cherges mh @ SUPERIOR lean. You will know, before you sign, execty how much yéu feéetva, how much you repay, snd the fue rate. : Your low monthly psyments cover afi principal end interest. 'There is never arty balente owing at the end of the term Wheat makes SUPERIOR semperion ? a they're quite with the cnet - theta i! SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED A MEMBER OF THE SUPERIOR GROUP OF FINANCIAL COMPANIES 17 Simeoe St. N. -- 725-654) LONDON (CP) -- A temand| When the 1963 economic balance| sheet is completed, the result may not be as bleak as was an- ticipated a few months ago. Much, however, will depend on |political developments in com- jing days FEAR LOOTING H Reminders that things are not} quite as they might be include:| 1. The frequent patrols} {through Georgetown' and the countryside of small groups of Christmas | Preparations | Made At Orono By MRS. KEN GAMSBY | ORONO -- The regular meet- ing of Heather Rebekah Lodge} No, 334 was held recently at the} IOOF Hall with Sister Laverne |Barraball, noble grand, presid- jing and Sister Betty Newman, jvice grand, assisting. | Sister Betty Newman, con- |vener for the visiting committee |- reported on her activity of the! lpast two weeks Sister Betty Major reported jthat Christmas cakes have been jmade and orderg are being jtaken | Under special committees Sis- iter Gladys Gamsby reported \that the UCW will serve a tur-| |key dinner for the Christmas) |party Dec, 17 | Heather Lodge officers. and jmembers welcomed Sister Ber- nice Partner as a new member. | Sister Laverne Barraball, Sis- jter Mae Allen, Sister Lola Ken- support the People's Progres-|optimistic they can. achieve tel ta sate present from sive Party led by Marxist Dr.'perior organization and put Sunbeam Ontario. Whitby Dur- Cheddi Jagan, an Indian. Afri-jacross a platform that will win hav M arkham 'Bedford cans, whose numbers propor-|more than 50 per cent' of the Laurel "Saskatchewan and Cor. tionately are largest in urban)vote and thus ensure them an inthian Chapters. Among the centres tend to back the oppo-|over-all majority of seats guests were several of the sition People's National Con-)- - en Ra gress, headed by Forbes Burn-| ham, an African lawyer of s0-| cialist leanings. For the most part nowadays| when in each other's presence both East Indians and Africans seem to be exercising a degree of caution not to provoke racial conflict, However, when in their own groups, one frequently hears Indians castigating the "blackman" and Africans blast- ing at the "coolie."' There even are extremists advocating par- tition of British Guiana along racial lines Yet, there are plenty of ex-/ ceptions to the general pattern. Many Africans are attracted to Dr. Jagan's party by its leftist ideology. Conversely, its red- dish tint has propelled many Indians, especially those in business, into the opposition congress or the United Force, a party led by Portuguese busi- nessman Peter D'Aguiar which says it is trying to appeal to every section of the community and is strongly opposed to com- munism. 'VANET LEIGH-VAN JOHNSON SHELLEY WINTERS: MARTHA HER | %) 'You haven't been ® close enough to e me to throw "You used to do better than that..." ee @ You're a real dish, sweetie, Atrue dish..." at tell the wives ~Saer BND , Levers HAL apart without nt FWWIS -- SReoreceratt A Directed by if * RAY WALSTON- JEREMY SLATE - 2s Screenplay by EDWARD ANHALT ° A PARAMOUNT RELEASE IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or THREE TIMES A WEEK +e THEN YOU SHOULD BUY MR YoDAN the Laxative Tablet with the GENTLE DIFFERENCE Take gentle-acting MW... Nature's Remedy! There is no letdown, no uncomfortable after-feeling. NM is an all-vegetable laxative. For over 70 years, Nt has been giving folks! pleasant, effective relief overnight. | mR tonight... ARTE |nedy, Sister Irene Murray and |Sister Gladys Gamsby attended) 'a school of instruction at Port! iPerry recently | tomorrow alright!) w Helps you feel better, .. and look better! REGULAR + CHOCOLATE COATED» JUNIORS FEATURE TODAY 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:35 7:35 - 9:45 S PLAYERS THEATRE melody matrons and honorary, Ruth, Ethel Emmerson; Esther, members of Blue Ray Chapter./K are! The retiring matron, Emma} | |Cook and retiring patron Hugh |Espie were presented with gifts| \from the chapter. | The ceremony of installation] was conducted by PM Jeanne} Dymond and her installing team| -- Marshall, Margaret Jeffrey; | Floral Marshall, Marian Sandi-| son; Margaret Cornish; Mabel Chapman; Myrtle Palmer; Ethel Nottingham; Jessie Espie; atthew Dymond; Leonard Colbear; Hugh Espie; James Sandison, all PYS of Blue |Ray Chapter and George Lane. PM Mae Phair, of Whitby Chap- ter was the organist. The Officers: for Blue Ray, Chapter, No. 238, Order of the Eastern Star for the term 1963-| 64 are as follows: Worthy Ma- tron, Dora Suggitt; Worthy Pa- tron, Merlin Suggitt; Associate Matron, Bernice Mairs; Asso- ciate Patron, Norman Mairs;| secretary, Margaret Carnegie,| PM; treasurer, Alma_ G.| Reesor; conductress, Mary Pearson; associate conductress, Minnie Fisher; chaplain, Pearl Gerrow; Marshall, Ann Wal- Nottingham; Martha, Doris Nottingham, PM; Electa, Olive Painter; Warder, Sarah Kight; Sentinel, Minnie Brig- nall; organist, Mabel Cawker. IT'S IN TORONTO VANCOUVER (CP) The 1964 Grey Cup game will be played in Toronto Nov. 28 Ca- nadian Football League direc: tors decided Friday in Vancou- ver Bob Gillies, CFL secretary, said the clubs did not discuss possible sites for the 1867 cen- tennial year Grey Cup game. Open Weekends ond Holideys Weekdoys by Appointment Only Bring the tamily Pienic Grounds, Canteen FAMILY KARTWAY LTD. HWY. 12114 MILES NORTH OF WHITBY Tel TORONTO: 532-1169 WHITBY: 655 3469 lace; Adah, Adelia White PM;| DARING! DRAMATIC! FREUD "The Secret Passion" -- with -- MONTGOMERY CLIFT SUSAN KOHNER AOMITTANCE q 7 DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. THEY TOUCHED AND AN EVIL SPARK WAS TOUCHED! "PORTRAIT IN BLACK" 1N COLOR - with -- LANA TURNER ANTHONY QUINN Adult Entertainment SHOW STARTS 6:45 P.M. BILTMORE is \y LOVE AN ODEON THEATRE Rrenchwoman Childhood ¢ Adolescence ¢ Virginity « Marriage * Adultery Olvores © Women Aloae FEATURE TIMES 2:10 4:30 7:00 9:35 LAST COMPLETS SHOW 9:10 | For the first time, two ales have been blended to give you a smoother, Open dafty w E30 pm. Wednertey & 8:00 pm Othe evenings By eppelienene Seumtioy W172 sone. 2% SUPERIOR offices tn Onearte OKEEFE EXTRA more mellow flavour than it's possible to brew in a single ale. OLD STOCK ALE

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