Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Nov 1963, p. 12

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HOWE AFTER RECORD GOAL Flashing a toothless smile as he kneels alongside boards after scoring the 545th goal of his Nationa' Hockey Lea- gue career, Gordie Howe of OTTAWA (CP). -- "I goofed and I goofed pretty big." That was coach Jim Trimble's explanation of a third - down gamble that backfired on Mont- real Alouettes Saturday and gave Ottawa Rough Riders an opportunity to score the clinch- ing points in their 17-5 win in the sudden-death Eastern Foot- ball Conference semi-finals, Ottawa now meets Hamilton Tiger-Cats in the two - game, total-points eastern final. The series opens in Ottawa Satur- day. Riders were clinging to a 10-5 jlead midway through the fourth |quarter and Montreal! had |mounted a threatening march jwhen Trimble gambled and lost. | Als had moved to their own threw a 40-yard pass to import end Ted Watkins, He caught the ball in the shadow of the goal post and went over for the touchdown, Watkins, acquired by Riders this season as a replacement for retired Bobby Simpson, also scone Ottawa's first touchdown in the second quarter--this time taking a 20-yard Jackson pass deep in the Montreal end zone. KICKS FIELD GOAL Tackle Moe Racine, trying field goals for the first time in three weeks, clicked on a 12- yard boot in the thing quarter. He failed on a 21-yard try in the opening 15 minutes but it went for a single point. Halfback Rick Black com- pleted the Ottawa scoring by) Third Down Play | My Goof Says Alouette Coach was thoroughly dampened by a three - day rain and a steady mist in the first half of the game bothered both teams, Sai Ottawa coach Frank Clair: "I really feel on a dry field we could have done much bet- ter. We had one touchdown pass drorped by Gene Gaines (early in the first quarter) and had we scored then, I think we would have gone on to score more," ALS HAD TROUBLE But the final statistics show Alouettes had the most trouble handling the wet ball, They fumbled three times in the first jhalf--twice within the Ottawa |30-yard line. Riders outrushed the Alou- the Detroit Red Wings ack- nowledges applause of the fans. Howe scored in the sec- ond period against the Mon- treal Canadiens Sunday night. A43-yard line after an. Ottawa jpunt and it was thind down and s\two yards to go from there. | |SHOULD HAVE PUNTED "The bad move I made was lin not sending in the punting lteam," explained Trimble in the dressing room after the game |"But with seven minutes. re- | lmaining we were moving the converting Watkins' second ettes 139 yands to 111 but Rabb touchdown. |gave Montreal an edge in the Gino Berretta scored four of|Passing game, completing 12 of| 7 the Montreal points -- booting|19 throws for 171 yards, Jack- for 110 yards. |single. Ferd Burket rounded out | Rabb completed three passes the Als' scoring with a 38-yard quick kick that went for a sin-|for 56 yards late in the game gle point. |with the outcome a foregone | The Lansdowne Park field! conclusion. ball and we hed good tum. "IT wanted to maintain it and He topped the record held by | go in and get the score. Know- former Montreal Canadiens |jng Ottawa had good .running star Maurice Richard to set | power, I figured if we sumren- all-time scoring mark. jdered the ball by punting, we --(AP Wirephoto) |might never get it back." Quarterback Warren threw a screen pass to halfback George Dixon but he was stopped for a two-yard loss and Riders took over the ball on the Rabb} Steen Report Not Finished WINNIPEG (CP) F e w,Neil Farrell, both of Hamilton. stones were left unturned by the/ NAME PRO a 26-yard field goal and 22-yard|son completed eight of 15 passes " Federal Duck Stamp Federation Proposal OTTAWA (CP) -- A federal "duck stamp" charge on Can- ada's estimated 500,000 water- fowl hunters was proposed Sat- urday by the Canadian Wildlife Federation to help finance the preservation of vital wetlands for waterfowl breeding. No amount was suggested but the idea received unanimous ap- proval by the 28 - man direc- torate of the federation, which represents more than 150,000 organized sportsmen in eight provinces--all except Nova Sco-| tia and Newfoundland. Waterfowl problems were the prime topic at the one-day an- nual meeting, first since the fed- jnues going into the improve-| Leased wetlands, refuges and Montreal 41. Two plays later Russ Jackson Chicago Wins jtime the Amateur