Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Nov 1963, p. 13

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Market Acti ity : me TS WORK-------- 1963 ee Th Week -- 1963 Seles High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low 18 -- %- 111 106% N Goldvue m+ 7 4 635 --5 12 780 N Harri +1 2.8 New Hosco aby | New Jason 8252 5¥% 5 N Keiore Newlund N Mylam jewnor 590200 New Rouyn 115000 New Ti 5125 (10 N Senator 92300 18 Nick Rim 17725 (18% Nick M S$ ni4 2 Nor Acme 3500 (14 Norgold Norlex 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 9, 1963 THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK Weekly Summary Of Stock -------This Week----_------ 1963 Stock Seles High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Mack@y © 750 L Paper 4205 Power U4S $23% 23% 23% Power w 1752 is ap Cap pr 95 Cap 280 pr 25 $50 N Cap wts 7275 GN Cap Bw 2765 160 GNC C wis 1500 GW Coal A 190 Great West 2400 G Weg Gas 2389 By The Canedian Press Advances outnumbered declines by %37 to 3/5 on the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues un- changed totalled 220. Volume for the week was 19,244,139 shares, up from hte previous week's 1: |. Total sales for the year to date are 696,358,056. (Quotatit in cents unless marked $). WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadien Press This Week-------- 1963 Steck Seles High Low Close Cn'gs High Low INDUSTRIALS Tr Can PL 56781 $35% 34% 35% + '4 24 CPR 36070 $3644 35 36a + % BC Pow 34622 $24% 24% 24% 9 G Weg Gasvt 746 LobCo. A 29525. $72 7ve 7% G Weg Sw '510 Con Gas 27934 $11% Vie Ne -- ve Greyhnd 3627 Os Guar Tr 473 n 2 H Cotton 200 4 Hardee 4080 f Hard Carpet 6050 Hard C@rppr 128 6683 Hawk Sid 4] Hawker pr 120 942 --2Va Hayes Sti 2415 We+ H Dauch, 25 57a Home A 17391 13% + Ve 5701 1% 14% -- 2 Home B Horne Pf 51265 3030 919 HBC Hur Erie Husky Oil 10895 Husky wts 8340 7000 = 5 5 165 164 Husky C wis Imp Life 25$ Imp Oi) 15044 $434 42% 43a + % Imp Tob 4983 $144 14 14+ imp Tob pr 1050 $62 6% 64+ % Ind Accep 13296 $242 23% 2342 + 2 Ind Min % $7 72 Pat % Ingersoll A $8 8 e 460 455 460 +10 $167 1614 16% + '4 4a + Ve Inglis Inind C pr 632 9 +% 7. +1 Inland Gas 7420 Inld Gas pr 1100 inld Gas, wts 2560 ! Bronze pr 195 26% --14 682 -- 114 $69 «6672 672 $232 23¥8 23% Inter Min 490 Int Nickel 10023 $484 47¥2 48% +1 400 385 «385 =--10 Int Util 6190 Int Util pr 295 200 200 83% B83V2---1% 0 Intpr Dis 500 320 +0 " ae i ats S174. 16% 16% -- % 816% 6% bY 4% 75 25 '4 --30 N% 1% + % ey 2000 «S 81840 34% 4050 12 3340 320 315 315 "25 ry a 6-2 a EL} Quonto Permo Stanwell N Davies Unispher Cc Mogul Croinor Windfall Newnor Purdex is a bibseLi Ase ay asi eeye8e35~320 HOME DESIGN No. 436 This modern split level is particularly suitable for a lot which slopes to the back. The lower level consists of a dining - activities area with doors to a terrace, plus a large kitchen, lavatory, and utility room. Standard