Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1963, p. 20

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' ; -- Fer Scale (27--Real Estate tor Saie 29-----Automopiies Por Sale |(49-----Automobiles For Scie THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 7, 1963 19 27--Rea! Estate For Sale [27--Reel Estate For Sele (27--Reel Estate For Sele (27--Real on Thas FORD Fairlane, nesds seme repair 1CK BUNGALOW, five rooms, plus|1969 GMC Wideside pick-up, 3 months old, MAPLE GROVE, very nig 2 to Highway, baa rhage gene prick Posed oagcel Peres gute ch en oy low mflenoe: ke fom. Suitable § for r comp. $195 cash. Telephone 728-95 29---Automobiles For Sale {32 Articles For Sele POSSESSION DECEMBER 3, six-room, sant fhorey helt, large fiv! room, din-| SBE the ly, incipal, interest andjchoice location: 728-8749. . Sacrifice. Must sell 3953 CADILLAC $395; 19 = 61 of, room, Sono ior Pm 'edoor KEITH P ETERS Priced "at 812,900" with a wore dowrn|taxes. Colt 720-8003." $9,900. TE 6m tN a, 725-0996. $895, 369 Drew, 725-8132, 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne VA four 0 Sealab tie eriainal Le ge mnie irr eg Pa ment, Phone Geo, Blyleven, Realtor, mee To Vorick house. ick bungalow. North | i931 CHEVROLET coupe, rod, Oids'|hardt , ses Shag Excellent cond with $2,800, down. Call Syd Goodfellow, pay' VACANT four-room insul-br' Contes: |Foom brick bung Bt te Korth ser Laer Party. Finished Mopiy 137 'otena| hone 725-8060, Apply 780 Simcoe Street South, f 123-7335, 623-5300. tollet, Shopping Hient Call Dougl powered, ee ee Realtor - 728-7328 ISTINGS WANTED Needs some' repair, $4200. Telephone| Realtor, 7254001, as 1958 BUICK Street, 0 Ge , motor. Re- dues se Ba ver New me BEAUTIFUL 103 King Street East Ls 7ay-1909. BEAU VALLEY -- S-bedroom, L-shai 1956 FORD station wagon, needs" body |llable transportation, or best offer. guarai Money 'Street, Osh ped BEAU VALLEY. incomparable in all)jiyi dining room, family sized kitchen,| CENTURY, 4 DOOR HARDTOP work. rk, $175 cash, Telephone 728-2675. After 4 p.m. call 728-8917. . awa, We have house buyers want ays. Including." highest value. Lovely ge clothes closets, panelled recreation] iit FORD ian aa Tar Bat RST 4 rn ways Including ts uf Whitewalls, winter _ tires, i984 CHEVROLET, 2door, _ sunvisor, jan, sel 'ON/SMALL and handy dump BUCKINGHAM AVE. new and older houses, St. Lucia split level now ready for room with sone fireplace. Private. sale see * | radlo, condition. $275 of best offer.(be seen at 254 Stevenson's Road North, lion) with frame, hydreuile HARMONY inalt eras 'brick hone pe immediate possession. See Sige areata woop fing| recone 793-17 powered. First offer of [apply at estmount Street. : 102 BUICK Le Sabre sedan, fully equlp-|Inder, in good Atif ly 'pa, ad VILLAGE 4 good size rooms first floor, us today for a quick sale. bethroomn off master, Detiroom, two-piece ha yen "SOUTH: arn ie one end ore} $1,000. 'Takes this car. No inte "CHEVROLET 'wlacayoe, wo ato cook be ne ose meneient eee Keach = * tamil room. 4 ne sedan, cy! ler, ay atic, radio, 6 ant : 2 large and bathroom on U. JONES, Broker {bathroom oY ae "i AB yer ment, oil Baa couple. erage, cious down payment. Con be fin-' {sean ¢ cylinder, auto otter! Telepnonelaa wa - RENAULT Ong maha Hersh si Osan 'aerial, After Pg ened Renee sige Mri on ooo [ = i PHONE 725-6412 ~ yp Aggie i tra, it 'aesire8. ormation, call tke Perry, 7240003 anced jos Satke" at "vada Ba ene, Ger, Antltronae, radio, Clean in cnt bn dining roam Fable, 8; eb a : contact Charles Chaytor, daytime at] Joseph Bosco, Realtor iterys radio $245, Apply 497 Orton Ave- 5 p.m. fee piace weit "alan eas ther information contact Ro- ings |$500, DOWN; for sixcroom Solld brick bone 725-767 | VERY FLEXIBLE DOWN 158-5207, Schotlelé-Aker Lid., 722/248, evenings fat i r00 j dala 155 CHEVROLET pickup truck. Apply, Dial Whitby 648-4677. whee landne Tierney galow, corner jot, five years old, terrific)" eer TPAC Sco TIO Se Hiv Pork Reed Ee a W FRANK * . Cotteral (reverse Siaik nas $1,500. DOWN . valve