Mary Street H&S Association Looks Back On Successful Year Once again, Mary Street Home and School Association ing of the fall season a Get 'Acquainted Night, when the par- ents and teachers meet m the The ever - popular Christmas meeting presented the newly- formed choir under the direc- tion of Mr. L. Gauer; to the delight of the many parents and friends in attendance. Mrs. H. A. Mellow, guest speaker for the evening addressed the group on "Holding Christmas". At the Citizenship meeting Mrs. Brian Carry enlightened thos present on the ving conditions in South Rhodesia where she had recet- iy been living. The Talent Night revealed the many "stars'"' we have at Mary street. Mrs. Charles Jackson spoke about the White Cross Centre, and we were also entertained with Scot- tish Dances by the St. An- drew's Group. Captain W. R. Murray of the Oshawa Fire De- partment addressed the March meeting on Fire Prevention. A film entitled "Fireman at Your Door'? was shown. The annual mecting included reports from the delegates who attended the Home and Schoo] Conference in Toronto. The closing meeting was in the form of a Pot-Luck Supper and once again Captain Murray was in attendance, and demonstrated the use of fire ex- tiguishers in the schoolyard. Monies received through the Family Donation Plan provide the majority of the funds raised to cover expenses, Additional 'mds were raisd this year by means of a Bake Sale and two rummage sales. These funds as- sist in the annual Skating Car- nival in January, a Patrol Party and Pictures and party for Grade 6 Graduation. The asso- ciation gives two magazine sub- scriptions to the school, and participates in the Council Bur- sary Fund. When necessary, the associa- tion purchases uniforms to be worn on Field Day. Monthly room prizes are given for the most parents in attendance at the Home and School meeting for the junior and senior grades. This year the associa- tion donated the Mary Street Home and Schoo] Trophy to be awarded annually to the best a round student. The executive for 1963-64 are: Past president, Mrs. B. Brown; president, Mrs W. M. Broad- bent;, Ist vice-president, Mrs. A. MacMaster, Qnd vice-president, Mrs. R. S McMurdo; record- ing secretary, Mrs L. Johnson; corresponding secretary, Mp3. S. Venn; treasurer, Mrs. M. Ka- doski; executive members: Mrs. A. Barclay, Mrs. J. Bilohm, Mrs. W. J. Clark, Mrs. .L. W. Hurren. Commitiee chairmen are: membership: Mrs. L. W. Hur- ren and Mrs. R. Anderson; Hos- pitality, Mrs. J. Blohm; finance, Mrs. A. MacMaster; program, Mrs. M. Gerrow; social, Mrs. - COOKING WITH GAS ... IT'S CLEAN, FAST _ DEPENDABLE and ECONOMICAL THE VERY FINEST IN MODERN GAS APPLIANCES... C. Root and-Mrs. J. Biohm; press, Mrs. R. Haii; bulletin, Mrs. S: Venn, Mrs. M. Kadoski and Mrs. Wilbert .Clark. Tele- phone, Mrs. A. Barclay; council representative, Mrs.: W. M. Broadbent. First Baptist WA Affords Assistance It is the objective of the Women's Association each year to help supply money to the First Baptist Church for neces- 'sary equipment and furnishings. Families in need of help that have been brought to our atten- tion are also taken care of. Holidays for the Sunday School children are helped by the Wom- en's Association both in work and money. In order to finance these proj- ects the Women's Association caters to. weddings and ban- quets. Small sales of aprons tea towels, etc., also quilting is done at the Church by the ladies for anyone who wish to have one done. The meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 2.30 p.m. at one of the mem- ;ber's home, The slate of officers for 1963 are Mrs. Ralph Hapson, presi- ent; Mrs. S. Winsley, vice- presient; treasurer, Mrs. E. H. Anderson; secretary, Mrs. Walter Wellman; press report- er, Mrs. Edwin 2earson; Group leaders: Mrs. Walter Nickerson, Mrs. Edwin Wellman and Mrs. Edgar Alward. THE OSHAWA TIMES; Tuesday, November 5,1963 17 Group's Objective To Reduce Debt Of New Church The Margaret Hamilion Group is affiliated with St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, . Wilson road north. Our group was or- ganized in October, 1959 and has since met in each other's homes every second Wednesday of the month at 2.00 p.m. Starting next month we will meét at the Ladies Parlor of Our new church. Our main projects this year have been catering and rum- mage sales. Our main object is to pay for our newly-erecied church building. Our slate Of officers is as fol- lows: President, Mrs. C. 'Cor- nelius, vice-president, Mrs. D. MacDonald; secretary, Mrs. J. Gulenchyn;. treasurer, Mrs. F. Malloy; sick fund secretary, Mrs. G. Leaming; press repor® er, Mrs. E. J. Brookham. HISTORIC BED LONDON (CP)--A bed built for the honeymoon of Napoleon Bonaparte and his second wife, Marie Louise, in. .1810 will be auctioned here. Estimates. were that it would fetch perhaps $11,000. ve 'i DRAPERY BY-THE-YARD Hundreds of Somples Te Choose From! HOWARD. DRAPERIES 725-3144 926 SIMCOE ST. .N. Atkins Mair. Sigling. NOW OPEN! Oshowa's modern ond finest beauty shop, specializing in permanent woving and high hair styling. Ask for Glorio. Lots of Parking. CALL 728-4286 304 Stevenson Rd. N. Besides LANE'S Phormecy "MAN, OH MAN! MY SHIRTS LOOK GREAT!" Ever since we started do-- ing them, that is. He's just one of our many satisfied customers. We do his shirts just the way he likes them, at prices he likes. We'll do it for you, too. SHIRTS INCLUDING SPORTS SHIRTS e GAS RANGES GAS DRYERS GAS FURNACES GAS WATER HEATERS GAS Lanterns GAS Refrigerators GAS Incinerators NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR MODERN SHOWROOM! 5S. each FRESH AND CRISP... "BUTTONS SEWN ON Got a man-sized laundry problem? We'll take care of it all for you with finesse, efficiency and economy. | "Serving Oshawe ond Area Over 25 Years" SHORGAS LTD. 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