Build- ers Blueprints for this De- sign No. 436 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for addi- tional sets. They are avail- able in Oanada by return mail. (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent sales tax.) Now available at this News- paper Office (or from ad- dress below) is the latest Design Book entitled "Cana- dian Guide to Home Plan- ning and Design," price $1.00, and is tax free. This edition includes information on Fi- nancing in Canada, Building Construction Details, Land- scaping, Color Selection, Inte- rior Decorating, Furniture Arrangement, Custom De- signing, etc., plus over 100 popular and new designs to choose from. Also included in this book are full details of how to order blueprints. 7 25% 16 Va "4 We Wats Industrials 5710 165 140 1200 8 «8 1920 30-26 2000 11% 1 0 ts 75900 5¥a de Sa+% 3950 49% 48 B+ 7700 0% 10 1 --% 7846 800 780 790 18260 325 305 320 +15 70000 10 8% 9 +2 sB.ugglsecstsn.souggeags 8~ 3335 : BLD RM. O.135 | AVE BLO. RM. G10129 Obaska O'Brien O'Leary Ss Atlin-Ruf Aumaque Aunor Bankene Bankfield Barex Barnat Bary Expl Base Metals Baska B-Dugq Belcher Belleterre Bethim Bevcon Bibis Bidcop Black Bay Bouzan Bralorne Brou! Reef Brunswick Buff Ank Buff RL Cadamet Camflo camp Chib Camp RL C Tungsten Cdn Astoria C Australia Cc Dyno C 'Malart CN Ince Cc. Nwest C Silice candore Can Erin Captain Cariboo Cassiér Cent Pat Cent Porc Cheskirk Chester Chib-Kay Chib M Chimo Chrom Coch will Coin Lake Cc Met Steep R Coniages 5B Sturgeon iL} Con-Key Sud Cont 7 8 C Bellek 8 8 Sullivan 5911 170 Con C Cad Sunburst 9080 «11 C Discov 200 «50 52% 404 25Va 24a 460-335 315 235 275, 200 110 65 9504 31% 26% 208 $110 1092 110 110¥2 107" 69 $109% 109% 10994 +144 / 10994 106 6766 780 740 775 975 (720 1640 18% + Ve 140 24% 297 9 +% 135 11% 74-- Alum 2 pr 4% 880 AT -- Vo Alumini 4% $200 "0% -- 400 2 --8 Ansiog Analog w 500 " +25 3130 Wat ve Anthes | A ' Anthes 6B 800 yo +" 1385 2----%" 395 Argus Arg 8 pr 2 =--% Argus 250 pr 121 - 52 Argus 260 pr 70 52 Arg C pr 12940 Ash Temple 8B 200 Ashdown B 400 Atlan Acc pr 145 Atl Sugar 3140 Atl Sug A 1430 Auto El 350 Bank Mont 2848 Bank NS 2746 Bartaco 550 Bath Pow Bath Pow A Beatty Abacen Abitibi Abitibi pr Ackland Alta Dist Alt Dist vt Alt Dis w Alta Gas Alt G@s pr Alt GB pr Alt Gas wis Alta Nat Alg Cen Algome Algon Alumini SBse. as 288855 s Opem Orchan Orenada_ Ormsby Osisko Pamour Paramaq Patino M Pato Pax Int Paymast Pce Expl Peerless Perron Pick! Crow Placer Preston Pros Air Purdex Que Ascot Que Chib Que Lith Q Mattomi QMI Min 5 z Qunston Se Quemont Radiore Raglan Rayrock Realm Reeves Rio Algom Rio Rup Rix Athab Rockwin Rowan Con 20 100 325 eS8uiese 38 122750 «(21 32900 $26% 265% 12 $69 684 aa 34083 «(12 195000. 