PLUS, Ranch ype brick bongs charges). RU. 9-115i, William: MeBrien| 1959 Chevrolet Bel Ait, |gition. Teleehone "aiitny debane) between ipgr PO) PONTIAC, excellent condition, extras waa ern rable ase ern drive, OPEN HOUSE aes ee eee, eee Ts imecang| fees Toronto. power gilde, positraction, deluxe|condition. Telephone Jcapeih include mon --_ uf room ment |1900." DOWN, Your bedroom, Twesterey,| CUtomatic, six cylinder. | FaRwE.TON i955 Chevrolet @ sake Wruck|radio, back speaker, seatbelts, ti : iar Fiigh Schoot _ GRBREN 5 j REAL ESTATE LTO., Sar tos rrereation room. TC raeals tiled on house, close to downtown, il 5 good body, tires ahd moter. 1956 Meteor,|glass, snow fires. Must be seen fo be GURNEY svtomatic ig ike new, von Cleor property, must be sold. || bathroom with glassed shower enclosure|schools, low taxes. For appointment to ] A:1 condition throughout, Both reason-jappreciated, Must sell $1900 er close) Frigidaire htt thy | PHONE 5-291] Two bedroom brick bungalow 177 Church St and iwo-plece basement washroom. Alvm-|see call' George | Koornneet, 723-2059, able, Apply after 6 pm, 44d Park . Phone 725-2967, __ [$981 Fender sn pond ie ; large living room with dining Bowmanville - 623-3393 _;!num storms, screens and doors, Epenenen Beets, ROR Os: Fear eet: ange i962 BEL AIR ddoor sedan, @ cylinder, lephone. 76605. j i . \ ttractively. decorated. $86 covers| ----------| 1958 Dodge V8, tour : ; : 4 erm sideshow Bie on oe lan principal" Interest and taxes wih sub vy st ry Mr, Yeo! door, good andition: ee -- uy sige in at ean "| oete tna = = phd ished recreation room, perfect Valuable 'Corner Block with 3 {stantial down payment. Don't miss 801724512, Bolahood Brothers, Limited, : : Reasonable, After 3 put 723-3060. site ns CHEVROLET, Grecia a Table. 'and chair amt, "Oh, Tole eee Wr pete. Soe stores, restaurant, 3 apart- |VEyen Oesitor, 728-9571, or call at- 46| Realtors. iii deleiaiaae $650 1962 CHEVROLET ee ee, Ne een Herve rodion 200" Tele: | 7259016. S D HYMAN ed on Grierson Street. Asking ments, King and Division |king West. MODERN, three-bedroom home, dining Fleetsiae. Low mileage pf A 3306, TIRES Gwo)s 0 x ' only $1,500 down. Phone Bill Streets, Bowmanville. Asking room, four-piece bathroom with vanity, : Ambassedor, petlient 'condi.|tires wna wheels We 8 2 ford, $25, Sas A i residential area, north-west Oshawe. One|) 1955 Chevrolet, 6 cylind- iw "CHEVROLET deiuxe four - rapa hrs M 166 Oshawa Bivd, North, mortgage, asking $17,000, Phone 728-850 'elephone _728- . i sedan, redio, white walls, Must be seeniism <vjoBBAKE: SPACE Let R yo' S D HYMAN of apply 833 Glenbrae Street er, $350 to be appreciated. Best offer. 720-76, Te Must ro FS Se Pad cae atic ten, Ratcliffe 655-3917. $50,000---$15,000 down COMMERCIAL Newcastle area, 2 bedroom reciated. Colborne St. property, tour bungalow, %4 acre lot, Only er 28--Real Estate Wanted |e, VOLES ASE, a gM i 1987 CHEVROLET Ve-ton pick up truck|gos7, rentals With Batter shan over: $8,500 -- $1,500 down Real Estate Limited [555--aiwnrs~asaire names -ersana fae MF ER DA RATER nav td aed wale 728-6286 age income, can be bought Bowmenville --- Third Street, 323 KING ST.-WEST $9000. Can you help Mr. Yeo, 78-5123. 1957 Mercury, four door lise CHEevy i, eonvertibley white with ton. Radin aasan trite: Adee obi. mento yall oe In twee fond 7 Bolahood Brothers ti, Realtor. Interior, one + private sale, | with reasonanble down pay- Brick 3 bedroom bungalow. hardtop pee Barr ter alt, 723a7a7, } IiM| otter accepted, 722-4313 atter 5 725-4509. |east. . men ee f WANTED two or three-bedroom bi ~ ---- eee ogeetend ZOMMERCIAL LAND Ri Pag eo - Bok Wall to wall broadloom, ftin- 728 6286 low In the Pi ck La "sale $695 105s ROLET sedon, good shape, rah PONTIAC Rarialenne, ruins | hi aie aries can a?) Or ° - D tomatic, power ipped, 'tors, jew! 9 ished rec, room, $15,000 -- aieyed Faby nan ha ae ae ladser" standard, $325. fiephone T2| radio, white walls, padded dash, Immea-|three hund x Sy Vacant land located on | 3637 $3,000 down pall at <n an. [guste condition, 7,000 miles. Apply. 