'27-----Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale ast, THREE-BEDROOM bungalow |1956 CHEVROLET, 2door, sunvisor, 29--Automobiles For Sele |32--Articles For Sale bet FORD <tstlan wagon, needs CHRISTMAS trees, Scotch "RMB coh Taito Mba. Japorniatay 1955 CHEVROLET Bei Air sedan, auto- bro -- $165 firm. Apply 329 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey,, November 9, 1963 48. pruned, » ==" Many Attend Ashburn Service ap Pe, Coronet, black rl fut dram By MRS, R. RICHARDSON | Dinner was vervea to URN -- The The DRUMS, ~jand 3 cymbals, $200. Telephone 728-9896. service |27---Real Estate For Sale (27--Resl Estate for Sale BRICK BUNGALOW, five ony bagd! o i on Taunton road asi, inished : room, een Jot, |in > vou $1400. Telephone |choice location. 728-8749. 7% NEW th ly finished with stone front and choice east end location. All under $15,000. Small down eis ari end easy monthly charge. Please contact Charles Chaytor, daytime at Schofleld- Aker Ltd., 723-2265, 723-7996. Ti Motors. Tel lephone 728-99: ONE LIGHT housekeeping room, fur- nished, suitable for | lady or centrally located. After 4 p.m. tele 726-0130. attractive-|$68. MONTHLY, $540. down, one mort- Psd gr ._ three-bedroom brick. Mr. Yeo, trae Bolahood Brothers, Limited,! COURTICE -- PRIVATE SALE. with garage paved driveway. Close to public high schools. Telephone Two Sto' Emad Bigs 320 Glidden If you like the outside you must see the inside. CALL BILL MILLAR TELEPHONE 725-1186 a "SONTIAEL cylinder, radio, 25000 millon. $2,200. Call 725-2393. 1955 FORD Fairlane, needs some repairs, $195 cash. 78-9537. STORM windows for sale, good condition, 2" x al and some smalier. Telephone Two- and and 27--Real Estate For Sale MODERN, three-bedroom nome, dining room, four-piece bathroom with Marv 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne V-8 four door hardtop. Automatic, etc. 8,000 miles, Tele ---- even COLEMA! space heater, seen ae ST car new. UNBELIEVABLE opportunity. Profitable U business. Purchaser Veet ere re me HELP! HELP! Our volume of recent sales has d an urgent need for new listings. i lire i j F g [bcd age room, ae mortgage, ing $17, or poy 633 aiairss Street. WEST OF WHITBY -- 5S-room modern bungalow, three bedrooms, large living room, four-piece bath, garage and breezeway. Asking price $10,800. Tele Phone 668-2165. OPEN HOUSE Kingsmere Gardens King Street E. to Missionary College, south two blocks to Model Homes on Gatineau Street. 1P.M.éTIL6 P.M, Built by Hogenboom Construction Sold by JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR TELEPHONE 728-7377 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS Oshawa's Largest Firm Staff of Fourteen (14) JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LLOYD A. P. BOLAHOOD F. R. 1. List With Us Then Call Your Mover $587 DOWN $11,750. full price. Newly decorated, 4 years old, bedroom brick bungalow, one N.H.A. mortgage for the bal- ence. Low monthly payments. Call Mr. Rankine, 728-5123 WHITBY Five foom ranch brick bung- alow on a very quiet street. Close to public, seperate and high schools. Owner tronsfer- red and extremely anxious to sell. Down payment open to offer and good terms for bal- ence. Call Mr. Irwin Cruik- shoriks at 728-5123 or 728- $205. eel on $14-) a i i L vi For fast efficient service, qualified evaluation by ex- perienced personnel in selling your property. CALL R. VICKERY REALTOR 728-9571 46 KING WEST For service that satisfies OPEN HOUSE Beau Valley THIS WEEKEND Hours 3 Until 6 p.m. SCHOFIELD- ARR phone 723-2265 : Hi ui FY = i Sg tb Hy 5 "e INAL, chesterfield, black. Slonde jroom divider, swivel base chair. Apply 