21 W%--1 5 3 +1 53 52 20 1275 $27%4 27% 27% -- % 1262 965 950 950 --20 1 66 62 62 583300 14 10% 11% +1% 1732 7 7 7 --" 6900 16 «15 16 I 1270 210 210 210 --S 775 16 «1S (16 350 125 125 6067 "lita VV 18% 244 582 n% asse Vv v 27% 2% 54% 47 6% 375 intpr D élwt Inter PL 1 Stl Pipe Inv Syn A Jamaica PS 105 Jefferson 2130 Jeff B wis 3400 Jock C 83 Jock C pr Jock C wis Kelly D A 2420 $5¥%4e 5% Kelly wt 2025 180 170 Oe Me a 2 Kelvinator 300 $9% 9% Me fee a 4 L to N tt 11725 $17% 16% 17 1 fata ae, 20 " Laba' 25 Si lew <b Laférge wts 1400 " 485 480 , Lakeland 9620 Seis Gs Se Me Lakelnd pr 750 $19% 19% 19% -- "A pe aa le Lakeld wts 6530 280 270. 275 a ata ts LO Cem: 3567 250 240 240 --10 bar fig os eh LO Cem pr 470 $10% 10% 10% + % 200 $14 4 " L O Cem wits 750 44 44 a4 200 $9% -9% 9%4-- Ya aoe Ve 720 $454 44% 44/0 -- Ye iw tn 18645 $5490 5444 54Ve + Ve 302 500 490 465 225 152 200 1793 $85 42987 3045 8163 CU..FT, --% chs BS a + Ve fie a ke ce ele te et 86 310 295 305 -- 350 $15% 15¥e 15%0 -- 0 8 30 +2 3000. 62 62 6h 15900 7 6% 7 36365 WS 92 95 190 43 2 10641 77 79 5 4 925 102 102 3666 122 12 "00-7 7500 6 6 620 8 63 4465 $11% 10% 11% + Yo 3100 118 11500 94500 1114 11800 2850 62400 205 7700-53 42 65 160 We 9 95 185 ad Teg 13098 $14% 144 14% -- % +25 50100 1092 13317 6500 7% --~ Ve 6 --% 1% + Ve +%* $7%o Beatty A Beay Lumber Bell Phone Bow Valley Bowater Spr Bow S'apr Bow-M pr Bowater Bramaiee 660 7260 575 21 35 520 125 125 ANS 2423 845 29525 fhe Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario. MAKE ROCKET BELTS NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) Bell Aerosystems has developed two rocket belts capable of fly- ing individuals as high as 60 feet and as far as 815 feet, it was announced Thursday. Bell produced the first such belt in 1961 for experimental purposes. The second belt was made to enable Bell "birdmen" to make dual flights. The belts can speed an individual along at 60 miles $212 21% $382 38 $24 24 24 420 370 420 +45 $21%e 20% 21 + % $12% 12% 12% -- Ye $72 7% 16730 87% 7% 1405 $50% 49 680 $322 32 $32. 31% $72 7% $21 19% $22% 21% $232 23V2 25 1% + a Sil Miller sy Silvmaq Si} Stand Siscoe Sterratt $ 353% $52V2 0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book} $6V2 of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). 20 250 250 $22. 21% $234 22% 16600 lhe bm V2 26% ~ Wa 15% 10 25% 19 45 30V2" 4 ; ; a Sa 525 110 (10514 235 ts : %2 97 + 8 9A 175, $23% ig 23% BCPh 4'4pr 50 $91 6A 91 +1% 92% 88 4 ig a BCPh 4%pr 25 $88%2 88 882+ 2 90%2 #5 1 $26% 26% BCPh 4% 56 530 397 97) «(7 98 (94 hd bye a % Ms BCPh 64pr 10842 109 «+ '2 «(112¥2 107 104 315v6: 15 BCPh S\¥epr 102 102 --'% ves 210 $152 152 15% 20893 $162 15% FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE le aie b y y : 500 $8% 8 8 --% 150 $108'% 107% By ROGER C. WHITMAN Bruck 8 50 Sle ft 3 1318" ta Bullochs A 200 367% 6% 67e-- Ve ee Bullochs B S52 Sie Sia bid. = Burns 9 We+% $2212 425 425 Burrard: A Bulolo 235 «(220 320 310: $294 2 $292 $81 $13% 325 2585 12720 TtwZ 1200 8900 Tombill 44420 Torbrit 8500 Tormont 61770 Trans Res Tribag Trin Chib