Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1963, p. 21

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ae Ne eee ! 127--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |27---Real Estate for Sale 29----Automobiles For Sale JT attete comeans For Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 28,1963 2]. \ONLY $500. DOWN for beautiful three-/BUCKINGHAM AVENUE -- Immaculate THREE-BEDROOM house on 24 acres!194@ CHEVROLET 4door automatic, 6|1955 PONTIAC standard six cylinder with! new oil furnace, $11,900.|with creek, for $13,500. Ideal tocation. 6\ cylinder, radio, washers, wheel Rice laverdrive. New paint and A-1 motor.! \29: Aut bil s F S le Tierney 725-5207. Keith) to 8 p.m. 728-3248, back-up fights, aie excellent condition.|Apply 448 Park Road South. . ---- AUTOMODITe:! 'or 3a |FOUR-ROOM {NSUL BRICK, Wert steenone 723m: |i963 CHEVROLET Impala, V-8, fully|1963 PONTIAC V8, four-door _ hardtop ee Estate for Sale |27---Real Estate For Sale opportunity, double; IM two-storey home with| SPECULATORS' oti stove 'and oven and many|dwelling, each self-contained with _six|bedroom ey bungalow yin walk-out bedroom brick, wor voc ye raat kt Pegg tor a eT ae jrhed ating, close to Bei nd fase an ol in basement, NHA re- sale.|Peters, Realtor. Call Glen NicKinnon ai ems reper ppd $12,500. full price. Can be seen by ap- " hei irk s1 Estate Litd., 728-6286. town. Excellent value at $8,900, with $1000, THREE-BEDROOM | brick ~~ pungalow.|mount Avenue, new heavy wiring, 1957 MERCURY ft | equipped, 11,000 miles. Privately owned.|/two tone, power steering, power brakes, 'nan nee oe ---------- |down. Act fast for this one. Possible in-|Pointment with Arthur Weinberger, 7231 arge kitchen, north end, aluminum ney and copper plumbing, Heating $180. hed mercy 'Ytwodoar hardtop, ioe eee best offer. 723-7970. |positraction. safety belts, radio, white- THORNTON'S ROAD NORTH -- Choice|come of $160. monthly. Will carry for|7244 or Joseph Bosco, |storms and screens, fenced yard. Close Taxes $122. Asking $6,800,' -Monthly_pay- with matching interior. Push button auto-|i956 BUICK, motor fully ehre ing Walls, Full price $3,200. PO Box 477, Port Ri tot, 100 ft..x 214 ft., water avail-'$100. monthly including taxes or live in| |LARGE ; dupiex, ; good tion, "good fo schools and buses. Between 7-9 p.m. ment $65,00 on Agreement for sale. Phone matic, radio, padded dash, white walls, Finaiaiiiania: . oF tl chromed oon Perry or phone evenings 985-2235. sble, $2,200, easy terms. Phone 723-7607. lone and rent one. Call now, ask tor| heating and plumbing | and in good oce-| on Saturday, telephone 728-6605. teeth R. Vickery, Realtor, 46 King) a: Six months warrenty, $62. Seawaylframe. Best offer' 6 Ortarie ontario Street, Alex USED snow fires from $2.99 \Ossie Martin, 728-9714 or 728-7377, Joseph'tion, five minutes' walk from downtown. Motors, Ltd., 200. D a A " |WILL ACCEPT @ three-bedroom bunga- "oa undas West, Whitby, |i9@ METEOR, fours rege os a Tire @ Bond West. | |radio, white walls, ~ hig recently com-|1964 IMPALA Super - Sport V8, automatic, CARL OLSEN Realtor 723-1133 For all information concerning this prop- liow in Oshawa as down payment on a Ti 4 oy ne ee ten-room home with four acres. Close to |1955 PONTIAC deluxe, 2-door, good "8 pletely reconditioned, $1,000., terms.|power equipped, extras. $3,400. Telephone en throughout, $395, 728-0558, elephone 725-9365. after 5 p.m. 725-0393. ARTHUR ST.--An extra weil built 1% storey brick home jail schools, 942-2703. | W. FRANK just listed for sale. Contains | $900. DOWN, five-room ym bungalow, § Storms, REAL ESTATE LIMITED good size living room with | screens, fenced lot. Immediate possession: |Mr. Yeo, 728-5123.- Bolahood Brothers, | 177 Church Street, Bowmanville firepiace, large family kit- chen, two good. size bed- jLtd., Realtors. 623-3393 rooms and 4 piece tiled bath |WHITBY: Private |bungalow with conver |20 ft. living room with fireplace, on at- |tractive treed corner tot, close fo shop- |ping plaza and schools. Owner moving out jof town, Reduced price for cash. Phone! immediately. 