243 Wilson Road South, 723-3937. STAINLESS steel iy forks, tea- spoons, tablespoons, per dozen. Buy any eves. Bone china cups and s|saucers $1. Telephone 725-3338. sulte, walnut, BED $5; dresser type and mirror $5; clock $5. Telephone 725-4676. in record player and 235, ing Pong able Rec 2 Two --_-- Bungalows : F } i F Built-in Ranges $1168 Down includes interior decorating, number one cus- tom kitchen cabinets, color- ed bathroom with ceramic tile, oil fired heating units. Open for your inspection. Call Bill Millar for information. Telephone 725-1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Limited | 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two-door, 6 cylinder, standard, radio, Good ically. $995 or best offer. Whitby 668-8588. CADILLAC, 1959, four door hardtop 62 series. Guaranteed good condition throughout. Private. Telephone evenings 725-5555. $40; RADIO wi table, .Jing chair KITCHEN set, 5 pieces, leather seats, $25; combi 1958 STubEBAKER ign gue cal en con} dition. Reasonable for cash. 1957 CHEVROLET ve-ton lek 7a on one $600. After 6 p.m. 'slephone 728-01 1960 VOLKESWAGEN, -- tion. Radio, 40,000 miles. Logg sell, Best offer 723-4313 after 5 725-4509. 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2door, hard- top, V-8 automatic, power radio, white walls, padded culate Kaiser Crescent. 1963 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four-door sedan, many extras, $2400. Call 728-9310./d 1953" FORD consol, "900d running order, baa $60. Telephone 728-6658. DINETTE suite, natural finish, 6- piece, 1963 2-DOOR, white Ponilac Laurentian |Vitie ville 623-3601. automatic transmission, radio, miles. $2,500. plus tax. Phone LA rad bebsels atl weer, area Leg ach ' d eld. suite, double spring, 1963 ACADIAN 39", kitchen suite chrome, 6-cylinder automatic 'end tables. No reasonable 10.000 _miles, Telephone 725 725-1671 or 843 King East. 1959 CHEVROLET, Bel a Black, ute. 4 matic, 42,000 miles, excellent condition, |CMRISTMAS irees, Scoich pine first cut 'elephone 725-3627 no, 3 wha One owner, $1,175. Ti °F! Orono, F ry Cae Base comems| TELEVISION, General Elecirla 71 Inch,|34-----Lost And Foun 1958 FAIRLANE 500 convertible, power steering and brakes. Excellent condition,|S7o-,V'xind washer, 3 years old, $55. Tele Grey folding wallet, vicinity Athol Best offer over $1,100. Phone 728-3250, |Phone 726-17. Street East. portant papers very' After 10 a.m. Must sell before the week-|TELEVISION tower special 40-ft. struc| . Finder please return end. ture, including 'all channel glad Halos Ah srg fly ne ee 196) MERCURY Manlonen UA Dulac (stalled and guaranteed ex with} Rewai peli edad fl sgl Peggle "B experience, $50, trio Television, |Avenve, Oshawa. 723-794. Te walls, discs, 17,000 miles, like new. Ask- eae fae. sar st BELL nge used. furn able. Owner forced to sell, trade accept-|ture ody anything wn ag od The Ti ed. Call 725-9940. Apply 1036 Cedar Street.|Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street 'uit Nov. Ming South and 31 Bond Street East, 722-1671, TV TOWERS special 4 ff. tower radio, electric back window. Call be- SEWING machines tor sale, We repair il chat work, driftwood, aprons, white 2:30 - S p.m. makes. Apply 55 Bruce |. Telephone ae! Knox Preciyeen ian Chureh ture with all_ channel antenna installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Lfd., 361 Gibbons ian reet. 728-8180. tween 5-7 p.m., 725-7143, 728-1070. 0. R "Ta Tea, Wednesday, 3 Automobiles Wanted LOWREY organs, new sday KS 2.30 er Boca of 8th com Under the yon of oa * Tea Room, Street. