/ =i 4 ' ovincial Pipe Line, Crush in-|to 123.42, inaystrials .33 to commission had planned to sub-] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 29, 1963 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT : | Market Slides leeuliens pert Levy all ad. 131.83, base metals .03 to Sasi May Kmend Law |poena several witnesses thought _--_--_---- Rasa GSB ATOM . Neveniber 29, 1963 19 oe _------e | [vanced %, Canada Peres B, polls declined 1 oe tela Before Mafia vlog sag ela ertmpe eve awe the right of cross-examin-|mission to carry out this type ; Back Into eG coun % pes andi for the day was 2,630,000 shares| x llega! disputes would likely arise ation. of closed hearing was also not oO TO est 'Toronto - Dominion Bank %. |compared with 3,064,000 Wednes-| Hearings eee aie iene faced lat year| Judge Macdonald said the|specified, he said. a a i won ae Roval|day. ly. the royal commission oni tirerman Sntaste commission ut Bank fell 1% to 72%, Domin-|. TORONTO (CP) -- Judge|crime. | would mescoche comet sane LADD AILING === ' : i < { Bruce J. S. Macdonald, chair-| , |if eross-examination were al-/ SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) In 5-Year Span |esree.siaciyaty Girt Seated NET EARNINGS SEs rs Gt ora ey ga ee tamed vd speculative, Het back and Coal % \mission, said Wednesday the|Peal Court and the Supreme) "ite hopelessly ed In ad-|mitted to St. John's Hosp _ |the, stock mar settled bac' 4 ie | inci gov i } , + |dition,existing legislation did /f ; ( yee - 1 BI ibe |provincial government may Court of Canada ruled that wit : 'or treatment of two old injure VICTORIA (CP)--The pricejduce the number of trees to the into its old rut Thursday. Fg cag genie ba By THE CANADIAN PRESS |have to amend the public in-/nesses brought before the one- not make it clear what puni-jies, Ladd's wife, former actress and the production are about|present 450. Mr. Philbric ex- _ American E Sarshad didg Were lgetiloc ase metals, Dene and) Salada. Foods Ltd., yearjquiries act before the commis- é ae died tive measures could be taken|Sue Carol, said a finger "he the same, but Vancouver Island|pects to produce 20,000 pounds troag = ee wank Giant Yellowknife both declined/ended Sept. 30: 1963, $2,490,436,|sion can question suspected man commission were entitled)against persons who refused to/broke several weeks ago wag holly growers say this year's\of holly from these trees this met oe waste tb h clos-|4_ in senior golds. 195 cents a share; 1962, $1,425,-|members vf crime syndic#tes,|to be represented by counsel. testify. inot healing properly. crop will be the best in five|year. fe alight pera rs oug S|" rhe exchange index ros 1735, nts | Judge Macdonald said thelThe witnesses' lawyers would! Precise authority for the com-jre-broke and reset it. years. One of the early problems| ae ' . " = "Although we're always opti-/was_a withering of holly leaves} On the industrial board, Inter mistic, this is the best crop since |and it took years to find the rea- + : : 2 es 1958," says D. R. Philbrick of|son, In those days, apples and ; Victoria, manager of the Van-)holly were exported together 5 | oe couver Island Holly Growers|and ethylene gas from apples : ty : ris Association. lin the ripening process affected "This year's crop has mag-|the sensitive holly. | : nificent leaf color and the ber-, "Since then, we've always] ZENITH'S Smallest ries are prolific--all we can do kept apples--and other fruit--| ' now is hope the weather doesn't}away from holly," says Mr. AT-THE- EAR " Ag { ' get. cold."' Philbrick. | pi . --_ - ean: He. tS ae | = Holly is sensitive and doesn't | re vs wt 0 se aa ae Villa rns maaaiamrts . ibaa dake to extremes of heat or A cold, Vancouver Island's moder-| DIVIDENDS HEARING 1D ate climate, together with good | THE soil and good moisture, results! qpe Alberta Gas Trunk Line Ee mnacore wnty. cent oflce, Ltd., class A common 23 oe | * "The rest comes from the cents, 6% 49 cent pfd. series @ Tiny lightweight. Fraser Valley east of Vancou- A $1.56%4, 5% per cent series Only Y% oz. Fits neatly i: : B $1.43%, Feb. 15, 1964, record behind the ear : ver," says Mr. Philbrick. Sical : jJan. 18, 1964. © New long life silver oxide PRODUCES MOST | The Bell Telephone Co, of battery holds power better Figures were not available for Canada, 5 cents, Jan. 15, 1964, in extreme temperatures imports from the United States, record Dec. 11. © Silicon transistorized but Vancouver Island "defi: The Bowater Corp. of North circuitry nitely produces most of the| America Ltd., five per cent pid © Efficient reception from Se holly for Christmas,"" he says.