Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1963, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Nevember 30,1963 § \Poit Perry High School were|among those made: Bonnie Wal-|Scholarship, Queen's Univer-! |held recently over a two-day)jace, the highest standing stu-|sity. .. | | period. Highlights of the exer-ig.nt in Port Perry High, re-| Mrs. David Enge presented \cises were the valedictory ad-| civeq the Oshawa and District the Ladies' Auxiliary of the 'dress by Bruce Ballinger anditjniyersity Women's Club) ; Dr. B, Dymond, MPP, Tripp, Susan Adderley, Lloyd lthe presentation of a painting|Scholarship how Mrs. ¥. um Port Perry Legion Scholarship| presented the Ontario Scholar-|Wilson, James Ross and Rob- Painting Is io the school by: Dr. DiannelCuip and was also awarded the|t0 Bruce Ballinger who alsojships; among other winners|ert Jeffs. , ' 'McGibbon of Toronto. a eg Scholarship of the Belllwas awarded the Ontariojwere Keith: Wilson who re-| The guest speaker for this ; WHITBY And DISTRICT Presented tw-day event the ceived the Atkinson Foundation|annual commencement was : LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE FLUORIDATION: LAST WORD FOR NOW © m T ti mpueuiet: aouicons x A lawns presentations wer e| Danisiva. Bervate - Sek Meloon Pai ware ie ae n Of Ballot 22a Meee : Explanatio O IMPROVEMENT 1 TAKE NOTICE THAT: Governor's Scholarship of Mc-/Mrs. R. B. Smaliman, of Port . . FOR 24-HOUR On Monday Plebiscite TEETER en Tr Mi |Master University and als ojPerry. AMBULANCE SERVICE intends to construct, as local improvement, asphelt side- WHITBY CHURCHES walks on the South side of Clemence Avenue between the a This is the 'last issue of the) endorsed fluoridation, and) I Oshawa Times before Monday's| claimed that the addition of the Call points mentioned: ST. ANDREW'S EMMANUEL Civic Elections here in Whitby.|substance was a violation of/must place his X heside the land abutting directly on the work, The said sidewalk is 9:45 A.M.---Sunday School the Town's water supply in the represened herself'. Lierally, he is voting against (a) Clemence Avenue, South side where no walk exists NAME OF STREET PRESBYTERIAN REFORMED The one particular local prob-|civil rights "YES" on the ballot. AMBULANCE SERVICE an , to have a. width of four (4) feet. 11:00 A.M.--Divine Worship civic elections of 1961. He asked that the quest be'the di ti pe: 'No, I do $0,754. Port Perry Scholarship and the Dominion|among the honor graduates Provincial Scholarship. were Mildred Martyn, Dorothy At vn ] If one opposes the fluoridation of the town's water supply he To West limit of FROM Eost limit of Clemence Avenue 10:30 A.M ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL The Lord's Supper ion. The estimated 2PM $2,566.42 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estima DUTCH SERVICE Clemence Avenue Corner Byron at St. John Brock Street Green Street Ai w. LS MeChire BA. REV. GERRIT REZELMAN lem that has drawn more col-| Mr. Moore 'approached the) The key word is '"'discontinu- THIRD CONCESSION WEST umn inches than any other in|Councij last week and a : OFF HIGHWAY 12 The of = . The estimated cost of the work is $3,297.81, of which Paihia! "'Heali Simon's Mother-in- The first bag of Sodium Sili-/struck from the ballot on these/Not want the discontinuance of owners cost per foot frontage is as follows: Low" i. cafluoride was introduced into| grounds and on the grounds fluoride to take place" 1. On the South side of Clemence Avenue where na walk Eost limit of West limit of Adiniter the last few weeks is the fluori-a sworn affidavit alleging that] If the voter does not want + (Fourth in o Series) the water in December of 1962.|that the petition was illegally-. Conversely, if the voter does exists. $3.222 per foot. The special assessment is to be Nursery Gare and Junior Congregation WHITBY 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ST. MARK'S and intends to specially assess @ part of the cost upon the eS Fluoridation was voted into) discontinue fluoride had "mis-|therefore wants it to continue annual rate per foot frontage is as follows; Green Street Athol Street Mrs. P. N. Sprott, Organist dation question. \the conveyor of the petition to|fluoridation to discontinue, he A petition was circulated by ajworded in accordance with the| want fluoridation to discontinue paid in five (5) equal instalments and the estimated owners committee dedicated to the Fluoridation Act ihe therefore must say to him: defluoridation of the water. It The council referred the prob self: "Yes, I do want the dis was presented to Whitby Town \em of legality to town solicitor continuance to take place" The Council agreed to call the were told that the petition was council