Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1963, p. 4

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\e ... Leafs vs Wings; 9.20 a.m.,|5.45 p.m., Bisons vs, Giants. | -- begs ge: 'ol angers vs, Canadians, SCORES SATURDAY, NDV. 16 | Britain between 'it in, Every time I tried to close! Bantam League | y aah 5p produced more than half the Atom League: Hornets 5, World's new shipping tonnage. \the door, Mr, Cochman slam-| . | 10,15 4.m., Huskies vs. Lions; |Gj : | [med ie pen again, Minor Hockey u:s'm'see wees ve braves! 2 "Rovocis"eRame 3; Barons M $33 | "A lot of people were en luo oor Pirates vs Cubs. (6, Bisons 3. How To Hold ling around,"' he continued, 'A D Pp d Atom League : oa ano LE -- "It the '@0Y grabbed the dog and tried ates Poste 12.35 p.m---Bisons vs. Indiate. |g ree. Svaneduas or 2;| FALSE TEETH ) ee yer ito ll him out again. Several : " o Midget League Witte ca ey : people out your way don't want| people eomaied to over-, BOWMANVILLE -- The fol-| 139 5m. BTS vs. Bantams; | Wings. 3,"Hawks se : | More Firmly in Place anybody to keep stray dogs Offiturn the truck. lowing dates and times foria is 9m. Comets vs. Generals. |,, bantam League: Flyers 2, their property," stated Magis- "Meanwhile Mr. Cochrane minor et, fr Bowmanville] Juvenile League ig erg on 3, Braves 2; ter in court here iain |were release ay y the} F |Lions 4, rates 0. ls gah ming he ne Mt. Midget League: Orphans 2, terday, 'then they should go|took the keys from the ignition town's recreation department. | po, to the Musical Council alan threatened to flatten me on|SATURDAY, *'0V. 23 Reva. Comets 0; Maroons 2, Generals | MONDAY, NOY, 25 j isci : ' the road, Just then Constable'Pee Wee League "And there was just no disci-jthat in future two teachers will Pre would be' more cffec. M. Joynt OPP, appeared on the 7.00 a.m., Bruins vs, Atoms; |Atom League a Fe an ty ot all fier Wime(tiv than making life miserable|scene 7.45 a.m., Hawks vs Bears; 8.3% 5.00 p.m., Indians vs Royals;! a oe 9 Me or the dog catcher. After all he Cia 5 aba ei dove ger" Mr is only doing his duty.' ido stuck its head in, 1 grabbed it by the neck and tried to arag| Bowmanville @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 20, 1963 HAMPTON PARENTS COMPLAIN Beatings, Threats Outlined To Board HAMPTON (Staff) -- Com- plaints of beatir 5, threats and|pline in the classroom, classrooms "just like bediam"| 'The children were shouting have been investigated by\and acting on all the time, Hampton School Board, There was no control at all Dog Control Hassle Costs Aces' vs. mi and more Cope ykeg mh No my, 5 or ; 7/ sour' Checks "pints oaort (denture '| Breath). Get today at drug counters er 'Juvenile League: Aces Craig commented: William Lycett, principal of Hampton Public School, was questioned at a special board meeting held Monday night, at- Classrooms were just like Bed- lam." Mrs, Moffatt said the situation had become so bad that par- ents had no other course but to Joseph Cochrane, RR 3, Bow- "We made no s 2h promise. As Be had pleaded not: guilty far as we are concerned teach-\1, two charges under the Dog ers have always been on duty!) Control Bylaw -- allowing his! du ing the play breaks. |dog to run at large and not hav- DEPOSIT ALL YOUR SPELL PINKY CARDS THIS WEEK ...NOV.18 th -23rd. WIN 675,000 pinky stamps IST PRIZE 175,000 © 2 ND PRIZE 150,000 3RD PRIZE 130,000 @ 4TH PRIZE 120,000 27. 5TH PRIZE 100,000 531 non DM my FROM STEINBERG'S OWN MODERN BAKERY STEINBERG'S OWN FRESH RAISIN PIE STEINBERG's OWN FRESH PINEAPPLE 39¢ LAYER CAKE STEINBERG'S OWN FRESH NEOPOLITAN DANISH BUNS 'c.ors sivese 39€ STEINBERG'S OWN FRESH SAVE 6¢ doz. Honey Glazed DONUTS 39¢ G lot of as SAVE 8¢ PINT For a real treat serve with CONT, Steinbergs Apple Pie BRIGHT'S FANCY SAVE 6¢ TOMATO JUICE 40z.1™ MORTON'S FROZEN MEAT PIE ORCHARD KING FROZEN CONCENTRATED SAVE 6¢ 6% OZ. TIN ORANGE JUICE CARNATION PINK SALMON RED BRAND PORTERHOUSE, WING, SIRLOIN 5 LB. AVG. "JB SMOKED a PORK SHOULDER = omy TENDER-NUTRITIOUS CALVES LIVER SAVE 12¢ BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY 8 0Z. PKG. 7% OZ, TIN 2¢ OFF 32 02. BTL, LIQuiD BLEACH DUTCH Do you needa LOAN UNTIL PAYDAY ? $50 FOR 2 WEEKS COSTS ONLY 47> ints a ny other FOR ONLY Pioneer Farm of Old Lyme, Conn., dominated the Jersey dairy cattle event, winning the} junior and senior bull sections.