é THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Movember 29, 1963 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES WHITBY And DISTRICT Council Candidates Address Ratepayers and tomorrow but at next year|Steel Company under construc- and the yeas after that. "With the tremendous growth|seven million dollar develop- of the surrounding areas we|™ent. must remain: young at heart; pwo.prLLION-DOLLAR alert, progressive, and gt in our endeavor to keep this/doijar steel works on the draft- --_ ong we as ae ing boards for Quebec. home The nine aspirants to the six positions on Whitby Town Coun- cil expressed their election platforms at the R. A. Hutchison School last night on the invita- tion of the Park Vista Rate- payers association. »GEORGE BEVAN "... we must hold the tax line and live within our civic means." "It has been suggested that we undertake the construction of storm sewers, sidewalks, gutters and paved roads. "This is very, very commen- dable and very necessary, but you know and I know that this cannot be done on a crash bas's without taxes taking a consid- erable jump. "Nobody is more desirous than I am of getting this work "If elected I will do my bestion the st. os Sant Oe Bc that which) ond of the general outlook for ve : HAROLD SS *_aet e mud. ™ Soe gg two years I|through out Canada call for an have been chairman of the San-|alert and progressive municipal itation Committee which is con-|government in this area. cerned with sewers, and general sanitation. "when I was first elected in|deavor. Ths draws my atten- 1962 I was faced with the prob-|tion very forceably to the town garbage tion in Whitby Township, a "I spoke of the two-billion "TI gpoke of. the 20 per cent increase in shipping over 1962 Lawrence Seaway this area. "I pointed out the cunrent economic and social conditions "Competition is highly com- petitive in every field of en- St. Andrew's Presb yterian Church Young Women's Group held its monthly meeting at the Church Hall, Monday, Nov. 25. Mrs. George Thwaites, presi- dent, welcomed the members and expressed her happiness at seeing so many members in attendance. Mrs. Thwaites then turned the meeting over to Mrs. Donald Wilson who con- ducted the worship service as- sisted by Miss D. Wilson and Mrs. LeRoy Mowat. Mrs, Wilson then cal'ed on Mrs. W. J. S. McClure to intro- duce the film entitled, 'Finding Your Place in the Church." The film dealt with various areas where church members could find a place to use their talents and serve the church. Exam- ples of these were: teaching Sunday schools; leading a Youth Group; arranging flew- ers for the church; helping with minor repairs; cleaning Sunday school, camps. She a missionary to the Cree In- dians in Alberta. His work grew and expande over the years, furthered by his family and others, and it wasjer, announced that $60. here that Miss Newton worked for several years prior to com- ing to Whitby. She travelled be- tween her charges, conducting)/Hong Kong's kindergarten,| Fund." and summer showed colored slides of many of the activities of the people 2mong whom she/cegs, worked, their surroundings and also her own flourishing vege- table and flower garden. Mrs, W. E. Davidson expressed the thanks of the members. President Mrs. H. T. Fallaise spoke briefly and expressed the hope that there might be more joint meetings and therefore more fellowship among the groups, a vital necessity to the life of the organization. The. Units met separately for CGIT meetings, St. Andrew's Ladies To Promote Unity "The Little Helpers" Christmas . [party to be held Dec, 17 at p.m. in Sunday school room. held Wednesday, the Sunday school room, A social hour followed and Refreshments were served, Members of Ruth WA wish A to thank all those who attend-|4895 Knights of Columbus as a ed and made the evening a suc-|body paid homage to their late Nov. 27 in\a low Mass for the rep of GIRL GUIDES Girl Guides of Canada Whitby District Association held its No- vember meeting Monday at St. Mark's United Church. Commisisoner Mrs. Fred Weaver opened the meeting with the Guide prayer. Mrs, William Avent reported on the most suc- cessful "Guide Theatre Night" recently held, Mrs, Avent thank- ed all those who donated prizes and attended. 