U_ Mining Name C Fen Territory Con Gillies G Arrow Halliwell Marben OOOO ESO e eee rere eeeHOeHE eee eeeseeeee eens eesees® 319% 1% fe: hon 559 $5634 56% 110 BCPh 4% pr 4 Shame 2 3 +1% +8 +52 +2 3 v2 15% 17 » 7 1233 "0 4s +2 20 +5 3 («18 182 18¥2 18% 280 «275 7% 72 158 «150 510 490 282 25 Wve 10 Marcus 7 (123 Mogu! Morrison Mosher Con Negus 1 +1 Con Nichol sat 'a Cc Northid +% Rambier 4 +19 no "9 9 313150 216 193 4625 15 2100 2330 58309 1814 5234 Un Macfie 20657 Un Fort 5991 Upp Can 10060 Urban Que 2196 Vandoo 6000 Vauze 1072 --2% 160 15 300 84 2 425 235 10 PRETTYING UP WICKER an old house. After installing the, If the present finish is smooth QUESTION: Several years ago| cabinets and floor tile, I decided|and adhering tightly all over, we acquired a lovely three-piece|I want to leave an exposed/all grease or wax must be re- set of wicker furniture. It was/natural brick wail at one end of! moved (fine steel wool and tur- in splendid condition, except for|the kitchen. After removing all|pentine), and an gloss dulled the finish, We sent it to anjold plaster, how can I clean the|(fine sandpaper), then the new "expert" who told us the $100/old brick to show its old orange|coating can be applied accord- charge was for the difficulty in|color, without damaging my tile|ing to directions on the contain- applying an "elastic" paint. The|and cabinets? What should thejer, Mahogany will require a results were 80 poor, we banish-| cleaned brick be sealed with to\coating of aluminum paint to ed the furniture to the attic. I\seal out grease, am sure we were taken, but I'd/from crumbling? still like to know about painting) ANSWER: Brick and masonry the furniture. cleaning and etching prepara- ANSWER: I heartily agree|tions are available at masonry with your conclusion. Please be|supplies dealers and some large advised that all you need do is|/ hardware stores; follow label di- thoroughly clean the wicker --/rections.for use carefully Then "turpentine is excellent -- andjapply a sealer-finish for con-| then spray with any top quality|crete surfaces, made by a na- enamel. You'll find this most tionally known wax manufactur- satisfactory. Incidentally, therejer. This is transparent, easy to is less mess if you do the joblapply and water-and-acid resis- outdoors, tant, drying to a good gloss CLEANING OLD BRICK QUESTION: I am remodelling +5 + 1 I Met Stor pr Mid Pac Mid West Milt Brick Molson A Molson B Mon Foods Mon Knit Mont Loco Mont Trst Morse A Morse 8B Moore Nat Drug Nat Hees Nat Trust Neon Nia Str pr Nia Wire Nia Wire B Noranda 150 142 146 7% 17% 1% rie) 4h 8 --10 2 --- 2914 -- Va Tam % 13% -- Va $12 2 --% 104 103 103 +3 $102 1912 10V2 + % $% 7 7 +% $512 50Ve SIa-- % $16¥2 15% 16 -- 45 135 145 +25 $28 27% Wat $24Ve 24Va 24¥e--~ 'a $277% 277 7 = 16 15% 1700 47 3500 12793 70 B 7 67 7 Cabo! 77 Cal Pow Cal Pow Spr Can Cem Can Cem pr CD Sugar CCC Stone C Fnary Ci Fnory Can