ey § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 20, 1963 was sponsored by the Gregory the Great Council of the CWL. --Oshawa Times Photo spiritual director of St. Greg- ory's Council; Mrs. Ralph Patterson, convener of the ball; and Mr. Patterson. Ball ! ones : the left, Mr. William Boissoin; Mrs. Boissoin, president of St. Gregory's Council CWL; the Right Reverend Paul Dwyer, IN THE RECEIVING 'ine at the Candlelight Ball in St. Gregory's Auditorium, last Saturday evening, were,from Successful Candlelight Ball Held By St. Gregory's CWL There was no hint of winter|Mrs. J. A. Yanch, Mr. and Mrs on the threshold, with Christmas|E. F. Wahl, Mr. and Mrs. E.} : just around the corner, as some|McNeely, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd! * 250 guests danced to the music|Workman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph! © of George Macko's orchestra at|Jones, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ban-) : the Candlelight Ball in St. Greg-|field, Mr. and Mrs. Robert) © ory's' Auditorium on Saturday] Henderson, Daniel Riordan, evening last, sponsored by the/Martin Tessier, Miss Barbara} St. Gregory the Great Council/Saunders, J. M. Timko, Miss) of the CWL. {Anne Blasko. Stars - glittering overhead, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dore, Mr.| flower-covered trellises, a rock|J. Byrnes, Mr. D. Patterson, | garden, with ferns and flowers|Miss Rose Schmalz, Mr. Pat-| | screening the orchestra, andj/rick Monaghan, Miss Maureen| d colored Hawaiian candles glow-| Remington, Mr. Ted Remington, | ing softly on the tables, trans-/Mr, A. D. Rodgers, Mr. Ray formed the auditorium into a/Pophie, Miss Jeanette Zambon- summer night's garden, as col-jejji, Miss Mary "Maher, Mr. ored spotlights played over the/ john Barlow, Miss Linda 'Taroe Bee dancers and picked out the Mr. M. H. Betler, Mr. James poe oe ee ye Craigen, Miss Geraldine Lem- The guests were received be- ges Miss Doris Cronin, Mr. neath the rose arbor at the en-|Harold Murphy, and others. | trance to the ballroom by the; Midnight brought the dancing) Right Reverend Paul Dwyer, di-jto a close and sandwiches and} rector of St. Gregory's Council;|coffee were served. The com-| by Mrs. William Boissoin, Coun-|mittee assisting Mrs. Patterson) cil president, and Mr. Boissoin,) was composed of Mrs. Anthony and Mrs. Ralph Patterson, con-|Cebulski, Mrs. Douglas Arm- vener of the ball and Mr. Pat-|stead, Mrs. Bruc eLaForce, terson. Corsages were presented| and Mrs. Edward Martin. The to the ladies and pinned on by|committee was assisted in look-! members of the dance commit-jing after the guests by 12 mem- tee. Mr. A. V. Walker, MLA and|bers of the Knights of: Colum-| Mrs. Walker, were the guests!bus,. and a number of Colum-| of honor. bian Squires were in charge of There were four door prizes the cloak room. To Mr. and WED AT NORTHMINSTER ter of Mr. Cephas Gay the late Mrs. Gay and bridegroom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Maleshev. --Mary's Studio Northminster United Church and was the setting for the mar- riage of Linda Evelyn Gay to Victor Maleshev, both of Osh- awa. The bride is the daugh- Page, street - and a prize for the largest)Mrs. Clifford Harper and Mr. table. A feature of the evening|/Arthur Bugelli goes the credit was a floor show at intermis-|for the artistically decorated - sion by St. Gregory's Y oun g)ball- room. People's Club under the diree-|--_------___+ + __--_ | El Li ] Wi lia H ] tion of the Reverend A. G. Ques- aine 1 cs, 1 lam @) man nelle. _ | Cedar Dale UCW Noticed dancing were: Mr. Sa V In Albert St. United and Mrs. Anthony Cebulski, Mr. El E . y Ows and Mrs, B. M.. Laforce; Mr. ects Executive and Mrs. Edward Martin, Mr A pretty autumn wedding|Mrs. Robert wearing a : : took place last Saturday, injgold brocade, length al ie = At Annual Meeting | iver" Street United . Church, |she M Do: 1 A sa A tel ia. Ab Si '+|When Elaine Valerie Liles be-|skirt. She wore a gold velvet Mrs. Douglas Armstead, Mr.) Mrs. Albert Singer was elect-\came the bride of LAC William|and -tulle hat and carried a and Mrs. R. W. Boissoin, Mr.jed president at the annual elec-| Robert Holman, RCAF, Downs- nosegay of yellow 'and bronze and Mrs. Anthony Merringer,/tion of officers held by the UCW|view. 