Well-Known Oshawa Couple Feted On 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bathe celebrated their silver wedding anniversary at the weekend and held open house, arranged by their family, on Sunday. Many friends, relatives and neighbors called to extend con- gratulations and among the guests were Mr. Michael Starr, MP, and Mrs. Starr. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES PMA CLUB The Pleasant Monday After- noon Club held its weekly meet- ing in the Legion Hall with Mrs. Robert G. Collison presid- ing. Favorite hymns were sung.| Arrangements were discussed for the Christmas party. Gifts wil] be exchanged and will cost one dollar, names to be drawn. The election of officers will be held on December 2, and the Jo Aldwinckie, Women' Wmen 's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 8, 1963 7 Miss Vivian Clark whose mar- riage to Mr. Robert Boissoin is to take place tomorrow, was honored at a trousseau tea, re cently, given by her sister Mrs. Gregory Kane, Glencastle ave- 4 jnue. The hostess received in a green brocade dress with a cor- sage of pink carnations, She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother, Mrs, W. H. Boissoin in green velvet with a corsage of gold carnations and the bride- to-be, wearing blue matelasse crepe and pink carnations. Miss Susan Simkin and Miss Mary Boissoin alternately at- ltended the door and the guest ibook. Acting as co-ordinator was | |Mrs, Thomas E. Simkin. Pouring tea during the after- noon and evening were Mrs, R E |W. Mills; Mrs, William Jamie lson, Waterloo; Mrs. George Jacobi, Mrs. A. M.. Wootton, Whitby; Mrs. Nicholas Curran, Toronto. Serving were Mrs. Carl Sloan, Mrs. Ronald Boissoin, Mrs. Jack McCarnan, Miss Joan Tobin, Mrs, Joseph Masarovich, iMrs, Frank Wootton, Whitby, Miss Cheri Boissoin and Miss - {Jean O'Donnell. Pourin tea ere Mrs. Attending the trousseau were Bathe's sisiheer, Pinar A Mrs. Donald Petre, Mrs. Ray- Stire and Mr. Bathe's mother|mond Zilinsky, Miss Cheri Bois- and aunt. Mrs. E. P, Bathe|S0in, Miss Joan Tobin, Mrs. Wil- and Mrs. George Clark. The/liam Jamieson and Mrs. Ronald |guests were served by Mis s|Boissoin. Diane Hopps, Miss Patricia) The bride-elect has been feted Morrison, Miss Christine and/at many showers. Miss Frances Sparkes and Miss'| A miscellaneous shower was Lisa Feldberg. attended by co-workers of the Also helping were Mrs.|Purchasing Dept. of General Douglas Hopps, Mrs. Donaid|Motors. Mrs. Ray Zilinsky was Mornison, Mrs. Murray Sparkes|hostess, assisted by Miss Jean jand Mrs. Verna Prusinki. Flintoff, Mrs. Robert Holliday, The bride of twenty-five years|Miss Margaret Cowan and Mrs. received in a brown silk bro-|Zilinsky's mother, Mrs. Paul cade dress with a gold carna-|Lojka. tion corsage. The couple was| Mrs. Daniel Taylor was host- honored by many gifts of silverjess at a personal shower, held including a tea service from|her home, assisted by Mrs their children. George Jacobi. Mr. and Mns. Bathe are Miss Jean Hamilton honored life-long residents of Oshawa.|the bride-elect with a miscel- Mrs. Bathe is the former Edna|laneous shower at her home, Stire, daughter of Mr. andiassisted by Mrs. Robert Mc- Mrs. Nicholas 'tire and Mr.|Intyre and attended by the girts Bathe is the son of Mrs. E.|of Karn Drugs, where the bride- E. BATHE --Oshawa Times Photo. Christmas party on December 9. At the conclusion of the meet- ing refreshments. were served by Mrs. George Whitbread and Mrs, Leonard Fisher. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, held its. weekly meeting on No- vember 5, with the president, Mrs: Norman McEvers, presid- ing. Bazaar goods were shown and conveners of booths were asked to be at the Legion. Hail on the day previous to the bazaar to mark up the articles for sale. Date of bazaar is November 19, at 8 p.m. The cedar chest and centents, also othe. prizes, will be displayed ext week and will be drawn for on the night of the bazaar. Taggers are needed for Satur- day, November 9, to sel pop- pies, and any member who can heip was asked to be at the Legion Hall at 9.30 a.m. Mem- bers were also reminded of the | bride's Bathe and the late E. P. (Ted)/elect was formerly. employed. Bathe, all of Osh- wa. The future bride and bride- They were married by the|sroom were guests of honor at Reveretid' Carl Schmidt in the|a dinner party held at the home Grace Lutheia.. Church, Albert|of Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Work. street. Their attendants were)man, Glenmanor drive. During Mrs. Verna Prusinski, the|the evening the couple was pre- sister and maid of|sented with a crystal fruit bow! honor, and Mr. Hartie yjon behalf of the host and hostess Magill, the best man. and their relatives and friends. They have three children, Miss Clark was honored at a Mrs, Robert Bowler (Gloria),;shower given by Mrs. Jack Edward (Ted) and Verna. Menard at her home. and assist Guests were present from|¢d by Mrs. Anthony Cebulski Ki _|The bride-elect was presented EMchener, 'Toronto and Brook: Ji, s oeir of wool blankets and |pantry shelf goods. A canister set, matching bread box, electric can opener A surprise family party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, . Douglas . Hopps, Mr. Bathe's sister, on Monday eve-| ning November 4, the actual' anniversary date. Both Mr. and Mrs. jare active in the Mr, Bathe is employed as| Superintentent of the Parks} Board and Mrs. Bathe is a. past! president of the Ladies' Auxil-| jary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43. The Perfect Gift for CHRISTMAS Bathe) community. | church service on Sunday, No- vember 10, at the Salvation Army Citadel, fall in at the Legion Hail at 2.30 p.m. There Forever! will also be a service at the War Memorial on Monday, November 11, all 'in at the Armories at 10.15 a.m, The election of officers and| executive takes place on De-| cember 3, and dues must be} paid to the end cf September to be eligible to vote. The Christmas party will take place on December 17 with an ex- change of gifts. The Installa- tion Dinner will be held on Jan- uary 14, 1964. | |, MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT |) Trousseau Tea, Many Showers For Vivian Clark, Bride-Elect | and numerous pantry -- shelf items were presented to the bride-elect at a shower held by Mrs. J. A Yanch at her home and assisted by Mrs, A. M. Wootton, Mrs. W. H. Boissoin and Mrs. G. L. Kane poured. A linen shower was held by Mrs, Donald Petre at her home, assisted by her mother, Mrs J. H. Gibbens, The guests included the bride-elect's former neigh- bors of Burk street. At Madoc, Ont. | A wedding of Oshawa _inter- lest took place in St. Peter's Presbyterian Church, Madoc, recently when Wayne Frank Hodge took as his bride Donna Lamoine Love. The bride is the \daughter of Mr. and Mrs. |Donald Fleming Love, Madoc, and the bridegroom is the son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walter Hodge, Oshawa. The Reverend R. A. Sinclair B. A. officiated and Mrs, Irene Crawford, organist, played the wedding music. C yiven in' marriage by her |father, the bride wore a floor-| |the bride-elect received many \beautiful cups andj saucers. \Mrs T E, Simkin poured tea. A yacuum cleaner was pre- \sented to the bride-e'ect by the employees of the Purchasing Dept ot General Motors Following the rehearsal. this evening, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boissoin, parents of the bride- groom, will entertain the wed- Mrs, Wilfred Hanley held alding party at their home on) shower at her hom2 at which|Connaught streef. Lamoine Love Wed! To Wayne Hodge | length gown of white velvet with a fitted bodice, round The skirt, softly pleated at the sides and back widened to a | slight train, Her elbow-length veil of white tulle, trimmed |with lace, was secured by white jorchids and she carried a.semi- cascade of red roses. Mrs. David Love, Oshawa, as matron of honor wore a street- length, viue velvet dress with softly gathered skirt. A white feathered bandeau neld her short veil and she carried a nosegay of pink and waite chrysanthe- mums centered with pink roses Mr. Ronald Wood, Oshawa, was the best man and A reception followed in the church parlors. The bride's mother received wearing a blue sheath with matching acces- sories and a corsage pf pink roses, The bridegroom's: moth- er, assisting wore beige bro- the! ushers were Fred Hodge, Tren-| ton, and David Love, Oshawa. | {cade with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. neckline and sheath sleeves.