Malt C Pack A C Pack 8 Can Perm CSL CSL opr Can Wire 8 V Aviation fa 0227 45) $37% 37 + Ve 347 $2734 26% 27¥2-- V2 557 $254 25 25 235 $19 9 9 100 $2234 2294 22% + 520 $227% 22% 22% 194 $214 20% 20% 130 $64 6 875 $642 624 6244 --2 750 $782 772 78 486 $58 5656 152 $13% 13% 13% 2 1750 $12% 12% 125%¢-- "a 10900 $11¥2 10% 18+ 4 Cdn Brew 24573 $10%4 10 10%+ % Cdn Brew pr 365 $5) 50 Cin Brew Bpri775 $53 52% 53 CBr Alm A 2200 38% 82 CBAL A wts 3030 135 115 CBAL 8 wts 2320 Cdn Can A 1630 Cc Chem wts 29440 3140 2600 4094 1158 V2 + Va N4+ we+%* Wilshire Wiltsey Wr Harg Yale Lead Yk Bear Young HG Yuekno Yukon Zenmac Zulapa and keep it/prevent bleeding through, 6600 10400 9300 2441 42 4 4 4200 45¥%2 42 «45a +3 115400 26%2 21 (2 22350 18 #16 Wat Oils ind & 8%, 8 2 2 2 = 247 240 245 1 5 MM WAX ON SIDING QUESTION: Last Hallowe'en, some boards on one side of our house were badly marked with red wax candles. Someone re- moved this wax and left the sid- ing all shiny. Is there any way to remove this shine and how can I clean the balance of the wax off? ANSWER: .I hope you have a nearby electric outlet you can use; otherwise you will have to do some hopping back and forth. Set an eléctric iron at medium heat and place white blotting C Hydro Car 2368 $17, 16% 17 +1 ae the -- ype! . His Ah c oe = a% 63 Slide the warm iron bac! the rust before I paint them? forth over the blotters. The Sieh siagan! 558 Hi ANSWER: Rust - removing will melt the wax and the blot- 70 $36\4 35 'preparations are now widely|ters will absorb it. Removal of wns sara ahve 7% % available at paint, hardware,|the wax will also take care of 520 $04 29) Me --1 and variety stores; follow: jabel!the shine C Vides Sete eee instructions carefully. Or use H CWN Gas 25 $17 17 7 = |fine steel wool and turpentine. DULL MARK ON MARBLE Wek beek" | Several top quality makes of QUESTION: My marbie to "Westing| 229 32 it i jpaint are available for use ON\table has a glossy finieh "There re Sh 8 SH te metal, requiring only the remov-lig a dull mark caused by leav- $0100 96 97 tala jal of loose and flaking rust.Jing a flower pot on it. Is there we sae i nk oe |Solid rust can remain, the paint/any way to remove the mark? ps ag |bonds with it. I recommend in- ANSWER: Special cleaning col Say |quiring of your paint dealerjand polishing preparations for shemale about this, removing rings from marble, iy Bnd : ae are available at many {|e sot 4 By RUTH W. SPEARS FURNITURE PAINT housewares dealers. Or Pays oa HH w A SWAN ROCKER is a won-| QUESTION: Where could I following: If there is no dis- pe derful gift to make for a small set the proper paint to redo Coloration, polish with putty child. This one has the grace-\some old furniture which would Powder and a piece of damp Con Con ful Ines and amusing expres- work into the Early American thick felt. To remove discolora- sion that is seldom found in $16 $15% $388 $18%4 $8% 300 $24¥2 0 tes $12% 12% $14%4 13% $212 20% 21% +.