Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1963, p. 15

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Q ly Summary Of Stock Market Activi FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE Weekly ee ee eee ihe : outnumbered 166 GS Were 1150-513. 324 Ia -- 6 19K 3715 $214 21 3400 33) WNT? By ROGER C. WHITMAN tne "Torents Stock Exchenoe thle gad lowes Globe A 700 $10% 10Ve 10% 11% 7" 690 B i 4 to Use It." Your dealer canjbefore you start. It's not a diffi- chenged totalled 205. aita ma tn tohge 4 boris ee ae 44 A Y it A 0 iger $ 2 Volume for the week wés i] large|Probably suppl helpful infor-|cult operation. Be careful not to the previous week's 18,801,062. Total sales for the 7. wood| mation cin on hor go about the/halt the machine as one Fn pi li oe 728,440,264, Quotations in cents , too. without Hfting the im from contact with the floor. Use week's ae ee TORONTO STOCKS Ce me ors sas wot MAPLE CHEST FINISH coarse sandpaper for the first This wees ws 4 Wis "an ; 2 2 zB {8 bd gpl What is best/step in removing the old finish. stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low $900 250 250 280 methd of repairing the finish)Follow the medium grade and ie es cK oe a on 5 ew maple pgp oe finish with og _ Oe arene ee ee Gn a eh oe jwhich I ruined Y\with the grai wood. ? Alumini 42020 $262 25Ye 25Ve--1%e 0 21% WHITE SPOTS IN SHELLAC nas $10 ew Ma Me om ousewares stores, QUESTION: We have a vaca- > the: * tight ad Soe for several months. tion cot " kept closed eer inthe metal strip across| ANSWER: Some plastics bav®/during the winter, not far from the joint, strengthening the cor- inher air coniact fartous!, "lake. 'There are shellacked | Yq THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 23, 1963 JOINTS pean QUESTION: porch $94 9% 21% 218 -- % 1097 $244 2B B4--% Power w 670 $12% 12% 124+ % Cap 1205 %% 9% Jee = Great West "0 57 50 54 1 G Wee Gas 5075 $17 164 bem % G Wpg Gas vtis23 od 16% 16%-- % G Weg Séw 2480 10 Weg Greening Ind Greyhnd Guer Tr Hand Chem A 110 $8% 8% Pi gga Hardee 4400 220 200 --" » Hard Carpet 1950 $31% 31° Poo "% Hard Carp pr 75 $25 25 Hawk Sid 16229 $62 5% ae " 75 yy 95Va Apes "a 100 250 ~ 6295 tiv WM% im % 4543 $14 13 O13 = 28450 235 205 Bee + Resssss All: Pitch Amal Rere Anacon strips of | Can Bre in Brew most hardware, variety and) Anglo. Hur Unispher Stanwell Medal C Dragon Yan Can 36500 4% 4 Sacsx aa 425 25 184+2% 20 Mat' 9 Atlas Atlin-Ruf Aymaque Aunor Bankeno Bankfield Croinor Northcal Cusco Ormsby 1900 ~ Bevcon 3 28 So 26%4-- Ve inh a 23460 13% 12 North hots "a Ht --% Wa 4% hae 860 130 125 130 +5 11603. 