Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Nov 1963, p. 3

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REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT " Departmental Estimates Important Commons Item SSM IO Si inh . 'awa Riding and even By MICHAEL STARR, MP On Monday, Nov. 4, at. the beginning of the day's sitting, the prime minister made a statement on government plans for the consideration of busi- ness during the remainder of this session. He expressed the hope that the session would end before Christmas. The program is subject, of course, to the speed with which parliament 1s able to deal with it As I have pointed out pre- viously, the most urgent busi- ness before the House of Com- mons at the moment is the com- pletion of the consideratioa of estimates of the various depart ments. It has now come to the point where the session ci:not end until this essential work has been completed. The prime re- ponsibility of the House of Commons is to deal with sup- ply and this is a responsibility to the taxpayers of the coun- jtry. \SETS UP PRIORITY | The prime minister pointed jout that the essential! bill amending the Income Tax Aci had to be dealt with and com-|deal with this matter expedi-| Since we had not made much pleted, Next in priority, he said, is on imports order, The amendments to the Tech- nical and Vocational Training Assistance Act, he said, are important and since this mat- ter is now' in the form of a reso- BUILDS MODEL OF ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL C. H: Ashton, 78, is seen the Queen rode on her Coron- putting the. finishing touches ation Day. Mr. Ashton resides to his model of St, Paul's at 782 Grierson street. Cathedral. His wooden struc- ture is one of many he has constructed in his spare time over recent years. Also shown are two of his favorite models, the Taj Mahal of India, and the Royal Coach,. in which --Oshawa Tim ee Sp na OE government hopes that the | Another matter, he pointed out, that the government hopes to have considered, is the re- distribution of constituencies in all of Canada, based on the last census, The government also has in mind certain amendments to the National Housing Act. + These, according to the prime minister, are the major pieces of legislation -the government would 'like to have passed be- fore parliament prorogues. There are a number of in- consequential pieces. of legisla- tion he listed that have to be dealt with before Christmas. | IMPORTANT ITEMS | Some of the important items of legislation have been shelved until parliament meets again after the New Year. One is the Columbia River situation. There has been a great deal of delay in implementing this agreement, because of the position taken \by the government of British Columbia. The former govern- ment experienced the same dif- ficulties, and although the pres- lent government had hoped to} |tiously, it now finds itself in the same poistion, the bill to deal with surcharges! The matter of appointing an-|made by the prime minister other minister of agriculture for} Eastern Canada is also being} jdeferred.. No reason was given| for this deferment. The establishment of a Cana- dian Development Corporation} lution on the order paper, the|has been postponed, as well as| original intentions. the consideration of the report} of the Gill Commission on the) Unemployment Insurance Act IN THE LEGISLATURE . amendments will follow prior to 'Trenton Wins the end of the session. Two Titles CAPSULE NEWS Schoo! won its second COSSA football ¢hampionship in as many days on Saturday. | The Junior black and gold jital project of the municipality team defeated Peterborough 37- being replaced or postponed. (18 in Peterborough to take the A special session of the 27th) (b) is: additional and is in,COSSA Junior "A'" crown Sat- Ontario Parliament convened)excess of what the municipality urday on Oct. 29 and 30 to pass three/had contemplated prior ® the readings of the bill on the Ped" cavactin bi of the: federal act eral Municipal Loan Develop-) (.) represents an augmenta- ment Fund and to re-constitute tion or an acceleration of the two select committees, one of| municipality's program of which is to inquire and review works, as contemplated prior to the Municipal Act of the Prov-jthe enactment of the act. Loan Fund Terms Are Outlined By ALBERT V. WALKER, MLA, Oshawa Riding he ' ' MONTREAL (CP) -- A sin- Trenton Seniors won the Se-|ieengine Cessna aircraft made nior '"'A" crown 21 to 18 Friday, a forced landing Monday on a also. defeating a Peterborough road along the Soulanges Canal, wean ae dee delete . 