668-3244. | MODERN three-bedroom, two bathroom, storey and one-half home, half-acre of Bb acre: foe Amt oe on main floor, upstairs a bl preys ses aww double bedroom plus large d Pe Ad igh ight dae closet space. Full basement, view ot efy. Excellent Ip oil eating, convenient loos: : ¢ ) tion. ing x witl vestment ot only $30,000 bt Sele down Ouran: + $2,080 com. Fast possession. To see call 198 acre dairy form 1 mile Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, from Oshawa City limits. 1 evenings 725-0243. land, situated on east city limits. Close mile paved road frontage. |to bus and school, One large bedroom and bath could be rented. Full price Good stone and brick house, Large painted barn. Stream $9,900. For information call ike Perry | 725-0303, Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7377, Ideal for golf course or sub- dividing. Must be sold to PRIVATE SALE: Whitby, 325 Cochrane. settle estate. Asking $145,- 11,200 square feet, double garage. Fire- place. Large treed lot. Price $17,900 with 000.00 $35,000 - down. Open for offers. | $3,500 down. Call 668-8052. Call 623-3393 Two-8 After 9 p.m Jack Ricard 623-3154 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Joe Barnoski 2202 Clarke 9---Automobiles For Sele... 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, 900d conditions Must seil this week. No reasonable ph 35 wien. Call after 5 p.m. Ritson 'oad North. |e" 'BUICK. "clean inside and" oul. We Ne; T leche Vinity. adhoc " ove font full price, three-bedroom bungalow | Bosco Realtor. mn jarge Jot. Carries for $70 per month. Call Douglas J. M. Bullied, Realtor, 723-'STUDIO couch, two chairs, $35; Floor 91, polisher, $20; iron, Ironing ron oie \Cement finisting tools, Apply 'osehi' OPEN {| HOUSE in beautiful Harmony | Vir} fage every day this week. Five prestige paladin (Basement apartment). 725- models to choose from, Immediate occu- | pancy. Low downpayments. Mr. Saving, 725-2911; evenings 728-7162. FOUR suite apartment in centre of Bow- manville on large 140-ff by 192-ft treed ~~ lot. Circular drive through beauifu! lawn and pine trees. Large. apartments in good repair. Rent income $295 Apo month. For sale with $3000 down. monthly payments on balance. P.O. 'Box| 220, Oshawa. . $2000, DOWN, immaculate three-bedroom bungalow, in good area, paved Grive,| sforms and screens, close to schools and) buses. Has to be seen to be appreciated.| Contact George Koornneef, 723-2859, Joseph Bosco, _ Realtor. NORTH WHITBY | BRICK HOME 5 years old, first class con- dition. 3 bedrooms tion tiled storms ond = screens divided heot caped 'Continued on Page 2%) FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, ; newly "deco rated, four years old, NHA mortgage. For price $14,500. Telephone 728-6070. ONLY $600 DOWN Homes under construction Choose: your colors Three bedroom bunga- | lows, loaded with extras. S with frame garage. Tresane Street. Modern kitchen, oil heating, convenient to schools, bus and shopping. Taxes $137, Heating $110. Cozy, comfortable living at $70 monthly, asking $8,500 Call 728-9571 to inspect this attractive home. R. Vickery, Realtor, 46 King West. PRIVATE sale, brick bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, 4-piece bath with vanity, Rossland Manor Development, north west Oshawa. Asking $17,000. One mortgage. Telephone | 728-6850 or apply 833 Glenbrae |$1500. DOWN will purchase this excel-| lent family home. Two-storey, six-room brick, double garage, macadam drive on 47 ft For example: | | | Clay Brick, Interior Decor- | | | | PHILLIP MURRAY AVE. Spacious three bedroom brick bungalow in beautiful condi- tion throughout. Has a wolk- out basement, fenced lot, lovely landscaped with scenic view of the lake. This choice home is being offered for only $13,200 with reasonable terms. For further information call Wes, Elliott ot 723- 1133,' evenings 728-0581. NORTH END -- New split level in area of fine homes. Contains 7 large well decor- ated rooms featuring family oting, Built-in Vonity, ecrea- aes Colored Bathroom Fixtures, room. bathroom, cent First balance One 6% per Mortgage for Bill Millar or Harry Telephone 725-1186. W. T, Lamson Real Estate Ltd. rotor antenna basement, teincs Ca ates riveway Price $12,500 $2,600 Down N.H.A. Mort lot, Roxborough avenue. Oi! heat- ing, rear sunroom, verandah across front, storms, screens, TV aerial, vene- tian blinds, Asking $12,500 with one mort- gage back. Inspect and make offer by Phoning H. Vickery, Realtor. 