a2) fe OR ee wes Se ir om ee a M Tt th of S v wd R © L nore arn eres THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 20, 196 dozen 'in the town library." These words were quoted by Mrs. V. G. Doan, BA, MS and MEG, Chief Supervisor of Public School Libraries in Scarborough who was the special speaker for the official opening of the school lending library, held re- cently at the Gertrude Colpus Public School. _ Special guests were __intro- duced by Mr, Lawrence Millson and included Mrs. V, G, Doan, Scarborough Board of Educa- tion; Mrs. Ross Edmunds, rep- 4\resenting Oshawa and District : Home and School Council; Dr. "21C, M. Elliott, Superintendent of 4|Public Schools in Oshawa; Mr. 4\George A. Fletcher, member of the Board o' Education; Mrs. Lyman Gifford, wife of the Mayor, Mrs. C. C. Lee, Oshawa Board of Education; Mr. W. J. MacDonald, Inspector of Public 4|Schools; Mrs. Lawrence Mill- son; and Miss Enid Wallace, 4|Children's Librarian at the Osh- awa Public Library, In introducing the guest! speaker, Mrs. Edmunds pointed| out that Mrs. Doan had been the guiding hand behind the library and had assisted by showing the _|Scarborough School Library Sys. 'Item and in numerous cther| jways. Under Mrs. Doan's jleadership 76 such school li- |braries were now in operation) jin Scarborough with the assis- tance of Home and School mem- bers. Mrs. Doan said that peopel often asked why ~have an Ele- A : ; : : mentary School Library when a J ; Rodney, Janice Bowler, Terri|officers in full uniform marched| ie Td sae ; Crusaders Unit ig. Marjorie McDonald,|up the aisles of the ohatch| sy sutra toumtetae era el : Cora Lubblinkoff, Sylvia Mercer|carrying the crusader flag an the public library only 25 i Holds Investiture and Lois Talbot. Clare Scratch|Union Jack, taking their places) ont went on thels beh In thal ¥ Company Cadet-Boys: Freddie in the choir loft. During this ser- school library ther would be Parents' night was held re-|Bebee, Lynn Wood, John and/vice the officers were dedicated books relating to 'te mericil cently for the Eastern Ontario|Mark Mercer, Ricky Hughes,|to the work of the Crusaders. [ang children. did ot ave ge naam Unit No.- 111 of bea and Ricky Bombay ' x INT _|wait till an opportune time to Simcoe treet Pentecostal) Catherine Simpson Troop Cru- si ~ | ig? let Church and featured the investi-jsader-Girls: Donna Wanna- Psa ORD, Ont. os gs bse be -- library' to look ture of new members and pre-|maker hen 15 - year - old Shirley/up information, but could find it sentation of pockets for regular' 'The Cath 5 C Vaughan spent 13, months in| when- their interest was aroused. fhsinbaed Aunaeeng e Catherine Simpson Cru-/hospital for correction of a spi-|For children who wished to pur-| ama Ri sader Girls were then presented na) defect, she received 1,800/sue these interests, the Public The program opened by the'with their pockets and stripes. pet-well cards from friends and/Library had more advanced and singing of a hymn after which} Unit Commander Mercer then)rejatives and 720 visits from her varied information. A child who| prayer was offered by Captain/ spoke to the parents present on| mother. mad the achool dihear would al M. Rodney. The Reverend R., A.|the work of the Crusaders after ------ -- ce ee h e d y the P: . | Bombay conducted. the service|which the Cadets and Crusaders FILLED DEMAND on as ne grew and use the Fup | and the new members who were sang their battle song. Shiploads of '"king's daugh-|lic Library to more advantage. | invested are as follows: Cath-| Following this service, ajters'" were sent to pioneer New, She said that another often re-| erine Simpson Troop Cadet-|church parade was held Sunday, France as brides, receiving|peated question. was "why spend Girls: Marilyn Dawson, Susan|November 10 at 11,a.m., when|dowries including an ox, a cow|money for picture books for and Cathy Livingston, Laurel'all the cadets and crusaders and'and two barrels of salted meat.