12 Wwe 1970 $10% 10% 10% Radore 17450 50d 4 --3 Raglen Nick 15200 5 §1 Rayrock 1525 85 76 Resim 6000 - BY 8% Reeves 100 185 185 Rexspar 3100, 16 616 (6 19157 $14¥e 132 13%-- Ve 5 s 5 1 L to N Labatt 10454 $17% 17% 1%-- %& Lafarge 620 $5% 5% 5% 7 7 +% 16500 +h Rio Algom Rio Rup ° 3333 Rix Athab 200.23 22 32 Rockwin 74500 39 33h Rowan Con 10207 5% § 54 ¢ Ry&nor won Salem San Ant Sana Riv Satellite eopened ner. Or use small metal angles, ful | Wd floors. When we r which can be screwed into the the place, there were white ue ess a ae os frames at the loose joints. spots all over the finish on the f9112 4840 Rg 6 floors. How can we remove the We 15 area " ze FINISHING I t 29 like th veg pth ga we refinish aeubwes fs Hudson BY Co4zv0 $1 10h a + 4 QUESTION: I don fe _|with a varnish? ; Hur Erle 1258 6 --) ae 2 finish on the living room and|down to ae B= J As ANSWER: The white spots tay OW aa "tos " et a, mn os ain ww Peer bedroom floors in my apart-|nish aT cisohal tor aac) and|2r probably due to ries Industrials Husky © wt 20500 s 4 Bary Exp! 900 a 10h 7 s ; a2 PF ment and plan to have the pres-jnatured absorbed by the shellac w! {mp Flo 296 29% -- Me Sooke 3400 109 aA ' judul 8400 1% 11 1) mh ent finish removed. I want tojnew finish coat applied. Belt. bungalow was closed and A and 8 . ie a ceo. B Dua fons ais Dove Doe ows finish the floors with shellac.|sure to follow label instruc-|_ +) probably shortly disappear i a Ba imp Tob ast Hoe A IM Beichor 20300 36 34 34 8 18000 4% 4h them Where can I get information on|tions carefully for whatever fin-| 141 the water evaporates out AIOE pr aie 20h ind Accep MO? $2000 Bat Ie Belieterre T0800 38S Mis ae =A ; by me 2 ol how to do this? via baka with the airing of the house. yeast --o 3 os ind Min" 901 $106 Tle Tab Bevcon 394629 2418 13823 70 730 730 ANSWER: Write to the Shel-|) ppoxeN CEMENT WALK Suggest waiting a while before ane oe 3 xis 25 m0 ind Wire 4900 105. 95-108. +25 Bibis 80500 23% 18 7a7s 900 264 284 i inishi a hk & gis 3 J lac Information Bureau, 425 Going any refinishing of the Alta Dis w 170075 2 : mach ote ho te Bloc. wey 'soo eo iso 5 36 as Park avenue, New York, for| QUESTION: The walk going! jor. } Ate ee ae a a Mais torte Inland Ges 1500 $6% 6h Sth -- Ye Bouzen 12350 62 61 20400 44 38Ve 44 their free leaflet, "Shellac, How/out from the breezeway be- | an Gas pr oe 1 lets 108" inld Gas pP 1225 $19 19. 19 r Bralorne 7666 410 395 1900 15 108 112 t tween house and garage has} BRIGHTENING BRONZE ' 2800 750 735. 740 1S 975. 