% 305 275 280 $372 37¥e 37% $9ve 9 9% $12%4 11% 11% 630 ve 340 1% 15% 3734 = Ve 18% + % B34 24ve w 550 7 9 WA va Dicknsn Dome Boneide Dunreine NS Land P Duvan 12% 140 + Ocean Cem Ogilvie Ont Steel Ont Stor F Oshawa A Overland pr 700 Pac Pete 16364 Pac Pet wts 450 Page Hers 772 Parker s 100 Pbina Penmans Phantom Pow Corp Prem Tr Price Br Premium © Amphi East Mal , East Sull Elder El Sol Eureka Faraday + % F'west T 'a Fatima 2 z TY oon ay 6 ' Bailey S A i Bailey S pr Pan laa Bail $ 5% pr Gnt Masct one Giant YK GF Mining Goldray Grandroy Granduc Guich Guif Lead Gunnar Hard Rock Har-Min 3 pec is a Hasaga 21 V2 Va Hastings 100 +15 Headway w+' Heath 5 +h High-Bell 2700 330 315 925 Hollinger 5181 $27Ve 26% 27 + Ve Hud Bay 1973 $58% 57% 58% + % Hugh-Pam % % M%-- Hydra Ex +24 Irish Cop 'so Jacobus Jaye Expl Jelex Joburke Joliet Jonsmith Joutel Jowsey Keeley F Kenville kerr Add 5676 2300 Aa Ys nu 82 Acme Gas --\% All, Rox + Ve cn +15 Collieries - Curt W Drege Found 390 630 610 $1814 1844 184-- % $19 18% 00 $37 3737 0 30 $442 2 ht 60 $13¥e 12% 13. + 4 100 $18% 18% 18% + Ve RUSTY BASEMENT WINDOW QUESTION: I have some basement windows that are very ? : HOME WORKSHOP c2icis 'put 'on them to. remove 5130 $72 6% TV 60 $29 29 2 1610 200 10780 $10%4 10% 43$345 343 2002 $362 36 650 135 130 130 QN Ges 7193 $734 «72 7% QN Gas pr 1061 $1 103 103% - QN G 59wt 4770 39 QN Gas 63wt 2530 Rapid Grip 125 Rap Grip A 100 Reichhoid 1250 Reitman A 120 Revelstoke $753 Revelstk pr 360 R Nodwell 1000 Rockwell St 2618 Rothmans 14125 Royal Bank 3417 Royélite 865 Royalite pr 35 Russel, H 640 $1094 0% + % StL Cem A 325 $17%4 17% 1%4-- % StL Cp A pr 80 $1022 102V2 1022 + 2 Salada Fds 19694 $112 11% 1%4--% Sayvette 2825 305 290 300 Selkirk A 200 480 470 470 --10 Seven Arts 2150 $8%4 7% 8 Shdwin Ind 2335 500 495 500 4 Shell tn wt 3301 610 585 600 +10 Shell Inv pr 375 $27% 27% 27% + % «Shell Oi! 10973 $17Ve 16% 16%2-- % Shully's 815 460 445 455 +20 976 $14Ve 14 14ve + Ve 2789 $375 36% 125 450 435 24474 6600 900 900 900 $2354 23% 23% 5 $25¥2 25Ve 25% --~-- Ve 162 135 156 +21 162 4 % 4 175 '180 10% 343 362 --20 + % 10% 10% 5 (15 29266 20 19175 7 313 15300 425 360 375 --35 4000 6 = 6G +I 62 éa+ $10 «+10 13 Cc and D 2480 $18%4 17% 17% --? 4000 17 15¥2 1S¥i--I%e 200 7900 #0 3813 $10% 5546 <= 16 Cal Ed Calvert Camerina Cc Oil Lds CS Pete C Delhi C Delhi wis Cc Ex Gas C Homestd C Lt Pete Cent Del Charter Oil Cc Dragon Cc East Cr C West Pete Dev-P3i Dome Pete Dynamic CPR Cdn Pet. pr Cdn Tire Cdn Tire A Cdn Util 04 "0 1150 a 18400 9921 582 16263 2648 1944 19201 200 29833 29625 700 3131 10274 1000 ---' 375 370. 3 $45% 45Ve $94 8% $74 14% $25V4 3600 18750 19% 18 8000 5 5 Chrysler ie 9% $13% 13¥e 194+ % 3 +h 62+ $10% 8% 10% +2 $85 B8¥o Be+ % 660 600 +a 329% 29% 2% -- a 6893 $3914 38% 39% + V2 27934 $11% 11¥2 11% -- Ve + 20$105 105 105 --2% iss $9 9 7 +4 821 3700 220 12200 1390 1794 Fargo Fr Pete pr Glacier Gr Plains HB ONG PATTERN 219 ae See 25670 995 %. 