Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1963, p. 9

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Canada Limited is attributed to the plans laid by a com- mittee of executives. As a re- sult more than $85,000 has MUCH OF THE success of the Greater Oshawa Commun- ity Chest campaign in the plants of General Motors of General Motors People Give $85,739 To Chest With the canvass of General|was stated the 1963 campaign is Motors employees still in pro-jahead of last year's appeal by gress, the amount contributed|approximately $25,000 for the has already exceeded the total same number of days, le given last year. It was stated! In view of the fact that the| - by community chest officials|canvass.of the employees of 'today that General Motors peo-|most industries is still in pro- , ple have surpassed all previous) gress, it was decided to extend records by subscribing more|the campaign beyond its pre-| than $85,000 to the current/vious deadline which was to| chest campaign. The total rais-|paye been Saturday of this ed by the workers last year week, was $77,000. | Byron S. Edmondson, who|PLAN CALL-BACKS organized and. directed the can-| -\ special committee will be vass of employees and staff|set up to errange for call-backs members, attributed this ac-|where | they are necessary. The complishment to co-operation|executive will meet again next throughout the organization plus! Friday. | acceptance of the payroll de-| The list of contributions, not) duction plan of contributing. /previously acknowledge, fol- lows: OVER $200,000 MARK General Motors of Can.(partial) 85, des 85 Campgian Chairman Richard|wabena Kennels . airthorne announced that the|Provincial Tie Pollard Radio generous support of those who/s, 1. saimers (Barber) work at General Motors will not|A. ee Bab d only put the amount now sub-|Weiding Gases scribed well over the $200, 000) r. werenre | aedita one) .| South En atc joc! upplies mark but will also set a tar-) lenvoy as sacvice get for other employee can-|Giecoft Limited vasses now under way. Em. Glecott Limited At a Thursday meeting of the/And'ew Czerewaly Handy Bar community chest executive it | SRSryonwyn e-nnSssu eausbdesbbeeees hArt's Gun Repair been contributed to date by General Motors people. Last year's total contribution was $77,000. Seen here laying plans 10.00 20.00 Staff_of Modern Grill Geoffrey L. Andrews ep Hairdressing ftarr Furniture Clover Bar Robinson Motors (Oshawa) Ltd. J, Robinson (Robinson Motors Oshawa) Ltd. D. Bennett Emp. Dancey Shoe. Store Home Appilance Emp. Home Appliance ig Home Pe alba Mrs. H. P, | Bruce Dalton a pholstertiy Fred Roberts Marie, Marlow Upholstering Drayton Cycle 5.00 5.00 8.10 |King Coin Self Serve Launderette 25.00) Earl Kane Grocer 10.00 Oshawa TV Supply Ltd. Pau! Butka (Grocer) Pierce's Grocery Store |Otta Schwarz (Drover) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. K. Braithwaite Economy Grocery 5.00 100:00 Mr. and Mrs. H. Andrews 10.00 A. E. Williams and Company 10.00} W. N. Hoskin 5.00) | Rt. Rev. Monsignor P. Dwyer 60.00 |Miss M. F. McMahon 25.0] North American Life Assurance H, Davey, Janitors Service ion Emp. North American Life As. Robson Leather Co. Ltd. vaio Anonymous Or. W. K. Blair L. M. McMurty Insurance Co-operator's Insurance Assoc. Jackson and Raike Hardware | Reliable Furniture Total to date 'o.00| 50.00} $206,739.95) Dunlops Tie In Markham The Whitby Dunlops, playing) Markham: Goal, John Voss- their second game in league|Defence Pearce, Jones, Harper, play, moved into Markham Fri-| Wilson Adams, Forwards, Fler day and came out with a 2-2 tie.|ing, McCreary, Bewering, Army The Dunnies led 2 at the|strong, Gordon, Andrew, Kelly,| half way mark of the second|Holmes, Baker, Mason. period, but two costly penal-|FIRST 'PERIOD : ties to Ray Reeson and Wayne| 1. Whitby Fletcher (Unassis- Cheeseman seemed to unnerve|10.37, Fleming Hold, 14.27. the club and the Flyers scored| Penalties: Lavender Trip 2.18, two goals in less than five|Harper Slash 4.54, Lastic CC minutes to tie the game. Fleming Hold. 14.27. 