Athletic Un- ion of Canada members com- pleted three solid days of meet- ings Saturday afternoon at their 70th annual convention. Although most of the atten- tion centred on the activities of jthe track and field committee, Goodwin of Halifax its first na- tiona! press and public relations officer and awarded the 1964 national convention to Montreal. The 1965 national convention went to the B.C, branch with Vancouver the probable site. | Ottawa Rough Rider quarter- back Russ Jackson gallops for JACKSON ON THE R yards as Montreal Alouette tacklers follow in chase. Otta- ow UN wa won the CFL sudden- death semi-final game 17-5, | The union also appointed Don| Pro Managers "GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS Ask Blocking Be Extended ment of duck habitat. | For Canadians 'lure' crops were the best an- Western spokesmen told of the;swer, They were expensive, but problems caused by the head-on/sportsmen had to learn to pay CHICAGO (AP) -- Canadian every affiliated sport presented) The final session ratified a an annual report and a commit-/number of other important fea-| tee report to the gathering that/jures, including appointment of FIRST RACE -- 7 Furlongs for 3-year- olds and up, Claiming all $2500. Purse! $1800, (10). | 7-Ramblin Wreck, D'fach 26.60 11.00 7.70 6Steel Perifox, Terry .......... 9.20 5.40 9-Our Johnie, Potts Start good, won driving Also Ran in Order: 6.50} Pepit, Penepopie, sf CALGARY (CP) -- Unlimited|windspray, von Rich, Gentle Queen, Time clash between sportsmen and!for their recreation, he said. farmers on the waterfow! is-| Lack of knowledge about pes- sue. The southern Prairies pro-|ticides in wildlife was empha- duce 80 per cent of North Amer-|sized in a resolution calling. for ica's duck population, but sharp|federal regulations to delay the inroads are being made intojregistration of chemical pesti- available nesting areas by thel cides until data is supplied draining, filling and flooding ac- about how they affect wildlife. tivities of farmers. G, Ed Meade of Burnaby, Ben Rosnau, who farms nearp.¢,, said there is "increasing Edmonton, said in some years ajarm among the people of ducks destroy millions of dol-|North America' over this prob- lars in crops, "You can't blame!jem, the farmer who goes out with a) The resolution also urged that shotgun loaded with No..6 shotithe provincial and federal gov- ération was set up a yéar ago to give a national voice to the hundreds clubs in Canada. In other decisions the dele- gates: --Urged the federal and pro-| vincial governments to get to- gether on programs to restore and protect the nesting and rest- ing grounds of ducks, geese and other waterfow!] on the Prair- ies; WANTS TEACHING --Called for a federally - in- itiated program to teach water- and blasts them down." jernments establish ways of iden- curlers captured the first, sec- ond, fourth and fifth places in the annual International Mixed Bonspiel that concluded here Saturday night. A Scarborough, Ont., rink skipped by Art Burns defeated Ken Olson's Chicago rink 15-6 to take first place with five straight victories in the compe- tition that started Tuesday. It was Canada's first victory in three years the competition has been run. Wendell Finlay's Kitchener rink placed second with four EXPLOSIONS NO ANSWER tifying and recording human ill- of fish and game) Introduction of exploding de-|nesses or deaths caused by pes-ling champion Exmoore, vices to scare the birds away ticide poisoning. wasn't the answer. It merely; T. S. Hodgkiss of Terrace served to chase the birds from|Bay, Ont., was re-elected pres- one farm to another, he said. 'ident. Survives Claim For Rich Stake \Ont., victories, defeating the defend- Ill., rink 13-9 Saturday night. The defending Exmoor four-| some, skipped by Fred Ellis,| was third, Fourth was the Windsor Park, rink skipped by Jack Windsor, and fifth was another Scarborough foursome, led by Len Quartermain. Blues Capture drew a record turnout of 92 deie- gates, The most controversial issue to come before the convention lwas held almost to the last |when incoming national chair- man Mery Ferguson of Van- couver presented the report of a committee struck to investi- jgate charges against the AAU by shotputter Dave Steen pf Burnaby, B.C., and the Univer- sity of Oregon, Steen charged in an article in Maclean's Magazine that AAU officials at national track and field: meets often worked in "'an alcoholic haze," that they