|Kindergarten, and Grades 1 and) TO CONVENE COURT CHARLENE FALL BAZAAR Mrs. Reuben Blair, left, and linens Christmas Mrs. Douglas Vice, are the the Orange Temple on Bruce and ornaments, convener and co-convener for street at 8.00 p.m. There will take items, and the COF Court Charlene L 1750 be tables of home-baking, annual fall bazaar, to be held home-made candy, aprons, novelties, decorations touch and tea tables. --Oshawa Times Photo. on Tuesday, November 26 at ~~ POPULAR PATIENT MOND SMO <w RWINNE SI COMPLETE STOCK | SELLOUT SALE | Come Early for the best Selection Everything Must Be Sold.. . SALE CONTINUES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! ! ... Just in time for CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NYLON NEGLIGEE Yo SLIPS SETS naa Non-Shadow Regulor $16.98 All: first | Qualitye-broken sizes, Limited Quantity. Color ranges and oll sizes ( MUST VACATE!| "sinton Large Clean Stock of Seasonable Goods at Wonderful Savings ! BRAND NAME BULKY CARDIGANS Reg. $12.95 A beautiful first Quality heavyweight bulky. All "Veil of Beauty" NAME BRAND SEAMLESS NYLONS . $1.00 Value First Quality beoutiful col- ors, oll sizes. 49° BRAND NAME BAN LON LONG SLEEVE PULLOVERS : Reg. $4.98 Many colors in regulation style sizes 14 to 20 subs 2.99 "CELASUEDE" PANTIES Reg. to 50c Band leg or elastic leg. First Quality, sizes ond colors 3 PAIR l .00 PHANTOM NYLONS CARDIGANS Reg. $5.95 All 1963 Merchandise. All colors --all sizes--subs. 2.99 LAGNON GIRDLES FOR GIVING Reg. to $5.95 Two girdles --- one pantie style -- one plain pull @n -- White only, BOXED |". s 2.99 Discontinued CHRISTMAS Shades BRAND NAME Skirts Ladies' Blouses Reg. to 5.00 Reg. 3.98 "A book in hand is worth al?2, BRAND NAME SLIMS Reg. $14.95 100% all wool slims, all spring 1963 patterns in stripes and plaids. Reg. 12.95 First Quality. All sizes. A nice assort- ment of Whites ond Prints, Ail sizes. Seven pairs, one for each day of the week, fancy trim- med, oll sizes in nice Gift Box ALL BRAND NAME BRAS & GIRDLES Everything you need at a Discount of 6.98 2.98 evury 9099 10% Off 2.44 SPECIALTY SHOP 11 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH NEXT DOOR TO KRESGE OSHAWA PHONE 723-7421 Gertrude Colpus School Library ionced's senoo ana mean wore | rs. Doan concluded by sum-|(CP)--Robert George, a school|for research work in seeking a} CHARTS FLEAS Britain--a flea map. He says GLOUCESTER, England\thousands of fleas are needed) ming up the benefits members|teacher, is making a map ofjflea-bite cure. | Opened With Fitting Ceremony {could expect from their invest- ~ ment in time and money in the children, School Library. when these Mr. Earl Brown thanked Mrs. especially in the »eginning can-| r not even read them'. Picture|Doan for her interest and assis- books were never meant solely|tance with the library and pre- for the children to look at, but|Sented her with a gift on hehalf rather that parents should take|0f the Association. time to sit down and read them! Mrs. Lyman Gifford offered with the children. Children whojcongratulations. Mr. George had been read to had tearned|Fletcher in his remarks, said to listen. They know there wasjthat it was fitting that the li- fun between the covers of books,|brary should be locatedi n Ger- and they wanted to read. Tele-jtrude Colpus School, as Mrs. vision