30 miles west of Montreal, Po- The twe Trenton High School)iice said Walter James of Oril- teams thus won every honor |}ji4. Out Was en route to Mont available to them this season. Bees ' : e Abagar 5 real after stopping at Kingston, ince and various other related They both finished in first place wher bad weather forced him acts. The other select commit- fXPANSION PROGRAM during the Bay' of Quinte COSSA and tee is to study and report on all [py other words, to receive. a District's regular season, later 10:8 matters relating to the actualigan under this program a USting other district teams to cost of credit to consumers municipality must expand or/feach the finals It was indeed a real thrill forjextend its program of capital 2 me to take my seat for the first) works. 'i on i» Actor Kills animals were removed from the time as the member from Osh-| The amount of any jrespect of a project shail not . Wife, Self ) : islands by a ferry. The islands though this session was of short dura-|oxceed two-thirds of the cost of tion, I received a good incite) sidies, LOGANDALE, Ney. (AP) --j\have been threatened by abnor- The rate of interest which ¢tor Hugh D. Pryor, sought by|mally high water resulting from will apply in respect of a loan|POlice since his wife was killed/recent heavy rains. RESCUE. CATTLE FREDERICTON (CP)--Farm- ers and, cattlemen late Monday completed the removal of about 1,200 cattle from flood - threat- ened islands in the St, John River near here, Most of. the | tie project after deducting all on procedures and found the|federal and provincial sub- session very interesting. This special session had been sched- uled as a short afternoon Ses- sion, but the opposition parties had other ideas and produced ne ar jake teres' thivertcand lengthy speeches which Of. Canada' bonds de premeribed desert. road Monday, sheriff's lat the time that the loan is au-|fficers said. They said he ap- some carried the session forward to the second day. The main debate by the oppo-| sition centred around the need) for a full fall session of the) legislature. Premier John Robarts, on behalf of the goverfiment, expressed th hall be equal to the effective thorized, plus not more than 14 of 1 per cent. Assuming that a week ago in Pasadena, Calif., was found shot to death near a parently committed suicide. Deputies ROYAL" WEDDING' SET ATHENS (Reuters) -- Crown} | Py 7 . ~ Prince Constantine of Greece and Princess Anne - Marie of the effective rate of interest on|dead for three or four days. A)Aug. 30 next when the princess long-term Government of Can- ada bond to 5.20 per cent per annum approximately the interest rate is from 5.10 per cent|@ bullet had pierced Pryor's chest id a .22 - calibre pistol was found in his hand Pryor's wife, Jacqueline, 32, opinion that an earlier start)syniicable to a loan from the|was shot last Tuesday night. at would be made on the spring) province to a municipality the home of friends in Pasa- session and this eliminated the) would not exceed a range from|dena. Police said Pryor, 38, fol- need for a fall session which is| ~.35 per cent to 5.45 per cent lowed her there and became will be 18, it was Monday night. A communique said the exact date would be announced later this year. WILL ABANDON LINES ident N. R, Crump said Mon- usually of short duration in any | ner annum. In comparison, the|enraged when she would not!day the company is considering event. It is anticipated the reg-/effective interest rate on a top leave with him ular session of the provincial legislature will convene about)market place today, would be ran, whom Mrs, Pryor was vis- Western Canada. approximately 5.67 per cent per iting, said Pryor burst in and/or, about possible the middle of January. MUCH DISCUSSION The three readings of the bill on Ontario's participation in the Federal Municipal Loan Development fund created con- siderable discussion. I feel there are many citizens in the rid-| ing who will be interested to) read the main points contained) in this bill and I will briefly) outline some of: the more im- portant items. The bill authorizes the Min- ister of Municipal Affairs to! enter into an agreement with the Municipal Development and Loan Board for the purpose of making loans to municipali-) ties in respect of municipal) projects in accordance with the terms and conditions of such an agreement The purpose of the program as expressed in the title to the Municipal Develooment an Loan Fund Act, is to 'promote $300,000 or $200,000, The amount countries" increased employment: in Cam-|o¢ the "forgiveness" would be their diplomatic ada by financial assistance by 95 per cent of $200,000 or $50,000. country as way of loans to