728-9571 IMMACULATE _ re-conditioned six-room brick home, hardwood and tile floors goge, 672 Private Sale Evenings After.5 p.m. Whitby 668-5451 JOHN F, DeWITH Realtor Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. | Phone 623-3950 171 Acre farm arge stream. Excellent house ond bern. Nice location. Asking $25,000. Terms. 100 Acre farm with good buildings and soil. Close to Highway. . Asking $16,500. Terms witt 160 Acre form, east of New- castle with barn. 7 roomed home with all modern con- veniences. Price and terms arranged 112 Acre farm on paved rood. Commuting distance from Oshawa. Large barn; 7 roomed home, Asking $20,- 000. 32 Acre form with house ond born, Located near Newton- ville. Asking $6,500. Easy terms. 90 Acre HIGHWAY FARM with good set of buildings. Stream. Price and terms ar- 230 Acres posture form with stream. Only $2,000 down. 6" born, down. 97 Acre fatm on No. 2 High- way. Good buildings. Asking $26,000. Terms arranged TOBACCO FARM, as 9 going concem 'with all machinery, equipment etc, Over 40 Acres growing rights. Asking $70,- 000. Terms 50 Acre farm, commuting distance Oshawa, Good house and: barn. Modern conven- iences. Pr only $12,000. Terms house ond $2500 Acre with stream. Only ce 100 Acre form, only 30 min. drive to Oshawa. Good build- ings, poved rood Asking $30,000. Terms After hou Donold aciotie "vy Idso Wiersma Guy LeBlanc John M. Sandy WHITBY CLASSIFIED ROOM and board avilable for one man Lunches packed. Quiet home. All con- veniences. Telephone 668-3419. FOR RENT: Three bedroom house, im- mediate possession, $120 monthly. Modern) two-bedroom apartment, $115 monthly./ Cali W. Schatzmann Reali Estate, Whitby 668-3338 SALESLADY wanted for drugs Jury and Lovell, Whitby Plaza CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS time to order sour CCM Skates, Sports ¢ Cycle and Sales, 106 Colborne $§ East, Whitby, Phoné 668-3746. Use our convenient lay-away plan FOR RENT: One orn possession December 11. Telephone by 668-6785 for information EXPERIENCED do ironing evenings 668-5176, z SEPTIC janks Cleaned, prompt service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West; Whitby, 668-2563 DRESSMAKING alterations, slip covers. specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372 FOR RENT: Apartment, furnished bed- sitting room and kitchen, refrigerator, stove, television, heat, light, water sup plied. Private entrance. Apply 23! Palace Street CHRISTMAS -- Special motors, 72 hp, $219. Other models at 20 per cent discount. A few yes models at clearance prices. Wilde Rental Service. 1415 Dundas East, Whitby. 668-3226 SCOTCH Pine, plain and colored. Wilde Rental 1415 Dun des East, Whitby ANDY'S thdgasae GROWN Spruce and Scotch Pine tmas trees for Sale Apply 814 Byron Street Whitby. FOR RENT Two-bedroom . brick farmhouse on main highway, one mile from Whitby, all conveiences, lot, $55. 668-3703, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m ORDERS taken for home miade Christ-| mas cakes.. Ranging fromm $1.00 to $8.00, depending on size. Telephone 668-8183 SALE -- broadioom and underlay. Good condit 623-3614 Orono 1649 623-3715 725-8010 Now bicycle: sories at W apartment Nhit lady will baby sit and after 5. Telephone es Outboard first grade. Service, Nor large rug.