some- times cheated and that Cana- dian track and field facilities are generally of poor standard. Ferguson reported that his committee intended to have a complete report of their inves- tigations in the hands of the na- tional executive "'before the end of this year' and that he in- tended to have a personal inter- view with Steen this month. |REJECT MOTION {Bob Adams of Saskatoon as jtrack and field coach for the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo. | It made allowance for profes- sionals in one sport to compete as amateurs in any other AAU- sanctioned sport up to the na- tional level, although profes- sionals cannot represent Canada in international amateur compe- tition, It also approved acceptance of track and field and weightlift- jing records by Canadians out- |side Canada as national stand- jards when certified as such by |\the governing body of the coun- try in which these records were reached, including those set in the last year. APPROVE REGISTRATION The convention approved im- plementation of a national offi- cials registration plan under chairman Andy Andrews of Chil- liwack, B.C., whereby Canadian track and field officiating would be raised to a national stand- ard and held there by a sys- tem of tests, checks, training blocking by backiielders and a|Clock, and Remister. special memento for players participating in the Grey Cup game will be urged by. general managers at 4 meeting of West- ern Football Conference execu- tives here Sunday, The managers met: Friday in a closed huddle to study pos- sible topics for Sunday's meet- ing and to look for common ground upon which club execu- tives could approach various league matters. Herb Capozzi of British Co- lumbia Lions, outgoing chair- man of the general managers' committee; blocking proposal did not re- ceive unanimous approval. "However, it will be placed before the club executives Sun- day." Currently only backs who line up outside the wing line when the ball is snapped and cross the line of scrimmage outside this position are allowed to block past the line of scrim- mage, Capozzi said the plan to pre- sent special Grey Cup memen- said the unlimited) Winner, b h, 5, Chop Chop -- Pink Sap- phire. Trainer J. Simon. Pool $49,037 Double Pool $80,975 SECOND RACE -- 1 Mile for 2-year- olds, Canadian foaled. Claiming all $5000.| Purse $2200. (7). 4Miss Shep'ton, Gordon 10.20 4.60 3.60/ 6Mangea Cake, Walsh 3.80 3.20) 2-Dandier; Stadnyk 4.60) Start good, won easily Also Ran in Order: Noble Score, Lady Domain, Shere Khan, and Jet Impala. DAILY DOUBLE, 7 and 4, PAID $181.20 Winner, ch f, 2, Rounders -- Khorarose. Trainer, G M Carter. Pool $75,060 THIRD RACE --'7 Furlongs for 3-year- olds and up. Claiming all $2500. Purse $1800, (8). 8-Golden Fleece, Walsh .. §.10 3.80 3.00 1-Final Award, Leblanc 5.40 3.60 3-Miss Bassano, Lanoway ....... 3.60 Start good, won easily Also Ran in Order: Lively Music, Split the Loot, Highest Reward, and Keep a Thinking. | Winner, bik h, 5, Windfields -- Millisteo,| Trainer, J Lankinen, Pool $93,165 FOURTH RACE -- 7 Furlongs, 3-year- olds and up, allowances, Purse $2600. | S-Soysambu, Uyeyama ... 15.90 5.70 3.70 3-Gay Jive, Walsh ...., sees 3.30 2.70) 7-Currytown, Leblanc . 4.10 Start good, won driving, Also Ran in Order: Bive Shutter, Sir bi Ra Flying Countess, and Royal Winner, ch h 5, Sic Ambre--Safari Moon.) Trainer, D. 0, Brown, Pool $93,657. | In another directly related) ang registration. tos is an "idea to help empha- FIFTH RACE--7 Furion Winner, ch f 3, Rico ite -- Too Frosty. Trainer, F. 4. Merrill, Jr. Start good, win easily. QUINELLA NOS. 5 AND 4 PAID $20.70 Pool $44,110. Quinella pool $48,577, | Also Ran: Johns Champ, SEVENTH RACE -- 1 5-16 Miles for 3 year-olds and up. Purse $10,000, added gross $11,673, 4Windy Ship, Bohenko .... 2-King Gorm, McComb é-Whiteborough, Armstrong .. Start good, won easily. Also Ran in Order: 5.00 3.30 2.70 sree 6.80 4.60 . 3.2 Albion' Star, Dr, |Giddings, Prompt Hero, and Twice Shy. Late can., Bofjac. Winner, b h 6, Windfields -- Lovely Delores, Trainer, G. Magmusson, Start good, won easily, Pool 124,421, EIGHTH RACE -- 1 1-16 Miles, 3-year olds, claiming all $3500. Purse $2000. |6-Charley's Pak, Ditffach .. 6.30 4.00 2.60 |S-Laf 'n Bid, McComb ......... 6.90 3.70 |2-Admirals March: . 