82 9 $12% 12% 12%4-- 4 $15 15 1§ --w' Lt 90 2 14236 13299 1696 9000 36580 Landa Long Point Medal Midcon 42300 Mill: City 10900 Murphy Oil 1850 390 390 W% 12 +1 ind $18%4 182 18% 3M -- Ve Con Gas B Copp Clark Corby modern versions of these rock- ers. Children love it. Pattern 219, which gives actual-size cut- ting and painting guides and complete directions is 50c. This pattern also is one of four in the Tiny Tots' Toy Packet No. 52-- a big value for $1.75. Send orders to The' Home Workshop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. The hand-up problem is solved with five adorable animals. A bunny, a panda, a dog and a kitten are each cut in one With a child-size -hanger of %-inch plywood. Clothes may be hung on the antlers of the deer as well as the pegs below. Pattern 381, which gives actual-size guides and directions, is 50c. It also is one of four patterns in the Child-Pleaser Furnishings Packet No. 47 -- all for $1.75. Send orders Workshop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. to The Home| trend in colors of antique green,|tion, before polishing, apply a red, blue, mustard gold, etc./small amount of hydrogen per- The furniture I speak of is fin-)0Xide and ammonia, then rinse ished in mahogany and maple. Off with clear water, and wipe} ,Would I have to remove the fin- with a dry, clean cloth, jish to bare wood first? Se ANSWER: At any large paint Buying or Selling ! or housewares dealers; consult! GUIDE REALTY his color cards for top quality! "LTD. enamels. Most large manufac-| turers have a variety of the popular colors; these vary : slightly from brand to brand.|l ¢ Bren yours oven ssgem |giving an even wider choice] . tyeas PEACOCE ann, in |The dealer will probably also sath ee ae instruction leaflets avail. | 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA able on furniture refinishing; || P . follow them carefully. "y HONE 723-1121 am, | CANNEL COAL Hard, Dry BODY WOOD | For Fir e Jaces NOW AVAILABLE AT McLAUGHLIN § .jott.dne SUPPLIES LTD. 110 KING WEST . PHONE 723-3481 \ Corby B 385 $18/2 182 12+ Ys 18% 16% 400 310 305 Coronation Coron pr Coron 2 pr Coron wits Cosmos Crain RL Crestork pr Crown Trust Crown Zell Crow's N Crush tnt Dist Seag Bom Ang pr D Bridge D Can Gen D Coal pr Dom Elec Dom Elec pr Dofasco Dom Glass D Glass pr Du Pont Econ Inv Exquisit pr 4490 50 450 3690 700 450 235 $658 6% 62 $26 26 26 + $8% 8% 8%+ Ve 155 145 (150 +20 $10% 10% Wu+ 15. 