| fon, Given GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 ta LISTED---Oshawa. North West Areo--3 bedroom: brick bungalow with carport. Large living room with dining L Ampie room in kitchen to eat All. facilities are. close, in- cluding schools, bus, shop- ping plaza and playground area. Many extras included in the price of $14,100 FULL PRICE $10,900. Close to north General Motors and downtown. 114 storey brick with garage, Home in excel- lent condition APPLE HILL--Large modem bungalow in a good location near schools and bus service. 3 bedrooms with plenty of closet space. 4 pc. tiled bath- room and large modern kit- chen with dining area: Re- creation room facilities. Well landscaped fot. 512% N.H. A.. mortgage INCOME HOME--neor North G.M. and downtown. Tri-plex with 2 bedrooms each. Hot water oi! heating. In a good tentol area with schools close. This property has been substantially reduced im price and is in excellent condition so it is well worth your in- spection SIMCOE. ST. NORTH--Com- mercial lot with 72 ft. front- oge. Zoned Cl. Excellent corner: location 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGA- LOW with 4 pc. tiled both and nicely finished recreation room, Fenced beck yard with patio, Schools and shopping ploza close. Bus at door. Monthly poyments of $74 with substential down poy- ment. . SCUGOG ISLAND---4 room cottage on sandy beach Fulty furnished with boot ond motor included. Full price $5,500. BODY: REPAIR SHOP near Port Perry. Cement biock construction. 9 room home which can be divided into two apertments mokes this oan ideol set up for portnets. Town water, bus, schools and store ore ail close. . Early possession NEAR SIMCOE ST.-----6 room brick bungalow with gorage ond paved drive. 3 large bedrooms. Storms and screens throughout. Close to all con- veniences. Full price $13,- 400 APARTMENT BUILDING with 5 suites including refriger- ator and stove in each. At- tractive brick building in an excellent residentiol area close to all facilities. This property is worth on inspec- tion. VICINITY OSHAWA' GOLF CLUB ~Because the owner is ng the City he has' dras- tically reduced the price of his begutiful two storey home It is one of the mest grar cus homes we have had for sale and the two spacious living rooms, with large picture win- overlopking 'a large and well landscaped garden is perfect for entertaining in- side ond out. A real oppor- tunity to acquire a home cen- trally located at a very spe- cial price. Call today for an oppointment to inspect dows For full particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. MORE and MORE Owners are listing with the BUSY FRIENDLY OFFICE ot the BUSY INTERSECTION GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 KING STREET WEST 728-6286 RAVINE LOTS Six» models all with wofkout basements and rear balconies now available the north end, built in stoves and ovens plus mony other extras. Call Glen MacKinnon SHOPPING CENTRE Five room 'brick bungalow located on Elmgrove Street Asking price only $14,500 with N.H.A. financing, Call Doug Gower $750 Full down poyment on these five room brick bungalows presently under construction loaded with extras and only one mortgoge. Call Howard McCabe in TRADE Yes, any. reasonable deol accepted, for more informe- tion phone this office Oshawa's Largest Firm Stoff Of Fourteeri BOLAHOOD BROTHERS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LLOYD A. P. BOLAHOOD F.R.1, LIST WITH US THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $12,500 N.H:A, RESALE $95.00 monthly, payments in- cluding taxes. 