720 ind Gas wt W70 5 © 44 Broul Reet em an 2 74200 By AM at : ' 7 a 1 sane 1 Br 4 26) 26 i] runswid 2403 [broken up quite a bit. Is there! QUESTION: What is the bes cos une Mme Brome or ib ae 2h oe ees a HOME WORKSHOP). -- and satisfactory Way)... t9 brighten and clean 350 600 575 S75 --25 700 500 Int Nickel 9502 $67/% GNA 64Ve 14 Buff RL 00-6. OS ' mers 25 Wh eh--oe 7 (™ fepairing the coment? brome? We have a bronte ecm Re hae i, a oe ade a aie pe wo & ANSWER: If these are just |plated plaque that is quite old ae ane ek inter. D. élw 100 200 200: 200 cores ee p mw ss 8 \small cracks in the concrete,| sland dull and needs polishing | eta oe 3014 46 inter PL 1505 $83 8176 817¢-- % Camp Chib wu u i |) they can be filled with. latex)" AncweR: Excellent bronze um 4} Mi On en 8 Oe eh ae a eee pe 5 125 $27% 26% 7a-- Mm 31 : entre nq 5 10 7 5 $5. _ ' veut r 1 , 3 2 2 patching concrete, which is) netal cleaning and_ polishing He gre i oe Inv Syn'A 4178 $52% 50 80 29% Can Retorts das # , 4300 a 35 ee ee easy to use. Available at preparations are widely avail- 319, «19~«dWSsC tae 28M VN shoes ak Ok ee Australia 3 ne mM ¢imasonry supplies dealers and) $11% 11 Wu-- % erson oe -- Dyno +f ~ come g Bre so stores How-|able a agi | $52 518 SIM -- Ma 2200 200 275, 200 : Maiart ele i Fiat 1 <4 'e. 1 -- Zz mn " flever, if the walk is broken due bal mar ieee carahaly, Or i: # & Jock € or 100 $10% Tom 10m -- Me Nwest 1s 1h + % B to heaving, etc., in cold went d: Cov: oe 9 oc pr a WY '-- Silica : '* 4 se the following method: Cover v7 , Jock C wis 11900 48 4 41 --I2 Candore jer, it may require replacement] ie bronze sartane with a thick Atlin Ae 1 bi 1% 19% i Kelly D A 1825 $5% Hid 54a-- Ve Can-Erin a rie M0 roper drainage under-|"1€ 2 Atl Ac pid $274 252 25V2 +3% Kelly wts 2900 170 150 --W0 Captain QMI Min Pp my mixture of rottenstone, 1 Ac Pp "i t " ty te ' Bi laa pope neath. I suggest writing to Port-| jcreamy Atl Sugar $174.17 W--% 19% 16 Kelvinator 00 $8% 8% ite + % Cariboo Guement | 28 33 3|and linseed oil, rubbing with a Atl Sug pr $100 100 109 --? 104 100 Casslar 1344 $112 10 land Cement Association, 33)" )5 cioth yntil the discoloration Auto El 440 435 449 500 410 Cayzor 3200 20 16 West Grand avenue, Chicago 10, To reach inacess- Bank Mont $632 622 6-- 70 OO Gent Pat 1700 104 101 for their informative booklet on|'is@ppears. To Bank NS 506 $72% 712 Mam 76% 67% Gli ko a Cent Pore ahs ba i und the|ible places, use a soft brush Bartaco 290 275 775 --10 410 195, Lefarge wt, 1400 3 --6 Cheskirk MA 7. eee ll RL ote kee ee tatiana Se iis ina Choker sae Jom" Toh '4 | | -- is j tt ann -- & Make these figures to tell the|"US® | water. aoe pipe oe with Seay, Lum He e 4 a 3 LO Cem pr 225 $1014 10% 104-- % chip M 3 % % 7 Chri: tory D filis ; \fresh, clean,: soft cloths. Bell Phone 353% 53 53 4 \ LO Cem wis 375 41 40 4 mo ~ a mete abuat five payed and er ee | : : a Biitmore , tomtog te ) e owe ee | 1095 $16% 164 164-- ie four feet high -- a good size » veeagh a Pg Pod Fr anus | re p intr Ba the ce Coin