8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday; November 5, 1963 | King St. Happy Doubles Club | Welcomes Young Newlyweds The Happy Doubles Club of King Street United Church was founded in February of 1945. The main objects of the club are as follows: (1) to encourage re- ligious life in the home; (2) to promote good fellowship among the members and (3) to pro- mote loyalty to the church. | The club tries to contact all newly married couples and new couples in the congregation, to encourage them to join us in worship and fellowship. The Happy Doubles' Club meets twice a month on the first and third Thursdays. The meet- ing on the first Thursday is our regular meeting dnd usually consists of a short business meeting, a devotional period, a program and lunch. The pro- grams are many and_ varied, ranging from skits presented by club members to speakers on such subjects as Law and Edu- eation. The meeting held on the third Thursday is a recreational meeting, and covers dances, wiener roasts, skating parties and many other forms of recre- ation. The club is divided into 32 of EXPERIENCE | to protect you. « IDEAS \ x Material yor * FREE Estimates HEAD OFFICE ' and SHOWROOM COURTICE Ph: 728 -1611 © eight groups, and each group, under the direction of Mr, and Mrs. Group Leader, is respon- sible for arranging at least one regular and one_ recreational meeting. In this way, everyone has an opportunity to share in the club's activities. During the year several extra projects are undertaken. In Feb- ruary, the annual Valentine Dance was held at the Oshawa Airport with 110 couples in at- tendance. A _ very successful "Revue in White and Black' was presenetd in March at King Stfeet Centennial Hall. This was a two-part variety and minstrel show which was greatly enjoyed each of the three nights that it was presented. We hope to make this an annual presentation and advise you not to miss it The membership for 1963 now stands at 64 couples. The exec- utive is as follows: Past presi-|} dents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gomme; honorary presidents, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Herbert; presidents, Mr: and Mrs. Harry Souch; vice-president, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hawker; secre- tary-treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lean; membership com- mittee, Mr. and Mrs. George Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Ken , Regular Milk Homogenized Milk Skimmed Milk Chocolate Milk Whipping Cream Table Cream Sour C Buttermilk OSHAWA DAIRY "The Dairy That Satisfies" . Our List of Dairy Products is Complete Eggs Creamery Butter Sweet Butter: Cottage Cheese co. LTD. 'Powell; press reporters, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Faint; pianists, Dorothy McPherson and Pauline Hare. The fall and winter,season has just begun and we extend an invitation to any married couples who may read this ar- ticle: to come and join us for Christian fellowship, on either the first or third Thursday of any month in Centennial Hall, King Street United Church at 8.30 p.m. PAYMENT UNTIL JUNE 64 IMPROVE at Oshawa Wood Products . .. NOVEMBER Is... HOME IMPROVEMENT TIME Call Our Home. Modernization Division For Complete Remodelling Service e PATIOS al e BATHROOMS. @ RECREATION ROOMS & DENS e STORM DOORS & WINDOWS AND e KITCHENS e DORMERS LIMITED SIDING e ROOFING a PLUS... OSHAWA WOOD PROD SERVICE QUALITY DEPENDABILITY Oshawa's Finest Home of Good Food ADELAIDE HOUSE 199 CENTRE STREET PHONE 725-1322 @ EXCELLENT PARKING @ UCTS Catering Services for... @ WEDDINGS @ DINNERS @ TEAS @ CHRISTMAS DINNER @ PARTY SPECIALTY Cafeteria open Monday to Saturday Lunches 12 to 1:30 p.m. Dinner 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. 3 CONSULTANTS TO SERVE YOU f + HOUSES S Cottages Several Plans || To Choose From / ' OSHAWA _ SHOPPING CENTRE | Ph: 726-1617 .