Queen Many Lodge Protestant Order Of Benevolence Queen Mary LOBA 97 is an association of women whose ob- jectives is to uphold protestant principles. They meet on the first and third Wednesday of every month in the Coronation Orange Temple. Their benevo- lent work consists of setting _ aside an amount of money each month to be sent once a year to the True Blue and Orange Home in Richmond Hill. This home 's open to any protestant orphan even though their fam- ily are not in the Orange Order. We donate regularly to the Old Age Orange Building fund, and hope some day to have a home 'or our aged .members. We donate to local agencies such as the Community Chest Hospital drive, cancer drive, retarded children, and any ap- peal made during the year. Queen Mary LOBA has assist- ed many needy families. when the need has been brought to our attention. We assist the Red "ross by .helping in the tuck-shop at Hillsdale Manor and help to fill the bake table when the residents of Hillsdale Manor have their annual bazaar. : Our lodge has been in exist- ance for 52 years and this year we were presented with a pic- ture of our charter members taken on May 11, 1911, when the lodge was instituted. We are honored to have a sister of Grand Lodge as one of our members. She is Right Worship- ful Sister Martha White. An in- vitation is extended to any sis- ter of the Orange Order to visit with us at anytime and if any woman in Oshawa would like to be a member come to the Cor- onation Temple on the first or Prince Philip Chapter IODE Follows Ideals Of Faith, Loyalty The Prince Philip Chapter Immigration secretary, Mrs. W. has celebrated its 13th anni-;J. E ne; Councillors: Mrs. F. versary as an active chapter | N. McCallum, Mrs. R. B. Smith, of the famous and worthy Im-| Mrs. J. L. Beaton and Mrs. Al- perial Order Daughters of the} fred Austin. Empire. The IODE has six principal The annual meeting was held | objectives: in February and the following|1, To stimulate patriotism and| officers were elected. to inspire loyalty to the Crown. Honorary Regent, Mrs.|2. To encourage friendship Charles Robson Sr.; Immediate|@mongst the peoples of the "ast Regent, Mrs. Alfred Aus- | COmmonwea'th. : .|3. To maintain an organization tin; Regent, Mrs. K. R. Wagg; a i : ed to render prompt and 1st Vice - Regent, Mrs. J. A. TT reonggriiday P p books, magazines and _ sports Mitcliehé bocretety,; Mrs. C. 3 efficient action in times of , ' - \. #-| emergency. Luke; assistant secretary, Mrs. George Ansley; treasurer, Mrs.|* 1° nee ae seg yes Alfred Austin; assistant treas-| 0rd affairs, to prom.te urer, Mrs. BT. Ward: corre- celebration of patriotic anniver- ndin secreta: Mrs L. H saries and to cherish the mem- + ne ae HR anette *| ory of brave and heroic deeds. Mrs FN. McCallum: pane 5. To provide service and wel- ant educational secretary, Mrs. gold pod ag » st caks i J. A. Mitchell; membership | * a e prog nvener, Mire c E. Hill: so education, art and literature tial convener Mrs. Harold Ton. | 224 to endeavor to instill in the kin; public relations secret ag pies greeters 5 pa- Mrs. A. F Annis; standa : ' bearer, Mrs. Leo Glover; ways| During the year our. chief and means convener, Mrs. F. J.| money-making project was our Peirce; Echoes secretary, Miss | t@8 day and we are very grate- Flossie Coyte; Empire and ful. to the citizens of Oshawa World Affairs convener, Mrs.|f0T responding so generously. J. L. Beaton; Services at Home Endeavoring to carry out the and Abroad secretary, Mrs. W.| aims and objects of the Order J. Butler; Canadianization: and'our accomplishments are: do- 8 s- * Our List of Dairy Products is Complete Regular Milk Whipping Creom Eggs Homogenized Milk Table Cream Creamery Butter Skimmed Milk Sour Cream Sweet Butter Chocolate Milk Buttermilk Cottage Cheese OSHAWA DAIRY iro. "The Dairy That Satisfies" . third Wednesday of the month. Feoturing a Deilcroft cabinet the classic grace of French Provincial . . exacting standards of sound Each cabinet is hand rubbed New, Provision for Satellite Souhd. (With Multi-Plex $429. : SEE THE FINEST DISPLAY OF QUALITY TV & STEREO TV RENTALS AVAILABLE @ 1 Yeer FREE SERVICE on all _ Parts and Labor We deo our own service, YOU ALWAYS G "YOUR COLOR TV STORE" PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE N. d. Facility for remote speakers and stereo tope recorder. @ lf You Appreciate the Finest in Stereo Tone and Quality . ... Look to BLECTROHOME . crafted to the Gineers to achieve the finest tonal balance and cabinet beauty. with "porty-proof"' Duradeil finish. Has motched and adio is operated from hi-styled control centre. F/M stereo radio transformer powered chassis is wired ond assembled by hand. @ Use Our Easy Pay 1.A.C. MERIT PAYMENT PLAN ET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR TRADE! "We Service What We Sell. 2s. OURSELVES" 723-3043 | . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 5, 1963. 7 'SPUD' INTRODUCED It is believed the potato was first introduced int. Spain from Peru in the 16th century. nations to the Lucy Morrison emorial Fund; providing for welfare of a Korean child; es, Christmas gifts, treats, equipment sent to our adopted school in Eau Claire, Ont.; also bursaries are given to the Osh- awa Collegiate Institute and books and magazines are sent to Frontier College; help is given at Hillsdale Manor when needed, Many ditty and nursery bags are filled and numerous articles of sewing and knitting are shipped each year. : The chapter also assists whe new Canadians receive their citizenship papers and at the re- ception held following. We are most fortunate to re- ceive monthly reports on "World Affairs" from Mr. M. McIntyre Hood. And we also have "*Echoes" an outstanding magazine issued quarterly _by headquarters. Our standard bearer will re- present our chapter on Remem- brance Day when the Prince Philip Chapter places a wreath How Good Dancers Make More Friends Knowing how to dance well can make you a much happier and popular per- son! You can learn all the latest steps in an amazingly short time at an Arthur Murray Franchised Dance Studio. Gain confidence and poise as you master the Cha-Cha, The Twist, and the ever-popular Fox Trot. Come to your nearest Arthur Murray Studio soon -- and begin @ new life of fun on the cenotaph, in humble |] 89d good times. tribute to the outstanding sac- 11% SIMCOE ST. $ rifice made by our soldiers in 728-1681 both wars, come in, try the exciting new LOWR Hy wala | organ You'll be thrilled to discover that you, too, can play--even If you cannot read a note of music! Lowrey "Minit Music" starts the beginner... and touch-tab controls make a Lowrey the easiest of alf Organs to play. Even the children soon play pleasing melodies. The 'magnificent Heritage model is a full two-manual sustaining organ with a wider range of voices and more tonal effects than any other Organ at its popular price. See it in our store--try it in your home, Lowrey Organs AND Alto Music Supplies are proud to announce the appointment of JOHN ORDE as their local representative Free 3-Day home trial at neo obligation © Demonstrations et store by appointment @ § Free lessons with each Lowrey purchase @ Sesy Terme @ EVERYTHING IN MUSIC e ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES 453 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Mike Kupnicki §PHONE 725-1501 FREE HOME TRIAL . EASY TERMS MODELS AS LOW AS $005