2 It was announced that no meeting would be held in De- cember. Mrs, Ron Hawkins, Mrs. Derald Keddy, treasur-|Brownie Badge Secretary, re- raised|ported that several Brownies from the film "A Man Called/had passed their "'Golden Hand" Peter," recently shown, will beland would be forwarded to Bishop Hall, and|Guides in January, "Meal A Day "flying" into K OF C Last Wednesday night Council departed Brother Louis Rous- Final plans were made for|5©4U. St. John's WA Bazaar to be They collectively took part in 1,800,651 Pounds Of Tobacco Sold TILLSONBURG (CP) -- The 1,800,651 pounds of tobacco auc- tioned at Ontario Flue-Cured Growers' Marketing Board exchanges Thurs- of 50.85 cents a pound. To date, 19,467,715 pounds of tobacco have averaged 52.00 cents @ pound, day fetched an average price|o ang o0)» M Jordan 710 (258), Ron Pascoe 702 (248), M. Reeson 700 (284). his soul, Members of the Rous- The meeting was then turned|@#U family were present. over to Mrs. Eric LaTrobe who closed with a devotional period. This is traditional with the Knights of Columbus that they do this one year after his death. 4|Later a remembrance ceremony baby shower was held in honor of Mrs. Ronald Blaker who re- was conducted in Bt. Jotun: the ceived numerous lovely gifts. Evangelist Church Hall. The Eulogy was said by Harry Baxter, a long time friend of | COUNCILLOR EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP tasks in or around the church. |prief business sessions. The| Instead of the December|the deceased. He brought out Cost Your Ballot Mrs, Warren Mowat report-inext general meeting will be meeting of the Ruth WA there|that Louis Rousseau had been a MONDAY, DEC. 2nd ed on ig finding of the re held Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. - v1 reed Raps 2 and/holder of the coveted Distin- : : ter ling held sometime ago tu dis- ec. 'or a Bible Study in the/guished Conduct Medal won for 4 : icuss the idea for the women in ST, JOHN'S RUTH WA Sunday school room. Next regu-|bravery during World War One. ™ | Efficient Representation the church banding together to} St. John's Anglican Church)lar meeting Jan. 27. Rev. Father Smythe of Picker- VOTE -shun. the areas of higher taxes|ened out and have been opera-| "I say to the ratepayers. Of|/ 5). «"Presbyteri wn? ; t ay ; i : Bag : fs ; sbyterian Women." It|Ruth WA held its monthly meet ing St. Francis de Sal rish thus lessen the burden of the n the budget ever|Whitby: elect men with experi- ithli VIMY RIDGE LOBA ee of ses tore cand n ting with B y Peri-|was agreed to go through with|ing Monday, Nov. 25, at the Vimy Ridge LOBA held its|W@S #i80 present and spoke on f : RI Ow DOUGLAS | X Gone, but it must be undertaken/lems of bringing order out of of Whitby. on a carefully planned basis if|chaos because your 1961 com-| "The industrial development we are to hold the tax line. mittee had gone in the hole to|of Whitby in this approaching ~. "By holding the tax line we|the extent of over $20,000. six-year cycle must be main- "can attract industry that would) 'We got the problem straight- tained, tax dollar on ourselves. since, ence, men with leadership qual-|i1;- nian and the various groups|home of Mrs. Gerald Kent, 205 59 r ; wf "I do not believe in making] "I can continue to operate/ities, men and women trained 4, fe bo foresed very early in|St. Peter street, regular meeting Monday, Nov. oe oly Lek Mon atied "rash promises, and my exten-|within the budget and give the in the art of endeavor. the new year. President Mes. Peter Bird 25 in the IOOF Hall. Worthy the meeting with prayer. The give experience in the business|taxpayer the most for the least) 'This industrial boon is here,! Mrs. Castle Smith, a member opened the meeting with pray- Mistress Sister Evelyn Weeks next meeting will be held. Wed. world has convinced me that|amount. . jopportunity is knocking at our|or st Andrew's choir, rendered|er offered to the late President and Deputy Mistress Sister nesday, Dec. 11. any undertaking should first] "When the proposed widening) door and we in Whitby must see|peautifully the solo, 'My|Kenne dy and members of: his Viola Rintz presiding. , ereceive analytical appraisal. |of Dundas street takes place we|that our house is in order to the/pasx.» Mrs, P. N. Spratt,/family, Devotional exercises were con-| UTCHISON H AND 8 - "We need industry, but towill install large new storm/finest detail. church organist and choir lead-| During the business meeting|4ucted by chaplain Sister Lila) he Nov. 26 meeting of R. A. attract industry we must be able|sewers which will make it pos-| "It demands vision, under-jer, accompanied Mrs. Smith./9)) reports were read and ap- Wilde, lecture was repeated by| Hutchison Home and School As- to offer a reasonable tax rate.