1 . The Dunlops held the play for'SECOND PERIOD the rest of the game but could 2. Whitby Sandford - Hampson Leach 7.16 3. Markham - Armstrong - McCreary, Baker 10.07 4, Markham - McCreary- Bow- ering 14.52 Penalties - Cheeseman Int. 43 Jim Peters CC 2.55 Bower- ing H.S. 4.35, Gale- Hold 8.24, Wilson Trip 5.20 Lastic CC 9.20 Reeson (Served by Peters) Major plus 10 Min, Misconduct, 13.35, Cheeseman, Major plus 10 Min Misconduct 13.35, Adams, Major 13.35, Mason Major 13.35, not put the puck past John Voss in the Markham nets who was. spectacular at times with the Dunnies having the edge in shots by 43-27, out shooting the Flyers 18-4 in the final frame. For Markham Jack McCreary sand Bob Armstrong scored. For the Dunlops Brian Fletcher and rookie Danny Sandford cashed in single tallies. The two teams go right back at it Monday evening. Game time is 8.30 p:m. at the Whitby Arena. |Baker CC, Plus 10 Min, Mis- Whitby: Goal Reeson, De-| conduct 15.30 fence, Cheeseman, Mayhen,|THIRD PERIOD Gale, Beverley, Hampson, for-|. No Scoring 4 wards, Fletcher, Gay, O'Shea,| Penalties - O'Shea Rough 19.44 Lastic, J. Peters, Lavender,/harper Int. 12.41, Leach, Sandford, McDonald. 'Rough 12.44. Seek Approval For 11 Projects Eleven projects worth an es-|ness would apply to the amount timated $3,717,000 have beenjof the loan advanced as of that listed and forwarded 'to the On-|date). tario Minister of Municipal Af- According to information con- fairs for consideration of loans/tained in a letter from Muni- under the terms of thé new\cipal Affairs Minister J. W. Loan Act. Spooner, to be eligigle a pro- These are Oshawa projects|ject must augment or acceler- proposed for the future, which|ate a municipal capital works the city feels could be acceler-| Program. ated in order to take advantage} Also, the project must be one of the loan fund. Object of the Act is to in-|out assistance available to mu- crease employment by encour-|nicipalities under the | federal aging municipalities to under-|Act. It (the project) must not take capital works projects|replace or postpone other capi- sooner than planned. Interest] tal works projects. rates on money borrowed would) And the emphasis is on new be favorable. Or accelerated projects which The Ontario government will| otherwise would not be procee- dispense about $140,000,000 o '|ded with in the next 2% years, the $400,000,000 in the federallOSHAWA PROJECTS fund. Metro Toronto will prob-| Here is the. Oshawa list with ably get $40,000,000 for the ex-|the estimated cost of each pro- tension of the Bloor street. sub- lject: Ritson road CPR grade way. | separation -- $115,000 ($850. 000 LOAN STIPULATIONS minus grants of $435,000); Sim- How much Oshawa may get;C0e street creek bridge-$70,000 is anybody's guess. But loans}($100,000 minus grant of will not exceed two-thirds of the/ $30,000). cost of any project after deduc-| Central bus loading area-$500, tion of any federal or provin-|900; city hall two. storey addi- cial grants, according to the the| tion - $250,000; greenhouse - $50, | 000; dog control building- $25, 000; civci auditoruim-$1,300,000; Central Collegiate Institute add- Act. Ifa "project is 'meted be- fore March, 1966, the municipal- ity would be entitled to 25 per| ition-$537,000: cent forgiveness' on. the) From the PUC:. --east enal amount 0' a capital work cou'd!boster station -- $100,000; Stev- be written off. enson road force main-$500,000; (On partially complete pro- | Pumping station addition-$270, jects as of that date, iorgive-'000. Fleming the which would not be done with-| iF inds Steer Butchered_ SUNDERLAND = William 'piompson of RR No.1, Sunder- land is the latest farmer to suf- "fer loss. of animal to beef rust- "lers. The animal butchered TMv there was a 1000 pound Here- jford steer. The theft follows the pattern of several others in the area of recent months. When Mr. Thompson failed to find the an- imal which had been pastured on a ranch on the second con- cession of Brock, he set out to look for it. He wa: .ccompanied in his search by John MclIlimur- ray. They found the animal's entrails and the spot it had ob- ~'-«~htered om top of the hill near the road and vious!" been notified the Breechin police. This is the third incidence of rustling in the area within period of five weeks and the in fourth since spring. Losers the deals have been the Phoe-| nix Bros. at Greenbank, twice, Mr. Jim Lyons and now Mr. Thompson. by 00 | 2300} ttional Employment Service re- 25.00! ports there was a good supply 5:00 8.1\0\employment with Oshawa yal dustries. | 35.00/ The demand for workers as} ed reflected in employers' ines ers, sales and clerical workers, 2.00] ahd general factory laborers: 1,00] 10.00) Canadian Food Products Sales Ltd. 25.00) accounted for a decrease in the K. W. Ross, United Steel Workers 25.00\demand for farm help. #00 painters and laborers. 