Lake n 2p = i r '2 pr $532 53% 83 4 In 1.25 145 $216 210 29+ Y 3 Me ren *Patenns 4 tor|want to rent a floor sander toll CHECKER BOARDS @| = $30 ior" "wisi Sus sts Sx oh EM Mg Bm ge gv cnwe So 2 BR school room, Patterns 374 for|want to r a Bowater 175 $6V2 6¥e 6%4+ Me 4 Leland 390 360 360 --40 Conlaurm 23 2 +1 Holy Family and Shelter and 375|remove the old finish. What is ig | Bramalea E Me 415 Levy 22 $20% 19 19 --1% Con-Key 2% Wa-- te for Wise Men and Animals, which give actual size guides, ate 50c each. Both are in Christ- sander? 1 | proper way to tse the SOLD , ANSWER: Have the man at/ mas Packet No. 43 with other|the rental service explain ity ap ap om a oe om of full-size patterns for decorations -- all for $1.75 Send orders to The Home Workshop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. CUT-OUT SANTA WITH SLEIGH AND DEER Brazil 6r Br BCPh 6'4pr BCPh 5.15pr Bruck A Bruck B Build "Prod Bulolo Burns Cabo! 260 25 $227% 21% 214 --14 $27% 27% Wat Ve $16 16 | 16 $16 15% 16 -- % $2434 244 242 -- V4 a --% ' rer 90 $984 9 40 $88%2 88¥2 + oh ts Th-- % --t 53 23% 12% W2 26% 2a 19M 58 ST" 98a 94 = 9% 85 "yos 108 112% 107 103 100% 2 O67 8¥4 375 6 490 0% 8% ys 3 Levy 2 pr LobCo A LobCo B LobCo pr LobG 1 pr Lob B pr Lob Inc Loeb M Maclaren A Maclaren B MB PR ) $127% $7" $7% $50 $31 $32 $7% $21 $22% $24% 3 $25.4 1284 6a 7 a 30Ve 30% --1% 31% N4--% " h--"% 2 20 --% 22\%4 224 ---- Vo 4 Um 4 U%--) Magna Ei 00 220 220 220 +20 M Leaf Mill 2120 14% 14% Mass Fe 10031 $16 «14% 14e--1 Mass F pr 50 $110V2 1102 110/24 Maxx Si 380 $107 105%2106 --! 450 1300 Metro Stor 85) Mid West 13371 Milt Brick 375 300 30 Molson A 931 $294 B% BU-- % 300 $2934" 2912 Wiz Ve C Beliek 7 7 --1 C Callinan Ye 6¥a §¥e Con C Cad '2 Math C Discov oo 8 +5 C Fen "4 M4 Con Glilles 4000 54a Sat C Halll 15% Va Ve C Marben 3 va % 7 Cc Marcus 5 125 C Mogul --72 € Morrison 228 --5 C Mosher --20 -) Sheep Cr Sherritt Sigma Sil Miller Silvmaq Siscoe Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sulliven Sunburst Temag Territory Thom L Tombill Torbrit Tormont 000 Se 13495 435 410 21800 7200 6480 8600 3800 1600 17575 5s Sats as 9 16°97 +¥% e 7 7 8 44 ° 153 44 0 0 --% fe Z 70 13 4" 20533 -$20% 20 Whe--% 24% 20% $74 1% h4--% 20 $1022 1022 1024 05 1024 $13% 13% W4+ % Can Bread 20 $52 5S Sat+% 6% 485 Mont Loco 1303 $12%4 12 Can Cem 1608 $39 37% 39 «+1 a @ Mont Trst 150 $100 100 Can Cem pr 933 $27% 274 274--% W 26% Morse R A 770 $11 Wa Wm % CD Sugar 1163 $2414 26 26 ----% W 24 1001 5040 $51 49% S04-- % 250 $18% 18%2 18%--% 19% 17 812 $5% Sia Siva 1479 $222 22 22 =" 285 atin 15 die *" 75 -- " j 85 360 cK , ae 4 V " Sey ey ee ' $274 274 2174+ % Make this decoration for your Baha ' 10 NGe vas Tae i picture window or to put on the Cal Pow Cel PS pr 0. 