|sible for the various subdivisions|standing, precision im operation,|Mrs, George Thwaites thanked) proved. Mrs. Peter Bird and Sisters Winnie Wilkinson and/.ocjation opened with President With the increased financial|to hook up to the main line atiefficiency in management, andithem both on behalf of thelmrs. George Page gave re- May Lintner. Mrs. Gordon Kyle in the chair, returns from a greater indus-|a far cheaper cost than if they|a good liaison relationship in all| group. ports on the work shop and get-| During the business meeting|The minutes were read by Mrs. trial assessment it would then|had to pay the cost all the way/affliated bodies. It was decided to hold the/together meeting which they|Past Mistress Sister Lila Wilde/M. Cooling and approved, A let- be logical and possible to ac-|t "A vote for Bill Davidson wik|December meeting a week earl-|,ttended Oct. 29 at the Church|presented the slate of officersiter from Canada Packers was "celerate our program of im-| "If elected I will serve the/help." ss ier than usual, the date Mon-|of assumption, Port Perry. |for the 1964 term. All were re-jread congratulating the mem- provements." people of Whitby and endeavor w_|day, Dec. 16 at 6.30 p.m. in the! Mrs, William Bonk read ajtutned in office by acclamation|bers on the number of labels Mr. Bevan was asked about|to do what I believe is in their BOBBY ATTERSLEY -++"Ilform of a pot luck supper.|ietter from the Doreas depart-|except Sisters Norma Brown as|they had collected and saying his feelings on the "back lot/best interest." won't criticize the present Or/Mrs. Donald Warne, 400 Fair-|ment outlining articles needed| Director of Ceremonies and|that the coffee urn had been aystem" of hydro and telephone] sappy INKPEN "... a ve _ poo Someone has tO|view drive, offered the use Oflfor the bale. Winnie Wilkinson as Guardian. |shipped. wires in town and how such aj. control must be placed ped neg at pct d0/her home for the occasion. Mrs, Tom Coulthard read a| Next meeting of Monday, Dec.| A budget was presented to the system would compare in price|" Sia otal developement ee ee Meeting was brought to Alietter of invitation from St.|23 will be in the form of almembership and various things with underground cables. "T tried t ¢ th ] : If I am elected I shall bejclose with the repeating of the|andrew's Presbyterian Church|Christmas party with exchange|were discussed as to ideas to "I am a registered engineer|, ie ditine of oubdl mer able to come back to you in|Lord's Prayer. At the close Of|to attend their. 'Holly Tea and|of gifts, All members urged toluse the money left after the and for more than 30 years Ii) town sd two years and criticize -- or be|the meeting a number of very|Bazaar" of Dec. 7, she also/attend. year's expenses. A fund to start have dealt with cables and "Without industrial criticized. attractive articles were handed|,oad a letter from Rev. George| Meeting closed in the usualla library was suggested but it wiring for the railroad," he] ont to back up the high costs "The council needs youth, Ijin for the bazaar to be held/Nicholson, manner and a peony sale was|was thought this should be left replied. prea Pre Hvoea Tog porch educa.|2° Not see why the senior citi-/Saturday, Dec. 7. Mrs, Gerald Kent announcedlenjoyed. until after the new school board "The underground system s|tion and roads, the town runs zens of the town should repre- ST. MARK'S UCW VOTE and ELECT by far the most expensive. itself into the red. sent all of the citizens of the WALTER M. HOLLIDAY "I have, in council, brought) "The residential assessme town oe Se ee oe eS Reeve for 1964 Township of "oy i Mark's United Church Women forward the suggestion that all/placed on a home does not even : deseiger to devote my oar seantiy ta the Assembly service wiring be installed in|come close to paying the costs|¥, 'oth, my time.and my energy Hall Tuesday, Nov. 26. The the back of the lots between the|of servicing the house and edu-|* ©@ch and every taxpayer. I ing took the'form of | two rows of houses cating the children who live|pe that the council you elect snot tgp page oh ge " ydino will combine youth, like mine, onal ue or ie ae nat we get too many res-| With the wisdom and experience Seecione seek ess. %. YSN: minating the unsightly wires in|idences the taxes will soar and|° the older counciliors. 7 ager agate all ar eao-eg & t Whitb : pa : the high ou ag pu Mrs. R. W. McQuay took as as' I y to keep a careful watch on the spending on the taxpayer's dollar. 