'The bride is the daughter|baby chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald, of Cedardale United Church, re-|o¢ Mr, and Mrs, A. C. B.-Liles,) The best man was Mr. Thom- ve es ae yg -- Mr.|cently. Others on the executive! jOshawa, and her- bridegroom is|as Hart and the ushers were Mt "Cuil a i Lda Me ae are: vice-presidents, Mrs, C. L.|the son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug-| Mr. Harold Hart and Mr. John Mrs. Vitiord Harper, Mr. and'Gunter, and Mrs, Alfred Baras-\las Holman, Pickering, former-| Page. Mrs. J. D, Judge, Mr. and Mrs.|cin- recording secretary, Mrs. y of Oshawa, For. the reception in the B. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. E. P.|marl Hoy; treasurer, Mrs. Rus-| The Reverend A. E. Larke|church hall the bride's moiier Hercenuk, Mr. and Mrs. A|sell Worsley; corresponding sec-|officiated and Mrs. C. A. Nay-|received wearing a_two-picce| Kerman, Mr. Mrs. Wil- retary, Mrs. R. N. Hall; presslor played the wedding music.jcranberry dress, matching hat} liam Jamieson. representative, Mrs. J F. Nor-, Given. in marriage by herjand a corsage of tinted pink!/ Mr. and Mrs. M. Wootton, lton: social convener, Mrs. |father, the bride wore a street-|and white carnations. The} Mr. and Mrs. George Fairhart,| e Th gram|length gown of white figured|bridegroom's mother assisted] Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bauer,|"°°'8 ompson; _ . program ; i jue silk Mr. and Mrs. D. Fudge, Mr,|conveners, Mrs. J, W. -McVey,|brocade, with a scoop neckline, |wearing a blue «silk 8 embroidered with tiny beads,/dress and jacket and a corsage and Mrs, John Branch, Mr. and|Mts. William Henry and Mrs.|©Mmoro ce ghd | rian Avice y's Arthur Buller: manse .commit-|Sequins and pearls and witilof pink carnations. : Mrs. Gregory Kane, Mr. and| ae lily-point sleeves. The fitted bo-| As the couple left on their tee, Mrs. Alfred Barassin. Mrs. Carl Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. dice was set into a skirt of| honeymoon to Montreal, J. L. Riordan, Jr.; Dr. and' Mrs irae # Henning presid-/ npressed pleats creating a bell|United States and Niagara, the Mrs. Peter Riordan; Mr. andjed. Mrs. L. Gunter took the/shape. Her headdress was of|bride was wearing a peacock Mrs. G. S. Williams, Mr. and chapter has the study book,| pearls and rhinestones and heid|blue, three-piece knitted suit, a Mrs. R. Plowright, Mr. and Mrs.|"The Word and the Way" -|her waist-length veil of tullejbeige hat and matching acces- R. W. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. W.|Mrs. R. N. Hall read the scrip-'illusion. She carried a white] sories. Her corsage was golden J. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Alex M. ture lesson, Bible crested with a spray of} roses. On their return they will Nei! Reports were given by the autumn tea roses, lily of the lreside in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mr delegates to the Presbytery valley, and trailing fern and and Mrs. and : white ribbon. Mrs. and meeting in Bowmanville last) The matron John Boyle, R. E. Moore, Mr. Vincent Busutell, Mr. ding were from Pickering, Rex- wasidale, Toronto and Owen Sound. _honor of Mrs. and month. A letter was read from ~ Nurse + |Lango spoke to the members 'on -|the the | | |guests at the St | Taunton; sheath, with a matching over-| two-piece! the} Out-of-town guests at the wed-} UNITS, GROUPS | AUXILIARIES CORONATION COMMUNITY CLUB (East Whitby) EATING LESS WINNIPEG (CP) ine and butter consumption per, capita in Manitoba during the \first six months of 1963.was less|John E. Hooper, than during the same period injband is in his final year in| 1962, with the former averag-|theology, has been awarded the ing 3.16 pounds, compared with|Helen Balfour prize as head of 4.35, and the * ate 9.77, com-|the 1963 nursing graduate class --Margar-| pared with 9.8 VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mrs. Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR e Workmen's Compensation Injuries @ Spinal Disc 100 King St. E 728. 