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars|free trial. an. Music Domne. a "simcoe| Mother's xiliary at Christ for wrecking. Highest prices ke. 220| South. 725-150! Church, perish Hall, ieaet and Mary) wale eme| White Eaghon Slee of th East. ALCSTATE rai one Aprons, needlework, ORANGE TEMPLE : wheel, ,? WANTED: "1957 rad eer hardiop, capacity, in. perfect condition. Telephone] white po gral oat cians cstiate SATURDAY, NOV. 9th ust be in perfect condi-|Whitby 668-52 candy and 7:30 P.M. Non. Private Seal 'preferred. Call 725-2995. | PIANO, aah model, 4-Inch height| (HE reas Fe Presbyterial United Church Women will hold a eters. training OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers,|with stool, excellent condition, ideal for! aay Eda, wy 15, Northminster| m7 i club or recreation room, $250. Sebastian|4®¥, Friday ue 5 , a Street, want cars for dedbatesl 725-7001. Miss Goreeny 20 Games--$8 Share the Wealth 4--$40 Jackpots to go 725-2162 or voce peseghn di nn. 100 CARS WANTED 1--$150 Jackpot to go; Children Under 16 Not Admitted... BUYING or selling ner? appli-|Board of Women will ae 'the AB Buying a New Car? oe Emer, Hampton or | Maroing and afternoon sessions. Registra-| Sell your used car to "Ted" Candlelight Ball - Talk "Cash" to the ST. GREGORY'S "CHRISTMAS FANTASY" Bazaer by the Car Dealer and "SAVE". AUDITORIUM CW of Albert Street United ee Two men's fall coats, zippered tinings. visti November 14, 2.30 to 9 p.m., Reasonable. 723-9290. fo be opened by Mrs. F. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Sat., Nov. 16th bois hte 1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, first class Condition, 35,000 miles, used as. second car. Phone 725-3744, 1964 CHEVROLET impala super sport, V-8, automatic, power equipped, extras. Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-0393. ination storm door, 32 x 80 Inches, $5; folding door, 3 ft. x 78 inches, $10. 725-4676, FOR SALE or trade, best car offer. 1963 pred gas dryer, two storm doors, Apply mia St. Lawrence Street, $500 WINTER WORKS BONUS $240 DOWN TO or 6%4% N.H.A. MTGE. NEW NHA Bungalows -- stone fronts, clay brick (no semis) hood and electric clock --- sodded front and reor large lots -- carries $99 monthly interest, principal and toxes. $240 down ----- 3 bedroom $13,290. $290 down--3 pati and garage, $14,540. $792 down -- 4 bedroom, split 1% baths. $14,940. Located in Whitby--All ser- vices in and paid for by builder--Models for viewing in West Hill. Only a available at the prices. Call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712. Manderhili Real Estate Ltd. DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 333 KING St. W. $1,000 DOWN 1¥% storey home for handyman, situated on large lot just north of Oshawa. Immediate possession. $1,500 DOWN 3 bedroom bungalow just east of Oshawe. Small born and horse corral on property. $400,000.00 "WANTED" ~ YOUR PROPERTY- DO LIKE THE OTHERS CALL THE BROTHERS BOLAHOOD BROTHERS IN FIVE WEEKS UNDER THE NEW NAME SOLD 1424 SIMCOE ST. §, weresee 203 CHURCH STREET .......... 183 BLOOR STREET 69 HAROLD STREET 448 ELIZABETH STREET | F full ticul call TOWN LINE NORTH | " 723-1 21 289 CORDOVA ROAD after 5 p.m. CABOT STREET ore: Brow... (euanes 105 BURK STREET Leon Manitius .. 725-8068 93 WILLIAM STREET Tony Siblock ... 725-4362 595 MARY STREET Roy Flintoff 725-3454 673 SHAKESPEARE AVE. Steve Englert .. {aeeee) 527 WILSON ROAD Steve Zurba ... 728-0 374 MITCHELL AVE. Lloyd Corson 723-2537 418 ROSSLAND ROAD .... Dick Young ... 723-7183 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 671 BLOOR STREET 847 MYERS STREET GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 105 CELINA STREET Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. 