| Moredale Basil's Venture, win- ner of the senior section, was \ also judged grand champion 'Jersey bull, Reserve senior CHIP STEAKS irc. 25: cach 3 FRESH-WHOLE NIPIGON WHITEFISH STUFF'N BAKE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 77¢ ONLY 3, 39¢ | SAVE 10¢ POLAR KING EASY TO PREPARE | t uit your budget $50 to $5000 with SAVE 10¢ Juter rs bankable ur SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED the fastes All-Canadian loan c 725-6541 17 Simcoe St. N. Open daily to 5:30p.m. Wednesday to.8;:00 p.m. Other Evening by appointment Saturdays until 12 noon SAVE 10¢ ONTARIO GROWN FANCY MaciNTOSH OR SPY APPLES :«: 69; ONTARIO GROWN SNOW WHITE NO: 1 GRADE MUSHROOMS ~- 49 (¢ JUST ARRIVED! 2ooz. 89c FRESH, JUICY SWEET Mexican Oranges Arr 29¢ i, 49 IMPORTED NO. 1 GRADE FRESH BAG Green Peppers $1.99 growing 6 QT. BSKT. ympany ten by 10 parents. * Poel " deaiae Bob Craig|meet the School Board. Mr. M. J. Hobs, secretary-|ing a tag on the dog. taid yesterday: "We found that) Said Mr. Craig: "We heard|'easurer of the board, refused) He pleaded guilty to damaging} several boys h= « been strap-jall the complaints and then|'? comment further than saying! town truck to the amount of e°. There was always a witness|questioned Mr. Lycett. He has that the meeting had taken'si9 59 present so that was not illegal.|/been teaching for 30 years and | Place. Cochrane was found guilty on} "There is no basis for the|we were convinced that he is| Mr. Lycett said; "I attended|ali three charges. He was order- other complaints," he stated. (doing a good job. ithe meeting and was question-jed the pay for damages to the But Mrs, Norman Moffatt,! 'Some children had told their ¢d about the complaints. The!truck and a total fine of $33. mother of four, said: "I am tak-| parents they had been threat-6chool is run in a satisfactory; "In the matter of repairs 9) ing my 14-year-old son awaylened with being sent to a'train. manner. I have not threatened the truck," commented the Dog] from the school. ing school -- but this was a mis-|@9yone nor has any boy been'Control Officer, J. Hoskin, 'the "It will mean breaking up the understanding, strapped unnecessarily. garage man said you might as farrily by boarding him out but) 'There is a lot of unrest and "There is a feud among som? well try to get parts for a sub- he can't continue there." rumor in the village about alljof the families in the area and! marine." : ; this. But as far as we are con-|this is really the cause of the Mr, Hoskin testified that he COMPLAINTS MADE cerned everything is in order." complaints, had been called to the area to The investigation took place) 17 wMotfett said: "There has| "It is Mrs, Moffatt's privilege investigate a complaint about when parents of eee) Pur'peen no supervision over the t0 take her boy av-ay from the/|stray dogs. epi ioudley sali vam, kids in the playground, They School if she want to." "T had caught one when I Mrs, Moffatt explained: 'The would fight and squabble ail) Last word from Mrs. Moffatt: noticed this German shepherd meeting was * d because of 1h. time Maybe one teacher The parents will be watching coming down the road with its the was the schoo! was ne would come out for a couple of what happens at the school. If/head covered with blood as if it handled, There was yee minutes but they didn't seem there is no improvement in a had been in a fight," he told strapping. among some children to stop the fighting few weeks we will call anther the court : and none among others "The school board promised| meeting," "IT opened the door and the "There was a whole fayeritism, My bor for one, Ww e | hit over the hand with a leather praes ap for doing things that oth-| TOO < 1n- wne ul 4: ers could get away with | oe | : : Pierre's Special 16 Day Tender Red a | Oshawa Youth Sqid Grand Champion | VALUE TRIMMED Draws 1b TORONTO (CP)--S.