UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES LEGION AUXILIARY, 43 The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion held its last two meetings on October 22 and 29, The president, Mrs, Nor- man McEvers, presided at s ' At the earlier meeting Mrs. Alyn Elliot reported on the meeting of the Social Planning Council, whieh she and Mrs. . McEvers attended at the Ade- laide House, Mrs. A'ired Lav- ender repor'e:d on the Auxiliary Frovincial Coninand executive meeting held recently in 'Toron- to and Mrs. James Anderson gave a report 1 recent cater- in,. The last men's branch as special guests, A short business meeting was held. It was decided to hold a ©' wer for the 'Country. Store" at the next meeting. The items received will be on sale at the bazaar November 19, A cheque for $300 will be sent, to the M -'s branch toward the Christ- mas party for members' chil- dren. The Auxiliary wheel chair w'll be sent to Hillsdale Manor. Murdoch Beaton put on a pro- gram of singing. A pot luck supper was served by Mrs. Earl ANN LANDERS: --. Smith and her 'helpers, follow-| ed by bingo. Members of the Poppy Fund) meeting had the|committee were reminded of a meeting on November 4, and| 1 embers of the Christmas Tree| committee a meeting on No-| vember 6. Let Lad In Live Find His Own Way Dear Ann Landers: Last June was the nicest, most attractive, bi12 letters and she has not an- Irving has since written her swered one. He even wrote to her parents. telling them how Jovely she is. Now he wants to go.to Detroit to see her. Alf he has is her address' I'm afraid he will get lost because he has never been out. of Flint alone. Showfld we let-him go and get lost or what? He has a job and has. saved his own money. Please advise at/a one-room apartment. They've When the boy returns don't ask him a single question. He'll appreciate your leaving him alone, Dear Ann Landers: My fants and aunt are both in their mid- die 60's. Uncle Alf retired two) years ago, They are not poor people, Ann. In fact, they are better off than most of the fam- ily. The first thing they did was sell their home and move into dren here will soon be able to| - The Bowmanville Male Choir under the leadership of Mr. MAY DIAL-A-STORY The service;a Detroit high school, our son went with the rest of|most fasciating fellow she had HULL, England (CP) -- Chil-!i- senior high school ciass onlever. met, la trip to Upper Michigan. On} When Irving got home hie was dial a telephone number to hear' the trip Irving met a girl fromjin a daze--bumping into doors, a bedtime story. was to be started this fall with] Shé. gave him a line aboutjand so on. He told 'i he ; each story lasting three minutes|how she had fallen in love with)in love and this was the only and the longer ones serialized.'him at first sight and that he girl in the whole world for him, Dear Beside; inot hearing his name caiied -- as once,--BESIDE. MYSELF Let. him go. Some people must. get their/The rest of the time they have lumps the hard way. The girl will probably tell Irving to get) lost but a high school graduate should bé able to find his way back to Flint from Detroit. been-.at home exactly seven weeks out of the last two years. mooched off relatives. 'Everyone in the family is sick, of their sponging. Their only ex- pa are gas and oil. They have -never boyght a pound of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 2, 1963 7. ivamburger or an orange, Not once have they offered to take|8U' anyone to eat in a restaurant, They never bring a gift when them you are not up to having eee will Jet them know when the situation changes, they arrive or send a thank you letter when they 'get home. We have had them here twice --for six weeks at a time and today we received a letter say- ing they will be with us for Christmas. I am ready to flip my wig. What can we do?-- BITTERLY RESENTFUL Dear Bitterly: If you allow these parasites to invade your -- a third time you deserve em. DIVORCE POSSIBLE The first court empowered to grant. dissolution of marriage was set up by the British Pen liament in 1857, EWING MACHINE | Tune-up Special 8.99 : FAST SERVICE Oshawa Sewing Centr Centre 329 SIMCOE ST, 8, Write the freeloaders and tell| Canada's Finest sy Health Insurance Opportunity Again Offered To every Resident of Ontario health insurance plan Sa RCS HN COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL-SURGICAL PROTECTION REGARDLESS OF AGE OR PAST OR PRESENT HEALTH Behe rnekich Irvin? 4 ie aT & J a ; ' : ) f 3 ; HOW CAN WE DO IT? : This health insurance ee is based on the same principles as regular insurance, The : group in this case consists of all Ontario residents who join during the specified enrollment period. Because of the size of the group, benefits are most comprehensive and rates are kept to an absolute minimum, Pays Your Doctor--From The Very First Visit GENERAL PRACTITIONER OR SPECIALIST Pays Your Surgeon--For All Operations medicall WILL PAY IN FULL THE CURRENTLY APPROVED FEES NORMALLY CHARGED BY ONTARIO DOCTORS. THE FOLLOWING DETAILS ILLUSTRATE THE WIDE CUVeRERe AND THE BROAD RANGE OF PAYMENTS: Based on 100% of the Ontario Medi ion's Schedule of Fees, 1962 @ DOCIv.. > BILLS--For home, office and hospital--from the very first visit--general practitioner or specialist--without limit on the number of visits. Mi SURGICAL OPERATIONS--as a result of sickness or accident, including anaesthetist's fees. Here