567 WILSON ROAD SIMCOE STREET NO! 1s 1027 WARDMAN CRES. WHITBY .... 574 STEVENSON ROAD ... | 1317 CEDAR STREET Ke LISTINGS URGENTLY | 147 ATHABASCA STREET ..... LYNWOOD DRIVE REQUIRED CALL 194 CLARKE. STREET HOPKINS STREET, WHITBY ......... | Wilson Realtor 26% King St. E. 725-6588 541 NIPIGON STREET . } 29--Automobiles For Sale DURHAM STREET 305 PINE STREET TALBOT COURT ..., Ghi 63 ji 278 ELMGROVE Pacinie bive with waite too radio, "ges heater, white upholstering. In perfect con- dition. Private. Call Brooklin 655-3583, TOTAL SALES OVER $400, 000. 00 1957 CHEVROLET COACH Drive by and see the checker board sold signs $350 or Best Offer 728 - 5123 also 2 Ton Troiler ' Steel Box, Steel Frame, BOLAHOOD BROTHER'S LIMITED 70 GLOVERS ROAD OSHAWA'S LARGEST REAL ESTATE FIRM STAFF OF FOURTEEN (14) TO SERVE YOU LIST NOW -- HAVE YOUR HOME ON NEXT MONTH'S LIST SOME OF THE STAFF Whitby. 7" ADMIRAL nae geod condition, $85. Telephone 725-9 [rgd carriage, fe grey, In good con- ition, with 38. Phone A special Young People's service of the Lindsay Presby- tery was held in Burn's Church recently. with, option "end g oliiraic hating 640 Gibbon Street. 1987 VOLKSWAGEN, completely over- hauled, new paint job. Will give guaran- tee. Price $560. Apply Zolton and Nick's Fina Garage, 160 Simcoe South, 728-0051. 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air V-8, 283, 4 door automatic, plus many extras. 19,000|! miles. Will sell or trade. Telephone 725-3613, : pass a car and smashed into west-bound LeClere vehicle. 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian 4door, auto matic, power steering, radio, wheel discs, back-up lights, perfect condition, tow mileage. Telephone 728-8348. 1963 CHEVROLET: impala station wagon, |~_----___" automatic transmission, power steering, Power brakes, tinted windshield and win- dows, chrome rack, whitewall tires, color black. Big V-8 motor, GM 1956 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, 70,000 miles, immaculate, mechanically perfect. After 6 p.m. dial Whitby, 668-8061, 1948 CHEVROLET, A-1 motor, good tires, good body, $85. Telephone 723-9919. 15 Fairbanks Street. ONE-OWNER 1962 CORVAIR, Maroon, four door, automatic, fully equipped $1750. After 6 p.m. Telephone 728-6973. 1962 CORVAIR Monza, automatic, fully equipped. Private, Ti Alax 942-3033. 1959 HILLMAN station wagon, i snow tires. 728-1462. 1955 CHEVROLET deluxe mission, good $19: 725-1053 1957 OLDSMOBILE, four-door automatic new tires, low mileage. $1450. One owner outstanding value. 640 Carnegie Avenue. 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4door sedan, V-8 automatic, A-1 condition. No trade in, Between 68 8 p.m. call 725-1570, 1958 CONSUL station wagon, rebuilt motor, two new snow fires, Will make good second car, Call 725-5079. 1958 OLDSMOBILE, red and white, looks like new. ify accept trade. $695, 369 Drew. 725-813 VOLV SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Bars bought and sold Leins paid off Trade up or down Always top quality. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.---OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE maieroneiecincns ces tersnaieesalanisseametaiaiitidaginieiiintas inesday, November 13, TYPEWRITERS, one portable, one stan-| dard, also electric standard typewriter. Electric adding machine, scale, meat licer, very Terms. CHRISTMAS bazaar and Tee. Harmony) Church Hall, November 13, 7.30 p.m. Christmas homebaking, mgd trans- 723-4391 LADY'S biack seal coat, condi. tion, Gentieman's navy bive overcoat. SUBURBAN LIVING THREE TO CHOOSE FROM ALL WITH GARAGE NEAR ST. PAUL'S -- Locat- ed off Garrard Rd. on Ed- ward Street in on area of fine "Homes", 3 bedroom brick with all' the fine comforts of a "happy home'. Gorage, large enough for a boot and a car. List $15,700. on terms. Call Mr. Horner 728-2236, NEAR ST. JOSEPHS -- Long rancher with attached gar- age, fine brick construction, fenced in patio for those out- door barbecues, for those spe- cial guests, serve in the din- ing room, carries on 6% N.H.A. mortgage. List $16,- 500. with terms. Call Mr. Horner ot 728-2236. V.L.A. SPECIAL -- Neor Maple Grove, situated on a one acre lot, suitable for al- most any type of gardening, extremely large living room giving a scenic country side view, full bath, ond all city conveniences, large double garage, one look at the out- side and you'll desire owner- ship of this beautiful country settings. Call Mr. Horner at 728-2236: Trades considered up to a a » monthly, Apply 73 Westmount 'Stre taxes, Call 726-5222. 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, insul-brick house. Shopping 723-1989. 1955 PONTIAC, 2-door sedi 725-2911, evenings 728- throu black and white, fully I Al, mt beng 1953 FORD sedan, sell for best offer. Can ROSSLAND RD. er ¢ PONTIAC V8, four-door hardtop,|i959 RENAULT Ganhiet sedan, pertect rary O. Stee Sens 1961 PONTIAC, excellent condition, exiras| ' cylinder standard, $325. appreciated. Must Brick Bungalows, extra |#3. 2987, inter H p.m. call Open This Weekend matic, very low mileage, radio, white-|+, Phone 725-8823 matic, radio, whitewalls, 9000 miles, Like offer. Call Whitby 668-3163. room family home with 2 ar METEOR Niagara, V-8, automatic, patio, Within. wolki dis- pinot + eae plus extras. Tele- to North General Motors. 5 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW on ing room and dining room. 4 ties for recreation room. Lerge rooms. throughout shrubs and a fish pond. New- ELENA STREET -- 9 room possession. Priced at $10,- ment ond forced air oil fur- niture included in the price 21 ft. living room, well ap- facilities. Priced at $18,500. Hollywood kitchen. 3 bed- throughout ond $13,500 full 9385 cock Rd, North. Aluminum near GM south plant, Ethate, caries for|radlo, good condition. oe ee ee sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio. Must|s pa 5 * atic, . Inte tle near Centre.|sell this week. Make offer! Telephone| = new bat- PRIVATE SALE -- 2storey, 3 acho rey! radio. $225. Apply 'a7 Grtona Ave- central, new oil furnace, gai THREE: 'TON 1955 Chevrolet stake truck, resale, Both reason. BEAUTIFUL NHA Bast end,|A-1 "opty ater 6 nm Py a Fa Ra a RS gage, on gn lot,| South. lable yobs best offer. fter 3 p.m, be seen at 254 Stevenson's Road 1962 Wit goal Va-ton t be naa dl Rete 1962 BUICK Le Sabre sedan, fully saul asy tt Steering, power brakes,| RANGE, bape nal 2" ans full-sized steel lone, power ? EAST positraction, safety belts, "rao, white-| side sad nce ise'Contat Park Worth afer|bad with" matress, $10 for each. Call 145 and 161 Wok CHEVROLET, boy 1, pod ta tires, clean interior, Telephone 725-3918, radio." Beck" speaker, "seat. belts, 'tne 'inted offer, Phone 725- . 1962 BEL AIR 4door sedan, three piece bathroom in tomat basement, attached gar- i0a8 CHEVROLET pied" pachanical Sor dition, poi eanery radio, $300. Tele 2 p.m. until 7 p.m. walls, condition. Many extras. Telephone 728-1727. new, Must sell, 723-7970. 1955 PLYMOUTH two-door hard-top, gold GUIDE REALT Y 1960 VAUXHALL super, real economy car. Excellent condition. Can be financ- 723-1 121 1958 TRIUMPH motor cycle, 500 twin, gg! tires, $195 cash. Telephone 728-8364 bathrooms. Living room with og good body. Good running condl- fireplace, dining room and $i0:_oF best offer. 