238l golly renty servicer Hi hamat i957 VOLKSW jetely over-|Kelser Crescent. ment, 137 Brock South' King Street West zoned Six room bungalow in Village, Odecn Street. Attractive brick FOUR BEDROOMS |77<: R M rii G o a aren x ge ee sth ee en Street. Attractive LISTINGS URGENTLY ariians Yala ee ee eee ee ote cede trat" 10d CHEVROLET Bel Air seden, avlo|GO HUNTING with hunting supplies Cl, having a frontage of el lll ole sly home, Must be sold at once Newly built split-level lo- REQUIRED g ~ 'Gernoe, Fey "south, 728-008 m Me very ia mileege, Ag wane Dominion Sy Tirel Guns, ree ae coe 0 * : _ a 9, etc, Bes! 60' by a depth of 250" | oil furnace, 4 pce. tiled bath, Open Tor otters | cated in Kingsmere Gard- 725- 5101 1963 RAMBLER, two-door claasle, auic-| Telephone. 728-1727, Ininion Tire ater 0 hen if 4 res sa oe -|matic, tadio, whitewalls, 9000 miles, Lik pice nn dt For more particulars call on' paved highway, asking SUNSET TERRACE -- The | ens, included in the pur- CALL blah Sy Mi 723-7970. */1963 PONTIAC Strato Chief, fourdoor|BUY and sell, good used 'care ané : to aff pope | ? ; new, Must sell. 72 sedan, many extras, $2400. Call 728-9310.|appliances. One focation only. Pretty'e S. D, Hyman Real Estote hi allt prc tabaget pers a er gle chase price of $15,700 is Wil Dien(t PRICES 190) CHEVROLET Biacayne Zaoor tadsr,|1989 FORD coneol good running order,|Furnture, 444 imeoe South, 72D Limited. Crawford 623-3672. from $14,200 -- $1,650 a built in stove and oven, 1sSon eaitor 6 cylinder, standard tranamisalon, radio, |$@. Telephone 728-6658. RANGE, Gumey ; y \washers, two-tone, twenty-four th a agg AL rou De 13,400 down, balance N.H.A, Terms bariyg lis en by pet 261% King St. E. 725-6588 To Suit Your miles, excellent condition. Phone 723-4245.' 30 Automobiles Wanted |trostomatic. 1959 model, 'Simplicity 'wash : in yman Rea ; 1960 CARAVELLE sports coupe, radio,| eo er with clock. Also girl's teenage dresses, : $13, : Call 623-3393 9 renee |29---Automobiles For Sale 2) heater, 2 tops, winterized, Must be -soid/OSHAWA Auto Perts and Auto Wreckers,|er wu 'ack. Also git nt A new 3 bedroom clay brick Estate Limited 'i Bihan within week. Wake Ofer, Yela pone) 1178 elson Street, want cars for wreck- coal GUIDE REALTY home can be yours for $13. After 9 p.m. Call, Trades accepted {1958 OLDSMOBILE 98," power brakes, 7253073, iene ing. Telephone 7252162 or 722-4245 th a ae 4 ' aii - steering, deluxe radio. $795 or best offer.| : Fs ries, elvina' 400.00 with a low down pay- Jock Ricard 623-3154 ee |Telepnorie 668-8241, ns | i961 RAMBLER 1955 PLYMOUTH two-door hard-top, £4 |CARRaGR Ae Wee as "Biv vision, Thrifty Budget Plans 7 nae, 723-1121 ment. Price includes ceramic Joe Barnoski 2202 Clarke |1955 FORD Fairlane, <door sedan, Va.| and white, radio, In top condition. Basti Wentworth Bast. 725-1181. : ANTIQUE GUN tile in both, mohogany cup- |__ es CR ase NCES OO Empty Two Storev jautomatic, radio, two-tone, good condi-| STATION WAGON jotfer. Call Whitby 660-7169, amen YY ay WY WY YRS deta GOOD LOCATION in North | boards, (Hollywood style) vane | $1500 Down [ton $325 cash or best offer. Telephone Standord transmission: «(PA CORVAIR, Monae, automatic, fully] = 100 CARS WANTED | _ Telephone ¢ oohawe_ 725410, West Area -- 6 room split ity in bethroom, storms and Buying @ New Car? SECTIONAL kitchen cupboards, twe some | 942-3033 bottorn, Itchen yl with attached garage. screens. For further informa- | B O | A H O @) D 320 Glidden $1695 {1955 CHEVROLET station wagon, A-l cone) Sell your used car to "Ted" Soles be pare nly All gr Leet me arge living room with ult ton call Earle Allen 725- If you. pp Mg outside you ITH' dition; also 2 snow "Sra Gehawel Tolk "Cath" to. the New ton Reasonable. Apply :¥e? F pnell in -bookcese an -shape R } must see inside. ch | Sivd. South, telephone 725-9: Car Deoler and "SAVE" asi dining orea. 11 x 12 kitchen |. RS CALL BILL MILLAR KE S 1960 RA 19 VAUXHALL super, real econom FURNACE space i 4 RR 0 ec be rere eo ncieinepreriie | B R @) | H F Be ph He 725-1186 