18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 20, 1963 Two Firms Fight For Oil Control TORONTO (CP) -- A Tor-| E, R, E. Carter, president of onto-based mining corporation|Patino, is said to have joined is competing with United States|with two Patino associates-- oil interests for contro] of an|British Tin Investment - Corp. Australian. mining and railway|Lid, and Consolidated Tin company, The Telegram says.|Smelters Ltd--in an offer for The report says Patino Min-/60 per cent o' the Australian ing Corp., located here, a $42,-|company's 'shares. 500,000 investment, holding and) A counter bid is reported to operating enterprise, has of-/have been made by Bitumer. fered to purchase control of the|and Oil Refineries (Australian) Mount Lyell Mining and Rail-/Ltd., a company in. the heavy way Co, Ltd. joils and fertilizer busineas and Mount Lyell is a companyjowned 40 per cent by California with an annual production of)Texaco in the U.S. The offer is about 5,000 tons of copper con-|for 50 per cent of the shares, centrate. Total assets as of] {t is stated that the intention June 30, 1963, amounted tolor the Patino group in seeking 8,063,902 Australian pounds. Thelcontrol of Mount Lyell is to im- interest in Renison Ltd., a tin producer with assets of 313,65 Australian pounds. Patino Corp, owns copper op- erations in Canada and has sub- Stantial interest in Brunswick Mining and Smelting Corp., which is scheduled for substan- tial lead-zine production next year, and in the sbestos pro- company owns a 49.9-per-cent/prove the efficiencies and out- put of the copper mine and to increase the tin production of Renison. The group would also conduct "aggressive mineral explora- tion in Tasmania and Aus- tralia" and use the company as a base to assist the develop- ment of other Australian min- Cars, Truck Sales Show Increase OTTAWA (CP) -- Sales of new cars and trucks jumped $9.3 per cent in September from year-earlier levels as Canadian and United States models con- tinued to expand their share of the market at the expense of |European cars. September sales totalled 32,- 609 units compared with 23,416 a year earlier, the bureau of statistics reported Tuesday, The) sales total for January-Septem-| ber reached 477,995, up 8.3 per) cent from 441,364 in the first nine months of 1962. Retail value of sales in the nine months rose 11.8 per cent to $1,490,860,000. September sales of Canadian- and U.S.-made vehicles jumped \48.6 per cent to 26,458 from 17,- 807 a year earlier, and nino jmonth sales were up 17 per cent to 437,630 units. | September sales of overseas |made vehicles rose 9.7 per cent to 6,151--tle first month this ducing Advocate Mines. year to show a year-to-year in, '0S Ss. " ; le a re igain. During January-Septem- Mill Never | P r oduced ere Se GLOVERTOWN, Nfid. (CP)--| /Rising like a majestic ruin} jabove the forest surrounding |this Bonavista Bay settlement! jis a massive concrete-and-steel \pulp and sulphite mill more |than 40 years old that never) |ber, sales of overseas-made ve- hicles were down 40.1 per cent to 40,365. Passenger car saies in Sep- tember were up more than one- third from a year earlier at 25,- Passenger car sales during Anglo - Newfoundland bought!January - September were up out the valuable timber stands|S¢ven per cent to 405,762. North near the Terra Nova mill site, |American model sales were up but had no use for the build-/17 per cent to 437,630 | NET EARNINGS Another venture was launched in 1900 by Horwood Lumber FRASERVALE FROZEN FISH & CHIPS 24-0Z. PKG. 0g: 94-02. PKG, 33° 37° 16-pe 29° 16-02. 29° 2rxcs. 29° JAR EACH 25¢ MONARCH WHIP vou. Crackers - Saltines ws: LEVER MUSHROOMS jeces « sreus IGA PEANUT BUTTER HOMOGENIZED ROYAL PUDDINGS =" A%cu" CHEX CEREAL 9-OZ. RICE -- 12-0Z. CORN PRICES EFFECTIVE 16-OZ. PKG, 12-0Z, WHEAT "DANCER DIES near Bagur, Spain. been ill for several months. --(AP Wirephoto) : NOVEMBER 20, 21, 22, 23 Neos into production. .