Is Divided 'Because of the 'arge mem- bership of the boys' chess club, it has been divided into junior and senior groups. Their week- iy meetings are directed by a volunteer worker. ; The Westmount Kiwanis Jun- for fish and game club meets THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 19,1963 ]] monthly. Examinations are held at the close of the season, and members of the club may go out out on field trips. Until recently the Crippled QOrildren's Centre was in the Settlement, but it has now moved into a building at Bloor street east and Harmony road. Open five days a week, the centre is attended by pre- school and schcol-age children from Oshawa, Bowmanville, Newcastle and. Whitby. The staff of four consists of a prin- cipal, two quali'ied teachers teachers. and a physio-therapist. Besides the groups actually conrected with Simcoe Hail, the Settlement House is used by many other local organiza- tions during the year for their meetings or special functions. The Citizens Can Well Be ~, of Oshawa Proud of the SIMCOE HALL BOYS' CLUB This fine new building is a tribute to the foresight and enterprise of those who have worked with such dedicated purpose on behalf of the youth of our fair city! W. B. BENNETT PAVING LIMITED 1290 Somerville -- Oshawa ? 728-8132 -9-FT. DEEP "OLYMPIC" POOL AT CLUB "IT'S BETTER TO BUILD BOYS THAN MEND MER" Symbol of the New SIMCOE HALL BOYS' CLUB Officially Opening GREETINGS -- "MIKE" STARR _The completion and: offi- cial opening of Simcoe Hall Boys' Club is another mile- stone in the expansion of route : WEDNESDAY The facilities that are of available in this building will be a tremendous boon to the young people of Osh- awa and I hope that as many as possible will be ready and able to benefit from them. ; EASTVIEW PARK -- OSHAWA In conjunction with the of- ficial. opening on Wednes- day, November 20th, those who are responsible for ini- wreem tiating this project are de- serving of congratulations. Simcoe Hall Boys' Club could not have been possi- ble if the people of Oshawa, ~ from ali walks of life, had | not supported 'his project through their generous do- is has always been the history of OShawa in the ' -- ee past. We have an enviable record of bringing to a suc- HAROLD R. STARK faitncmecnine i, : 5 i OSHAWA cussful -conclusion, worth- 255 Simcoe St. S. 725-3521 We are proud to be associated with the building of this fine youth centre. 5 while projects, for the betterment of our communi- ty and those living in it. Michael Starr, MP Ontario Riding f p