60 MBLER car. Excellent ae = be and TED CAMPIN MOTORS three - plece Soin Sah, inks, $43 pits ln Pe pice tingdn ag eh i a SEDAN led," Call Dennis: Boweanchio SeDSne' | 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 |antune Brereton Bilt pitied dhe arch sot MBs 6 tors, trailers, Christmes fen. 4, 4 px. tiled bathroom and stool JOHN F. De WITH Cshawa's Largest Firn : : be as sn oti daa Sect deat! Reconditioned motor, autorne- {1988 TRIUMPH motor cycle, 800 twin,|3 oma le R rs in basement. Pierson windows, e Staff ~ Fourteen (14) Two Attractive Bungalows BL V OaLces ae Rest HOSA tic |good fires, $195 cash. Telephone 728-8364 1 utomobi epai corner Park noe Hillside, in' town. Not too large | jor 733 Rowena Str WA Ie 7 DINING room ie makapenss aR nicely landscaped. Truly a ce with jae ae pee anid wwowergrernmemis | HOUSTON'S GARAGE |2itiien "Yecle. "amuses Uphotseree lovely home and the price has REALTOR | =. JOHN'A. J) BOLAHOOD | Built-in Ranges | > Saimetion Bul whet we neve $1395 Prince street. 'One stop. auto eecears| and SERVICE STATION phone' 7issa08. condition, 1m, ft, been reduced to $17,900. | | CLOYD A. P.BOLAHOOD FRA | ok |. are good . |rles, chrome goodies, speed equipment, ' Bowmanville, 14 Frank St $1168 Down includes interior jfrom Volkswagen fo Cadillac. myrt VACUUM Cleaner rei aie St ee HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL -- Ph, 623 3950 List With Us decorating, number one cus- 1958 BISCAYNE | 1957 PONTIAC \1959 OLDSMOBILE 66, housewite's car,| TEXACO AE tag tl okie sh sigal - lone Ox0- Then Call Your Mover som ee wprges ee Pe ane lineal tamtnasemnne | SEDAN jautomatic, ane gumar, new tres real PRODUCTS chines: Rentals. Wallace ne 'rename cl garage ona arge lot | | ec vor room with ti vi | eh : sha y 8 é ox gun | sae me good used cs % Call anytime 728-0591, 320° x 160 ft. Immediate 100 Ages with good house ; tile, oil fired heating units ofa wner cor. $1000 or best | tomatic, radio, six cylinder. -- |i9¢4 CHEVROLET, body Aa 'Good motor, 67 KING ST. WEST HONEST Cal's Furniture ond AppTlOneRs, possession. Just outside the and bdrm, drive shed.. Price SELLING Open for. your inspection | Offer $795 j1Ires, clean interior, Telephone 725-3915, i 723-7822 Name brands at biggest : city. only $16,500. Terms YOUR | Call Bill Millar for information. | 1957 PONTIAC bm Sagat. no tanya, i 32---Articles For Sale NEAR SIMCOE STREET -- 6 100 Acres with: house and | HOME ee 4. spor, fully reconaitionad. | 198 4 STUDEBAKER Ca ee BOVE! Tweed coal sal, Zplece, shed Ex rem wg as bungelow with bams. Close to paved high- | 8 Mr Bill tobe scaicie W-T. Lamson Panacea oround when' you 17 4 n \ivag CHEVROLET Bel AIT cede, F605 | cellent 'condition, "$10; Telephone 7125-0003. go 'oge and paved drive, 3 way. Price $11, 000 with $3,« Call flag Pig 'gh paige Real BeiGie Cinied own this one SEDAN miles, Immaculate, mechanically perfect, ELECTRIC | frainy engine, 4 cars, tracks, |TYPEWRITERS, adders, sal 'arge bedrooms, Storms and 000 down 728-3123-or Mr. Bill Horner | Automatic and radic After 6 p.m. dial Whitby, 668-806) 2 electric' switch transformer and. acr|rentals and suppiles. All machines screens throughout. Close to » | 728-5123 ic tmnionvioniinenne ment 1958 CHEVROLET Wee CHEVROLET, foir door sedan, wc |cestories, Good condition. Telephone|anteed. | Couk's | Olfice" Gaulpmenty all conveniences. Full price 171 Acre farm, excellent soit | |< door, outometic transmis $139 cellent mechanical condition, good body|72-1835. Richmond Street East, $13,400. end buildings. 'Lorge stream, | $12,900 COMMUTER'S | sion, power steering. Clean and tires, original 49,000 miles, 'Asking| CHRISTMAS frees, approximately 3,000|/TELEVISION tower special 404f. ave River frontage. Asking $25,.: | ° ss \ D, ' price $495. Bill Whittick Motors Ltd/beautifully pruned and shaped Scotchiture, Including all channel entenne, NEED MORE ROOM? -- We | 000. Terms. GRIERSON ST cc | ae poe Whitby. 668-8871. [Pines stalled end ey antoed, by experts wih have a 2 storey brick home in | Fee! location. "Attractive SPECIAL pee eda ae iid pg gg Bi Phone 'Orono. 