: 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, November 15, 1963 Montrealers Neighborhood Hockey Set For Cold MONTREAL (CP) -- Notre Dame de Grace Maple Leafs h will stow long underwear, run- C e u e Or edasol ! ning shoes and gloves in their duffel bags when they hop a ped : \plane Sunday for Calgary and Neighborhood Ass 0c iations|Vaileyview vs Lake Vista; 7.45-/Radio ys Brookside; 7.45-8,25, the East-West junior football fi- Wee Hockey League sched-|8.25, Southmead vs Sunnyside; |Storie vs Harman; 8.30-9.10,|nal. ; Be for 1963-64: 8.30-9.10, Eastview A vs Nipi-|Valleyview vs Woodview. The Leafs tackle Edmonton 1 t, 2, Lake Vista,|80. 9.20-10.00, Brookside vs} 9.20-10.00, Rundle vs Fern-/Huskies in Clarke Stadium Mon- Eastview A, 4. Storie, '|Eastview B; 10.05-10.45, Rundle, hill; 10.05-10,45, Bathe vs East-\day night in a battle for the stview B. 6, Sunnyside, 7.|V8 North Oshawa; 10:50-11.30,! view B; 10.50-11.30, Kingside|Little Grey Cup, emblematic of dio, 8. Séuthmead, 9. King-/Harman vs Woodview, 11.46-\vs Lake Vista, Canadian junior football supre- 10. Valleyview, 11. North|12.20, Storie vs Bathe; 12.25-) 11.40-12.20, Connaught vs|macy. shawa, 12. Brookside, 13. 1.05, Connaugh. vs Kingside;|Southmead; 12.25-1.05, Nipigon| One Leafs player remarked: 14. Woodview, 15. Fern-|!-10-1.50, Radio vs Femhill. |ys Sunnyside; 1.10-1.50, East-|"Geez, I hear it was 18 degrees 16, Bathe, 17. Nipigon, 18,| Saturday Jan. 11: 7.00 -7.40,\view A vs North Oshawa, -- jout there the other night. It rman, x egret vs haa a 745: "Saturday, Feb, 22: 7.00-7.40,,might even snow!" b- 16: 7,00-7,40, 8-25, Nipigon vs Connaught; |Fernhill vs Harman; 7.45-8.25,. The Maple Leafs were bride- aegsoeee, Nev a ae 8,30-9.10, Storie vs North Osh-|Nipigon vs Lake Vista; 8.30-/maids in last year's final, los- 7A5-8.25, Eastview A vs Storie; |@W4: 9.20-10.00, Harman Vs|9.10, Connaught vs Storie. jing 7-3 to the Huskies in Ham- 30-910, Eastview B vs Sunny-|Bathe; 10.05-10.45, Woodview vs) 3.20-10.00 Eastview A vs East-|ilton and will be out to turn the fe. 9.20-10,00, Radio vs South-|Brookside; 10.50-11.30, ee ae B; 10.05-10.45, Radio ys|tables this time. "mead; 10.05-10.45, Kingside ys|Vallevview; 11.40 - 12.20, Kat Sunnyside; 10.50-11.30, Valley-| NDG bumped off Ottawa Soon- Valleyview; 10.50-11.30, North view A vs King jh iota |e, YB Southmead. lers 16-12 and Toronto Lakeshore Oshawa vs Brookside; 11.40-|Hastview B vs 'Su ide | 11.40-12,20, Brookside vs King-|34-12 on their way to the east- 12.20, Rundle vs Woodview; |!-10-1.50, Rundle vs Sunnyside. ide; 12.25-1.05, Woodview vs\ern Canadian title this year. 25-1.05, Fermhill vs Bathe;| Saturday, Jan. 18: 7.00-7.40, North Oshawa; 1.10-1.50, Rundle| George Economides, Leafs' *4,10-1.50, Nipigon vs Harman. |Nipigon vs Rundle; 7.45-8.25,\ys_ Bathe. head coach, said his team is just * Saturday, Mov. 23: 7,00-7.40,|Radio vs Eastview B; 8.0-9.10,| Saturday, Feb. 29: 7.00-7.40/as good, if not better than last twoodview vs Southmead; 7.45-|Woodview vs Bathe. |Sunnyside vs Storie; 7.45-8.25,|year. £8.25, Kingside vs Bathe; 8.30-| 9.20-10.00, Eastview A vs Con-| Kastview B vs Southmead;| "we'll be up for this one. "9.10, North Oshawa vs Harman, |naught; 10,05-10.45, Harman vs)8.30-9.10, Radio vs Kingside. |we'ye been waiting for it since *9.20 - 