7 . |Winner, dk b g, 3, Be Fleet -- Winding, Trainer, J. C, Meyer. | Start good, won handily, | Pool $114,519, |Attendance 15,090. Total pool $810,876. Total attendance 18 days, 161,337. Total mutuel pool 18 days, $9,372,217. | Also Ran in Order: Hair Tearing, Deal Me Aces, 'and Hootenany Annie, Late Can., Mr. T. F. REPLACE VISCOUNTS Trans-Australia Airlines will begin to replace its fleet 6f Viscount airliners in: 1966, SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES size the game and give it a bit ee, 3-year-olds more prestige." , fowl identification to hunters) CAMDEN, N.J. (AP) -- Hurry/Hill Jr., made it two victories and thus reduce the shooting of|to Market survived a foul claimjin nine days over Roman protected species: Saturday and won the biggest Brother, But the crowd of 36,- --Reconmmeased intensive re-| money prize in horse racing his-/652 had to wait for the judges search ifito the «ffect, of pes!i-|tory--$190,374--by beating 'fav-/to study pictures of the 1 1-16-! and up. Allowances. Purse $2600. 7-Highland Hope, Stadnyk 6-Queens Courier, Smith 3-Flaring Page, Fitzsimmons Start good, won driving. Winner, b f 3, Rockefella--c Trainer, J. C, Bentley. ..,. mee gay egg gag ety Earlier the main convention quired all AAU members and|#PProved a similar move on the) «4 couple of ideas were dis- 4 recommendation of the national] eyssed on a new player equaliz- coaches to clear with the AAU)... ; ; r i itic |boxing committee as well as a/ation plan but no decisions were executive any critical state-|,.¥, system of boxing safety Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Ges Dealer in your ares. Rugger Title TORONTO (CP)--University of Toronto Blues defeated | eltic Bloom. | cides on wiidlife aid poss'ble dangers '© humars from ea'ing fish and game exposed to heavy pesticide: intakes; --Supn rte demands in Man itoba and sasxatchowan for an open season on the le sana hill crane. procacted since. 1916 because it rosemb'es the voung whooping c 2n¢; --Conaemned the vropused rampart jam on the Yukon River in A'aska as a disaster for wildlife, thus backing the stand 2» WS. spartsmen's groups; --Endorse? the goverrment plan to feclare a 12-ini!? pro- tected fisa'ng limt along Can- ada's cOdSis; and --Critie'zed lack of lané velopmen: for wildlife uses un- de: the Agricu'ture Rehabilia- tion and Development. Act (ARDA) and ges the provinces giv: wildl'fe-more at- tention im jn-tiation ARDA projects OPERASES IN U.S, On the duck stamp issue, del- egates indrcatey in a brief dis- cussion that it could operate much like a similar program in the United States U.S. duck stamps cost $3 and are purchased by hunters at post offices to be affixed to state hunting licences. The stamp gives the licence holder the right to shoot waterfow!, reve- 40 "! ted UL a mile race before the result was made official. Johnny Rotz, astride Roman Brother and seeking his fifth major stakes victory in as many Saturdays, claimed his horse jwas interfered with at the head 'lof the stretch by Hurry to Mar- ket, ridden by William McKin- ley Cook, The stewards didn't see it that jway and declared the son of To Market the winner after delib- erating 10 minutes, Ishkoodah, from the Tumble- ored Roman Brother by jlength. The event: was the $317,390 Garden State Stakes for two- year-olds, The winner, carrying the silks of Roger Wilson and Mrs. H., P. Rookie Takes Golf Tourney PALM SPRINGS, Calit. (AP)|W00d Stable, trailed by another| Prank - .|3%4 lengths for third place in the Frank Beard, 8 mrofessionailfield of 14, Mrs, Cecilia Brandt's rom Louisville, Ky., shot a two- Sophia s Boy was another under-par 69 Sunday and won length back in fourth place. the $50,000 Frank Sinatra Invi- Hurry to Market, tational golf tournament. He peat Jerry Steelsmith by one stroke Beard's 27-hole score of 68-79- §9-69--278 was six under par on H's winner's purse of $9,000 was $203 $61.62 more than he had won in : pally previous pro tourna-| aces. ' Roman Brother returned $3.40 A} Johnston of Montreal and)and $2.60 and Ishkoodah $4.60 George Knudson of Toronto 1, chow jwere eliminated Friday when - the field was reduced Dow Finsterwald and Mason |Rudolph finished at 280, a stroke behind Steelsmith, and Al Gei- berger was next at 282. Steel- smith, Finsterwald: and Geiber- ger 'all had rounds of 69 Sun- day, and Rudolph 'shot a 70. a muddy track in 1:45 1-5, He ing his total earnings to 529 on three victories, a second and two thirds in six Have Your Suit Styled and Tailored by SAM ROTISH 7 KING ST. EAST From A Large Selection of Fine British Woollens 1AN YOUNG See Bobby Hull's Younger