8695 $172 17 % 20 1433 19 Crestaur 1000 7 7 7 6 16435 260 Croinor 1431740 36 oN hl Cusco 487000 194 15 15-3 Daering 13135 11. 10 10 = D'Aragon 7200 1644 16 16% De Cour 26813 72 S$ 644+ Deer 34200 57) 59 Sah D"Eldona 9960 10 ts 9 Delhi Pac. 103470 32 27 2B Deinite 3598 . 72 71 72 Cenison 928 $10Ve 10 10 Icknsn 2419 50 510 510 Dome 1910 $272.27 27 Donalds 9300 9% 9 9 Ounraine 3000 2) «212 Duvan 23000. 7% 7 7 25300 74 5960 160 4090 485 Wasamac Weedon Werner Ww Mal W Beaver 15 West Mines 12080 ao Ne 375 W Surf} Ws 14 Willroy Wlishire Wiitsey Winch Wr Harg Yale lead Yellorex Yk Bear Young HG Yukeno 24600 4a 4 Yukon 1000 Zenmac Zulape 2 E to K ~ € "Ampn 2000 52 Sk Sa A as East Ma 2000 185 85 185 East Sul! 2140 240 230 230 Elder 6100 73 70 70 El Sot 47000 84% 7 Eureke 17700 30 (27 Faraday 5700 103 1 Fwest T 61300 16 Fatime 60700 «15 Francoeur 10400 10 Frobex 3780 «70 Gaitwin 1700 -- 6 Geco Mines 7591 $31% Genex 1400 10 Gnt Masct 2100 81 Giant YK la $10% Glenn Uran 5 Goldale 3500 23% GF Mining Goldray Granby Grandroy Granduc 47105 465 Guich 1300 6 Guif Leed 110008 Gunnar 5839 825 Halinor Hard Rock Har-Min Hasage a Ss 109 «+2 6 --v 42+ ™ 6 45¥2 4514 45Va 23 20% 29 16Ve 16 16% Oils A and 8 10300 9 8% 16500 392500 1194 1194 Rapid Grip 100°225. 225 225 --a5 Reichhold 1200 $17 15% 15¥2--1 Reitman A 100 $95 9% b+ Ve Revelstoke 2200 $8% 8¥2 Bla-- 4 Revelstkpr a0 $2 2 2 Revenue pr 200 $23¥e 234 23% Reynolds pr 125 R Yarn 1812 Bia-- te 22% 1 " baie! Rockowr pf Rockwell Rothmans 5 Royal Bank 6224 $73% 724 72\4-- % Royalite 142 $14% 14% 14 142 10% StL Cp Apr 110 $102 10 12 104 99% St Maurice 2000 6 6 Saleda Fd 12637 sti6 ran 10% --1"6 1% 9M Sayvette 2150 290 275 280 365° 235 Hydra Ex 3 Selkirk A 110 460 460 460 --15 Irish sa ' Sel Lease 400 200 185 185 --20 iron Bay 313% us 14 -- Seven Arts 2185 Zz % ™% The--% 'so ie 4 ok Shawin Ind 165 490 500 J Welte $10% 10% nang A Shell In wts 208-55 575 50 50 35 Jacobus J ardlieide abdantuedee Shell Inv pr 770 $264 254 25-- Jaye Expl 7s ns ns wr ca Stell Ol 9141 $16% 16 16 = Jelex 23 2218 ; & A. f Shully's Ind 1945 445 415 430 Joburke 000-8 V Williston ---900--35 ao ee ee Siiknit 50 $4 #0 40 43 Joliet Cent Del 1389 735 eg RR A hd Silverwd A 990 $14 144 Jonsmith Charter Ol} 6400 182 se ae Simpsons 4030 $362 35 3514 --1%% Joutel 125 295 ote 453107107 107 SKD Mfg 3170 375 300 350 +50 Jowsey 65798 19 Copp Clark 375 . Slater Steel 17325 $12 10% 11%4 + % Keeley-F C West P Foes ped pace RI Slat Sti pr. 375 $20% 20 20 Kenville Ht ote 'ue 75 Somville pr 45 $52 52 52 ve Kerr Add 7 65 Coronatn 58465 Dome Pete 1450 $13% 13% 134 " Will Provide Training at 164000 8 6 10365 625 600 625 Southam 2340 $306 214 29% --1% Manoka MS 760 5 