18 15 $5049 980 $73 50 100 6720 4295 60 $100 $56 56 SS $144 14a 144 $14% 14¥2 14% + Vs 353% 522 57% -- Ve 100 100 +2 4180 $17 162 162 -- 'a 190 $119% 118 825 2420 119% +194 $17 2 7 -- $12% 12% 12% 75 $102"% 1024 1024 + 14 3341 $68% 66) 150 220 $15% 4525 180 337% 12$215 215 215 1700' $7% 7 7 125 Exquis A wts 900 8204 2164 105 200 % Va 6670 --1%4 2 ees | a $20¥2 20/2 202-- 2 200 $82 8% Bia+ ve $50) 65050 A 14% 4% $16%4 15% 15%e-- Ve $17Ve 16% 17 =e $21%e 2) 21% $400 =e 40 E to K 9% 9 a7 9% Wat" --" $10% 10% 10% + Ye 135 $5 $19% 18% 37 0OU0} 370 «370 «370 --10 871% 714 11% --22 Fed Grain pr 115 $2994 29% 29% + % Fieet Mig Ford US Ford Cda Fraser Frosst A Fruehaut Gat 5 pr Gen Bake Gen Dev @Mackey& 965 97 1100 5.8 SS +4 50 $552 552 Si¥a-- 2 399 $1711 170 2) 200 750 Ws $292 28% 29 + 4 $182 18% A+ $7 6 6 50 $101 10114 10112 = Va 380 $15 100 uu WM-- S6¥e 6% 6% $27% 274 274-- 1 394% 901% 100 «(100 $28% 274 277%-- % $139% 12% 13% + % 1] 92 «+1% 135 (135 * 2% +34 * 7 8 5\4 WO 25% 8% 1% Slater Steel Slat Sti pr Somville pr Southam Stafford St Pav St Radio Steel Can Steinberg pr Steinbg A Ster Tr Stuart Oi! Suptest ord Suptest pr Switson Tamblyn Tancord Texaco © TT Can A TT Tailors Tor Dm. Bk Tor Star pr Towers T Fin A T Fin 8 T Fin 42 T Fin § TRC Fund Tr Can PL Trans Mt Trans PPL Turnbull Turnbull! pr Union Acc U Acc 2 pr Un Gas U GasA pr U Gas B pr U Corp A U Corp B U Corp pr U Corp 63pr Un Steet Vendomat Viceroy Vic @ Tr Vulcan Walk GW Wat Equip Webb Knp Westcoast W Indies N Pacific Nestta West a West 8 Wen p 4% 250 os 50 1444 2175 977 130 27282 $10% 10% $20%2 20 $52 52 $30 (29% 495 450 37% 94 $92 9 $23Ve 22% 20 $1022 102" 200 40 100 1525 50 $107 300 1155 1280 901 300 200 9748 120 1600 16756 710 1200 50 100 56781 20782 10840 505 $22 «22 $5959 $344 34.4 317% 17% io) 155 150 Tro $192 19 375 355 $532 53 38% 8 $4004 $62 6) $59) oS? 6360 $11 11% $11% 10% $93¥2 932 $399 9 $10% 10% 335% 34% $142 13% 38% 8% 811% 11% 22 1500 $22 300 W915 9560 315 1025 50 100 2345 A15 100 500 5875 630 7200 3843 450 15040 1200 2400 50 2640 3889 190 $si0)=--10 s1% $21%4 20% 120 $5¥2 SVs Sia 25 6 $56 56 $30 $27 $300 30 $32. 30% 440 «405 395 (375 $8 8 3695 $15% 15) 41s 415 $58% 57 %7 7 65 1558 12% 10% 40 1A $164 $124 1812 16ve v7 7a 310 «+10 W% + % 52 29% -- Ve 430 +30 9% --~ Ye 2 -- Va 27% -- Va 102% -- Ve 2 9 344 + Ve 17% ab * 180 We + 0% -- ¥ -1 Ki) 3% 425. +5 360 «+10 8 4 Sa 415 +5 23% 106 23M » Bae 2 9% "4 15. LtoN $33% 33% 775 745 8 8 a 24 «23 225 220 2 85375 "4 Labrador 2683 L Dufavit Lake Ling 480 27% 20% ws Liberian LL Lac Lorado Louvict Lyndhst Macassa Macdon MacLeod Madsen Magnet Malartic Marchant Marcon Maritime 6) SB s11% % 9 9 8 ue Mcintyre $45 82 McMar 43660 1) McKen McWat Mentor Merrill Meta Uran Midrim 20% 13 33% 75 8 1% 24 25 480 480 26V2 9 45 aCe] 8'2 - 22 a a+r + $19% 19% Wie ve $ 6 é o 0 .-8 3 6 Ww is" Mt Wright Multi M Murray Nama Cr a6 a Ww % +4 +% +1 _! w 10 354 25 850 Numac wis Okalte Pamoil Permo Petrol Place Ponder Prairie Oj! Provo Gas Quonto Ranger Sarcee Secur Free South U Spooner Stanwell Teck Corp Trans Can Triad Oj} Union Oil Unispher Un Olts Un Reef Pt Wespac , Wsburne Wstates W Decatta Windfall Yan Can Argus C pr BC Forest Cabol Cal Pow CPR Con Gas Dupont Frazer Falcon Inter PL Husky Oi! 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