Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Nov 1963, p. 8

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~ BRIDAL PORTRAIT Donna ['arie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Owens, became the bride of Edward Joseph Horky, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Horky, all of Oshawa, in the rectory of Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, recently, with Mon- signor Philip Coffey officiat- ing. --Aldsworth Photography Mother & Daughter Banquet Held By Ist Oshawa Guides The First Oshawa Brownies and Guides recently enjoyed their annual Mother and Daugh- ter banquet at Guide House. Mrs. George Luhtala, presi- dent of the Parent Committee, welcomed everyone and gave Mrs. Higginbottom. 'Feathers for Worms" was a story of a little bird who gave a feather for each worm he ate instead of the easy way is not always the best when he lost his power to Pentecostal WMC Of Ritson Church Holds Election The annual election of officers lof the Ritson Road Pentecostal Church Women's Missionary Council took place recently at the church. Past-president, Mrs. Henry Glecoff, opened the meeting with a couple of choruses and prayer. The minutes were read by Mrs, Joseph Shevchuk followed by the financir' rerert read by Mrs. Tony Zurba. A business discussion follow- ed, The missionary group has decided to senc a Christmas parcel to Miss Renata Siemons, presently in Winnipeg, who is a missionary - on - furlough from Kenya, Africa. : Last year the group had a busy and profitable year. At sev- eral of their meetings they made bandages whicii vere sent to a leper colony in Kenya, Africa. They packed three large parcels of cloth'n; which they sent to the Reverend Gaetz in the North West Territories, to be distributed among the Eski- mos. They sent a gift of money to the Bethel Home for girls in Toronto, They ».ught dishes to augment the supply in their church kitchen an" bought two lovely offering plates for the church, Pastor Nicholas Siblock spoke ia few words of encouragement and commendation to the group jand then acted es chairman-for the election of new officers. Election results are 'as fol- The Reverend Theodore Four- nier, professor of Sacred Chant, Church Music and Sacred Elo- quence at St, Augrstine's Semi- nary, Scarborough, was the gest speaker at the November meeting of St. Gregory the Great Council of the Catholic Women's League. PS Father Fournier, .sho was introduced by Miss Coyne, spoke of. the place of Holy Communion in the Mass, which, he pointed out, was the givire back to us by God of the Gift of His Son, offered to Fi through the ministry f the priest by the people, and the priest, in the Sacrifice of the Mass; that unless one re- ceived Communion one did not participate fully in the Mass. He admonished his listeners to receive Holy Communion not as an individual but as a mem- ber of the whole Christian family, the Mystical Body of Christ -- that not only should we pray for all the members of the Christian Communion, but for those outside of that Com- munion, with charity towards all, thus sharing actively in the miraculous renewal of the ecumenical spirit taking place *1 the church today. | Father Fournier was by Miss Kate Connolly Mrs. William Boissoin pre- sided, | Mrs. Kelly BeGray read the} ninutes, and the correspond- ence was read by Mrs. Bruce aanked digging his own and found that) ,.ting another . car of blessingjed and magazines left at Hills- lows: honorary. president, Mrs.