7 yrs. on Township School Area: Board 5 yrs. on Township Planning Board 2 yrs. as Councillor 3 yrs. as Deputy-Reeve VERNON McCARL..."Iam/the theme of the devotional MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1963 "At present there are wires|to other communities that show-|not a businessman, but I am alservice 'Workers with God." 10:00 A.M. -- 7:00 P.M. | VOTE _ RE-ELECT NEIL A, SMITH for REEVE of EAST WHITBY | TOWNSHIP Your Continued Leyel Support Will Be Apprecieted. ves. AaSSeS8-) NEIL A, SMITH On Monday, December 2 VOTE to RE-ELECT both in gal and -- theled more sense in their plan-|terminal manager with 15 men|Miss Ha Newton, Deaconess at poral oe rile on -- ning. pte -- oo - St. Mark's, was the speaker of ould * amiliar Ww) e qui s the afternoon and told of some would mean savings to both the) JOHN SKAIFE "... I feelijcadership.an af the highlights of her work in , involved, and the = a lamb being led to slaugh-| «] can see the problems of/Aiberta in the Smoky Lane and i e. the average homeowner be-|Vilna areas, a district popu- I moved to Whitby six years ; * . .-TOM gehtbongytod -. T am ago and saver did intend to run| "4° bea thee hppa for cal talean 1 eos gs gn more more con-|for council. " i , vineed that the public is being) "I was sucked into this by a yourself. years ago, that the work of the 7 h tarted by H sold short in all manner of|couple of fast talking neighbors TI GER CATS ARE church was started by Henry and if I'm not elected I'll be Bird Stiner, an Ojibway Indian 7-5 FAVORITES "In elections we hear ail|very much relieved." born in Ontario, who became an kinds had Foewid tales yop hed BILL DAVIDSON west ordained minister and went as public ittered up as if they ee mn were completely without the|talked with you at the nomina-) moponTo (CP) -- Odd sense to discriminate between|tion meeting, I spoke of the big] morons h at a rors the genuine and the false. things that were on the drafting lishe 4H sn aye naphwie "In my book I think t|boards for Canadian Industrial 75 t a i Pin epi . behooves those who aspire. to| Development. hs J ohbiosengesh ti h ie Bs public ofice to convice the el-| "I spoke of the staggering) rioi° 'for the Grey Cum ectorate of their integrity andjannounced development of ater fo dt: rs ch peo then to bear this out by their|Hydro. at go e Hae 8 Abie actions after the election. "The largest development in} 20!" ge on the points "It elected I will act with in-|the world to develop 6,000,000, e. . tegrity and do the job to the|horse power at Hamilton Falls,| af peg aes Fi very best of my ability. Newfoundland and Labrador, aj [@Ve $7 on Hamilton . plant costing one billion doliars| © Win $5. If you bet on B.C. DEAN BARES we Pe nos and taking 5,000 men seven ge alg can win $6 on a edmi at ing a business Beer. 4 reget bo eee: These odds are a reversal of form from Tuesday when the western team was in- stalled as a 7-5 favorite. DARLINGTON COUNCIL For Informetion ond Transportetion Phone 623-2776 POLLS OPEN 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. Se When it comes to whisky... VOTE fo RE-ELECT RICHARD For DARLINGTON COUNCIL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 Having Served One Term... I Again Solicit Your Support! man here in Whitby is probably; "I spoke of the multi-million the most important factor in|dollar wood processing plants » my interest for the future of|in New. Brunswick producing * this town of ours. building materials, "We cannot look just at today! 'I spoke of the Lake Ontario No Money In Your Pocket? DON'T LET THAT REALLY WORRY YOU... IT'S EASIER THAN YOU MIGHT THINK TO OWN A NEW Dodge & THE YEAR'S MOST BEAUTIFUL WAY TO GO PLACES! maValiant NOBODY BEATS VALIANT FOR VALUE! --through-- "Northside's Laurentide" © Bonk Rote Interest on new and late model cars @ On The Spot Financing © Credit Life Insured--Health and Accident Plan @ Ask about our "Purchaser's Special Bonus" Plen VOTE TO RE-ELECT Rane Councillor for Darlington Township YOUR INFLUENCE AND SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED! . --- on = MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd © Service to All Makes and Models @ All Make Chryco Parts & Accessories © Complete B-A 88/98 Facilities @ OPEN DAILY 8:00 o.m. to 10:00 p.m. Seturday 'til 6:00 P.M, FOR SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 668-3368 "To Be On The Safe Side--Deal With Northside" NORTHSIDE Chrysler @¥y Dodge 916 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY *Specialist: Anyone --after a taste of Walker's Special Old You're a Specialist in good taste when you choose the luxury whisky at a popular price -- Walker's Special Old. Good taste, good looks, and economy have made it Canada's largest selling popular priced whisky. Next time -- make it a point to buy Walker's Special Old. 1868 CANADIAN RYE WHISKY OISMUED SY HIRAM WALKER & SONS UMITED, WALKERVILLE, CANADA IN THE SPARKLING DECANTER HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED, waihervitie, Consco--O1STILLERS OF FINE WHISKIES FOR OVER 100 YEARS Just South of 3rd Cons.--Rossiand Rd. West