1. Tea '|Telephone 728-678 Brooklin with 6 bedrooms, | 112 | sors paved oe | ee ee ee Twenty other cars trom $50 SEDAN Fairbanks Street, WE buy, sell at 'exchange used turni- lerge kitchen with built in jouse and barn. Asking Lot 53° x Ret 18 r | up to choose from tondard transmiss pee : ture or anything you have. The cupboords ond separate din- 000. Terms arranged. day. The price is right with 110 Acres Stream | ¥ ba ets ye pid ie CHEVROLET impale super "sport, Wilson & Lee Ltd, |Tresing Pest Stores' as simene City ing room, There is an attoch- excellent terms. Call Mr. | NEW STEEL BARN $195 [Telephone after $ pum. 7250900 | Music St South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671. ed garage and lots of room in 90 Acres HIGHWAY FARM, Roy Yeo at 728-5123 |i98% VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, first close) seston TV TOWERS special @ ft. bt tower sive strue- back for a garden. Oil heat- with good buildings. 8 room |, An Ideol arnengament for the KEITH S lcondition, 35,000 miles, used @5, second TRADE-IN SPECIALS $50: Oshewe.1 ete mite 44 indicus to with all modern conveniences. [ARE YOU A BIG FAMILY?) farmer who wants to live in 1955 PONTIAC car. Phone 725-2744. zs gh BAY hes reduced ' Anxious to sell. 4 town, only 1 mile from High- | |1963 CHEVROLET Impala at arenes 1--smaill used piano, only cn a yg et -- | have listed for you In woy "12, excellent soil, for |. CAR MARKET SEDAN [1963 CHEVROLET i mapele station, wager 40" high, with matching Wit give immediate pos- 100 Acres, locoted 5 miles mind a real large 7 room 2 flowing stream, brand' new LIMITED Motor just overhauled, stan- |Power brakes, tinted windshield and win-| 'bench. Traditional _ styling, sete from Oshawa. Good 8 room storey home with garage and stee| barn (90 x 50), an ex- dard tronsmission. Clean os |9W% chrome rack, whitewall tires! . sotin walnut finish. Condition TERS, one" portable one" @lem. i 1 f 67 x 203 foot Clean os -- |color' black, Big V-8 motor, GM custom TYPEWRITERS, one portable, 5%4% N.H.A. MORTGAGE brick home, all modern con- a ict size Of 67 x 21 ft cellent hog or cattle farm 137 King Street West opin lradlo, electric back 'window. call be| ke new ord, slag. alecirie' leaned veniences. 2 streoms. Pri deep, zoned industrial and a A ---5 room brick bungalow i Mreoms.: Frice : b jtween 5-7 p.m, 725-7143, l--only used Sporton Hi Fi |Electric adding machine, sea with carport in Apple Hill. 3 ene ferme erronged | foe ae SIT.900 with ASKING $21,000 728-4162 iN} PONTIAC Vi, four-door hardtop, floor model, satin mahogany |Sllcerr_very reasonable, T bedroom ond 4 pc. tiled 50 ; Asking. only i PE ah with o reasonable down pay- ABNER'S » |fwo fone, power steering, power brakes,| finish, automatic record |21" RCA Victor fave in weatan bath. Basement divide h Acres with good barn; 7 reasonable low. down pay- . Papitraction, safety belts, radio, white ho 4 th speed $44.95 728-396?. - ent divided wit pales rata. aorvaly. ment. Call Mr. Jack Apple t Ts Full price $3,200. PO Box 477, Port! . Snanger, three : sawine ta ies for ale, We office or bedroom. Schools iences. Only $4,000 down by at 728-5123 or 723-3398 ESSO SERVICE |Perry or phone evenings 985-2235, |--only used Fleetwood table [SEWING machines for sale. W as a pied and bus service. in odie radia now R BLER KELLY DISNEY - model Hi-Fi ~ 3 speck- [728-1070 ree. RM,.100 acres o¢ SA L E AM ers, automatic speed re- ASTeRo Sa aoe @ going concern. Excellent FOR RENT JOHN M. BAIRD SALES AND SERVICE USED CARS LTD cord chonger ..... $69.95 |r0¢7 7 SOUTFMEAST_AREA--Very | buildings. Poved rood Loe 1200 DUNDAS ST ' oe LR - A ! . f . - . . EAST ( ord pi stond in Lowrey wcpective. 