|Laforce. The financial report, Nicholas . Siblock; president,/read by the treasurer, Mrs. Mrs, Henry Glecoff; vice-presi-|E. C. Egerer, spoke well for dent, Mrs. Joseph Shevchuk; |the hard-working soci; commit- |secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Tony|tee under the 'oint convener- |Zurba. ship of Mrs. A. Cebulski and | The WMC also has a visiting|/Mrs. A. Mowat, committee which doe~ the work! Mrs. H. Lefaive, membership | of visiting the sick and shut-in|convener, reported a_ paid-up friends. This year the commit-|membership,o' 241. . | jtee consists of Mrs. John| The report of Mrs. M. Ww.) /Penicka, Mrs. John Zurba, and|Hanley, welfare convener, 'ist- Mrs. William Horban. led visits to two needy families, | Ritson Road WMC is antici-|two boxes of clothing distribut- Well" and influence in their area as} dale Manor, with "Get cards sent to hospitalized mem-| Charges CWL To Pray For All Beyond Christian Communion first Sunday of the month, two visits to funera' homes and the recitation of the rosary there, while Mass cards were sent to bereaved members. Mrs. J. P. Mangan, program convener, outlined her plans for the December meeting, which will be based on the Christmas theme, and requested that each member bring a gift worth no' more than 25c. aa 'but that a few more leaders wo @l be very welcome. Mrs. Ralph Patterson, con- vener of the Candlelight Ball taking place on Saturdey, No- vember 16, state" that arrange- 'ments are progressing satisfac- torily and 'iat reservations were still being accepted. Right Reverend Paul Dwyer closed the meeting with prayer, after which light refreshments were served by Mrs, Cabulski, Mrs. Mowat and their com- mittee. - - Dial 725-3581 for the finest heating service in town Fast, radio-controlled heating service by our own experienced technicians is yours for the asking, when you buy your fuel oil . from Lander-Stark. All for the price of the oil, you get: @ Free "round-the-clock" Emergency Service @ Free annual furnace cleanout and tune-up \ Mrs. Leo Menard, pr of the Church Extension Group, announced that 18 car- tons of clothing. toys and other items. had been sent to the Toronto headquarters for the SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr.. and Mrs.. Albert R. Martyn wish to announce the engagement of their oldest And, at your option, ' @ Low-cost Furnace Parts Replacement Plan, only $13.95, Western Mi with 2° boxes assembled for priests serving in the remote districts of Western and Northwestern Canada. Reporting on Girl Guides, Mrs. Ralph Jones stated that the problem of obtaining lead- ers was being gradually solved, daughter, Donna Carrol, to John Bryan MacLean Rabb. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rabb, all of Bowmanville. The wedding will take place on Sat- urday, December 7, 1963, at the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 43 KING STREET WEST. OSHAWA PHONE 725-3581 Scarborough, Ontario. id Jim bishops §KI BARN PRESENTS @ SKI MOVIE NIGHT & SKI SHOW @ In Co-operation With the OSHAWA SKI CLUB McLaughlin Collegiate Auditorium --Friday, Nov. 22-7.45 P.M. @ Skis @ Ski Boots @ Bindings @ Ski Jackets | Adults $1.00 CHILDREN 35¢ Tickets on sale they "attempt great things for God and expect, great things/bers. ns from God". | In her ~eport, the spiritual Pastor Siblock closed in pray-jconvener, Miss Theresa Coyne, r, after which refreshments|included the reception of cor- porate Holy Communion on the fly. Mrs. Higginbottom ad- vised all the little brownies to try not to lose their right to fly into Guides as did the little bird. Recitations, '"'Let's Pre-|© A tend" and a -very humorous|Were served. "What's the Good of a Birth- day," were also presented. Guide Catherine Atkinson thanked the Parent Committee on behalf of the Brownies and Guides. 1 The catering for the dinner was. supplied by the Nellie Dearborn unit of St. Stephen's| United Church. | The Brownies then formed | special thanks to the ladies who helped' with the arrange- ments. The head table guests includ- ed the Reverend and Mrs. A. E. Larke, Mrs. Frank Higgin- bottom, Mrs. F. S. Wotton, Southdale District Commission- er: Mrs. Douglas Nesbitt, camp adviser; Mrs. George Luhtala, Mrs. Hugh McClelland, Guide Captain; Mrs. John Barta, Guide Lieutenant;, Mrs. Leon- ard Fowler, Brown. Owl; Mrs. Robert Bryce, Tawny Owl; Mrs. ig toad aon Owl; Miss Judy Aylesworth, | their fairy ring and their badges Junior Leader; and Mrs. H. | nie mae. . Aylesworth. Head table guests} The Guides then formed their were introduced by Mrs. Mc-|horseshoe and Mrs. Wotton Clelland. jand Mrs. Nesbitt were asked to Mr. Larke, Mrs. Nesbitt andjjoin. Ann Christianson was en- Mrs. Wotton spoke briefly. Mrs.