P , Nevember 28, 1963 ance of payments problems' injness scene appear reiatively British. American Sank Note|mon 15 cents, we | cents,|Dec. 30, x ee Canada and the United States|strong and there is little sign off DIVIDENDS cavtae, fo coats pits 16 comts(Jon, 1, 90h, seewed Dec, Srl healer et Gaaa-taaz| as gle aan os : jate "potential dangers to anjthe excesses and imbalances extra, Dec. 16, record Dec. 3.| Industrial Acceptance Corpor-|common 25 cents, Dec. 30, rec. Jan, 2, 1964; two per cent on BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT otherwise healthy ecoriomie sit-|that we have learned to recog- Canada Iron Foundries Ltd.,{ation Ltd., common 27% cents,\ord Dec 9. : the four per cent: redeemable uation." nize as forerunners of a general By THE CANADIAN PRESS [common 25 cents, Jan. 2, 1964,|$2.25 pfd. 56% cents, $4.50 pfd.| Madsen Red Lake Gold Mines|Pfd. stocks, Jan, 1, 1964, eecord "By post-war standards this|economic contraction," said Mr.| T. G. Bright and Co, Ltd.,)record Dec. 6;. pfd. $1.06%4, Jan.|$1.12%, Dec. 30, record Dec. 6.|Ltd., five cents plus 2% cents|Dec. 5. ' 4 M Matthews. common 25 cents, Dec. 31, rec-|15, 1964, record Dec. 13. | Inter-City Gas Ltd., commonjbonus, Dec, 20, record Dec. 6.| Texaco Canada 1d, pid. $1, hy bs been a prolonged expansion SP May Display |and on past experience or cycli- ord Dec. 13. Dominion Glass Co. Lid., com-|15 cents plus five cents extra,| Price Brothers Ltd., common|Jan. 20, 1964, recotd: Dec, 31, cal behavior one might expect MAPLE CLEANERS i 5 Y a, e that any day now we wouid be Al P recent Gain heading into another recession. |} 504 SIMCOE ST. $. OSHAWA : 2 e "However, the present condi-l| Ce™ & Cony -- 4 Hr. Service : : 4 tion of the Canadain economy-- Free Pick-Up and Delivery , " MONTREAL (CP)--A nine- Roy A. Matthews, NICB's ec0-land that of the United Statei "¥our Family's Friend" ' OW 2 nan nel of economists pre- nomist, sa n a summary Of|.upports a different impression. -064. ' licts Tonaia's Gross National|the forum's findings that bal-| 'Most elements of the busi- PHONE 725 Product will gain 4% per cent m 1964, reaching approximately e Nias Cannion Economic Fo. ; a t1s S e ' SINGLE VISION tum was sponsored by the Na- tional Industrial Conference Board--a non-profit, industrial . ¢ by om: research institution. Rate AY | . The economists were W. Al- , a f lan Beckett, W. A. Beckette As- sociate;s William E. Haviland, Come S O 1 | E L 9 AND L Canadian Pulp and Paper As- Complete with fromes, lenses sociation; John D. Pattison, Im- and case. perial Oil Limited; John W. V a N Popkin, Sun Life Assurance F a, ; Company; Forrest L. ers t ; eB ty : Bank of Nova Scotia; Walter x . A. Smith, T. Eaton Company; | BIFOCALS Albert T. Sommers, New York branch of NICB; Gerald D. Sut- ton, Nesbitt, Thomson and Com-| $ 1 7 | 95 os an pany, and Nicholas S. Takacsy, | 4 Vs ECISION ] ' Greenshields 1 rporated. ? . The forum greeny Suileres . NG GROUND LENSES a sy O i e : : activity will be greater next| Complete with frames, lenses year despite some serious trou- * , a ble spots, including a rate of un-| and case. . . s employment not appreciably) 4 lower than it has been recent'y " £455) ; Individual forecasts of the Kor i ® # gain in NDP during 1964 ranged : : ae ee : 4 from 2% to six per cent. = es The forum also predicted: z . 1. The industrial production] - : er & index will reach 200 (base year ' 1949 equals 100), compared with an estimated 195 for 1963; | 2. The consumer price index) : will edge up slowly to 135 from) SATISFIED CUSTOMERS--Your . 