8.5156 of the University of British pena on PRIZE Col wnbia, CABLE INAUGURATED whose hus: | The first' transatlantic tl phone cable was inaugurated in 1956. niaininiiall The monthly general meeting of the East Whitby Coronation Community Club was held re- cently at the East Whitby Cor- onation School. Mr. Rudi) Maeder presided. | The room prize was won by} Mrs, R. S. Robertson's room. | Mrs. Bert Smith reported the| tickets were ready for sale for the euchre to be held at the school, November 21. Mr.| Maeder stated there would be a bake sale at the school the same night. It was reported that "'Open| House' would be organized in a different way this year. Par- ents of children, who are hay- ing difficulties, would be asked to see the teachers by appoint- jmont, This would eliminate the |teachers having to deal with all jthe parents on one night, Any of | ithe parents, who wish to do so, | jmay see the teachers by |appointment, Mr. Maeder reported the jarea of paving in the school yard had been completed. ; It was decided that the new i bylaws be adopted for the club. Mr. Maeder introduced Mrs. Cora Lango, the Public Health for this area. Mrs. health stressing the of the children, necessity for a good diet, regular dental check- jups and, where necessary, | treatment for the eyes. Mrs, |Lango welcomed any questions} the members might have and distributed leaflets on diet and dental health. A social half-hour followed. PERSONALS | You. Heard About ---- 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN DAILY T! OSHAWA; OLDEST AND FIN LLIOPM EST SUPERMAR Specials for Thurs., Fri, & Sat. Nov. 21, 22 & 23 BREAD = 2. +o, 35° Cigarettes carton 3.09 Spy Apples 3,,;, 35¢ White Grapefruit 5 FOR 35¢ Good news trovels fast -- and our SUPER LOW PRICES ARE GOOD NEWS to every women who wonts to brighten her menus and lighten her food bills. Shoppng ot GLECOFF'S Is like hitching your cart to a SAVINGS STAR -- so many brilliant buys ore nm store for you on your favorite foods, Yes -- you'll eot better end save more shopping ot this fine store where every price is a low one and every value @ big one! Try us todey. Copr. L. Loughtin 1942 CHOICE Round Steak or Roast fa FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY 'Thick Rib Roasts CHUCK ROASTS BEEF uv. 39 » 5 BLADE ROASTS BEEF °°". 49° Butt Pork Chops 2 .,;, 1.00 FRESH PORK SHOULDERS Showers and parties were held for Miss Elaine Liles, | prior to her marriage to LAC} William Robert 'Holman,| |Downsview, last Saturday. | 'Neighbors and friends of the! bride-to-be and her mother,| Mrs. A. C. B. Liles, gathered at} the home of Mrs. Joseph Wilt-) shire for a miscellaneous show- er. Mrs. Wiltshire was assisted| by Mrs. Richard Walker, Mrs. Roderick Wiltshire and Mrs. Austin Wiltshire. The future bride's co-workers at Loblaws entertained her at a_ linen, kitchen, and china shower and buffet supper. A kitchen shower was held at the home of Mrs Lewis Hart with her daughter, Anita, assisting. After the re- hearsal Friday evening, the bridal party was entertained at the future bridegroom's par- | /ents' home. in Pickering, where he was presented with many gifts from old friends from Oshawa, Among the out + of - town John - Fisher wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fisher, grandnarents o* the bride, Mr. George Fisher and Mr, Forbes Fisher. all of Miss Verna Arm- strong, Smithfield, and several from Ashburn along with the Oshawa guests. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Leslie, Masson street, had as their guest recently, Mrs. Harold Campbell of Trenton, Ontario. Mrs. L. V. Disney and Mrs. H. M. Brooks are pouring tea at} | the King Street UCW '"Merry- Go-Round" Bazaar this after- noon. CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-9581 professional James Gorman, Mr. vil - McDonnell, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McGibbon, asking sy i. eee tl a for volunteer workers to assist Mrs ea Turpin, Mr. 