|rolled as a Guide and badges) Wotton also displayed an|were presented. | antique "First Oshawa Com-) The evening closed with camp-| pany" flag. |fire and an impressive cere-| Brownies in particular thor-|mony of ten Guides bringing in oughly enjoyed the story tell-|one lighted candle for each} ing and recitations given by'Guide law. | Phillips H&S Views Slides Of Schools, Customs In Malaya At the November meeting of|ners were Kim Mitchell the Dr. S. J. Phillips Home and|Douglas Cavanaugh. School Association, Mrs. Claude} Mrs. J, D. R. Galbraith' pre- Vipond, a former executive|sented the 1963-64 budget to the member of the Association, was|members which was approved. introduced by Mrs, Reginald) wis R EF Richardson Lancaster. Mrs. Vipond, who! nounced the Dolls Blit is has recently returned from al held during th sit ghd be two-year period in Mal'ava bee 18 to 5 spittle dba Henry House where Miss Greta showed marvellous colored, ; _.{\Ellis and Mrs. G. D. Conant slides of their trip and of their) Jr a ae oh Princi-| were tea hostesses. life in Malaya. Three of Mrs.|P*": & ; y le mem-| j , Vipond's children, Dorothy,|Pe?S and informed them of the) Tea hostesses at St. Gregory's) Potato jackets won't break Malcolm and Alison wore cos.|November examinations withicp-TA bazaar next wesk will/during boiling if you add a tumes to illustrate the type of|Teport cards due the first weeklpe Mrs. Anthony Adams, Mrs.|handful of salt to the water. | clothes commonly seen in that}°f December. J. J. Burke, Mrs. Robect Arn-| country. Mrs. Vipond's theme) Mrs. R. F. Kelly, Programjold, Mrs. Andrew Mowat and} was "Schools and Customs in|Chairman, announced the De-|Mrs. George Canfield. Malaya", and it was most inter-|cember meeting would be in : ; | esting to see and hear about the|Charge of Mrs. Mervyn Cryder-|_ The honorary vice-president, different schools the Vipond chil-|™an, Religious Education Chair-|Mrs. G. D. Conant, and the pres- dren attended. The audience/™4". ident, Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, thorouhgly enjoyed seeing the count was won| the Women's Auxiliary, Osh- Grace Evyans'|@Wa General Hospital, will re- at 151 King @ Pants St. East © "Ski Poles @ Sweaters Socks Goggles Gloves Hats Car Racks Curling Jackets & We also have ¢.C.M., Bauer skates Hockey Equipment Figure Skating Slacks ue : oe Golfing After Ski oo i cities ce. Shoes Club & Team Indian Slippers -- the| Bike See WARREN MILLER'S EXCITING 90-MINUTE FILM MANY MOODS OF SKIING FOR THE FINEST SELECTION OF SKI EQUIPMENT & SKI FASHIONS JIM BISHOP'S SPORTING GOODS | 151 KING ST. EAST Formerly Austrian Ski Shop PHONE 728-4331 Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 15, 1963 PERSONALS Angus Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. | tending congratulations and best|James O'Regan, Mr. and Mrs. | wishes to Mrs. Hugh McCulloch/A, Yanch, Mr. and Mrs, Vince} of Columbus who will celebrate|Busuttil, Mr. and Mrs, C. Easton} her 88th birthday on Monday. |Egerer, and Mr. and Mrs, R. 'Plowright to name but a few. Mrs. Thomas Henry _ of! Lucerne 'Lake County, Califor-| Out-of-town 'guests at nia made a hurfied trip to Osh-/Fernane - Thompson wedding} awa recently primarily to visit/ recently in St. Gregory's Roman the home of her grandfather,|Catholic Church, Oshawa, were: Thomas Henry of Henry House.|Mr, and Mrs. Jack Fernane,) and| The former Miss Ina Henry was|Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fernane, married to her cousin, Thomas|a}] of Detroit, Michigan; Miss Henry, son of George Henry,|Nellie Femnane, Mr. Thomas and has resided mostly in the|fernane, and Mr. and Mrs.