municipalities and to enable municipalities to augment or accelerated munici-| pal-.works programs." The On- municipal security if sold in the annum -- an which would range from to .32 per cent per annum. increase FORGIVENESS ASPECT One of the important fea- tures of this Municipal Loan program is the "forgiveness aspect." If the project, or por- tion of a project is completed set fire to his home in Holly-| yy before March 31, 1966, the province will: 'forgive' the pay- ment by the municipality of 25 per cent of the principal amount of the loan. As an example, let us as- sume that a municipal capital project were to cost $300,000 The municipality would be re- quired to secure one-third of its financing requirements or $100,- 900 from private sources, The amount of the loan which would Se available to the municipality from the province under this program would be two-thirds of The effect would be that the municipality would be required to repay to the province a prin cipal sum of $150,000. at the Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Enger- told. his wife me. I burned my house, but you needn't' worry about the cat. You're a dead woman." Then, they said, he shot her twice in the. head and once in he side, Police later found Pryor had wood. Louw Predicts End To Diplomatic War CP from AP-Reuters PRETORIA -- Foreign Minis- er Eric Louw of South Africa predicted Monday that eventually will end war with his they amount of economic and techni- South Africa Louw said in time there will tario bill is designed for this effective interest rate prescrib- be a change in attitude by the purpose To be eligible for this loan program a project may be thejized by the province. The muni-;come to a better understanding construction, reconstruction, ex- tensior, or improvement of any project the cost of which a municipality is authorized to finance by the statutes of the province from the proceeds of a loan, including a project of an elementary or secondary schoo! board in respect of which a school board or a municipality has authority to raise money by the issue of debenture. . PURPOSE OF PROGRAM The exclusive purpose of this program as designed by the government of Canada, is to create additional employment during the period hetwéen the present and March 31, 1966. A project, to be eligible for a loan, must be one which: (a) would not, without the assistance under the program, have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken by the municipality and that its inclusion therein ec on the day that the ioan to the municipality was author- cipality would n' be required to either pay interest on the $50,000 or to repay the principal sum itself. In conclusion I wouid point out that elected and appointed officials must give serious thought to the financial impii- cations of this : funds available to the munici- palities under this program are loans and not subsidies and will be repayable to with interest over a_ stipulated term. The acceleration of the capital works program is one of the main points of this loan pro- gram and it is hoped to pro- vide considerable additional employment in this way. Under this program the muni- cipality must provide one-third of the cost of the project from private sources and this is an important 'point to be consider- ed; The 25 per cent "forgive- n-ss aspect' of the loan could aid from up and as they Africans. as sources. dries of South Africa's racial policies He told the African Affairs| Study Group that at present re- 'ations with other African coun- and hostility at the United: Na- tries low their tions are at a level has not declined program, he cially to the municipality. Each preciative" zpplication for a loan must be|made by Eisenhower but he has accompanied by an approval of |; © cassia rela the Ontario Municipal Board, the province This will assure that the muni-| icipality involved ha» the finah- cial resources to assume. re- sponsibility for the liability rep- jresented by the loan and will protect the credit .structure. of our municipalities. | FOR PREFERRED ATTENTION PAUL ISTOW 728-9474 EALTOR will not result in any other cap-|be of considerable help finan-/ a abandoning between 850 and 2.500 miles of branch lines injon Feb, 27, 1933. The building|@%4 Mrs. S. Brown. He said rum-jis being restored by West Ger-| weLCOME NEW MEMBER | abandonment "Tonight I'velot up to 8,600 miles of branch! unity. .22 per cent|burned ail my bridges behind||ines on the prairies were ill- 'founded. He did not disclose lo- cations of any of the lines un- der consideration for abandon- ment SKS 35-HOUR WEEK NEW YORK (AP) -- George eany, president of the