5 seins ln. tr tion 4" miles from Bowman. MOVE RIGHT IN pated saa Late Model pitick Sy. sours CP Nerd os So bens felon Then vepnae' ier tree trial, Ai Alto Musle Supplies, 488 lovely landscaping. Recreation _ NEW BUILDING '4 A R S Whitby 668-5391 Bars bought ond sold 38 Po sated for obove Player, TUXEDO, dou double breasted, site @, Par room facilities, Storms and 32 Acres with house and $115. MONTH | PHONE 294-1431 nr Leins paid off : fect condition, $35, Phone 725-8566, icreens on entire house. Many barn, Commuting distance Two bedroom suites, stove | Trade up or down 2 only used Fender Ampli- |ALtStATm traller, one wheel | 1: he | EVEN NGS 294- 3 | flers Champ Model, excellent ity, hi extras. Carries for $86 per Oshawe. Price only $6,500 ond fridge, 2 washers ond : INGS 4 06 4 - _Alwoys_ Soe quality. | condition priced at $59.95 & Whitby eupsten ---- se in og ee ee ee eee | 1963 FORD KO "SPOT CASH | 6895 PLAYPEN, SST ee ne | ee cee | oe SY eer | SD MAN | yee oe PAID FOR | jis, Hermon Gatos, bg ie" rare, inne overt Se a | flot top 725-0111 and close to -schools ond Blackstock. Good ay Idings ot 728-5123 | V-8, automatic, custom radio | af downtown, 3 separate aport- Asking price $18,000, Terms. i | Real tatete Limited | only 10,000 careful miles USED CARS Good pian ae tw Ag | 1 only used Victor nase PIANO uprght Tole --AUTRGN plate a e timi Like owning a new cor is - or down, Liens paid o | Model radio $16.95 with 'stool, excellent condition, ideal for Real Estate Limited 323 KING ST. WEST condition. PA 200 yi trey oll tank, merits all steadily rented, con- " ae taining 2 bedrooms, living 100 Acre farm, near Ashburn SUBURBAN | | pODD M | club or recreation room, $250, Sebastien room, kitchen and 3 pc. bath with house ond bam. Com- $16,500 full price for this 323 KING ST. WEST | $2695 ROY W NICHOLS: 7 PARK RD, SOUTH | y "e, Hen ~~ SS Arc escine Mta cab eoch, Hot water ojl heating. muting distance to Oshawa beautiful rancher, fireplace, . | : 723- 9421 | 2 sak $a sel Cais ances. call Emer, Hampton ® he restone Alto Sax ql sea e T Aski 25, T ttached ae. Artistically a als wale canie Wi ox ad eatin hae lavtecapes.. $5000. down 728-6286 1962 FORD COURTICE BUYING OR SELLING wes PS ste good terms on one open mort- 10 Acres with 8 room bricks | Balance $100. monthly in- STATION WAGON | TED CAMPIN Terms available cen: Casha Nena ! home, all modern conven- ludes interest, principal and goge. iences. Only $4,000 down tocae. agg <a Papeiige iat b RAVINE LOTS Four door, custom radio, two: Wilson & Lee Ltd. AIR sapnpesaaee: 2 hp. motor with paint 1963 ACADIAN SPLIT LEVEL with 3. bed- : you buy. Call Mr. Charles | Seven new homes presently | 'ore finish. Cannot be told 2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder, MOTORS | BELWOOD ii cuble fi. cheat slvle Wreeasr rooms, paved drive and at- After hours call: Ronkine ot 728-5123 under. construction on servic. | from new | automatic. transmission, pl ; 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA | oe Sees DS, ee ee £250. New cade This tae toched garage. Stone fire- Donald Mountjoy 623-3614 ed lots, some with a depth of | $2295 tom radio, white wall tires, | (ust East of Wilson Road) | 5000 WASHER wringer, blond room divider place in living room, separ- Idso Wiersma, Orono 1649 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED over 200 feet, built in stoves | discs, washers, seat belts, _723- 4494 Res. 725-5574 and swivel base chair. Apply 243 Wilson ote dining roeen orld modem a lobe aasaria 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH | ond ovens along with. many | padded dash. Black finish | "Vau SCOTCH PINES -- __ {Rood south . Broadio t ~ _ SKUKY i RY i i j + itchen loom throug OPEN EVERY EVENING other extras included with 1961 VOLKSWAGEN with red trim. 5000 original SALES AND SERVICE CHRISTMAS TREES ADVE ince a cat er perfect condi out, Lovely view from living John M. Sandy 725-8010 every home. Don't delay call | miles | overcost, room window. Early posses- ' today--S. D. Hyman Real Populer Sun-Roof _ Model, | JAKE and BILL'S Trimmed cut end delivered. Recnabie. pl yas ippered Unings. ---- leita Esfcte Ceaitad, equipped with custom radio, | 1962 CHEVR ae GARAGE Orders token now. . 3 | low cost transportoti Cc VROLET ae VACUUM cleaner 'and attachments. ene LOTS--it you are thinking of - DON a BUY THIS Trades Accepted O | "$1095 Biscayne Sedan. 