too often was used as a|Colpus would have been pos- substitute for reading. A child|sibly more proud of this "'first" who had not been read to didithan of having the school not know the fun in books, but/named for her, Dr. C. M, Elliott Se SOREN -------*------ |said that he hoped other schoois jwould follow this example, as this was truly Home and School |working as it could, in co-oper- jation with the. principal and | teachers in assisting children to|' |gain more knowledge, Mrs. Ross |Edmonds brought greetings from the Oshawa and District |Home and School Council, and |said that they were very much in favor of this type of project \for Home and School, Mr. L. Millson thanked the |Board of Education, teachers, Miss Enid Wallace, Mrs. G. A. |Wandless, president, and mem- bers, who had each in their own sapacity contributed so much + towards making the school li- | ' ; |brary a reality. The ribbon was| |then cut by Mr. Millson and the} \library was declared officially! { i Ld bee. Barbara Pollock, women's editor at CKLB Radio Station, will officially open the bazaar being held next Wednesday, November 27, at Westmount United Church by the UCW. A special feature of the bazaar will be about forty pieces of driftwood fashioned into table |Mrs. Leon Davey, Children's and wall ornaments, and an- |Reading chairman, »who assist- other table will have fancy hat |¢d with the planning of the eve- boxes decorated by the mem- |hing's activities and also to the bers. The Westmount Junior |refresmhent conveners, Mrs. Choir will be in attendance. |Earl Brown, Mrs, Edward Dra- The bazaar will be open at |pak, and Mrs. Donald Wilkin- 7.30 p.m. open, A short business meeting pre- ceded the opening ceremonies. The proposed budget for this year was presented for the ac- ceptance of the general meet- ing. Mr. Ear] Brown, UNICEF chairman, reported that $160.70 had been collected by the pupils Room attendance prize was won by Mrs. Rowbotham's Grade 2 class. 3 Special thanks was given to FLY ENSIGN Ships of Canadian registry have been authorized since 1892 to fly the Canadian,red ensign. ~ TEEN DAYS AT YOUNG MODERNS THURS., FRI. & SAT. What is more wonderful than being a teenager and these young adults want to wear the dresses school, proms, or recreation, smartest for SPECIAL FOR 3 DAYS 10% Discount ON TEEN DRESSES ONLY YOUNG MODERNS @ TOTS TO TEENS ®@ 38 KING ST. EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 135 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY PHONE 723-7428 MO 8.5022 AT SPROULE"S CHICKEN FRESH LEAN BUTT PORK CHOPS FRESH SELECTED SLICED COOKED HAM CHOICE QUALITY CHICKEN LIVERS u. 99° uw. 98° uw. 39° AVERAGE 2 TO 3 LBS. FRESH GRADE A FRESH SLICED SIDE PORK RED BRAND BEEF BONELESS POT ROAST MAPLE LEAF BRAND BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE . Ble uw. 39° LB. 49° u. 39° ( BUTTER FIRST GRADE CREAMERY 53: COMPARE AT 3 FOR 34c HEINZ COMPARE AT 2 FOR 39% CHOICE QUALITY SUNBRITE MARGARINE INFANT FOOD BARLETT PEARS TINS 1 FOR 15-0Z. 6 TINS 1-LB. PKG. 1.00 1.00 19° 3c OFF SUPER SAVE PEANUT BUTTER 16-OZ. JAR | 36: | JAM BARTON APPLE & RASPBERRY--APPLE & STRAWBERRY 4-LB. TIN SOFT RITE TOILET TISSUE 8 BONUS DOG FOOD CHEER cmc» REG. PRICE 93c 2c OFF KINGSOL BLEACH ROLL PACK 15-0Z. TIN 32-0Z. BOTTLE 99° 10° WALNUT NIBS WAGSTAFFE Fresh Quality BAKERY NEEDS MEDIUM COCOANUT 1-LB, PKG. 7-OZ. PKG. 39° 43° 79° CUT MIXED PEEL WAGSTAFFE PINEAPPLE RINGS 8-0Z, PKG. 3l¢ 4's yA 19° CURRANTS prog 25 COUNTRY FRESH GRADE "A" MEDIUM SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE corner ofr KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA MAR ly 3 i} TT Te LTT) KETS