are some examples of payments made for operations performed by a general practitioner, assistant and anaesthetist: 'broad range of benefits o this ow-cost medic surgi ee aie ine Over 12,000 indi are being acceptance of Medicall. YOU CONTROL YOUR POLICY'S FUTURE _ Continental Guarantees--Y our policy will never be cancelled or your benefits or premiume . changed because of the amount or number of claims you collect. Continental cannot cancel ANY policy unless it cancels ALL policies issued under this special Ontario Plan, , You Have the Right to Cancel--Not only can you cancel your policy at any time but, . after you receive your policy and you are not 100% satisfied in every way, you may retarn mt t within 10 days and your first month's premium will be immediately refunded, @ DIAGNOSIS--Including x-ray and laboratory expense to a limit of 2. PAST CONDITIONS--Coverage for past conditions (for which | $50.00. No limit on necessary x-rey for fractures and dislocations. you have had treatment or advice PRIOR to the date of your policy) -- begins six months after policy's effective dat . 24, W MATERNITY--Covered after plan in force for 8 months, miscarriage after 3 months. Both husband and wife must enroll. Ml PSYCHIATRY--Up to $25.00 for the first visit $10.00 for each subsequent visit (one per week). | YOU ARE FULLY COVERED for both new and past conditions. 1. NEW CONDITIONS--Covetage begins immediately on the effective date of the policy. 2. @ TONSILS AND ADENOIDS-Standard aa ic ce for removal of tonsils and adenoids. thatiat Surgeon & Asst. $ 47.50..6. 100.00 seeeeveeee 25.00 35.00 When operstion te performed by @ Cere tified Specialist and Certified Anaesthe- tist, payment will made at the special ist's scheduled rate, M MEDICALL DOES NOT COVER routine medical examinations | or "check-ups"; preventive medicine such as vaccinations; expenses -- paid by Weeksnen' 's Compensation or other Government OTS effects of War. Wrist Fracture Appendix... .cssesssess Gal! Bladder Thyroid... THESE LOW MONTHLY RATES ARE ALL YOU PAY! eerecvcsre 1. Man or woman 50 years of age or over * $6.60 monthly Each perSer-enrolling must make outa separate enrollment form. 4. Both parents (any age) and dependent children under 19 years of age. $165.00 monthly Only one enrollment form Only one enrollment form necessary for each family. necessary for each family. FOR YOUR. CONVENIENCE, MEDICALL PREMIUMS ARE PAYABLE MONTHLY NO AGE LIMIT, NO PHYSICAL EXAM, NO HEALTH QUESTIONS: One adult (any age) and dependent children under 19 years of age. $12.00 monthly Man or woman 16 to 49 years of age $5.60 monthly Each person enrolling must make out a separate enrollment form. A MESSAGE TO SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS Medicall is of particular interest to professional people and sales representatives as it offers the individual the benefits of group insurance at group rates, One of the four plans detailed above will cover your requirements, No company address or association is necessary. ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS Owners of small businesses, particularly those with too few employees to qualify for group plans, will find this policy the ideal one to cover themsélyes and the indi- viduals on their staff. A separate enrollment is required for each member. Policies and monthly payment cards can be sent to you or your employee as desired. Enrollment ends midnight, November 5th, 1963: Your protection begins on November 15th, 1963: ENROLL TODAY IT NOW! Here's All You Do To Join: | ' z salty Co, 10 Blor SE, Tarot §, Ot mi ENROLLMENT FORM FOR HI MEDICALL PLAN WITH CONTINENTAL CASUALTY rt al DO IT NOW i Mail this enroliement form to Medicall, inental Casualty Co., 160 Bloor St. E., Toronto 5, Ont. aes 1 ENROLLMENT FORM FOR : | _ MEDICALL PLAN WITH CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY} Gi P| ve extra enroll- ment blank to your husband, wife or friend $ Mail this enrollement form to oy 1. Fill out enrollment blank and attach cheque or money order for first month's premium. coal (Check One Plan Only) 'Check One Plan Only) 0 ENCLOSED IS $5.50 PLEASE PRINT i [TILL 1 As PLEASE PRINE ' ee COO AT MMEMO Tt: J MAIL TRPCARE OF GF applicabley ENCLOSED IS $5.50 2. Give them to your own insure ance agént or broker or any Continental agent-- POLICY OWNER'S > | LAST NAME i) 0 ENCLOSED IS $6.50 30 ENCLOSED IS $12.00 i L1 ENCLOSED IS $6.50 FIRST NAME AND 3 oO MIDDLE INITIAL ee ENCLOSED IS $12.00 | ani CARE OF (applicable) -- om aes at Or mail to: MEDICALL, Continental Casualty Company, 160 Bloor Street East, Terento 5, Ontario. >rePD s ENCLOSED IS $15.00 lunderstand that my coverage will begin November 15,1963. STREET ADDRESS ENCLOSED IS $15.00 STREET ADDRESS lendenteifiietnyemerege \ Will beginNovember 35,1963. ory ae mig PROVINCE -- ~PROVINGE Ne more information needed. Continental will send you your Medicall hedith insurance plan before effective date of Novem- ber 15th, 1963, - Enclose cheque or money order for first month's premium pay- able to Continental Casualty Company. DATE OF BIRTH --aeaTH | oF | _ Enclose cheque or money order for first month's premium pay- able to Continental | SIGNATURE Casualty Company. ; ne : ' y ni oF aia MONTH | DAY aa lwace [NUM pewae OF DEPENDENT CHILDREN "SIGNATURE a MALE FEMALE i} 'Tor DEEN ENDENT CHILDREN YEAR Gb os Fee ss ss BeBe eee See ee > ees Se a sa NR NRSC Se ee es $n «witb emg coh