and another referendum Hugh Nichol. Last Thursday second plebiscite indeed illegal. TOWN OF WHITBY TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby was requested. they met in special session and Recently, leaders of both the ,It was decided however, that By TE CANADIAN' PRESS tends to construct, @s local improvement, asphalt side- walks on the East side of Cochrane Street, between the points mentioned: 'Pae" and *Antifluoride" the question would stay on the groups have clashed on several ballot to "settle the problem occasions over the relative once and for all." merits and demerits of fluoride (It is. Council's privilege to in the public water supply 'all for a referendum at any The "Profluorides", spear-time,under the terms of the headed by lawyer Terry Moore Act, with or without the presen insist that fluoride reduces the ation of a petition.) incidence of dental cavities by The baliot will ask the follow as much as 72 percent ng question: They. offered the endorse- Are you in Favor of the dis- ment of all local dentists and continuance of fluoridation of physicians, and statements'the public water supply of this from every medical, dental and municipality?" scientific association on the This question has caused some North American continent, all,confusion among the voters of of which. supported fluorides, Whitby, However, it complys in the water supply... with the wording required on The "Antifluorides", led by/the ballot by the Fluoridation Mrs. Beulah Sturgess insist! Act ; that it wasn't harmful to tis-; This is the problem: If one is sues of of the body other than|in favor of fluoride and wishes; teeth to retain it in the Town's water) They referred to various med-jsupply, he would place his X ica! authorities who had not' beside the "'NO" on the ballot BROCK _ Evenings Shows ot 7 and 8:30 WHITBY SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 me . WHACKY SPUGr of JES Vena, ey i) REE S7p- Se THE eee Kee FREEMAN Ng & SCREENPLAY BY ELWO00 ULL - Oesed ons Stowe ty Berman Mowe oA "RETURN TO WARBOW" in color hg paca of Canada Ltd., p 1.75, Jan. 15, 1964, recor Dae a record : Consolidated Paper Cpr. Lid. 50 cents plus 10 cents extra Jan. 15, 1964, record Dec. 6 R. L. Crain Ltd., common 12 cents, Dec. 31, record Dec. 6 Fittings Lid, common 25 cents, class A 30 cents, Jan. 1, 1964, record Jan. 17, 1964. 'tagara Wire Weaving Co. To South Limit of Ferguson St. FROM A Point of 643.25 feet North of the North Limit of Dundas Street West North Limit of Ferguson Street A Point of 526.98 feet North of the North Limit of Walnut Street West and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. The said sidewalk is to have a width of four (4) feet. "i . The estimated cost of the work is $4,852.22, of which rs SS ae Plus 20 $2,790.86 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated Sh conte Gear bad 3 Fer id plus owners cost per foot frontage is as follows record Dec. 6 Vee. 4, 1008 1, On the East side of Cochrane Street where no walk : exists. $1.667 per foot. The special assessment is to be Shell Investment poid in five (5) equal inste!ments and the estimated owners pid. 27% cents, 'an. 1 annual rate per foot frontage is as follows ord Dec (a) Cochrane Street, East side where no walk exists $0.390. Sheep Creek Mines Ltd. five Application will bu made by the Corporation to the Ontario cents pius one cent extra, Jan Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the 15, 1964, record Dec. 31 said work and any owner may. within 21 days after the Uni i first publication of this Notice, file with the Town Clerk, 10 ass -- yg" galron his objectién to the said work being undertaken Dec. 31 The soid Board may approve of the said work being under taken, but before doing so, it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the said work will be con sidered DATED et the TOWN OF WHITBY this 15th dey of November, 1963. NAME OF STREET Cochrane Street South Limit of Walnut Street South Limit of Beech Street Cochrane Street Cochrane Street Ltd., first 1964, rec CHILD CARE Local health authorities o: voluntary associations provide some 450 day nurseries for chi! dren under five in Britain JOHN R. FROST, CLERK, TOWN OF WHITBY VOTE and ELECT ROBERT A. "BOB" ATTERSLEY as COUNCILLOR Starring . . . PHIL CAREY--CATHERINE ANDREW YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT © A young man with modern Business Experience ® A young man with a know- ledge of the problems of the youth of Whitby. © A young man with a desire to serve VOTE THE FIRST NAME ON THE BALLOT ATTERSLEY, Robert A. | . Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and ony owner may, within 21 days after the first publication of this Notice, file with the Town Clerk, his objection to the said work being undertaken. