6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 5, 1963 District Committee Is Central Body For Scout Aux./ The District Committee' for Scout Group Ladies' Auxiliar- ies celebrated the 17th anniver- sary of its organization in May of this year. In 1946 this was known as the Executive Board for Scout Group Ladies' Auxil- jaries, at that time only eight Auxiliaries existed -in the Osh- awa District. The purpose of this group fs dual, it serves as the auxil- jary to the Oshawa District Council, Boy Scouts of Can- ada, and also as advisor to the Scout Group Ladies' Auxil- jary's in the district. Three new auxiliaries have been or- ganized this past year, the 28th. at the First Baptist Church; the 30th. which is the second group sponsored by North- minster United Church; the newest was organized on Octo- ber 1, 1963 and is known as the 29th. Scout Group: Ladies' Aux- iliary. It is sponsored by the Parent-Teachers' Association of St. Joseph's School. This now brings the total number. of auxiliaries under the guiding hand of this group to a grand total of 27. The first president, Mrs. Wil- liam Corbett, set the ground work and laid a firm founda- tion for a period of nine years of service, Mrs. Edward Sim- mons followed giving three years. excellent serivce. The past five years the work has been guided by Mrs. Gordon Varnum, Membership comprises the president of each auxiliary' and one other representative from each. Funds are raised by a/*ili- ation fees and one yearly cater- ing contract for the annual Rotary Club Crippled Chil- dren's Dinner and Picnic which takes place at Camp Samac. The auxiliary good turn con- sists of members helping with the Red Cross Tuck Shop at Hillsdale Manor. This is con- vened by Mrs. John Kellington, the only charter member stiil active in the group. Two Long Service Auxiliary Awards were presented during the past year, on behalf of the Boy Scouts of Canada, for long and outstanding service, to Mrs. John Kellington, and Mrs, Gor- don Varnum. Meals are prepared and serv- ed on many occasions during the year at Camp Samac, for Leaders' Training Courses and conferences, A special feature of the past year was an Auxiliary Seminar held in May at Camp Samac. The guest speaker at this func- tion was Mrs. A. E. Standing, Assistant Provincial Commis- sioner for Scout Ladies' Auxi!- iaries. This was preceded by a dinner at the Sandawood, North Simcoe street, Oshawa. Officers for 1963 were: Presi- dnt, Mrs. Gordon Varnum; vice - presidents, Mrs. .George Fitches and Mrs. Frank Gra- velle; secretary, Mrs. Fred Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. Roland Kinton; phone conveners, Mrs. George Floody, Mrs. George Hester, Mrs. Leonard Craw- ford; press reporter, Mrs. Wil- liam Kashul; visiting and Hills- dale Manor, Mrs. John Keliing- ton; district representatives, Mrs, M. B. Proctor, Mrs. Ed- ward Simmons, Mrs. R. J. Manning and Mrs, _Clayton, Hewer. DRAPES Custom or Ready-Made CALL HOWARD DRAPERIES 725-3144 926 SIMCOE ST. N. PLATFORM ROCKERS Nylon frieze covers. You'll buy these now for Xmas, 38. Lay away now for Christmas. Wilson Furniture have an array of wonderful Christmas gifts. 1.00 Deposit will hold. EASY TERMS AVAILABLE Desks! Desks! Desks! Many styles to choose from. Arborite Tops end Drawers. An ideal Xmas gift, from WILSON Furniture Co. 20 CHURCH STREET PHONE 723-3211 presented by the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE PLAN NOW TO ENROL WINTER TERM ment: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Minimum of SENIOR SECRETARIAL SENIOR ACCOUNTING Choose from EIGHT CAREER-DESIGNED COURSES: Each of which leads to posi- tions of trust, responsibility and advance- 12 MONTHS BUSINESS TRAINING FOR THE SPACE AGE... - MONDAY, JAN. 6th, 1964 PLACEMENT SERVICE FOR GRADUATES The OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE proudly enters into its 27th year of community service with hundreds: of successful graduates giving positive proof of the value of the courses and training being offered. Opportunities are greater today than ever for ambitious young peop e with specialized business training. Free literature on courses and services available upon request. ! L CLASS HOURS: 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.; 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Mon. to Fri. Tuition 35.00 per motnh Grade 12 for entrance: individual Instruction JUNIOR SECRETARIAL JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT Minimum of 10 MONTHS OFFICE SKILLS. Night School LEARN... Grade 11 for entrance Modern Equipment _Evening Classes are held TUESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS 7 to 9 P.M. . Start Any Week Choice of two subjects: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Business Machines -- Typewriting -- Also refresher courses. CLERK TYPIST STENOGRAPHIC Minimum of 9-10 MONTHS Grade 10 for entrance Fully 'Qualified Staff MATURE WOMEN JOBS | Special Courses For Housewives Attend half day sessions. Toke up to 5 subjects. Tuition 20.00 per month, Get free literature. 'in time required. JUNIOR OFFICE TRAINING Minimum of 15 MONTHS Grade 9 ACT NOW!. Time required for completion is average. Individual effort, education- al background and aptitude of individual student are deciding factors TYPING TEENAGERS Special Saturday Morning Classes For young people 10 years of age and up. Get Free literature. Tui- tion 1.00 per Saturday. ai 10 SIMCOE STREET NORTH DIAL 725-3375 eee © ROR ERS ee & ad see een vane aueue