| | 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 5, 1963 Mrs. N. V..Roe Is President Of Vincent Massey H&S "Home and School is a vital link between the main partners in the education of our chil- dren -- the parent and the teacher. This is the fundamen- tal justification for the organ- ization, but its scope extends beyond these boundaries as it aims for informed parents in the field of education' and child de- velopment." As Vincent Massey Home and School Association commences its fifth year of work, this con- tinues to be our chief purpose. Interest and attendance have been good and membership is increasing each year. There are now 351 students at our school representing 215 families. Programs have been educa- tional in nature and in the past year the following speakers were heard: Mrs. Sydney Shar- a Rev. Leonard Ware and rs. Lloyd Akin, The .film "Human Growth" was shown and commented on by Dr. W. G. Watt. Later, this film was shown to the Grade 7 and 8 students. "Open House" in November was a highlight and part of the time was spent in explanation of curricula by the teachers in the classrooms. There were pan- el discussions on "Acceleration and or Enrichment' and "Chil- dren's Reading. On Fathers Night the Osh- awa Little Theatre Group pre- sented '"'Fresh Variable Winds which was followcd by a dis- cussion and question period led ' by Dr. C. H. Jackson." At some meetings, students demonstrated their training in choir work, puppetry, square dancing and instrumental music. The two winning Red Feather speakers also were heard. Publications were available at all meetings and covered such topics as health, parent educa- tion and school education. Finances for the years: acti- vities were obtained from .a fam- ily donation plan, membership fees and a bake sale. Three representatives of the association attended the - On- tario Federation annual conven- tion in Toronto and delegates also attended Area '"'C confer- ence in Belleville and Oshawa Home an School Counkil meet- ings thus gaining knowledge. of and leaership training in Home and School] Affairs. Mrs. W. A. Witham and Mrs. *". V. "toe at- tended a leadership course on the study book "Meet Your School-.ge Child which was conducted by Mrs. R. D. H. Heard and at present are con- ducting a discussion group in our own area. The Kindergarten Tea has be- come-an annual and well-attend- e event in the fall and is pro- vided. and served by the execu- tive. A graduation party was given to the Grade.8 class and prizes awarded to the two top students. Prize money was do- nated for the ice carnival and ribbons for field day, There is also a yearly room attendance prize. Additional jerseys were purchased to keep field-day out- fits in good order, The fund for our special project, a tape re- corder, was increased. The safe- ty patrol and winning choir were given a small treat. Donations were made to the bursary fund of Oshawa Home and School Council and to the Gideon Bible Society in mem- ory of Rev. W. N. Aitken, who had been the school's religious instructor. Members donated small gifts for mental hospital patients at Christmas. The asso- ciation again sponsored UNICEF participation by the students at Halloween and $123.86 was col- lected, Our present slate of officers follows: President, Mrs.'N. V. Mrs. Max Coleman CWL President St. Mary Of People St. Mary of the People Coun- cil of the Catholic Women's League meet on the first Mon- day of each month in the church auditorium on Stevenson road north.. The Reverend Norbert Gignac is the spiritual direc- tor. President, Mrs. Max Cole- man; ist vice president. Mrs. Ronald Gibbs; 2nd. vice presi- dent, Mrs. Leonard Weekes; 3rd vice - president, Mrs. Rudy Nagel; treasurer, Mrs. William. Edwards; recording. secretary, Mrs, Robert Knapp; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. Donald Branch. The Council undertakes sev- eral annual projects -- parish Roe; ist vice-president, Mrs. Gordon Garrison; 2nd vice-presi- dent,; Mrs. G. Hudson; récord- ing secretary, Mrs, K. V. Smith, corresponding secretary, Mrs. R. Porteous; treasurer, Mrs. W. Witham; principal, Mr. G. A. Harper. Chairmen: Program, Mrs. G. Garrison; childrens reading, Miss C. McGirr: Citi- zenship,-Mrs. M. Kashul; health and safety, Mrs. W. Libby; fam- ily Life, Mrs. R. Peacock; School Education, Mrs, G. Hud- son; hospitality, 'Mrs, A. Mar- tin; membership, Mrs. R. El- liott; publications, Mrs. H, Meades; publicity, Mrs. J. Dew- ell; room representatives, Mrs. D. Harnden; social, Mrs. B. McCarl; finance, Mrs. C. Col- lings. All