6. cylinder, AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE |_ PHONE 725-3476 Exet nt onal ith on, 898 nee building we have lots in all Uniess you want to double your money. We have just listed | eee eaeenremneaeentenreeate nly ; i il automatic, washers, low mile- ° commode he! sections of the city and just this 40 acre farm on Prestonvale Road just off Highway 2. List age. Immaculate throughout. | Gthewa 7280921 | Winter Wreaths pub citgr sing patie atin car seat, 4 » other items. Tele | Fee: | Oe oe | METCALF | 1960 CHEVROLET | Sau! sree TOE (ge aegis : ilable | ments with one of our courte- MAKE AN FER ! TWO DOOR HARDTOP 1962 stehindies CHRISTMAS trees, 2,000 Real Estate Limit tee" ; : LA [Christmas trees, pruned. Must ne pa $7,900 y Great potential with a little bit of = A three be 40 K . e i ig il there es CHEVROLET BEL AIR CAR AND Tauek MEMORIAL PARK ae ~ pi - : ILL PRI 2700. 1 ie bi ee bedroom brick | in reet East ul B eee ay storey home with 12 acre of bungelow -- rcady for immediate occupancy, Located on Nipigon | Dick 728.4678 Perfect in every respect { wien oie ele Hodid RENTALS f land with room for a garden. res home is close to all schools and buses. List $13,900 -- $ ] 695 washers, etc. A local one | All Makes ond Modeia) 723-2633 . After 6 p.m. iy dorm "an "propery. Sehooi | Terms QUIET SIDE STREET owner or CTuace' | -"1 Wiles & Leslie Me seer wi wi ne L rt St. 2 y er | WILSON REALTOR five, room 'bungalow, taeaiy. | 19599 CHEVROLET 1961 SALE CASH $7 | cme oiceee ree oe sulted for on. older' eoupte, IMPALA SEDAN CHEV. BISCAYNE SPEAKER ENCLOSURES |:#-¢6.____" } } Tr, OM |, new NORTH WEST AREA--New 1 or young business couple. Six cylinder, standerd tron Seda (3° from' wh ae ; k lephor 623-3626, ne a ; dup 1 i rans: , t 'or clean cars or trucks we deal AL 2 storey home with double 262 KING SLE E. 725-6588 Two nice bedrooms, dining mission, rodio,*One careful | chacen) chortle ue up or down. Liens paid off, pe mayen We a er cr) | | attached garage. 4 pc. tiled 7 room, living room and kit- owner. This car has had per sion. 1 standord. All priced NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 1 Versoilies French Prov terobes Telephone. Port P Son fom cr pains pram. | fe mance rahi fe Nae BROCK sTeNoRTH" | gui Cam V2, 0 een eo floor. Built in buffet in dining C O ie - e if Asking price only $12,9 0. $ 1395 Across from Royal Hote! $99.00 Clean : Sceadionel saben ane rug ee rcom, 23 ft. living room with , . 1959 CHEVROLET Whitby 668-3331 2 ElectroVoice KD 6 Aristo- |chine' suitable for cottage. - Telephone fireplace Builder will con- ' RENT FREE BROOKWOOD Hac Ye ---{ oreat 12" Enclosures Blonde | 725-9431. sider a trade Over a Quorter Century of Reliable Service immaculote six room' rug 1958 FORD 4 door station wagon, 6 GENERAL REPAIRS Finish List $99.00 Clear- AUTOMATIC washers and 'Wiate-maties, For full particu ail $12,850.00 -- 5 ofd -- 5 room brick bungalow situated brick home set on a large ' | TWO DOOR | cylinder, standard transmis- ALL MAKES OF CARS once each $49.95 Ios up. All reconditioned "wiih taree: particulars cal Ae AM well londscaped. lot, Four v8 BE ct opin sion, Clean throughout. PARTS AND SERVICE 'i month 'guarantee. Installation 723-1121 ons 50 x 1 'axes only $288.00. Monthly payment , eutomatic, radie, Th : 1 KR 415.15" Blonde: Cor- $67.18 principal Interest combined. Owner transferred. rooms with 2-bedrooms for | sharp two tone beauty fot All Foreign Make Cars pidge hak Bobet! (yeas dn tbrand 1958 CHEVROLET daily y a.m, to 9 p.m. ; owner plus 2 room apart- ner Enclosure List $69.95. | collect. Terms could be arranged, For further detol I| now -- to-morrow could be too lote. ment for rent, With $2,500 Only $995 STATHAM Cleororce $24.95 |Household Appliances Service end Sales, Roy Flintoff Jean Peacoch | B 1d Conor ! Seden, 6 cylinder, standard, Caesarea, 986-4926, Irene Brown Lloyd Corson ROSSLAND-RD, EAST; ---- 6 room brick ranch bungalow down payment you can live white wall Hee aisha ce B.