10.00, Lake Vista vs|Southmead; 10.50-11.30, Lake) 9.20-10.00 Valleyview vs North/last year." *Rundle; 10.05-10.45, Storie vs Vista vs Storie. |Oshawa; 10.05-10.45, Brookside) -- "Fernhill; 10.50-11,50, Eastview| 11.40-12.20, Sunnside vs Northys Rundle; 10.50-11.30 Wood- : 'B vs Nipigon, 11.40-12.20, Radio| Oshawa, 12.25 to 1.05. Brookside|yiew vs Fernhill. ys Connaught; 12.25-1.05, Val-|vs Valleyview; 1.10-1.50, Fern-| 11.40-12.20, Nipigon vs Bathe; | SHORGAS "leyview vs Eastview A; 1,10-1.50, |bill vs ee are 12.25-1.05, Connaught vs Har- «Brookside vs Sunnyside. aturday, Jan. 25: 7.00-7.40,|man; 1.10-1.50, Eastview A vs) * Saturday, Nov. 30: 7.00-7.40,\Eastview A vs Sunnyside; 7.45-\Lake Vista. HEATING & *Kingside vs Eastview B; 7.45.\8-25, Rundle vs Kingside; 8.30-| Saturday, March 7: 7.00-7.40, APPLIANCES "8.25, Radio vs North Oshawa; 9.10, Brookside vs Connaught. |Rundle vs Radio; 7.45-8.25, Industrial and "§.30-9.10, Rundle vs Valleyview, | 9-20-10.00, Woodview vs Lake) Fernhill vs Valleyview; 8.30- ; *9.20-10.00, Fernhill vs Brook- Vista; 10.05-10.45, Fernhill vs|9.10, Nipigon vs Brookside. Commercial *side; 10.05-10.45, Nippigon vs|Nipigon, 10.50-11.80, Southmead), Connaught vs Wood-|] The established, reliable Ges :Woodview; 10.50-11.30, Con-| VS North Oshawa. view; 10.05-10.45, Eastview A Dealer in your area. 'naught vs Bathe, 11.40-12.20,| 11.40-12.20, Valleyview vsivs Bathe; 10.50-11.30, Sunnyside 31 CELINA ST 4 ° * Eastview A vs Harman; 12.25-\Bathe; 12.25-1-05, Radio vs Hat-'vs Harman. $1.05, Lake Vista vs Sunnyside;|man; 1.10-1.50, Eastview B vs) 11.40-12.20, Southmead vs § 2.09, : | } "yee age (Corner of Athol) 1,10-1.50, Storie vs Southmead. | Storie. (Lake Vista; 12.25-1.05, Kingside : Saturday, Dec. 7: 7.00-7.40,| Saturday, Feb. 1: 7.00-7.40,/vs Storie; '1.10-1.50, North Osh- 728-9441 SBathe vs North Oshawa; 7.45-|Lake Vista vs Bathe; 7.45-8.25,\awa vs Eastview B. *8.25, Rundie vs Harman; 8.30-|Connaught vs North Oshawa; | » 9.10, Fernhill vs Lake Vista. 8.30-9.10, Southmead vs, East- *8,20-10.00, Nipigyn vs Storie;|view A. ; y * 10.05-10.45, Connaught vs East-| 9.20-10.00, Sunnyside vs Fern- | | "view B: 10.50-11.30, Eastview Alhill; 10.05-10.45, Valleyview vs HH AT "vs Radio. 11.40-12.20, Vallley-|Harman; 10.50-11.30, Nipigon vs "view vs Sunnyside; 12.25-1.05,|Kingside. + Brooksi Southmead; 1.10-| 11.40-12.20, ksid TE, Wenten ve Kopi sor ain Rade') Whitby Golf & Country Club |?! PRICES KNOCKED DOWN © Saturday, Dec. 14: 7.00-7.40,|Eastview B; 1.10-1.50, Woodview) y y The Most Excellent Trades you've ever set your ~ i jew A; 7. | j ia go ge eS Wenbiew:|" bamcans, Feb; 8: 7.00-7.40, We' | ° eyes on are pouring into our lot daily ... We've got to keep them moving . . .Need the Room for Still More = 8.30-9.10, Bathe vs Southmead;|Rastview B vs Valleyview, e're C earing Stock of Trades to Come .. . Chance for you to SAVE ON THE FINEST CARS you've ever had the Pick of, BUY NOW * 9.20-10.00, Kingside vs Harman; |7.45-8.25, Woodview vs Eastview 7 . . ; rslA> 8 90:0 valde vic Kine: F a » +» You'll Be Glad You Did... EVERY CAR WINTERI ZED! um as 1963 Top Line Equipment 1963 1963 1962 1960 fates mena BD RICES CORVAIR CORVAIR | CORVAIR CORVAIR ; Eastview B; 12.25-1.05, Nipigon| gon; 10.05-10.45, Radio vs Storie; | (also Used Clubs) jnaught. 7.00-7.40,! 