5 100m bunga- low. Many extras, Landscap- ed grounds, fenced lot 80' x 100', outdoor bar-b-que, pav- ed drive. Vacont Inspect now. Call Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 + LASALLE AVENUE $12,100.00 2 bedroom brick bungalow with large finished rec. room. Situated close to King St Better hurry for this one. Cail Mr, Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345 $1,000 DOWN SHOPPING CENTRE AREA 5 yeor old three bedroom brick bungalow. Hollywood kitehen and large living room. Owner has purchased new home and very anxious to sell. Call Mr. Irwin Cruik- shonks at 728-5123. $10,500 Attached gorage and breeze- way. Bungalow is only 5 years old. Situated just east of Oshawa, Call Mr, Bill John- ston now at 728-5123 or 778-1066. BROOKLIN OPEN TO OFFER Remodelled 6 room 2 storey dwelling with smali work shed ot rear. Clean, central loca- tion, Asking $1,500 down with a full price of $8,500. Easy terms, house vacant. Call Mr. Jack Appleby at 728-5123 or 723-3398, MUST SELL Despite using home casts, the price is lowered on this 5 roomed brick bungalow. Hard- wood and tile floors, oi! fur- nace, garage. Nicely land- scaped. $9,500.00 must have $1600 down to one mort- gage. Call Mr. Charles Ran- kine ot 728-5123 DO AS OTHERS CALL THE BROTHERS BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening. ELEVEN UNIT SITE This is a new listing on Park' Rd. north close to Hospital, schools etc building. List price $15,000.00 12 ROOM a large lot with bungalow included suitable for apartment -- $4,000.00 down EXECUTIVE HOME throughout oil furnace, garage |phone 725-9698 KEITH PETERS Realtor -- 728-7328 103 King Street East $15,390 Will purchase - this beautiful rench bungalow with attach- ed garage, 3 bedrooms, din- ing room and kitchen, 4 piece tiled both, storms and screens, over 1100 square feet situated on a lot 54 x 140 ft. For more information call Bob Johnson 728-2548 ROXBOROUGH Choice district, $11,900.00 asking price; 3 large bed- rooms, 2 storey brick home, ail heated, second floor' could be rented, low taxes, reason- able down payment. For fur- ther information please call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. KING ST. EAST AREA This 3 bedroom clay brick bungalow with 1140 sq. ft is complete in every detail, beautifully decorated, broad- loom in living room, ceramic tile bath with vanity, large dining orea, plus o lorge re- creation room built by . ex- perts and cost $800.00; storms and screens including basement. Owner hos taken © position in Toronto and very anxious to move. Call Earle Allen 725-7782 ond try an offer COUNTRY HOME $8,500.00--8 ond cold woter bedrooms, good %4 acre lot Low down - payment. Phone Bill Rateliffe 655-3917. $11,900 Three bedroom bungelow with garage, forced air oi! fur-* nace, three piece tiled bath, low down payment, For more information contact Joe Crawford 623-3672 OSHAWA HOSPITAL AREA bedroom bungalow, furnace, aluminum. ond screens. Don't miss seeing. this. Call Ronald Hetherington 623-3637. rooms, hot on tap, 5 Three new oil torms METCALF Real Estote Limited 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 ONE ONLY And reasonable priced at only $15,700.00 for a good large ranch bungalow with attached garage and covered porch. Call today to see this new home, Move in 3. weeks with a reasonable down payment to N.H.A. Moftgage DOWNSVIEW PARK Very fost development in this select subdivision. Now! Sev- eral new homes under con- struction by quality builders --get yours ordered today and be sure of a choice lot in this desirable areo. LET US DISCUSS YOUR HOME NEEDS TODAY. ROSSLAND MANOR You'll want to live in Ross- land once you've seen the plans ond pictured your fu- ture abode on one of these choice spacious lots. Prices start at $18,600.90 for large bungalow - split levels etc. All with 1 or 2 car garages. Call right now for full infor- mation 5 SUITE APARTMENT Well located 3 year old apartment building with 5 2- apartments, equip- ped with stoves and fridges, individual hot water, paved drive and parking. All nicely decorated. A real buy at Tele- | room on main floor plus ex- tra washroom, family size kitchen, large living room and dining room. Second floor fea- tures extra large bath and vanity with double basins, opens into master bedroom, all bedrooms good size with lorge closet space.. Complete with attached garage. A fine home in choice location. Possession at once. Priced to sell,. asking $5,700. down, balance . reasonable. Phone Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, evenings 725-0243 