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the said work will be considered DATED at the TOWN OF WHITBY this 15th day of November, 1963. JOHN R, FROST, CLERK, TOWN OF WHITBY if Mrs. BAPTIST (Colborne Street West ot Centre) Minister; REV. JOHN McLEOD Organist W. €. Summers, 11 AM. Communion Service A.T.C.M. United Church Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A.B.D, Miss Ila Newton, Deaconess 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP "The Prophet ond Reception of New Members 7 P.M The Christ' meget SUNDAY SCHOOL CHURCH MEMBERSHIP 9:45 a.m Intermediate, Seniors. CLASS 11:00 at ' Beginners, Kindergar- 8:15 B.Y.P.U ten, Primary. |i Bible School meets of 9.45 a.m 11:00 a.m. Infont care while par- i with classes for all ages. ents worship. Gospel Service Juniors, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TOWN OF WHITBY TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to construct, as local improvement, asphalt side- walks on the West side of Cochrane Street between the points mentioned: NAME OF STREET Cochrane Street FROM To North Limit of Dundes South Limit of Street West Giffard Street and intends to specially assess @ part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. The said sidewalk is to have a width of four (4) feet. The estimated cost of the work is $2,700.00, of which $1,362.57 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated owners cost per foot frontage is_as follows 1. On the West side of Cochrane Street where no sidewalk exists $2.537 per foot. The special assessment is to be paid in five (5) equal onnual instalments and the estimated owners annuol rate per foot frontage is as follows: (a) Cochrane Street, West side where no sidewalk exists $0.593. . Application will be made by the Corporation to the On- tario Municipal Board for its approve! of the undertaking of the said work and any owner may, within 21 days ofter the first publication of this Notice, file with the Town Clerk his objection té the said work. being undertaken. . The said Board may approve of the said work -being undertaken, but before doing so, it may appoint.e time and place when. any objection to the said work will be considered. : DATED at the TOWN OF WHITBY JOHN R. FROST, -- this 15th day of November, 1963. CLERK, TOWN OF WHITBY 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for olf ages. 11:00 A.M.--PASTOR PREACHING Choir Specials 7:00 P.M.--"THE TONY FONTAINE STORY" Color Film, 73 minutes in length WHITBY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV, MAXWELL CASE, Minister 307 BROCK ST. N FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY T REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, MINISTER SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM.--' Faith: Tidings" Radio Program Station C.K.L.B. Oshawa 9:45 A.M.----A Bible-Centred Bible. School 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship and Praise 12:00 Noon--Comunion Service 7:00 P.M,--Gospel Hour PASTOR'S SERMON: "A Miracle In a Home' NOTE: Our Ten-piece Orchestra Begins Playing ot 6:45 P.M. Wednesday Evening 8:00 P.M. Prayer, Praisé and Bible Study You Are'Always Welcome At Faith WHITBY wearing dental plates. mottled teeth is to conceal them with porcelain crowns, and @ Cannot be Controlled in the Dr. Max Spencer Rohde, (M.D., FACS., FICS) New York City. "A report to the Mayor of the City of New York, Nov. 1959, by Armand D'Angelo, Water Commissioner confirms thet the Dr. Reymond L. Girardot, F.A.C.D.) (Detroit District Dental Society) "Have the proponents of this scheme studied the incidence of death from hardening of te arhte or heart muscles in those areas which hove the proposed percen' of fluorine in the water? NO. For Whitby Municipal Council Monday YOU will have an opportunity to vote in Whitby's 1963 Civic Election. VOTE DEC. 2nd, 1963 FOR They just repeat. 'We have not heard of any toxicity.' Is this ici evid te jeopardi the edult jeve you the moral. right to pull the trigger when you don't know whether the gun is looded?" Report of Medical-Dental C on E of Fi i sponsored by 1,600 leading physicions, dentists and scientists "\t is evident thet, fer from establishing the safety of fluoride- tion, the Councils (scientific i igati iis ef the AMA) have estoblished thot it s NOT safe." be toxic to some individuels. A rious and once it does, there is no sotisfactory repair. A mottled tooth is not a structurally strong tooth, We do not know enough about fluoride to recommend its indiscriminate use." : "Another aspect of fluoridation which hes not been considered is FLUORIDE:--Pollutant, Contaminant, Health Hazard A Survey by Smith and Smith of the University of Arizona