11.40-12.20, Lake Vista vs Har- North Oshawa vs Kingside;)man; 12.25-1.05, Fernhill vs MONZA. Co: th 102 HP. ene coupe ed oie 7458.25, Valleyview vs Nipi-\North Oshawa; 1.10-1.50, Brook. . Coupe wi - en MONZA CONVERTIBLE. 102 H.P. DELUXE sedan 'complete with rodia, OUPE complete with custom gon; 8,30-9.10, Harman vs East-|side ys Bathe AS MUCH gine, 4-speed transmission, etc., etc. engine, 4-speed transmission and view B. 9.20-10.00, Radio vs| saturday, Feb, 15: 7,00-7.40 rodi % Bathe; 10.05-10.45, Connaught : : cidialtval AS O 5 y ] 9 8 5 vs Sunnyside; 10.50-11.30, Fern- ee Seater | BROWNS ~ i le: 110-| > Te pence cian vas [LAME @ SUpPLing TT § [DEAL CHRIEMAS SUGRISTION § 1962 - 1960 1960 > 1 Saturday; Dec. 28: 7.00 - 7.40, LTD. 3 ve 1961 | in: Ferhilt ve Comaught: 7.45: By he td : Personalized iialet GOLF BALLS fi M.6. MIDGET Vv AUXH ALL AUSTI N ENVOY 8. cpseree Radio vs Lake Vista. HOMES & .20-10.00, Storie vs Valleyview; | NEW Less thon 9,000 miles! SPRITE. A smort, peppy little sports 0.05-10.45, Southmead vs King-| HOME IMPROVEMENTS PLAN TO DRIVE OUT AND SEE US THIS ess se 'ns 'aja eens $775 side; 10.50 - 11.30, Bathe vs ee WEEK-END -- OPEN 'TIL DEC. 8th she Ee cunusinl Tas 04 PHONE 655-4952 $ s "a? S +e % Eastview A vs Rundie; 1.10-1.50,| | Nipigon vs North Oshawa. Pog hdr ds) } Enquire Now For Membership for Next 'Yeer | "peas Saturday, Jan 4: 7.00 - 7.40, : NS PONTIAC co SU L PARISIENNE HARDTOP, Automatic 4-cylinder gas saver. Complete with transmission and radio. radio. Very clean. $2 745 When it comes to whisky; .. > & | $595 1 -VEAR | hy a 1960 1962 VOUISWAGEN | WARRANTY | ssus--- $695 ON BEST BUY $1795 veteon | UOkE CARS | cuitour es When you purchase your best buy Used Car through ONTARIO MOTOR DELUXE 2-door model with automatic 2-door sedan, just @ 'rorin' to gol SALES, you'll receive a 1-YEAR WARRANTY thot protects you whether transmission and radio. driving IN CANADA or the UNITED STATES. It's a WRITTEN WAR- RANTY backed by Toronto and Ontorio A bile Dealers Associati INVESTIGATE TODAY--IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! 1958 1959 1959 PONTI AC | PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET | SUPER HARDTOP wth cutematic ftronee BONNEVILLE HARDTOP. Automatic ¢ complete redi kes, pped'wtih automatic transmission sailor, tadib, power Perit bP lie Sedan... plete with 0, auion. cone steering and power bra! Equi twtih ic i window and seat, white walls, and radio. $1675 *%595 | $1595 %2395 > Oo a; STILL MORE EXCELLENT BUYS ON OUR LOT... yy tae . -- hea USE OUR CONVENIENT G.M.A.C. PAYMENT PLAN *Specialist : Anyone-- after a taste of Walker's Special Old "SERVING OSHAWA &@& AREA OVER 40 YEARS" You're a Specialist in good taste when you choose the luxury | whisky at a popular price -- Walker's Special Old. Good taste, E8T'D ain) good looks, and economy have made it Canada's largest selling 4 : popular priced whisky. Next time -- make it a point to buy Po ye drop Bok d Madalh LAS 0 Walker's Special Old. -- SS > . . * . . . o - * + . . . * » » * . . . > ' - ° . IN THE SPARKLING DECANTER 140 BOND ST. WEST L é i é T é as PHONE 725-6507 HIRAM WALKER & SONS-LIMITED, womervitio, Comedem Oi STILLER s OF FINE WHISKIES FOR OVER 106 YEARS COP OE SE OE EET EE EOE ESSE COCO E Ee PETTUS ESET EEE TOT EEF TUTTI ORT CETTE ETE PE SET WWMM Ewe eee '