Amer- _jican. Federation of Labor-Con-| gress of Industrial Organiza- tions, has put forward a 35-hour|the Cairo newspaper Al Ahramjored by the members of the|solicitor's politica affiliation work week as the solution for|that Chou would visit Egypt next|Rotary Club of Oshawa at their|and without much regard to domestic civil- rights problems and _ United States competition with the Communist world. Meany gave his views Monday in a report to his 'ederation's convention, which opens Thursday. unemployment, WANTS FERTILIZER MOSCOW (AP) -- A plenary nist. party central committee was called today for Dec. 9 to Khrushchev for a broad develop- j cal assistance they can' get from ment of the chemical industry The meeting is expected to or- ganize a switch in emphasis in the chemical industry toward other greater fertilizer and pesticide output NO DARK HORSE NEW YORK (AP)--Former vice-president Richard M, Nixon says former president Eisen- hower's description. of him as a possible dark horse candidate at the Republican convention ___hasn't changed his mind about politics. Nixon said he was "ap- of the statement SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gas ler in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 jeign announced| | Plane Lands On Canal Roadway jnot changed "my own decision that I can best serve the coun- jtry and my party -..asa con-| structive critic." | DISLIKES GRIME LONDON (AP) -- The lord mayor of London has launched! a campaign for £150,000 ($450,-| 000) to clean up St. Panul's Ca-) thedral, An inch-thick layer of soot and grime has turned the! white stones of the old church |to jet black. 'I am not one of lthose who admire dirt on fine jarchitecture,"' said C. Jamies; |Harman. St. Paul's, completed) in 1710, never has been cleaned. | BACK FLEET BONN (AP) -- The United States and West Germany agreed Monday that the pro-| posed project for a multilateral) NATO nuclear. fleet;-should be) pushed ahead speedily, the for- ministry reported. The lagreement was reached in talks said he had been|Denmark will be married after|Petween U.S. State Undersecre-| tary George W. Ball and. the| West German deputy foreign minister, Karl Carstens BUILDING RESTORED BERLIN (AP)--The restored! south wing of the burned-out Reichstag, the old German. par- CALGARY (CP) -- CPR Pres-|jiament, was opened Monday,|i28 four members of the Jew- The Reichstag was destroyed by| ja mysterious fire, for which the} Nazis blamed the Communists, | mans as a symbol of German DISCUSS VISIT PEKING (Reuters)--Informed| diplomatic sources said Monday a visit to Egypt by Communist Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai was discussed during a recent} trip here by an Egyptian cul- tural delegation but nothing con- crete emerged. The _ sources were commenting on a report in month. WANTS TALKS VIENTIANE (Reuters)--Neu-| tralist Premier Prince Souvanna Phouma has invited a pro-Com.| munist member of the Laotian! coalition government to talks here in a new move to bring} peace to war-torn Laos, it was African|meeting of the Soviet. Commu-|!eamed Monday. He extended| the invitation to the Pathet Laos' information minister, realize the discuss a demand by Premier Phoumi Vongvichit, in a letter addressed to him at Pathet Lao! headquarters in the Plaine des Jarres, according to reliable sources WIFE JEALOUS | BRIS"OL, England (AP) -- Dr. Fred Lawrence Webster {won a divorce Monday because his wife was so jealous that she insisted on keeping watch while he examined women patients. | | ist Time In Canada | 15 YEAR 2nd 'MORTGAGES CORONATION INVESTMENT Co. LTD. The foremost Canadian Public Co, |B » the field now introduces long- 9) term 15 YEAR--OPEN-- Second Mortgages: Borrow what you need §) on the security of your home-- ff) Repay in small monthly payments 9) over 10 to 15 years. SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED - 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265, (after hours 728-3376) ' One of the most important pieces of legislation is the Can- ada Pension Plan, and this also has been deferred until the next session of parliament. This de- cision is based on the: necessity of further discussions at the federal - provincial conference which is to be held, beginning Nov. 25. These important items of pol- icy and legislation were all part of the program by the gov- ernment in the throne speech at the beginning of this session. This, at present, is the situation as far as the work of the House of Commons is concerned. Upon the completion of the prime minister's statement a number of comments were made by various representa- tives of the opposition parties. The