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 28--Real Estate Wanted WANTED Five room bungalow in .cen- tral location, or good 1% storey home for a genuine cash buyer Call Henry Stinson 723-1133 Evenings 725-0243 CARL OLSEN, Realtor LISTINGS URGENTLY REQUIRED CALL Wilson Realtor 26% King St. E. 725-6588 red interior mission, radio, etc $695. West, 29--Automobiles For Sale 1957 FORD Custom, wagon. Spotiess medium gray finish with V8 engine, automatic trans- two-door Six months warranty. Seaway Motors Ltd., Whitby 668-5893 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR 'and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. § Oshowa 728-0921 CO. ROY W. NICHOLS USED CARS 1961 CHEVROLET Sedans (3 'from which choose). to 2 automatic 1 standard tronsmission Allin A-1 condition. 1960 CHEVROLET Sedan, 6 cylinder, standard. Here is a sharp automobile, from the original owner, 1960 ENVOY STATION WAGON with radio. throughout. red trim. Immaculate Color white with 1959 CHEVROLET Bel-Air, 8 cylinder, automa- tic, windshield washers, ete. A good clean car. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN with radio. Are you looking for cheap transportation? | This is the answer. | 1958 CHEVROLET Coach, 6 cylinder, 'transmission. In averege condition. standard far above 1957 VAUXHALL Sedan, which is ideal for a second car. 200 Dundas station titel tee AS 88 85 8 kk Se ka cde a Ree re PERS RRC ES! ge ristmas Gift Selector UAE GES SEY RENEE EE A Re OL tee Trees and Trim Gifts for Her Gifts for the Family ara "4 CHRISTMAS TREES | SCOTCH PINE ALL SIZES--BEST PRICES Direct from Growers Wholesale ond Retail FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 King W. Phone 725-1685 1,000's and 1,000's Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch Pines Special 5'-6 ft. 97c Larger sizes $1.94 and $2.42 We Spray Your Tree In Your Chosen Color. OSHAWA } GARDEN CENTRE 1259 SIMCOE N. ' 723-3222 OPEN EVENINGS Gifts for Children wee SKATES NEW and. USED SOLD and EXCHANGED Also BICYCLES ond TRICYCLES Apply DRAYTON CYCLE 204 Bond St. E, Gifts for Anyone SSeS see's e~ RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Notivity Sets 25¢ to $20 Small, Medium, Large St. Joseph's Missals $1.25 to $12 Rosaries 65¢ to $18.50 Pearl and Crystal Statues, Pictures, Wall Plaque $1.25 to $18 PARKVIEW Variety Store 98 Olive Avenue V. Bachand, owner 'til 10:30 p.m. os Mrs Open daily SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Now is the time to select gifts to please everyone on your Christ- mas Gift List. The Gift Selector makes your shopping a. real plea- sure. It tells you what to buy, for whom the gifts are suitable, and where to buy. WATCH. THE TIMES GIFT SELECTOR DAILY THRILL HER WITH A GIFT CERTIFICATE Cold Waves New Hair Style Mono Hairstyling naged by Lilian Howard miy iy' SIMCOE N. above Sabot's PHONE rats 2002 Christmas Offer Only FREE Beautiful - sewing machine cabinet $79. value, when purchasing an Elna Super- matic sewing machine, from Exclusive Elna dealer, 329 Simcoe S. 728-2391 A GIFT OF BEAUTY _ FROM SANTA The works--trim, shampoo, curl by speciolists, A solution for every type of hair. Com- plete permanents from $10 up. She will love you for a gtit certificate from BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS OSHAWA ~-- 728-4623 WHITBY -- 668-3061 THRILL HER WITH LOVELY FRAGRANCES ATTRACTIVELY GIFT PACKAGED Yardley's Cologne $1.25-$3 Dusting Powder $1.75 Red Roses, Lotus and Bond Street Perfumes from $3 Sproy Mist $2.50 POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35% Simcoe N. 725-4734 "FOR A CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEAR A GAY CORSAGE) Colorful outdoor wreaths | Hang 6 wreath on the door | Christmas Door Knockers | R, B.. REED and SONS 10% King Street West 163 Bloor Street West 725-1131 or 725-2512 | romgnenncennnmmageces AND TRAIN PLATFORMS Gifts for Him or Her CAMPBELL GOLF CLUB SETS FROM $35 up 3 complete sets. Fibre glass | shafts. Bogs, Carts, Golf | Balls. Less