'and Mrs. 4! Simcoe Hall Settlement G. Furey, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. House, A letter of appreciation Schoenan, Mr. and Mrs. §$ J. was received from the Official Henn ck, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Board of the Church for decor- Siege Mr. and Mrs. S. A. ating the Chureh for Thanks- eculay owe ac L. giving Sunday. The members "Aga shell ae ts ae 7 ak were reminded of the Sunday top ilaeg Mr, and Mrs. J. Bittner, service when Harmony £00. Jnited Church will visit. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tumey, It was rat Digger eietm a Mr. and Mrs. James O'Regan, ..0, «i obs roe goad Mr. and Mrs. L. Weeks, Mr.(Pa"Y will be in the form and Mrs. Fred 'Lawless, Mr. of a luncheon meeting at 100 and Mrs. R. Gibbs, Mr. and|?:™. in the lower hail, Wed- Mrs. R. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs nesday, December 11. The members were asked to sell Christmas and all occasion E. H. Winter, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. K. John- Cards which were on disnlay.. sen; Mr. and Mrs, Frank Shine, " Mr. and Mrs. W. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. William Kinsman, Mr. and Mrs. Stan McBean, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gomme, Mr. and Mrs John Brady, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Scott,.Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hanley, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ham- mond, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Mr. and Mrs, John Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Brain, Dr. and Mrs.. J. P. Maroosis, Mr. and Mrs. W. R: Branch, Mr and Mrs. E. C. Egerer, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mangan, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Finley, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Wilkinson,- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Murphy, Mr and Mrs. J. Toppings, Mr. _and MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S$. OSHAWA Cosh & Carry -- 4 Hr. Service 8 Hour Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Fomily's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 Everyone's walking in WHISPER'S seamless mesh sheers Quality This seal is the hallmark of quality in the Rug Cleaning Field. -As a member of NIRC, Nu- Way Rug Co, Ltd, have the knowledge and equip- ment to do o thorough, Professional rug cleaning job. NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. 728-4681 "AN work done in Oshawa by Qualified Oshewe Technicians" They"re the talk of the town: Seamless Mesh Sheers by Whisper] Trim, tapered to a perfect fit, with stretchy welts for extra comfort and fun-guard toes for extra wear...atanew, practical price! WA -- AT -- in Downtown Oshawa 31 SIMCOE ST. S$. RD'S 725-1151 Smoked Wieners 3 BUTT ROASTS uss, 95° PORK SHERRIFF'S FROZEN Apple Juice 5 6-0Z, Ib. 49° 99: TINS HIGHLINER--REG. 69¢ Haddock Fillets Pp 24-02. CHICKENS Fryers or Roasters 5 ¢ lb. 35* KG. ROSE SW 16-OZ, JARS L SIZE 30 Halo Shampoo REG. 1.19 Vaseline Hair Tonic Colgate Toothpaste Bromo Selizer REG. MIXED PICKLES BANANAS Ib. 10: Crest Cream Perm arc. REG. REG. Breck Hair Setmist pec. FIRST GRADE BUTTER .,. 53° CHERRY PIES*'""""",." 49° McCORMICK'S FIG BARS . a, 30° TOMATO SOUP "** 10's. 1.00 BARBEQUE SAUCE 3 °° 1.00 won 49° LIPTON'S CHICKEN- 55° NOODLE SOUP MIX ' SIDE BACON 0c PORK CHOPS """*"°"" 2 ,,. 95° COTTAGE ROLLS » 49° BOLOGNA """""" u, 33° 3 ws 1.00 WE CASH BABY BONUS HEAD CHEESE" AND PAY CHEQUES EET GOLDEN RIPE FIRM PEAMEAL BONELESS WE CARRY A LARGE SELECTION OF GIRLS DRESSES 1 yr. to 16 year olds. FRESH LETTUCE 2 for 35: ror 99° ose 80° 75° 390 OO" 79. 99° 390 33° HOLIDAY Coloured Margarine Frozen Legs of Lamb SWARTZ Peanut Butter oe us. 49° 69° SPECIAL EACH IN BOWLING PINS REG. 79 FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY from 89¢ per box CHRISTMAS CARDS ICICLES 2 for 45¢ 10 DISH CLOTHS 80c DIANA CAMERAS | with tiim--i6 petures--compicte ONLY 1.98 BLEACHED SUGAR BAGS 3 for 97¢ GET YOUR BINGO CARDS TODAY $100.00 CASH PRIZES FREE DRAWS ON RACING CAR & BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC CLOCK Reg. 25¢ per pkt. Reg. 99c to clear bundle 95¢ 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN DAILY TILLIOPM L \