-A. SERVICE 1 KR 412 12" Mahogany [AS NEW 8 Winchester 908 calibre, a | | Steve Zurbo -- Steve Englert with garage located in this preferred orea close to new public in this lovely home almost | i Ritson Road and Kin } Spea Also Evinrude motor Vs H.P. joan Dick Young. Lucas Peacock school 20 foot living nag Step saving Hollywood ki itchen, | ovment free, Only $12,800. | 1958 OLDSMOBILE | $850 cnn meee 33 60d (oes TH. ia na euak bie EL +4 A-|_condiiion 9190. 'Telephone Tony Siblock Leon Manitius 3 bright bedrooms, large rec. room. list price $15,800. dnd i 188" SEDAN aROWN mouton jacket, size erat New si ecig condition, $45. Telephone GUIDE REALTY LIMITED open to offers, os owner hos been transferred JUST ALITTLE FURTHER | Fully equipped with autome 1957 VOLKSWAGEN | 1963 Chrysler 1 Welnut Sabie. oo PIANO, upright Sy a Sa tic, ratio, power ste ring and | with' radio. Mare ja 0 rect bei : Cleo = $8.95 Apply 362, Jarvis Stree, power brakes gain for a second cor Windsor Hardtop 9 Oca eenettion, seek ie as before ne : k | an $550 1 12" Enclosure List $16.95, \Vember 18, Cail 728-2503, WHITBY main floor consisting of L. R. 22 x 14, family size D. R. with plenty of | cupboards 10% DOWN $4.95 Cleorance : 16 x 13, lovely Den for father, huge family room end on | jj t $13,500.00 tt HES snoab ; , | _ : jsace of books, from extra large fully modernized kitchen with cupboards galore rw Fe resian i 36 Months To Poy new coppertone _ finishing | 1. Electrovoice Cornet Speak- {some technical, novels, } Clearance Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. SPREAD OUT -- There's room to spare most everywhere in this we mean. to toy. Spocious hugh hearty home. You'll love to live in this fine area -- three bedroom bungalow convenient to everything. 10 spacious rooms, five on the with large Hollywood kitchen Out of the heart of the city, | Two door push button model, i . R lo bs me i vith matchi i . | paper backs, Penguins, maps, CLASSIFIED Upstairs -- 5 master size bedrooms ~-- all with deep closets-- Sen'Gac Heit We have a fine selection of ri Miva Serre, Gane a incon ar List 89.98 |Geographics. Telephone 728-5707. , Ce ' | in es ital s, Ing, rom olv eaker inca Weide Gectees UA, Dua dw a teks Oe tok SLABN. COIN | ot ttm Ral | to en | Todhac aide eirtrm, viednield : DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, 4 Only two of these new home: ond prices washers, new rubber - floor alterations, slip Pola Rob og Fitting a] downstairs, upstairs, and stoirways, Truly a senior executive (left in this fast developing mats front and back qpoclaky. Mrs. Tors erne: 'cost end. Immediate posses- | Clearance $59.95 | What's My Line? 1 only HF1l Audio Cabinet « Buying or selli used fur- 0" x 3%" akers Wal- niture. and appliances, For land In Latin, Ene sez s After 9 P.M. Call: OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE : : fin, adults, 'Telephone 664-2865, ns meee We igh eau: | noe one Selling $3495 Ai the obove oh display incur |VOlley Creek. Furniture SEPTIC Tanks cleaned, prompt service on J cious 5 4 ' 725.02 AL 728-4678 Your Ajax» ~ Lots at -- f 1 - galls. Walter Ward, 204 Chesnut Street] Marg. Hall 725-1358 Pauline Beal 25-0239 oe : second floor stereo Showroom 728-4401 or cali-at the a: West, Whitby. 668-2563. Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Reg. Aker 725-0201 i Fda Dick sig Mercury Dedie Courtice . Bowmanville Bank Financing i & y Ltd i 16% Bond W. [DOW wants babysit evenings end 'oe Maga 'en Hane i - at] ote Pom of eniidren and retiabie,| 360 King St. W. Free Parking © Tork Odboine Ajax -- 942-1030 | 728-6206 623-3353 After 5:30 P.M Y¥ SON ee ean ¥ a 5 ' Telephone 723-3711 | 87 Simcoa St. N., Diel 725-4706 | (Continued em Page 20) PRIVATE futon by, uraduale @ "he Unk| For Full Details Cali 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9, Sot. 9 to S. | sion on N.HA. approval | MERCURY SALES ROY W NICHOLS VALUE $4195 mut Lise $99-85 Clearance | your rleeds phone. | . } .

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