thon wholesale. Sunny Brae Golf Course Port Perry 985-2076 Holiday Food 117 Bloor St. A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE OSHAWA TIMES ' Isa year-round gift and a daily reminder of good- Order Your Christmas Fowl From LITZ PROCESSING PLANT Special rates for Banquets, Bowling Alleys. | E. 723-4722 | CURLING' BOOTS Gifts for the a SURE To PLEASE! A Gift Certificate from LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 King W., Bowmanville 623-5941 | Shoes For The Family Use Our Convenient Layaway _ Blan | THE SOUND OF MUSIC AT CHRISTMAS Lowrey Organs Free Three Day Home Trial Demonstrations ot the store, Five Free Lessons EASY TERMS ALTO Music Supplies 453 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-1501 VISIT US! | SPORTS EQUIPMENT | GAMES FOR ALL AGES | GIFT SPECIALTIES ; | CAMERAS | | DYETTS FIRESIDE CORNER | 205 BOND ST. WEST Use Our Convenient Lay Away Plan OPEN EVERY EVENING _ SHOES | FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY DRESS SHOES BIG PARADE OF CHRISTMAS VALUES Everything reduced in fur- niture ond appliances. $1 will hold ony item till Christmas. EASY TERMS. M. COLLIS FURNITURE CO. 78 King W. 725-0332 NN NE 2 CN Gifts for Holiday Fun eR LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH - Christmas Parties ' and Banquets Reservations 725-2737, The Safe Way To Celebrete the Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST. Oshowa's Most Modern Text |Gifts for Him _ UU AR ND PING PONG TABLES Complete with top, bese, balls, bat and 'net. $28.50 Complete MILLWORK. and BUILDING SUPPLY |1279 Simcoe N. -- 728-6291 HOME REPAIR KIT $9.99 COMPLETE with Tool Box and Basic Toole OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Main Office, Showroom Courtice 728-1611 Oshowa wrt | Cent 728-161 FOR THE MOTORIST Give .a gift wrapped Ontario Motor League Membership $15 per YEAR 728-8334 725-7422 FREE! TOP COAT OR CAR COAT with the purchase of ony SUIT PRICED FROM $49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT NO DOWN PAYMENT DUNN'S COCKTAIL BOOTS | SLIPPERS, ETC. Shop for Christmas gifts of Comfort and Pleasure. DAVIDSON'S 31 SIMCOE NORTH 725-3312 /ORDER EARLY | CHRISTMAS TREE ¥2"" TRAIN BOARD TOPS PING PONG TABLES | FROM $7.95 UP BROWN'S LUMBER and SUPPLIES 436 RITSON*N. 725-4704 Gifts for the Home This Christmas . . . Give Gifts for the home. .A small deposit will hold any item until Christmas. HONEST CAL'S 424 KING WEST 728-9191 formerly Avalon Dance Pavilion, will for your friends and from home. Two Locations: 36 KING E. (Downtown) and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Smort Business People relatives who are away Sing the Praises 4 'after S$ p.m., 668-2556. / CHRISTMAS TREES -- Sold by church choir. The very West pruned Scotch pine.| Reasonable prices. Delivered in Whitby, Oshawa, Order now. Telephone 668-5772 FOR SALE -- Used TV's, $39.00 up. bedrooms, See this one today. Chrome kitchen sets, unpainted furni- ture. Buy, sell or trade. What have you? ' After hours call 725-8423 Goold's Used Furniture, 215 Dundas Street con ASNT = "yer, "oe WILSON REALTOR 262 KING ST. E. 725-6588 | Here'we offer an excellent 2 storey home for the amazing price of only $27,000.00, this home includes large kitchen, 26' living , room italian -marble fireplace in the living room and dining room. The second floor has modern both and five good size $39,900 " with substantial | ROY W. NICHOLS today for full information I | Courtice -- Bowmanville 728-6206 623 3671 ot Oshawa | THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT KING ST, EAST,» OSHAWA Will. be pleased to act upon your instructions, "TELEPHONE 723-3474 i 088 loa) on --~o iS e CE nas FOR ADDITIONAL GIFTS FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Times Classified Dial 728-4678 Ken Hann Jock: Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Barriage Joe Maga Ads, heated, central, sisane Available December | 1, Telephone 668 |

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