|62%4 cents, 5% per cent pfd. any angle; nestles Housewives can expect to pay|6g34, Jan, 1, 1964, record Dec comfortably behind about the same prices they have |13 either ear s paid in the last three or four, mp, tnt aEaNe eT See us for demonstration yeart, he says. The Dominion of ovigacinin and for details of ZENITH Much Below Usual Price! " That will be between $1.50 to eral Insurance Co., 42/4 cents, Triple Protection Plan. ae Jan. 15, 1964, record Dec. 31. ${.75 a pound in the east and °*, b 50 to 60 cents on the west coast aa eye ets fan. --"the difference is due t0 pack- se : ge ec Pi . eo IMPERIAL gi d transportation." nian ement Co, Lid., p! ; : 5 ' aging and transportation." sea ao cents, Dec. 31, record Dec-| QPTIGAL CO. LTD. Specially purchased to bring you good quality coatings at to b little under 50 tons andj1l : ° vould be worth about $50,000. National Lead Co., $1 (U.S.), 11 ONTARIO STREET value packed prices. Included in the lot are wool velours or Best production year was 1958 Dec. 20, record Dec. 6. OSHAWA ' . : : with 6 tons. Nova 'Scotia Light and Power iieue 728-6239 wool laminated to foamed plastic fabrics. Included in the Mr. Philbric estimates about|Co. Ltd., 25 cents, Jan. 1, 1964,| M4 : | ' 36 Ad ch a 36 t 40 dt iI half the output will be sold in|record Dec. 4. group: regu ar sizes to , snort sizes ° an a the industrial belt encompassing - . 2 Oshawa, Toronto and Hamilton sizes 38 to 42. Fifty tons may sound like a R = ag ae little but cocenned in small Good food deserves good wine sardboard boxes they will fill 14 | peace 7,000 pounds to each | TWO STYLES boxcar. ai uu Bry pe CHIEF CENTRE i (A) "MILANO" MODEL .. . Wool Laminated Foamed The chief «centre for holly- : 3 : growing is in the Saanish Penin.| 5 Ml Plastic -- A popular 34 length coat with balmaccan type Te eae acd iA ake ial collar and half raglan sleeves. Fully rayon lined, subdued ged by Mr. Philbrick at tt : ' ' pore en der Solarium in {jae " checks and herringbones in shades of charcoal grey, med- Cordova Bay. : \ °) : ' It was here that Fred Per; -- ( ium grey, brown or olive tones. berton pioneered commercial holly growing in 1913 and in its "Merry. contraction ag . (B) "GENTRY" MODEL... Wool Velours- A regular -- : g length coat in half raglan or set-in sleeve styles. Half SOMETHING i 5) rayon lined over interlining of foamed plastic. Modified NEW! Ree MS ; checks in shades of charcoal grey, medium grey, brown or olive tones. from ALDSWORTH "cad Oras |) Serena wre in | -- 34.95 TIMES for details. SGGN . 48k i EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 929 PHONE 725-7373 for pure 'plane comfort; convenience, too..: FLY TCA | UA REINE" STERLING SILVER JEWELLERY | Here's a Pretty Thought! see A--Round Pin, approx. 1/2' diam. Sterling silver, hand-engraved with safety clasp. Toronto to | Be eas EATON NEW YORK i Tow a While shopping in EATON'S, don't miss seeing the ~ ie % ' lads outstanding selection of pretty aprons . . . aprons to" $56 ECONOMY RETURN | 93 isc, ey 9 F--Smell Round Earrings to match pin, ap- keep or to give for Christmas. Many's the hostess UP TO & FLIGHTS DAILY Ly, . va Wo # 4 { ec in diameter, screw backs, hand- 3 "a + se ' a ' i : Ask vour Travel Agent about hm NE), ne | who'd appreciate a really special apron... a ainty,. TCA'S Group Travel Plan as gg i 3 50 frilly affair of nylon perhaps, that's a lot tougher than ° i Pee Z 4 , pa ee * see Your Travel Agent Peg f { é " it looks! Ora more practical cover-up in easy-care cot- 130 Bloor Street West, Toronto ; C--Delicate Hand-Engraved, Oval Shaped ton terry. or fashionable printed denim. Whatever your " TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES AIR CANADA 4 Locket, on fine chain. Hinged to open and ; y hold two pictures. Approx. 1'. taste in aprons, EATON'S has it! EATON Price, each Prices range from D--Hinged Bracelet with safety chain, sterling ple with hand-engraving. Matches pin and earrings. Approx 34". t h a 2. eac EATON Price, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 215 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 PHONE 725-7373 o. Visit SANTA in his Winter Home... From Now Until Christmas! Then Starting Monday, Dec. 2nd Daily at the following times: Monday through Friday DONALD TR AVEL SERVICE "wt ye. Friday, November 29th -- 6:30 P.M, 'til 8:30 P.M, 2:00 P.M, 'til 5:00 P.M. --6:30 'til 8:30 P.M. oO il Saturday, November 30th Saturday OSHAWA__WHITBY_--BROOKLIN ' 10:00 'til 12 Noon --.2:30 'til 5:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 'til 12 Noon -- 2:30 'til 5:30 P.M. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY. PHONE 668-3304 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 cm EATON'S LOWER LEVEL