720-0206. tance of downtown. Full price $22,900. room 1% storey brick with garage. Home in tip top con- Elizabeth Cresc. with at- tached garage ond lovely pe. tiled bath with vanity ° and colored fixtures. High $15,400 FULL PRICE -- 5 room brick bungalow. with Gleaming hardwood and tile floors. TV Tower. Lovely back ly decorated, This is one of our better properties that you brick with 5 bedrooms, gar- age and paved drive. Excel- 900. CAESAREA -- 7 room win- mace. 4 bedrooms, kitchen with built in cupboards. of $8,900, NORTH WEST AREA pointed kitchen ond three large bedrooms. Carport with N. H. A. RESALE 5% room brick bungalow with rooms and 4 pc. tiled bath. Finished room in basement. price. $6,900 -- 4 room bungalow storms ond screens. Can be bought with a low down pay- principal, interest and 73 Westmount 'S' Needs some fepair, $4,700. 723-7688. vacant, $900 Loma or aha esacheons | 7162. good body, tires and motor. 1956 Meteor, |A-1 condition close to 997" down. sedar Afier 4'pim, cell TIB0917, all Arthur *veinberger, 7244, Joseph| nse BUICK, Special aedin, automa; Ls Bosco Ri Low mileage. 728-| ped, vi 5199. ped, gon miles, lis, Full price a. PO Box 477, P Per fn s 985-2235, Be Two new 3 bedroom Ranch __|1955 CHEVROLET sedan, fr Mogg G\glass, snow fires? Must be seen to be! au' te, epee steering, ie. age. : 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air aadeke auto-| js Construction 1963 RAMBLER, two-door classic, auto- and white, radio, in top condition. Best ed. Call Dennis, Bowmanville 623-3619, NEAR HOSPITAL -- 4 bed- 733 Rowena Street. den. Lovely treed lot and a BUICK Le Sabre, two-door hardtop, KENNETH STREET -- Close dition. Full price $10,900. view. Cathedral ceiling in liv- basement with good facili- garage and paved drive. yard with lots of flowers, should see today. lent rental area. Immediate terized cottage with base- , Taxes less thon $100, Fur- Modern brick bungalow with storage lockers. Close to all double paved drive. Large Home nicely decorated on one acre of land on Han- ment. TELEVISION Soren, and aerial. After! 6 p.m. telephone 723-1878. DINING room suite, consists of buffet, ex-' tension table ne six chairs, in excellent Telephone Bowmanville 623-5454. GURNEY automatic range, like new, $90; Frigidaire refrigerator, $40; electric oven, $35; Fender Stratocaster guitar with case, $175. Telephone 728-3605. SPACE HEATER Duo Therm with auto- matic fan. Heats five rooms. Excellent condition. Also 200 gallon oll tank, 725- $9,500 NASSAU ST. 5 room brick, lovely bunga- low, garage, extra sunroom nice garden, sacrifice price. Call Mr, Jack Appleby ot 728-5123 or 723-3398. HOUSE FOR A SUCCESSFUL MAN 7 room .tri-level split -- 2 baths -- family room -- a rec room, laundry room -- living room -- kitchen -- 3 bedrooms -- 17 x 15, 16x 15, 12 x 12, attached gar- age, 18 foot stone brick ma- hogany - fireplace -- slate floor in main entrance -- electrical natural stone plant- er in moin hall, split to main floor, split to third floor. Complete brick stone mahogany bar in rec room. Large patio with brick bar- beque fireploce area, Lot 120 x 190,°1 year old. Very quiet. For more details see Mr. Jimmy Love. Call 728- 5123. new and used, sold and ex- changed. Largest selection in town. ren evenings. Drayton's Cycle, 204 East. a TYPEWRITERS, eeoerty cashiers, dupli- cators, cheqvewriters, | comptometers, three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office -Equip- ment, 137 Brock South' Whitby. Pekan satel hc GO HUNTING with hunting <upplies from Dominion Tire! Guns, ammunition, cloth- Ing, etc, Best prices in town. Try Do minion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. 