NDP member for Winni- peg North Centre started out by saying that this sess'on of parliament began with a speech from the throne. The purpose of that speech was to let par- liament know what the program of business was for the ensuing session. progress on the contents of that| speech, he said, the statement e cas ~ OSHAWA JUDOKA WINS QUEBEC TITLE tournament. Mr. Wilson, who this day could be taken as an-| " other speech from the throne. He labelled it a "revised bill of fare". This situation reminds us of the budget and the re- treats that were made from the Ray Wilson, 23, a member of the Oskfwa Maple Leaf Judo Club, was declared "brown belt" champion in the Quebec Annual Judo Tourna- ment held in Montreal re- cently. Mr. Wilson, second from right, is seen as he was officially presented with the trophy by Club President Leo resides at 277 Lakeshore, Haunsberger, second from Oshawa, was also a member left, who won the same title of the team of the left. Looking on are, Dan Albert Stadtke, captain; Doug Dillon, right, instructor and Faliaize, Harry Scott and Bill Doug Fallaize, left, who won Gribben the same title in the 1962 --Oshawa Times Photo GREENWOOD ENTRIES | Whitby Wins WEDNESDAY, "B" Title one hour left, This time is con- " sumed by the members of the) ,fIRST,RACETecoash $250 citi Whitby Henry Street High School niaintained their unbeat- house in bringing forward griev-|7 Furiongs. en streak Saturday as "hey won .| Little Welch, Potts 123 peniay ok em meas |Joe The Captain, Parsons X107 that|Nirisso, No Boy 117 the COSSA senior "'B" title for the second straight year. One of the grievances the| Moor Park, Elliott 111 King's Method, L 7 . singer aie, They scored a 21-13 win over has been discussed is |Artista, Stadnyk 111 evasiveness of ministers in an-|Femme de Fury, Livingston X110 swering questions put to them|Lichee Nut, Lanoway 114 «4. | Toronto Street, Walsh X113 by members of the opposition) SIXTH RACE -- "Lion D'Or" Allow-| Lakefield and it was the first parties. SECOND RACE -- Hibernia. $2500,ances (Foaled in Canada) Purse $3000] $j ; te: A _|claiming. Purse $1800 for 3-year-olds and/for three-year-olds and up. 7 Furs. ime this season that. 8 am As one member, who has yp. 7 Furlongs. Blue Light, Dittfach 116 had scored against Whitby. been in the house. for a greatiny elector, Uyeyama 118 | Qirendy., Ole. Armsineng. 126 The winners piled up a 13-0 many years, representing the|Port O Lane, No Boy 109 Bridal Music, Smith 114 first quarter lead and it was CCF and now the NDP, com- ; 13-1 at the half. Roland Mackey was the big scorer for the win- et Galindo, Lanoway 119 . |Prince Tour, Walsh X107 mented, in effect, that in all 0'|Bourbon Blue, No Boy 117 QUINELLA BETTING SEVENTH RACE -- "Salvidere" $10,\ners as he tallied three TDs on 000 Claiming Purse $2400 for three-year-loff tackle plays. Barry Goode ; .| Destrer's Prince, Lanoway 118 the years he has been an ties |Kenny K, Fitzsimmons 118 liament, he has never witnessed| jolds and up 7 F urs, i - |Forest Lark, Parsons X108 pacw'gg two singles and @ con vert. Navahoe Knave, No Boy 118 more evasiveness by ministers|Eterna! Lock, Fitzsimmons 115 as he has experienced now. THIRD RACE -- Scimitar. $2500 claim-|Battling Way, Dittfach 108 ; For Lakefield; Ken Jacobs picked up one point on a mis- Patronage is another favorite|ing. Purse $1800 for 3-year-olds and up. 7|Apple, Giesbrecht 118 placed field goal attempt. He subject for discussion during the |Aitruish ee Ac a eer ane i 'rom the itby 35 and EIGHTH RACE -- 'Golden' Spherer|Micked f yu NON - CONFIDENCE MOTIONS We now have had a number of non - confidence motions. There is one more to be in- troduced, and this will be done on Tuesday, Nov. 12. Following the disposition of a| non-confidence motion, on on second day of the debate, there usually is a little more than November 13 FIFTH RACE -- "Pitcairn" $2500 Claiming Purse $1900 for year-olds and up. 1 mile. New Flight, Parsons X104 Vineyard, Walsh X118 |Smirly's Rouge, No Boy112 jHannibal Miss, Uyeyama 117 Cairnfield, Sandover 115 Vee Gee Cee, No Boy 112 Conservatory, Leblanc 115 $2500 three- |Bomar, Armstrong 118 : G Altruist, Rasmussen 120 Loch Miss," No Boy 113 time when grievances are be-| Yancy, Armstrong 118 Wonderwine, Walsh X113 |$2500 Claiming Purse $1900 for three the ball was just wide of the year-olds and up. 1 mile uprights, i i i i .