| As the couple left on a tourig¢ Gioucester, aunt of the jof Algonquin Park and points of interest in Northern Ontario, the bride was wearing a three- piece double-knit blue wool suit with white accessories and a corsage of white chrysanthe- mums. Mr, and Mrs. Hodge are making their home at 210 Church street, Oshawa, Guests were present from London, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Whitby, Trenton, Belleville and Marmora. | | | | | | 130 DAYS OVERSEAS | (OCT. Ist -- MAR. Ist) : $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT || FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) PHONE 728-6201 have their carpets and uphol- stery cleaned "The Safe Wey' DURACLEAN DUCHESS AILING LONDON (AP)--The Duchess Queen, entered the King Ed- ward VII Hospital Wednesday for an operation to remove varicose veins. She will be 62 |Christmas Day. | NO WAITING * Immediate Delivery © DRAPES READY - MADE 725-1151 COME IN DRY GOODS SIMCOE ST, S, AT ATHOL ST. x | | 1 | ' @ PET | ERBOROUGH GS The Largest Carpet House Between Ottawa & Toronto ¥~ WOOLS ww NYLON w ACRILAN CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-958) ' NOW w RAYONS ORLON professional RUG CLEANING a Photography 723-3680 | LOR REET. bUPTULILtI KR FR TKTSA TI ' Black and Red, Blue White. Limited Quantity SATISFACTION GUAR @ 2STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA LPELLI TELL EL ELELITS ESGE S Tr De cs es eS a kB me I MEN'S BULKY PULLOVERS DOUBLE KNIT V NECK COLLARS 100% High Bulk Orlon. Long Sleeves. Sizes S.M.L. Colours -- Black with Red and White, Loden- with Blue and White, White with with Red and 7.98 ANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED * OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | i Choose from the Popular Qualities! Plains, Carved Plains, Textured Loop, Hard Twist, Carved Two-Tone, Random Sheer, Patterns and Velvet Plains . . . and many others. You'll be thrilled by the wide selection, the rainbow of decorator colours and the wonderful service which have made Cherney's Cherney's . . your fort of the quality floor coy- ering field, famous in If you have carp- eting in mind, phone . Make selection in the com- your own home, Con- venient terms, of 'course! the gay life of SOUTHERN EUROPE on CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS TOURS 21 exciting days as little as °207 PLUS AIR PARE See Portugal, Spain, Haly sun lands of Southern Europe - on 'Canadian Pacific Empress Tours, There's one just right for Right sie. Right price, up to $162 before you start with yal Canadian Pacific's 21-day ec- -. onomy fares. Look at these sample tours. Cost includes hotels, sightseeing, some meals. _, | a@PSEA AND SKI. A week of swimming, sailing, summer sport on the sun-drenched Canary Islands, 6 days at La Molina, Spain's popular winter ts resort, for skiing, skating, other ¢ holiday fun. 21 days in: all, Only $207.60 plus air fare. BP seTscursion TO PORTUGAL " PAIN . A fabulous adven- ture in Southern Spain's Costa - del Sol, bordering the blue Mediterranean, Explore historic cities ~ Lisbon, Madrid, Gran- ada, Seville. 16 sun-filled days only $199 plus air fare, Jet away on a Super DC-8 Empress, the fastest, only direct service from 'Canada's major <» cities to Lisbon, Madrid, Rome. For tour folders featuring these .° and other Empress tours, see your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office,