8. F, GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, ANTIQUE GUN WANTED Telephone Oshawa 725-8183. BELWOOD 21 cubic ft: chest style freezer $250, New condition. Telephone 728-2048. 33--Market Basket WINTER cabbage, $1.25 per dozen. John Bodnar, first house east of Cherry Grove Motel, Courtice. Phone 725-5043, PICK your own Spy apples, $2 to $1.50 bushel, Base line from Whitby Hospital dh miles west. Joe Makowchik on mail MOFFAT range, General Electric 7 Ritson Road and King cubic ft. refrigerator, rug 15' x 9 wood TWO CLIENTS desire homes around) 723-4733 and 723-7712 broadloom, brown and beige, washing me- $9000. Can you help Mr. Yeo, 728-5123.) chine suitable for cottage, Telephone Brothers Ltd., Realtor. | 725-9431 AUTOMATIC washers and duale-matics, KEITH'S Contrary to gossip we are still giving out the best deals in town. Not too large a selection but what we have are good. 1958 BISCAYNE 2 door, local businessman"s one owner car, $1000 or best offer. 1957 PONTIAC 4 door, fully réconditioned, Music all around when you own this one. 1958 CHEVROLET 4 door, automatic transmis- sion, power steering. Clean cor from Port Perry. Priced for quick sale. 2e--Reol Estate Wanted $75 up. Dryers $65 up. Wringer washers $35 up. All reconditioned with three- month guarantee. Installation included. Free delivery anywhere. Call anytime, collect, Terms could be arranged, Chester Household Appliances Service and Sales,|----__ Caesarea, 986-4926, RANGE, 6 months old; refrigerator in good condition. Must be sold before No- vember 15. Call 728-2503. SALE of books, from private library, some technical, novels, old school books, paper backs, Penguins, maps, National) Geographics. Telephone 728-5707. ELECTRIC train, engine, 4 cars, tracks, 2 electric switch transformer and ac- cessories. Good T 723-1835. < CHRISTMAS trees, approximately 3,000) beautifully pruned and shaped Scotch Pine, now ready for market. Grower, Mrs, Sadie Hamilten. Orono, Ontario. Phone Orono 1 R 16. : COMMERCIAL deep freeze for sale, in good condition. Telephone 728-2013 or apply 335 Elmgrove Avenue. What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances. « For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. H. Ward. Var- ee Soe St ES Gilat ae, eae wees $ ALL CASH $ a mes Pete, acm! §=BALAAR For. eleah pri or ruts ve chins. 'nena pales Yosaan eacs Auspices 7th Oshawa Scout all anytime . cols MOTORS LTD. RMErSy TRE TRsAetE!| WEDNESDAY, NOW. 130 1 46 BROCK ST. NORTH washer wih ack, Sa lng ta ST. a etn 5 PARISH HALL cross from Roya! ote! 9902. J * Whitby 668-3331 RONEET cai Foros wal Roan ' ome 'bane 31---Automobile Repair |Name. re, We erry "Reston and Bevery ST. STEPHENS HOUSTON'S GARAGE GE dea dealer, Contact Honest cal's en ad} UNITED CHURCH and SERVICE STATION | | fig Strom Wes. vt nen home fermen Simcoe N. at Taunton Rd. GUNS! 32 special Winchester, 94 model, PRODUCTS --(anLekrth Sister TURKEY SUPPER le . Telepl ie 5 67 KING st. WEST (J mane eteyen an © Sat., Nov. 9; 4 p.m. GEO. MALI 723-7822 sell for $50. Whitby 668-5220. : and his Orchestro, Adults ... $1.50 32--Articles for Sale | tonlonsa "Se 'scar' an Prat . Under 12 fe Rees Peta one topbling ait resins alan GUITAR, Spanish, electric, ariginsl price 35e Mrs. Cebulski 728-8746 anteed. Cook's | Office Equipment, 10/5180. Will sell for $55. Excellent condition. OSHAWA & DISTRICT OLD COUNTRY CLUB- ee "ajar cheetaaae|cnine garaie:15 Drhom Set Sk -- charr, uitable je. nrnegenns,gT=aniametn ee en es) GUY FAWKES DANCE best offer. Telepi inder, ' . Telephone. WALLPAPER at ¥ price, et NEW KINSMEN HALL