teachers and parents of Vincent Massey pupils are in- vited to join us at our meetings. These are held at the school at 8 p.m, on the second Monday of each month. Council receives Holy Com- munion at the 9 o'clock Mass. . At each meeting four names of members are drawn and daily prayers are offered for their intentions by the members of the Council. Social activities during the year included a conducted tour of TV Station CFTO Channel 9, a skating party at Cedar Val- ley for members and their fam- ilies. A membership tea and a pot luck supper were held dur- ing the year. An invitation is extended to the women of St, Mary. of the People parish who would like to become members, to attend the next meeting of the CWL on November 4 in the church audi- torium at 8.15 p.m. supper in October in conjunc- tion with the French Federa- tion, bazaar in November, night of cards in March, carni- val in July in conjunction with the French Federation and Men of the Holy Name _ Society. Rummage sales are held periodically-throughout the year also. Scholarships "of $50 to each boy and girl of the parish ob- taining the highest marks in Grade 12. A Public Speaking contest was held at St. Christopher's School and an award was pre- sented to a boy and girl. The Council attends Mass on | 'the first Saturiay of each' month and recite the Rosary. Altar Society . eye td Aids St. Philip's This society was founded in © February 1962, The first presi- ident' was Mrs, Leo. Kryhul, The society was formed to fur- nish the needs of the sanctuary in St. Philip's Church, as wel as the needs of the kitchen, and hall. All ladies of St. Phil- ip's Mission may become mem © bers, We hold regular monthly meetings on the third Monday of each month at 8 p.m. ie Our activities during the past year to raise funds, consisted of a Christmas Bazaar and Draw, Social Bingo, Card Party, Bake" Sales. The ladies were entertain- ed with Pot Luck Suppers, a bowling night and a Christmas party and guest speakers. The present slate of officers is as follows: Past president, ¢ Mrs. Martin Darleston; presé- dent, Mrs. Harry Gowonlock; first vice-president, Mrs. Wayne Chidley; second vice-president, Mrs. Gilbert. Cyr; secretary, Mrs. Leonard Fleury;, treasure. er, Mrs, James Hughes. Regular Milk Homogenized Milk Skimmed Milk Chocolate Milk Our List of Dairy Products Is Complete Whipping Table Cream Sour Cream Buttermilk Cream Eggs Creamery Butter Sweet Butter Cottage Cheese OSHAWA DAIRY ico. "The Dairy That Satisfies" . You spend too much money on a hearing aid to make Mistakes! The mistakes you make you'll have to live with for a long time, so, don't make them. For instance, don't make the mis- take of economizing with a cheap aid. It is a waste. You'll be feplacing it (or kicking your- self) very soon. By buying a cheap aid you cannot get the hearing you deserve or the ser- vice you need, Don't make the mistake of buy- ing on hearsay. What was good for Aunt Martha may not be good enough for you, There is quality as well as recent scien- tific developmentss to consider. hearing is tested correctly. wnknowa dealer. 4212 SIMCOE NORTH A Personal Word To The Hard of Hearing from Mr. Nicholas: Don't make the mistake of buying only on looks. You can't: tell how good an, aid is, or, if it is right for your hearing loss, unless your Also, avoid the two biggest mistakes: on unknown hearing old end on LOOK FOR @oltone LOOK FOR Golfone. DISTRIBUTORI He's trained to fit you properly and will stand behind every Bettone he fits. We put our name on only first quality aids. It is printed boldly and clearly, along with a registered serial number on every instrument. Don't make the. mistake of not having a consultation with @ Beltone Distributor or-an Authorized Beltone Consultant, For a great many, good, down to earth reasons-- Investigate Beltone First! @ OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. @ MR. HAROLD NICHOLAS HEARING SERVICE PHONE 728-0004 in Downtown 'Oshawa: 1 KING ST. W. THE SHOE WITH THE HAND-MOULDED SOLE a Leen "® BUAHANTHEDY Yale MOST pO SHOES YOU'VE EVER WORN @ GUARANTEED -- THE-SOLES WILL OUTWEAR THE UPPERS. @ COMFORT aN -- ASSURED BY EXTRA-WIDE SHANK TO CRADLE AND HOLD YOUR FOOT e@ CUSHION SOLE --AIR FOAM CUSHION INSOLE FOR COOL, COOL e NO SEAMS -- MOULDED SOLE ELIMINATES . SEAMS SO THERE'S NO _ PINCH OR BIND Burns SHOE CO. LTD. $16.95 Open Fri Til 9 Hv 725-4611 s ceracnbineocna-aeane-matsan em case tcasiet sau iain aaa TTactattaiitasttifitisassit ie 3 L2esieetrieeiags?