reported in 'FLUORINE AND DENTAL HEALTH', published by the Ameri A for th that in naturally fluoridated St. David, Arizona, 50% ef ell individuals over the age of 24 had lost all their teeth and are now 'Fluoridation as @ Public Health Measure' published by the Americen. Ass'n. for the Advancement of Science in 1954 stotes at the bottom of page 38,.'Houser end Knox' (7) found en incidence of what they called ' d I' of 20% in Ohio communities where the flu;orine content of the water supply did not exceed 0.4 ppm., and @ return to 20% in the next range of 1.0 te 1.4 ppm., and continuing higher in the range above 1.5 ppm. up to 100%. Dr. Nicholas Leone of the United States Public Health Dente! R Authoritative Sources Say Fluoride Harmful ! ! Ad of Sci stated 10% in the range 0.5 to 0.9 ppm., h lab Ciricnindl y of lai * crowns said "The only way to beautify lied cost $2000.00", complete set of p Water Pipes Huoridati ion cannot be controlled in many cities. While the Expert Committee on Fluoridation of the World Health Organization specifies that the fluctuation not exceed plus or minus 10 percent, in actual practice the var- iation runs te plus or minus $0 percent." b Dr. Robert J. H. Mick, Laurel Springs, N.J. of the A "lam a dentist end o Dente! A 1 wes 100% in favor of fluoridation in 1944. Since then | heve ex- perimented with fluorid jated water on animals. It will do nothing but bodily harm, but the symptoms will not show up within the first few yeors." Dr. M. 8. Dymond, Minister of Health Province of Ontario "My to mass is Robert Newton, (M.C., Ph. its effect on older people." . D., D. Sc, LL.D, FAIC., FR. S.C.) has been: director of Biology Division of the Netionel Research Couneil of Canado, Director of and President of Universi the Alberto Reseearch Council, o "Why worry ebout pee Ae cumulative effects of radio-active pollution and at the same time deliberately incur the seme risk with fluorides?" Dr. T. Gordonoff, Prof. of P e 40% and this one of the most im: Bern, of the thyroid gland by 30% te portant glands in the Research hi demonstrates clearly an antagonism between iodine tories, % ig another experiment, that the and fluorine. We also showed, calcium metabolism i icks up 30% reatly affected by fluorine. Since the bone Ste in the presence of fluorine, the danger » ca' »f osteoporosis in @ growing organism is very great.' the annual pollution of millions ef gallons of water in this country." Fluoride Builds Up in the Body DR. JONATHAN FORMAN, (M.D.) world-renowned specielist in allergy, Protessor-Emeritus of Ohio State University, former aditor of the Ohio State Medical Journal, editor of Clinical. Physiology, in statement in behalf of Medical-Dental Committee on Evaluation of Fluoridation. 'it is now known that such vital organs aa the kidneys, thyroid, aorte (main heart artery), liver, lungs and others con be the sites of an unusually high fluoride build-up. No matter how small the amount of fluoride in the diet, @ part of it tends to accum- ulate in the body. When the water supply is fluoridated the intake of the individual in considerably increased and the accumu- lation in the body increases accordngly. There is no clear-cut pattern as to the degree of retention among individuals. Further, it accumulates in certoin organs in an unpredictable way. Some individuals may store up to 100 times more fluoride in certain tissue than others. This has given rise to over fluoride's possibl in chronic di Fluoride is an enzyme poison and medicel authorities ize thet disturb of the y Citizens of Whitby VOTE on MONDAY DEC. 2, 1963 Give Every Citizen their DEMOCRATIC and MORAL RIGHTS to Choose Their Own DRUGS. STOP FLUORIDATION OF OUR WATER SUPPLY VOTE "YES" to the Following Question: "ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF THE DISCONTINUANCE OF FLUORIDATION OF THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY OF THIS MUNICIPALITY" L. J. SKAIFE, C.A. The majer issue in the compaign ter the office ef Mayer te the need for business leadership. Without such leadership our Town faces very real threat of mounting texetion. In an effort to combat such o threat, | presented the voters with @ programme as o blueprint for the future. As | believe this election to be one of the most important ever to face the people of Whitby. | appeal te you to carefully study this programme before casting your ballet. EXERCISE YOUR FRANCHISE BY VOTING ELECTION DAY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 sy stem are @ cause of disease." Your Vote Is Important DESMOND NEWMAN Candidate for Mayor For Transportation and Baby Sitting Services CALL 668-4905 ¢ Progressive © Conscientious © Experienced

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