|Wind Wave, No Boy 112 | ng eet Since this a0vere Padre's Scamp, Hale 118 | ment took over the reins of of- Dark Red, No Boy 109 rg a Hash Boy, Harrison 118 Behind 21-1, Lakefield switch- Bobby Pin, Walsh X109 fice patronage is. much more/A! Abrigo, Sandover 120 id . . [Robust Girl, No Boy 118 siniciaaee Big Brown Eyes, No Boy 112 'Star Task, No Boy 123 cacaaacemmamanesinstenacsstiaac Sun Hash, Bull Pine, Hale 123 Walsh X113 |Unstar, McComb 120 Sliver Slipper, Dittfach 112 and started having better luck. They counted two majors in the/ last quarter to cut the margin. A Bill Stabler to Randy King- don pass and run play travelled 90 yards for Lakefield's first touchdown of the afternoon and later in the quarter Stabler went over on a quarterback sneak. CITY AND | FOURTH RACE -- Watervale. $2500|Noble Boy 2nd, Walsh' X118 j claiming. Purse $1800 for 3-year-olds and|Mary's Reward, No Boy 115 up. 7 Furlongs. |Argue Around, Fitzsimmons 115 DISTRICT | Ridge Road, No Boy 115 Post Time 1.30 p.m. clear and heavy Foxy Call, Cormack 118 SERVED REFRESHMENTS _ | shall Succeed, Parsons 112 s NTS | uC G In addition to women mem-|,crfersuile: Uveyama Il F ather, 4 Sons bers of the Knox Presbyterian|Bandolero, Walsh X118 * Church, who served the re-|Fair Johnny, Lanoway 118 } Killed In Blaze freshments at the afternoon) + i CHICAGO (AP)--A father and/ session of the Blood Donors') . Fi | ssi ' his four young sons died Mon- Clinic last Thursday, the follow-| Housebuilders day night in @ fixe which swept a four-storey apartment build-|* ing on the near -west side. J Firemen found the bodies of ish Women's Hadassah served Rap Government in the evening: Mrs. C. Kahn, Mrs, E, Kahn, Mrs.' S. Rotish Patronage PETERBOROUGH (CP) --!(Similton's wife, Lorraine, was C. J. 'McConnell of Edmonton,|<: work. when the fire broke out president of the National House-|ir a first-floor apartment. She builders Association, repri-|identified the children as Mich- manded the government Mon-lael, 6, Anthony, 5, Timothy, 3, jand Kenneth, 2. € Police said the fire had been|! | | The members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, at their Mon- day meeting welcomed Murray Smith, a past president of the n Fenelon Falls Club, as their|day for what he said was the newest fellow member. He was|practising of patronage in the STONE PROCESSION JAMMU, Kashmir (Reuters) More than 90 persons were in- ured Monday when right-wing Hindus and police fought arent Alfred Simi i hour battle here during a dem- eee te 'hae hog onstration protesting against the <|Indian The Hindus stoned the motor procession bringing Chief Minis- ter Khwaja Shamsuddin and his secretariat to Jammu. A gov- ernment spokesman said the in- Kashmir government. ured ineluded 60 polfce. introduced by Rotarian Reg.|appointment of solicitors to Aker. Crown corporations. 5 Mr. McConnell referred speci-jon to a mattress: More than 100 SPOONS PRESENTED fically to Central Mortgage and|persons were routed from the David H, Lander and Michael|Housing Corporation, s a y in g|31-apartment building. Four per-| Starr, who celebrate their/|that appointments were made to|sons suffered injuries. | birthdays this week, were hon-|it "solely and purely on that touched off by a lighted candle knocked from a tenant's hand CHANGING DEFENCE ee ; * TAIPEI, Formosa (Reuters)-- earl ae en, acd prac- communist China is reported to |tised by successive federal gov-|be shifting its main defence ernments, he said, that some-|/ines 200 miles inland from the times after an election CMHC|South China coast against a pos- would issue no new loan com-|sible large-scale attack from mitments until the department|Nationalist China, The report of justice had provided it with|Was carried Monday by an Eng- a list of approved solicitors. |lish-language newspaper here. Monday meeting. ROSES IN BLOOM Mrs. J. Tiemes, 82 Montrave avenue, was able to take a col- ored picture of a rose bush in her garden recently after the plant bloomed for the third time this season. Mrs. Tiemes_ said NEW HOME SPECIALISTS IMA Real Estate Lid. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King Se. W. the beautiful red flowers usual-| Mr. McConnell was speaking ly appear only twice but.that)to the annual meeting of the the warm October weather| Peterborough Homebuilders As- was probably responsible. |sociation, GOT A CHILLY ROOM? ADDING A ROOM? MAKE YOUR Meat Specials Fender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING E. -- 723-363 BUEHLERSs 3 ! Wed. Only _ COMFORT COMPLETE WITH ELECTRIC HEAT CUT-UP CHICKEN! © Legs & Breasts - © Wings" 29* © Necks 4° 25° 2" 85° VISIT YOUR ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE LEAN, SLICED COOKED HAM us 99F ONTARIO HYDRO Phone 723-4624 MEATY BACK SPARERIBS Watch Our Windows 100 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa uw. 49¢ for Daily Specials!

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