|Company of St, John's, Nfld.,| She had | en on me banks of the/which set up operations at ng ie Ree ova River, just/Campbellton, about 40 miles; Turnbull Elevator Ltd., year off the Trans-Canada Highway,| northeast of Grand Falls injended Aug. 31: 1963, $868,772; the mill brings to mind both/Notre Dame Bay. 11962, $1,076,266 Carmen Amaya, 50, Spain's By THE CANADIAN PRESS famous gypsy flamenco dan- cer, died Tuesday at her home FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS 10 CALIFORNIA'S FINEST EMPEROR GRAPES Size A8's For WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 233° | ] of the provin-e's pulp and pa- Cc t per industry evolution. | Premier Smaliwood's long- MONTREAL (CP) -- Threejwhen they hit $18.65 last Oct.'dreamed-of pet project--New- a 100-pound bag to $16.85 \large retail outlet in Montreal/knowledge of Newfoundiand's| A spokesman for one refinery, "8S $1.05 for a five-pound bag.|vast timber resources began to dropped and the refiners fol-|tail price for five pounds should mills along the river banks| HOME OWNERS : lowed avi? drop to roughly 88 cents 'within amidst the choicest forest 5 | Want a new car? Need cash for educational Newfoundland's economic past|_-- sie and future as affected by its The settlement is one of the! sites mentioned as a possible Montreal sugar refineries|31 and have remained at that/foundland's much -talked-about dropped the wholesale price of level until Tuesday's drop, third pulp and paper mill. : oe A spokesman for the store|spread afield. Lumbermen from said the price of raw sugar on ..iq that in view of the drop/Nova Scotia, New Brunswick ; ;./a couple of days," crowths. Sugar: prices reached their , : highest level since July, 1920, Some' of the mills were cap-| expenses? Want to pay off those old bills? Planning a trip to Europe? Get $2,000... e « {timber resources, ree e lI 1eries | The mill is an integral part ecnstruction location for refined sugar Tuesday by $1.80} The retail price of sugar ata It wasn't until 1876 that FOR the world market in Londonjin 'price of raw sugar the re- and Quebec began establishing Atlantic able of turning out 25,000 feet $5,000...$15,000 or more, for any good TORONTO (CP) -- |Sugar Refineries Ltd of Toronto|of lumber daily. Prior to 1875, jTuesday dropped its sugar the island had only one steam Base Meta S price to $17.05 for a 100-pound mill and half a dozen water- jbag from $18.95. . A spokesman for Loblaws n y g ts food store chain said a decrease . jin the present price of 99 cents driven mills operating. Oddly enough, most of the} island's sawn lumber was im- ported--mainly from Nova Sco-| tia--as late as 1900. MONEY RAN OUT In 1920, a Scandinavian com- \for a five-pound bag was under review, TORONTO (CP)--Base met-/ LONDON (Reuters): -- The|pany obtained large timber als, Falconbridge in particular,)price of sugar here dropped holdings on the Terra Nova were the only bright spots onjsuddenly Tuesday, falling to River and the Terra Nova Sul- an otherwise lacklustre day on/£92 10 shillings ($277.50) from|phite Company was formed. the stock market Tuesday. £105 ($315), a post-war record|The following year, lack of cap- The 16-stock base metal index|Price ital forced the company to showed the only gain of the day, The drop followed reports of a\°&45¢ building and machinery up .21 to 58.70, Falconbridge had|cargo of "cheap" sugar said to|imStallation. ; the best gain, up % to 55. Thelbe on offer in Britain and other If the venture hadn't been stock moved quickly shortly be-lreports that sugar had been St@tted at the height of the post- fore the close of trading -afterjoffereq to an African buveri V2" inflation -- which caused the company declared an extralthrough New York at around difficult times in the colony, as dividend of 50 cents a share to} gg9 (g979) a ton unelit. was then--the. government accompany its regular quarterly Th : might have aideq the company dividend of 50 cents. It was the| e price had shot up to a/financially. | second year in a row that Fal- record at the beginning of Oc-| As well, the giant mill of the conbridge, the world's second tober when 'hurricane Flora hit/Anglo - Newfoundland Develop-| largest nickel producer, de- the Caribbean and damaged ment Company was