Brother Denis Burn up the Ice for St. Catharines SEE THIS GAME THIS COMING... TUESDAY, NOV. 12th 8 P.M. ST. CATHARINES BLACK HAWKS OSHAWA GENERALS Bowmanville Community Arena Tickets K.w On Sale At These Locations: |paid $20.40, $7.20 and $4.40 in in-| «= Queen's University 18-8 Satur- day to win the intercollegiate senior rugger championship for the fifth year in a row, Paul Wilsor. scored nine of the |Toronto points on a try and two penalty kicks. Bill Charlton, Bob Dotds and John McNeil scored the other. varsity trys. | Queen's scorers were Rollie |Ogier 'with a try and Dave Steele with a convert and pen- alty kick. Queen's finished sec- ond in. the league. PODRES FINED LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Dod- ers pitcher Johnny Podres is g g $175 poorer after pleading guilty|Fred Harding of Toronto was} who beat to a drunk driving charge. Thelelected first vice-president and| Roman Brother by 1% lengths|3l-year-old_ southpaw, arrested|Wally Stinson of Saskatoon sec- last week in the Garden State|!ast Oct. 25, pleaced guilty Fri-|ond vice-president. Trial, stepped the distance over day, Podres was with a blonde) dancer when arrested. ments they wished to have pub- lished in magazines, newspa- ipers, or in radio and television linterviews. Ferguson said there is ma- chinery within the AAU through which complaints could and should be channeled for most e!- fective handling. Pete Beach of Toronto, na- tional track and field commit- tee chairman, said use of this machinery is "only common courtesy." Ferguson was elected to a |two-year term to replace retir- jing national chairman 'Maj. |Jack Davies of Montreal while | Re - elected were treasurer Graham Knox and secretary BAD BOY Goes Berserk! ) If You Don't Buy YOU PAY T JIM BISHOP SPORTING GOODS--151 King £. Oshowe @ BOLAHOOD SPORTSHAVEN--61 4 East, Oshawa @ BOWMANVILLE ARENA BOX OFFIC { Open Night KING ST, E. AT t TOWNLI Prices to Smithereens! |BAD BOY (Except Scturday) 'Til 9:30 He's Blowing High _ --ON-- e Furniture e@ Appliances e Hi-Fi e TV e@ Radios Etc. It At Bad Boy's 00 MUCH!! FURNITURE APPLIANCES NE 728-4658 measures that include head gear. and heavier gloves for all AAU-sponsored bouts from and) including the national cham-! picnships next year in Vancou-| ver. : |pozzi,as general managers The boxing committee also|committee chairman. reached," Capozzi said, "For this reason no recommenda- tion will be taken to the execu- tive meeting Sunday." Joe Ryan of Edmonton Eski-|4werve, Gordon : .|1-Warrliors Day, Fitzsimmons os was named to succeed Ca- dee. Chama. m had approved. establishment of a boxing safety medical inves- tigation plan under Dr. Les Wil- 'ox of Edmonton, intended to in- vestigate, test and report on the might lead to greater ring saf-| ety | HELD TO DRAW LYON, France (AP) -- Fabio Bettini of Italy held former mid- dleweight boxing champion Su- to a draw in a 10-round fight Saturday night. | | CANADIAN MADE BAUER SKATES Both hockey and figure skates now available at your Dominion Tire Store. Made by BAUER, the quality . name Misses Women. Priced to fit your budget too! -------- HOCKEY "C.C.M." Mouth Guerd -- Mode of rigid plastic---complete protec- tion -- does not restrict breath- ing. 1 No. 56357-504505 s "C.C.M." Hockey Helmet -- De- signed and made in Canada fot the. Conadian game -- light- weight, shatterproof foam padded, fully -adjustable to any 98 size. No. 56356-504314 "Ws skates. For Men ond in ond Juniors, FROM 6.95 Open an Account To-day EQUIPMENT ------ Shin Guerds---Heavy Duck cov- ered pads with form fitting fibre shin protectors and knee caps. 56322-328, 13" long r. gereeente 16" long r. a 56324-308, 18" long '. Only Some Of The Equipment Available + + » See Our, Complete Selection Today! DOMINION TIRE STORES peep >) NO OUTSIDE FINANCING CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS Bond West cee of «Church) 1 DOMINION TIRE STORES Pool $87,355. value of any measures it felt| gar Ray Robinson of New York! 6¢ | | | | | | | | SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile, 3-year-olds, allowances. Purse $3,000. 5-Etimota, Dittfach 5.70 3.30 2.10 4,20 2.30 2.30 3118-2, P D A Cooper 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol 728-9441 The makings" of a fine cigarette! CIGARETE TOBACCO fvoice vier Famous for _mildness and fine full flavour! 9 TOBACCO ALWAYS FRESH IN 2 LB. TIN AND HANDY POCKET PACK! ;

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