| United States. Descendants °f/Charles Murphy, all of Mouni| Grandfather Henry and officers/porest. Mr. and Mrs. John! of the Historical Society held a Bunner, Minesing, Ontario; | reception for the visitor atlang many others from Toronto. | Friends and neighbors are ex- HOUSEHOLD HINT The room homes, means of employment,jagain hy "re transportation and customs of the Malays. Mrs. Vipond thought the members might be inierest- ed to learn that she had been personally thanked and had be asked to extend thanks to the Canadian children for their donations to UNICEF. So many children had been helped due to UNICEF and without this care would have suffered greatly. Mrs. R. F. Beckett expressed the appreciation of fhe members for having had the opportunity to view the slides and hear the) comments of Mrs. Vipond. Mrs, R. F. Richardson, presi-| Verne Bowen and Mrs, A. Frost for Mrs, Evans' room and Mrs. Frank Peterson and Mrs. L; E. room. Refreshments were enjoyed and these were served by Mrs. Elder for Miss Margaret Puck- rin's room. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES lceive at the Festival of Gifts an anticipated event a week from |today, The only guests of honor at} |the Candle-light Ball tomorrow Inight will be Mr. A. V. Walker, MPP and Mrs. Walker. St.) |Gregory's CWL has planned aj Imost enjoyable evening and reservations for parties have been made by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Branch, Mr. and Mrs. |Ralph Jones,..Mr. and Mrs. E, G. McNeilly, Mr, and Mrs. 16TH SCOUT AUX. J. Pilkington, Mr, and Mfs. Jack Judge, Mr. and Mrs. G. The regular meeting of the) Mr. and Mrs. Gor- (Have you ee ie f | ANG... IPA is the ale with the generous flavour You'll make yards with your guests when you serve IPA. It's a |16th Scout Group Ladies' Aux.| Spencer, welcomed the members|... ; ibd iliary met in Knox Presbyterian| satisfying brew--not too strong, not too bland--but just the way dent, and guests to the meeting and) don Dignem, Mr, and Mrs, John Brady, Mr. and Mrs. conducted a brief business ses- sion. Mrs. Reginald Lancaster reported that $433.76 was col- lected by the pupils of the schoo) for UNICEF, this. Hallowe'en. Also on Hallowe'en afternoon the party for Kindergarten and Grade 1 students was held. Mrs. J. R.. Murdoch, convener,. was assisted by Grade Mothers in the judging of costumes. Judg- ing for Miss Edna Greenficld's Morning Kindergarten class were Mrs. J. Barden and Mrs. Claude Roberts, and winners were Rosanne Kirby and Andrew Galbraith. Judging for Miss Greenfield's Afternoon Kin- dergarten class were Mrs. A. R. Garrett and Mrs, J. Logan and winners were Cindy McCune and Jay Scott. Judging for Mrs. W. Payne's Grade 1 were Mrs. Heather M. Lund and Mrs. R. F. Richardson and winners were Janice Gannon and Eric Lewis. Judging for Miss Helen Kearns' Grade 1 were Mrs. M. J. Peter- son and Mrs, L, Elder and win- Church recently. The president, Mrs. Larry Ostrom, presided. A welcome was extended to Mrs. Gordon Varnum, the president of the District Committee for Scout Group Ladies' Auxiliaries, and two new members. Mrs. Kenneth Code read the minutes and Mrs. Ralph Coburn gave the treasurer's report. The chairman of the nominat- ing committee," Mrs. Kenneth Code, 'announced the new execu- tive as follows: president, Mrs. Kenneth Hann; vice-president, Mrs. Allen Barclay; recording secretary, Mrs. Kenneth Code; treasurer, Mrs. Allan Wood; sewing convener, Mrs. William Clark; press reporter, Mrs. Ralph Coburn. Mrs. Gordon Varnum then in- coming year. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Allan Wood. and Mrs. Harry Blohm. The next meeting will be held on November 18. jstalled the officers for the in-|}' William Henley, Mr. and Mrs. NO WAITING e Immediate Delivery uo. e READY - MADE _ 4: Select your ready- ~ made drapes to- day--for delivery tomorrow -- Hun- dreds to choose from. PHONE 725-1151 COME IN RD"S DRY GOODS SIMCOE ST. S$. AT ATHOL ST. you like it. If you're looking for the satisfying flavour of a truly fine ale, you'll get it every time with IPA. tpy 7, <

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