established clared such an extra dividend,|Part of Cuba's sugar crop,jat Grand Falls and the spoi- On the main board, banks dis- bringing fears of a world short-|light of development aid was played a weak undertone. Bank|*2°- 'turned on that area, | reason, through Associates' new Home Owner's Loan Plan. Here's how it works: Simply use the equity you have in your home, whether it's mortgaged or fully paid up, a8 collateral for the loan. It's that simple. You get the cash you need quickly -- and - you decide the amount of monthly re-pay- ments. Stop in at your nearest Associates office and let one of our mortgage specialists give you the details. Mortgages are arranged with no bonuses. And you'll find our rates are reasonable, ASSOCIATES REALTY CREDIT LTD. 111 Simcoe St. S., Phone 725-6531 Mr. G. Sloggett, Mgr. of Montreal dropped 4, Tor-| -- onto-Dominion % and Nova Sco- tia \%,. Biggest loss of the day went to International Minerals and Chemitals, off 2% to 66%. Waler-Gooderham was down % and Southam and Aluminum each %. Silknit had the best gain, ahead three points to 40. Among motor issues, General Motors gained 2% to 85% and Chrysler 1% to 92, Western oils traded quietly throughout the day with prices on the minus side. Calgary and Edmonton declined %, Great Plains development %4 and Un- ion Oil %. On the foreign market, Dis- tillers-'Seagrams lost 244 and B.C. Forest 44. Seven Arts Pro- ductions gained a point to 8%. On index, the exchange index was down .27 to 123.89, indus- trials .30 to 132.35, golds .75 to 125.48 and western oils . 80.88. The final volume was} 3,165,000 shares compared with Monday's 2,518,000 DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bowes Co. Ltd,, common 50 cents extra, Dec. 28, record] Dec. 13 Canadian Refractories common 20 cents, Dec. 16, ord Nov. 22 \ Famous Players Canadian Corporation Ltd., 25 cents, Dec BRAEMO Lid., rec- Braemor IGA Features R@ STEVENSON RD. AT ANNAPOLIS RD. OSHAWA OWNED AND OPERATED BY MITCH GLECOFF PICTURE LEFT, WITH MRS. GLECOFF AND THEY ARE READY TO WELCOME YOU TO THEIR FINE NEW STORE ONTARIO FINEST CEE GRADE SPY APPLES 35° FLORIDA NEW CROP TANGELOS ~*~: 43° ee ed DU MAURIER REG. OR KING SIZE Ctn. 3 ae Cigarettes ; Bakory Features. PUMPKIN PIE* u<: CHERRY PIE 49° BREAD 'xm c OATMEAL EACH DEMPSTER'S DATE SQUARES «.4l° APPLE JUICE _ LUNCHEON mear SPAM. PEA OR VEGETABLE 3-LB. CELLO BAG 39° HOSPITALITY EACH to, SALADA ORANGE PEKOE EA BAGS SPORK 2 HABITANT SOUP 4 AN BONUS EXTR TAPES RECEIVE AN EXTRA $10,00 BONUS TAPE WITH INSTANT NESCAFE ;5, or MODESS REGULAR or ta RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 BONUS TAPE WITH Pepsodent Toothpaste. cunt sit RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 BONUS TAPE WITH SARAN WRAP REGULAR Blue Cheer Detergent = giant size Palmolive Soap "ticuun sit or 4 RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 yoy WITH Nucoa Margarine 10-0Z, JAR 25-FT, ROLL Frozen Lima Beans *reH0ox Tablerite Wieners No. | Grade Spinach CELLO PKG. SAMSONITE FOLDING TABLE IGA REGISTER 4.9 TAPES COMING NEXT WEEK SAMSONITE MATCHING CHAIRS Reg. WITH $25.00 IN ee 25° 89° 69° 12-07. TINS 28-07. TINS PKG. of 60 13, record Nov: 27. Falconbridge Nickel Mines Lid., 50 cents plus 50 cents ex- tra, Dec. 16, record Nov. 29. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of Canada Lid., com- mon $1 plus $2 extra, Dec, 20, record Nov, 29 four per cent pid, 50 cents, Jan. 31, 1964, rec-| ord Jan. 10, 1964. i Kerr-Addison Mines Litd., 10) cents, Dec. 27, record Dec. 6 | Ocean Cement Supplies Lid.,| common 20 cents, Jan. 2,.1964,| record Dec. 18. @ FREE CUSTOMER PARKING @ FULL SELECTION OF QUALITY FOODS, IN- CLUDING IGA's FAMOUS TABLERITE RED BRAND BEEF [5° HOPE IGA STORE PORT PERRY BILSKY IGA 120 WILSON RD, S. MOTOR CITY IGA RITSON RD, S. OSHAWA OSHAWA DYL'S IGA 166 ADELAIDE ST. BECKSTEAD IGA COURTICE, ONTARIO BRAEMOR IGA COLLEGE HILL IGA CUBERT STREET OSHAWA LANSDOWNE IGA LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE SOUTH END IGA BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY OSHAWA STEVENSON RD. & ANNAPOLIS RD, | OSHAWA