-B.. Ro-|Nancy Reflection, owned jointty;champion was Holly-Brook Far- Me gf man of Romandale Farms, Un-\by Mr. Dennis and Spring/mer's Mike, an entry from the : 4 I 5 ] ionville, Tuesday won both the|Farms of Streetsville. The hei-|Earl Tenhouse farm of Liberty, ; Days n Jai premier breeder and premier fer was a grand champion at/Ill. exhibitor banners for Holsteins,the Canadian Nationa] Exhibi- ---- BOWMANVILLE Driving at the Royal Agricultural Win-| tion and Western Fair in Lon-| Ontario and Manitoba farmers while his licence was under sus- ter Fair for the second succes-'don, Ont. shared top billing in Yorkshire! pension put an Oshawa youth in} give year --_-- swine judging. Lowhiland Fal- jail for 15 days in Mag strate's' (¢ Jj, Creswell of Beeton, Ont., Murray Davie's Del Edenjstaff 24s, owned by Alex Mc- court here Tuesday wss runner up to Mr, Roman|Farms from Ladner, 8.C., dom-|Phail and Sons of Brandon, Magistrate R, B, Baxter also|jin the breeder's award while|'nated the female section of Man., was crowned grand cham- | & fined him $50 and $11 costs or/R, R. Dennis of Oak Ridges,|judging Guernsey breeding cat-|pion boar while Annandale 124; an additional seven days for ob-|/Ont., was second in the exhi 'tle, winning the grand cham-|owned by Harold A, Parkinson | taining liquor while under age.|bitor's section pion heifer and the first na-|of Brampton, Ont., was the Allen Grossiant, 325 Baldwin) Grand champion female Hol-|tional three-year-old Guernsey | grand champion sow. Mr Par- street. aged 18, pleaded guilty|stein for the third consecutive|futurity. Del Eden Fond Token/kinson also entered the reserve to both charges year at the show was Bond/was also judged the best-bred/grand champion boar. The conrt was told that Gros-|Haver Signet Sally owned by|Canadian female, the best ud- : ; : siant's licence had been sus-| Mr. Creswell dered female and won the Erie (Glen Gould of Florence, Ont : haer _ Reserve grand champion was|Kitchen trophy as the individual, won the Empire Challenge Cup pended in an Oshawa Magis & with his exhibitin the Berkshire Constable L. Ricard testified oh See ' er aad owen that while on patrol Nov. 3 with/ 1,855,088 Pounds Reserve grand champion was inner Wea hare Cottle ot Kirk oy Constable L Phillips they had Greenacres Chief's Bontiful,! ie observed a car apparently ~ Of Tobacco Sold owned. by Henry Borden of atl wl i ing to dodge them. Tne officers) wary canrtpe (Cp ,./King, Ont, Mr. Borden's Tan-| WAGE EARNERS set out in pursuit, -he said, and Ee Lngegeg- woke get ihe nery Hill Farms also exhibited] Norway has 1,089,400 wage-| mew chaising him. for three or four| ig) "the 1,855,088 pounds of ta.) the champion and_ reserve earners, including 752,800 men| 'blocks bacco auctioned at the Ontario] Champion junior "nlefers. and 336,600 women-an increase "There were three persons inlriue . cured tobacco growers| Beechcroft Victor's "horj\of 6,500 over 1962. the front seat and three in the] marketing board exchanges owned by Robert W. Batty of back," stated the officer. "The! here Tuesday. Booklin, Ont., was named grand driver was Grossiant H had Total sales so far have heen champion bull and also took the been drinking and his licence|§,279,114 pounds at an average) Senior sectional championship of was under suspension " 152.48 cents its class Metro Man Denies Taking Dairy C BOWMANVILLE -- A Toronto,Koverko's two helpers were man pleaded not guil'y to thett| down in the basement getting of a dairy case valued at $875|the motor and unit. He showed in Magistrat's Court here yes-|me