Boy one ra, get ne tee Eagar McMILLAN AND COLBORNE WEST aint ai fallpaper, 2+ King West, Os! herent SATURDAY, NOV. 9-8 to 12 P.M. sngine 'rocking herge.ciner, Hommes "Tele DANCE TO GERALDO'S ORCHESTRA Phone Teer Refreshments, Door Prize, Spot Prizes Sg lg Ba AE min$1-50 PER PERSON Ontario. om histee y For Tickets Call 725-5764 had heat iy "ale one tt WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE $950 make er. After 6 p.m., ms lo Since BINGO-MONDAY, NOV. 11th - 1961 KELVINATOR refrigerator, a Sa . i overtop freezer, magnetic door. Excellent Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize a 2 -- $250 Jackpot Nos. 51 and 56 GAS dryer, one year OM, new 'eondifion, 1 -- $150 Jackpot (Must Go) $125. Telephone Bowmanville 623-3526. Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20 GAMES $20 and 5 SPECIAL GAMES at $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00--EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Free ADMISSION Free KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST, WEST TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5 -- $30 Sor, 2 -- $250 Jackpots 320 Games JACKPOT" NOS, 56, 54 EARLY BIRD GAMES ---EXTRA BUSES-- 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST: EAST AT FAREWELL FREE ~ ADMISSION ~ FREE 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 SNOWBALL -- $100. in 56 Nos. -- $20 Con. PLUS $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE REGULAR JACKPOT -- $100 in 55 Nos. -- $20 Con. DO AS OTHERS CALL THE BROTHERS BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. PRIVATE tuition by yraduate of *he Uni- versity of London, England in Latin, En- lish, mathematics. Soecial arrangements adults. Telephone 068-3864. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, om service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chesnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563, WIDOW wants to ~ babysit evenings and) Sundays. Fond of children and_ reliable. APPLES, Mcintosh, §2 per bushel and down, in your own containers. Nick Bul- dyke, 401 Highway and Thickson Road, LASALLE apples, right from the farm. "|The apple with the Cadillac flavor, for ing or ples, Bushel $2.95; half bushe! $1.50 Delivered anywhere Phone 725-3445, WINTER potatoes for sale, store in your owr home or at mine. Telephone Whitby 668-8050. In Oshawa. WINTER potatoes for sale, store in er own home or at mine. Telephone Whi 668-8050. SEBAGO potatoes, $1 per 75 Ib. bag, cash and carry, from Allan Downs Farm, RR| 1, Pontypool, Ontario. 34--Lost and Found el oe glasses une vicinity 5000 ae : aie SCOTCH PINES _ |Alex'- aot ares. Reward $50 Cail ates CHRISTMAS TREES USED CAR BARGAINS 1959 CHEVROLET tow truck, one ton 1955 NASH METROPOLITAN 1956 FORD, two door Set of 2 banks. Devileiss Infra- Red lights, good condition. Twenty other cars from $50 up to choose from. KEITH'S CAR MARKET LIMITED 942-6063 anytime. Toronto HUdson 1-1661 evenings; 421-1500 Local 55 days. Telephone 668-5494, "FOR RENT -- in fours "plex, two bed- -- on Po og tote re- is only, 'elephone| 40-3597) oF 666-8131, ry JACK APPLEBY IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS EDWARD DRUMM WILLIAM HORNER WILLARD JOHNSTON JAMES LOVE CHARLES RANKINE ROY YEO Cannon Auto Body 335 BLOOR STREET TELEPHONE 725-2973 137 King Street West 728-4162 Trimmed cut and delivered. Orders taken now. PHONE 725-3476 LOST: Cardboard carton of auto parts early Saturday morning, on east lane of 41, Highway between Oshawa and Bow- manville.. Will finder please contact Mr. 'Murdock at 725-1123. Reward, Ss GOOD PARKING HARE THE WEALTH EXTRA BUS SERVICE NO CHILDREN, PLEASE