bd eo a cae 'sp +1 03 2 stafford 1700 " 460 10. Kilembe 100 340 340 Dynamic 5000 19 8 1 Ih ww 6 Th R $ M L ; i i St Pav 1130 Kirk Min Sete | Regs | i] . . Coron wts 1875 140 4 oH a and Vv Cosmos 60 yas oe 18V4 a Steel Can 22858 $22 21% 27e-- % 5234 188 Kirk Town 13 =I l a u Crain RL 205 $15 (14% 4%-- ia ud Seino rf 1990 323 % Ss coos weed 25 (13 MMe 12h 1 a ee Ue ee einbg A 1350 $23 3H opan M4 tah 3 Prop pr $25 $254 25 25 -- L to N 570 Stevenson Road North, Oshawa, Ontario for tare Wn nh oe ee Suptest ord 650 $174 17 17 -- 4s Labrador 1818 $95% 34 34 --1¥8 fot AS SI Nak Na -- 8 theta oi we me a ng 1. BASIC TRAINING FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT 2. GENERAL WOODWORKING (CABINET MAKING) . CLERICAL COURSE 3 1 134 y et Ve 19M 4. MACHINE SHOP PRACTICE 1265 $13" 12% IA 6 134, Tha 0 1S = $11% 1% 14-- 9 5 Howe 12Ve 11M Switson 015 10 145 --8 Lake Ling 7 aM 900 $184 18 16 1 TtZz \ Osu ais An , Vv art 8018 $51 4914 M4114 Tamblyn 685 $18% 18% 184 -- % Lakehead 27 0" ah ry) 110 $102% it we Ye 103% 100 i iW nine 2771, $664 64 , 5. POWER MACHINE OPERATION SEWING 3000: sane , ; 2 9h wh com Soe pid 273 Sem n.399 6. RETAIL SALES } Dosco 242 $15% $33 30% 3056 ~2% Dom Glass 1810 $19% 314% 13% 13%-- % 7. RESTAURANT SERVICE 7 Tancord 620 $52 460 5M +1 Ve 200. L Shore 210 210 210 Texaco C 1495 $54 «53% 534+ % x La Luz 425 425 425 +1 Trans PPL 88% 82 the Turnbull 81% 1% Wh 14% 450 $22 Va ral 8. SMALL ENGINES AND SERVICE STATION WORK iu -- ws 2% 2 Wal 4M 9. WELDING PRACTICE | ; TT Tallors 100 $15. 15 15 Langis Neg 24Vs 26 Tor Dm Bk 4889 $62% 614 6114 -- % Latin Am a 3 Turnubil pr $2 22 22 + 23% Union Acc $92 92 Ve All courses will toke place Monday hem Fridey, 4:43 to 11:15 P.M. Courses will stort epproximately oo aad 18th and run for 24 weeks, Provision hes been made for « daily Acme Gar AP Cons All Rox Alminex Am Leduc Anchor Anglo Un 19270 30 Asamera 3033: 85 =| 84 Balley $ pr 515 $23% 23 Hastings Ball S$ % pr mld 12 st Headway of 2500 * Heath 4500 4 "4 High-Belt 390 Hollinger Hud Bay Hu-Pam C Sate 4 pr 30 $97 97 #+8F.-+% 3 N 1332 $8% 834 83 CSL 233 $562 $ 5 --2 Y , 174 $92¥2 822 82'4-- Va which gives actual-size cutting Can Wire B 720 $13. 1313 Ma 11% © to $ and painting guides for Santa, C Aviation 575 $114 11 11 1% Ocetn Cem 1250 $13 12% 13 sleigh "Lan C Brew'pr 2325 $51 S0% S0M--% §$ 50 -- high is 50c. It also is one of oe fenton, ~~ 2 golden flacons, in @ de luxe en. C Brew Bpr 530 $52% 52% 52%4--% § Si" Br Sat wa $3 48 a 5 z0@ (toilet water) Purse size four patterns in Packet No. 55~ (extract) in ARPEGE CBAL A wts 1465 140 190 135 265 Oshawa A 1743 - $392 3714 8+ t-Ou r | CBAL B wts 340 140 135 135 =--5 270 Overland pr 615 $92 9% %4+% one 7 which is a big _ Also available in My Sin witha crystal flacon of Eau de Lanvin 6.00 || € Chem wts 18800 565 505 510 Pac Pete wt 520 625 603 60$ --20 for $1.75 C Collieries 2690 $9 9% 8%--'a Page Hers 6645 $1914 18% 1976 = Vs 50 + Workshop Dept., The Oshawa 900 5 $2 52 --3 Pbina 4120 f oe 1000 375 25 35 --43 Pembina pr 50 Times, Oshawa, Ont 23 $44 me y PC Jewel $1014 10% 1014---- Ve 470 $122 12¥e 12%--% 16% he Buying or Selling | 100 He rae 20% plesk eee irs Pp Ice Mach A 200 $13 13. 13 on ear i Bik Cc 5661 $6334 63 63 DB. C Ind Gas 705 $824 8% 84--% 10% 1505 $103¥4 102 Ind Gas pr 375 $12% 12% 12% 13% QN Gas 63wt 315 400 475 475 4795 +15 © DICK YOUNG Vice-President 375° 370, 370 +20 «500 ®@ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. Refractor 3535 $17% 17% 17% 17% PHONE 723-1121 || 28 KINGST.E Reh ae9408) rte a 8 Can Perm 935 $782 774 7a--~ \ T N 3085 $182 17% 17M-- % table or mantel. Pattern 360, cal or 10°13 13.13 and P 760 $244 26 Ud "at SRST PeRPUES Fame mes To comme Cdn Brew 24485 $10% 9% 10 -- Tia 9% Oglivie O15 $l44 14 14 '" and deer about 10 inches ¢ Br Alum A 675 39% 9 9 1 8 tnt Stora hae Christmas Cut-Outs for Lawn and CRESCENDO fragrances 6,75 Cdn Cen A 508 813% 13 13 --= Me 14 Pac Pete 8333 $114 11 11 --% Send orders to The Home | Cc 342 $18% 1814 18% + % Parker 300 995 395 380 8 +5 Penmans 305 P, GUIDE REALTY Hydro Car 1254 $174 1644 17 --% 19% eat cokg 3 --%*% 2 © LLOYD CORSON, President c Me Or ee eae Quinte A 423 $12 "age $35% 32a 334 --2¥2 3634 24 C Pet pr 1102 $12% 12% 1242--% 13% 16 SIMCOE ST. $., OSHAWA % 1% 17 1 I 3 $29 BI 3% $32%4 32¥e 32%--- % 3512 25 $87% 87% B87/e+ Ye 8% 350 $19 $172 17 7 20V-- $164 162 Wia-- 2 17V2 C ve 31% 31 1%+% WY 2 RET EMPLOYED | i coee des 240 230 200 --10 w5 190 $15% 15% 15% 16 $93 1) A Ta | 109 +' 7 & Cc and D Cal Bo 2335 $17% 164 17 = Calvert 15300 18 15 15 --VY 28 Camerins 700 205 200 C Oil Las 1400 168 160 2320 $58 5614 56% --1% 9% 9%: Wk-- Canadian Vocational Training Programme The Province of Ontario, in co-operation with the Government of Canada and the OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION ~% +134 16% is 109 348, 299 75 72 % % 3 675 1 200 7 151 NW E to K Fargo 9425 240 215 220 oS 287 200 Fr Pete pr 350 305 300 300 --S 370 260 Glacier 18000 10% 9 9 --l%e 182 8 Gr Plains i $12%4 11% a % 5% 11 Gridoli 43 «42 56 HBOS nee $15% 15 3 --~% 1% 4 L to Lande 1028 410 400 Long Point 6100 Med to $ Okalte 2716 «8% 8% 8a--V Pamoli 3680 49 «48D 1 Permo 32100 32 Peruv Olls 5200 80 Petro! 15000 Place 16100 Ponder 3800 Prairie Oil, 600 Provo Gas 18599 Quonto 46000 Ranger 3250 Sarcee 12500 South U 74 Spooner Stanwell! 