his bank book showing a bal- trday ance of $2,000 and asked me to Magistrate R. B. Baxter re-accept his cheque. I was served judgment until Dee 3 {dubious about it and told him Accused is on bail I was going to the bank to Michae| Koverko, 118 Sumachi check, SMART WOMEN ... have their carpets ond uphol- stery cleaned 'The Sete Wey' DURACLEAN 728-8518 street, was charged with theft of "Whe ' ni ce 'k » 4 10-foot refyrigerated show case I came back Koverko from Chester McQuinn former|¥®§ 80ne and the dairy case was gone too,"' concluded Mr proprietor of a grocery and meat business. Counsel for ac-/MeQuinn, '"'The chque bouncd cused was Mannis Frankel, To-.and I turned the matter over to ronto the police, He paid the tax in cash and that's all I got." ENGLISH COUNTRY GARDEN DESIGN Je TW OF DEL MONTE SEMMOWED L "prt fF » GREEN BEANS ENCYCLOPEDI 2 0 4% $ R COUPON EXPIRES NOVEMBER 1" 108 COUPON EXPIRES NOVEMRER FT Ines DINNERWARE WITH $5.00 PURCHASES Mr. McQuinn testified that when he went out of dusiness, Koverko bought th dairy case at an auction of store equip- ment. He said accused agreed to pay $875 by cheque and $26.25 in cash. The latter amount was the 3 per cent provincial sales tax, he said "He phoned to say he would be down to get it and bring the *chque on Oct. 23," continued the complainant "That morning I had to leave the store to deliver some other equipment to Enniskilln. So left Lorne Allin in charge while I was away "When I returned, the truck had arrived from Toronto. Thev had the front window out and the case on the truck. Mr LARGE SIZE PELEBELEEPEPLLLETULLLibiiiiigd KRESGE'S SOO TE a a Oe a ee CHECK OUR ASSORTMENTS AND PLAN: YOUR CHRISTMAS LISTS EARLY Excellent assortment of Gifts in all departments. Also complete assortment of Xmas decorations and trim. on LAY-AWAY NOW WAITING BOYS' PLAI D SH | RTS sil. AS Immediate C AND Urehase OF Delivery omplete assortment of'size and colors. Sizes 8 to 16, Regularly LAY ep eet oid shuich Neher. LISTERINE SHAVE LOTION come 9 7% 4 'iia suaamee! SS Re SPECIAL THIS WEEK'S PIECE CANADA NO. | GRADE POTATOES IDAHO TYPE 1 NETTED GEM LARGE 22 TO 3 FEET Rubber Plants SOUP BOWL Bia i FANCY CORN 239 COUPON EXPIRES ROVEMBFR 1) 1860 'WITH THIS COUPON: AND PURCHASE APAOKAGE OF 60 SAL ADA ORANGE PEKDE TEA 'Witt THis, AND Pt or 31802, PAGE, OF TELE __ CAKE MIX inh g) See) DUMAURIER .,, CIGARETTES f° 5) Seen Lerines GuengeeD 27. 98) Coupon PRPIRES ROVEWOER IT. 18) COUPON EXPIRES NOVEMBER 72 181 COUPON EXPIRES NOVEMBER 22.198 s AND runenase OF SHO runcNAgE OF mare POON Shey ANACIN TABLETS 8% Assorted Peas or Cet Green Beans For ouren Lxewses noveseen W. Wat. $) CQUPON EXPIRES NOVEWELP 2. 182 MIR Tito 88¢ $ COUPON EXPIRES NOVEMBER 11. }965 DRAPES READY - MADE g Select your ready- made drapes to day--for delivery tomorrow -- Hun- dreds to choose from ' PHONE \ 725-1151 WARD'S PRY GOODS SIMGOE ST. S. AT ATHOL ST. 'WITH Ts COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A PRG. OF SHOPS TASTY me. SLICED BOLOGNA wt cea et WITH THis COUPON with AND PURCHASE OF AND PURCHASE OF 25. 39 OF MORE 105. OF A Ls OF MORE OF ANY VARIETY ANY VARIETY OF FANCY "POTATOES GRAPES COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 27 sd EEE COUPON PXPIRES OV. 97/6) any BAND TOOTHPASTE sis india: ws CORNED BEEF COUPON exprans NOV.27/63 % WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A PANTRY KING ALUMINUM, FRENCH FRYER $2.99 COUPON EXPIRES DECEMBER 14, 1963 COUPON ExriReS NOV 27/63 Gift boxes free with Merchandise [SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED [I 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE oe noes + with Tus COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Tangerines OF TANGHLOS s By COUPON exPieES NOV. 27/4 OPEN THURS. and FRI. TO 8 P.M. WHITBY @ *ix2."° AJAX @ 'to ROUGE HILL RD, oH $ DUNDAS STREET ae ee ae ee " Se an 2 ae aie san ome z :

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