138 \ 3. Unemployment will rise to You Can't Buy Finer Quality Glasses at this price! | ~ an annual average of 5.8 peril » Your choice of 65 styles, shapes ond ce york a ins colors nt of the work force. against @ All glosses complete with single vision individually 5.7 per cent in 1963, reflecting|| @ Ne middiemen's protit ground to your exect needs, including white, tint or sungloss green. the growinginflow of young peo-|-- @ Fectory-te-you ple into the labor market. @ Repairs reasonably priced. The economists also foresaw ~ ooo : : | a sharp expansion of exports for } We fill oll PSI, Oculists and = =e | 1964, stemming largely from ae oy 2 uit wheat sales to Russ'a and im- KIN Gi. Optometrists Prescriptions | then provement in overseas markets ( shane at the same low prices. g for manufactured goods. | pA LOK Co The big question mark for U.S. Trade Mark Registered HOURS: 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Daily next year is an impending Cap-|] Opticiens -- Over 3,000,000 Satistied Me : ital investment boom. Panelists) Customers Open Wed. 'Til 12' Noon he felt Canada is on the threshold| 17 BOND STREET EAST PHONE: 728-1261 of a major upsurge in capital) 2nd FLOOR spending, but disagreed on! whether it will.start next year Branches in many principol cities of Canada and U.S.--Founded 1904 [\ or in 1965. like a handkerchiet GOVERNOR lee COLONEL SOW new styles --just what he'll want for Christmas When a man slips into a pair of Packard Slippers, something wonderful happens. CRAFTED BY Knowledgeable women don't try to understand it -- they just appreciate its effect. K AUFM AN Mo matter what else he gets for Christmas, be sure he gets new Packard Slippers. --_manutacturers of Foamtreads . Funtreads, Packard Shoes, : Snowbelles, Kingtreads and BUY YOUR PACKARD SLIPPERS AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING STORES Waterproof Footwear 100% Canadian Product 119 Brock St. South WHITBY i ; ; OLLine SHOES = |. : Ihat's why Man-Size Facelle Royale saves you money...saves washing and ironing, too! Open Fri. Night till 9 p.m. ALS Wily Vial People who've tried Facelle Royale Man-Size say it's so good, it kerchief. Think of the washing and ironing it saves. And since Whitby Plaza makes the handkerchief old-fashioned! Women especially love one Man-Size Facelle Royale does the job of several ordinary j 305 Brock St., South Man-Size Facelle because of its special softness and absorbency. tissues, a box lasts longer and you save money! WHITBY And thanks to its generous size--one foot square--and 3-ply These unretouched pictures show why no ordinary tissue can thickness, you can use one again and again--just like a hand- -- compare with Man-Size Facelle Royale... 668-4901 T 55 KING ST. E. 725-1521 Buy "Packard Slippers" For Christmas aah met 8 a PEN BES 2 MUCH SOFTER! MUCH STRONGER! NEW "TWIN PACK"! By KAUFMAN at 1 Magnified six times, Facelle Royale ismade | A strong jet of moist Facelle's strength is | This exclusive new box breaks in half to give The Beller ordinary tissue reveals a different way--77% | air goes right through remarkable. Because | you two handy boxes! Keeps each tissue clean™ | its hard, "tweedy" thicker than 2-ply | an ordinary tissue. it's a 3-ply tissue, it | and neatly folded, like a freshly laundered s 8) ele DA FY' v texture. tissues--with more doesn't come apart-- handkerchief. Use one box in bedroom or bath- . 14 [ Men to 4 It - the even when you blow | room, one in kitchen or car, . : softness of cashmere your nose hard. Facelle j Hic 18 SIMCOE ST. S. 31 SIMCOE ST_N. KING AT SIMCOE |, » » | Meh more gentle stands up under use : ' 725-1833 725-3312 725-4611 to your skin. and goes further. Oshawa "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" : ' . . . Once you try you'll never use ordinary tissues again! 'OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 id scsclu'tch clei Sutllecs ol Cotuate lacs aie' Cassocn "hessae" tet Walesa cca We