1% 8 Tor tron A 240 $13 Leitch 92 --8 200 130 pre 4 10 Un Ac Bipr 120 $51% 7" 54+ % 51% helf-hour rest Towers 4100 50 15) Or 10 Liberian +% Un Ac 2 pr 719 $11 No=--w 1% ADMISSION niushinatectss Appii must 4 with « National Employment 1000 4 Towers LLLac 24 «(25 Lorado 5 2 20 m2 28 " K Econ Inv $972 9 WA Un Gas $401 $20%2 186 20 =' 23 Econinv A ' Un Gas Apr 2 $5 5 5 = 57 iv $502 S8Y2 SBA +22 59 be Office in Ontario and have Grade 9 education or equivalent ne for ali courses with the exception of the Bosic Training for Louvict eg cd oy 206 at rf Eddy Match ; Ese Bpr $26¥2 26 26% 28Y2 Skill Development Course, Lyndhst 3 16600 Ws 100 163 12 WS ns Exquisite THESE COURSES ARE OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO Lynx Macasse Numac wis 2400 76 70 $7 Exquisite pr $10% 10% 10%-- " 0 100 $30 90) = -30 Exquis A w 120 120 120 orp ir 300 $30%e 30% 30% Subsistence Allowances will be poid while applicant is on course. Interested persons: should' opply immediately at their focal National Employment Office. The selection of trainees is MacLeod Madsen 1 Fa 15051 $5¥e 53% 54 1065 4 425 425 dS Fam Play 1853 $18% 18% 18'4-- % Vanadium 200 70 + Fanny F the responsibility of the Nationo! Employment Service Office ond the Co-ordinator of Programme 5" Magnet 70 bd Hag 1% Nhe Vendomatic 1410 a5 350 350 Fed Farms G. L. ROBERTS Malartic Maritime 370 vic G Tr 570 $15% 15¥%e 15¥e Fed Grain tH iy 4 420 400 420 Co-Ordinator of Programme Martin Matatch Mattgm! Maybrun Mcintyre McKen McMé@r McWat Mentor Merrill Meta Uran Midrim Min Corp Maneast U 1h + Me) id . Vuican 1230 m8 Man Bar Manoka M$ Maralgo Marboy Marchant Marcon Fleet Mfg ben 50 oS Wainwr 680 Fleetwood 200: $9048 Oh 20V a i Walk GW 6008 Ford US 125 $514 5444 5é7e--% 632 45% Wat Equip 980 Ford Cde 98531762173 173 --2 200 171% Webb Knp --_1800 Fraser 656 $27% 27% Wh--V 32% 25% Westcoast 10415 Freimen 1075 $6¥a 5% 5% ™% W ind A 400 80 Freiman pr 10$105 105 105 W Pacific we 144-- Va Frosst A 200 $17% 17% 11% -- Westfalr 'pr | i Fruehauf 600 $62 642 ba--e Weston A $15¥2 is 15% + Min-Ore Gen' Bake 525 $144 14 Ve WestonB 5 $16% 15% 15% -- % Moneta , ai gs oy GS Dev 200 $6 54 SMe % y 4 O74 Va + Ve At Wright Wsburne 550 83 2 Gen Dynarr 230 $27 26% 26ve--%e 3 5 Wstr pr 1A; 15 GMC 642 $B5V2 822 83%-- % st 6 P Drill 700 100 100 100 - @P Drill A 3738 wo 09S «(100 (+8 Teck Corp 14235 Trans Can 6202 Triad Olt 43335 Union Oil} 4587 $13%e 12% bs Unispher 172500 40 22 Un Minda 1100 1542 1512 ise Un Olls 42979 145 130. 135 Un Reef Pt 4000 10% 10% 10° Wespac 3079 11% 1% Multi-M 3 4 17 wstates B41 635 590 590 Murtay 1 1 } Decaite 9125 119 NS WS --3 Nama Cr 154 15i2 --1 10 Windtail 193984. 71 Net Exp! 44% 4% Yen Can 56500 4p 4 G. K. DRYNAN, Q.C. Chairmen Oshawa Board of Education 54 Me+ 1oo as

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