10.00) Manufacturing activities var- Damage Is $1635 In eign nal ely a enatin 2 a eA hs ae NS "A 257 Oe AS GA, "PO Ih RET: AT AIH ON AME SIG SM ES ATES: AE SED AGT EEE SEP ES IR a AN RE TO NONE ERE CIE ET AN ANE 5 Accidents Five accidents investigated by 3ECOND SECTION members of the Oshawa Police Department catised an_ esti- mated $1,635 damage. One driver was charged. Nearly $400 damage was done Friday evening when an Oshawa Public Utilities bus and a panel truck were in collision at Ritson road south and Mitchell. The bus was driven by Alexander Mac- Donald of Welland avenue, and the truck, owned by Tony's Re- freshments, was driven by Lloyd Anderson of Drew street. There were no injuries reported. A truck and a car were in- volved in a collision. Friday at the entrance to a private drive- way on Gibb street resulting in an estimated $200 damage to the car and about $10 damage to the truck, The car owned by Ken- neth 'Simmons, of Bracebridge, was driven by Kenneth Smith, of RR 1, Huntsville. The truck, owned by Rosslyn Shortt of Gibb street, was driven by Robert McLennan of Peterborough. A three-car accident at Albany and Simcoe involving vehicles driven by Aurel Manica, Simcoe street south; Thomas Neal, Mary street and Robert Nemis, RR 3, Bowmanville, did an esti- mated $325 damage early Fri- day. An accident Thursday eve-) |ning, involving two cars parked) on Wilson road south, resulted lin more than $400 damage to the three vehicles involved. Rudolf Fiala, Wilson road south, has been charged in connection) with the mishap. for the campaign in the plants, from left, are Byron §. Ed- monson, D, W. Liddiard and W. G. Hines, -- General Motors Photo Good Supply Of Workers In District The Oshawa office of the Na-| lof applicants on hand during October as many persons from other areas continued to regi- ster locally in anticipation of in- LEGION MEMBERS REMEMBER SICK One of the services the | Royal Canadian Legion's | Poppy Day Fund provides is | gifts for sick veterans during | their stay in the Oshawa Gen- eral or Sunnybrook Hospitals. The members of Branch 43, liam Pearn, 188 Tresane street, Oshawa, a Boer war and First World War veteran, who is a patient at the Osh- awa General Hospital, Mr. Pearn served with the First Royal Dragoons during the Oshawa, make a point to visit the sick veterans and cheer them up. Shown are Cameron Oke, chairman of the Poppy Day Committee and Len Mitchell, co-chairman present- ing cigarets and. candy to Wil- Ambulance during the First World War. He also tried<, to enlist in the army during ; the Second World War, He- was born in 1876. --Oshawa Times Photo ordet's include executive and profes- skilled work- From Store Allen McDonald, 20, of 633 Burton road, was fined $50 and costs or one month in jail at Oshawa Police Court Friday. The accused entered a plea of guilty to a charge of theft before Magistrate F. S. Ebbs. The charge arose out of the theft of $31.14 from a super- market in the Lansdowne Plaza in North Oshawa on Aug. 28. The accused acted in concert with Fred. Charles Scott, 640 Burton road and Keith Ronald|t: Howard, 242 Conant street./t¢ Charges of break, enter and theft which were laid against the three men were withdrawn and the lesser charge of theft was substituted. f Crown Attorney Bruce Af- fleck read statements made by the accused men in which they admitted entering the. store by an opened transom, loading cig- arets and tobacco into cartons and taking the cash from a safe which was forced open. Scott also entered a plea of guilty to a charge of break, enter and theft at the Oshawa Tennis Club on Aug. 26. At that time $56 was stolen from the building. sional personnel, The conclusion of the harvest |season brought an end to many lagricultural :operations which Warm and dry weather condi- |tions permitted steady work on |the various local construction 09| Projects which continued on schedule, and provided employ-|: ih nt for workers in this field. |Contra tors continued to list or- ers for carpenters, plumbers, | ied with individual industries, | with the majority 'indicatng a |1 per cent to 5 per cent increase li in production over the previous |month, A high level of employ- ment was generally indicated i the automobile manufacturing and allied industries. Retail establishments, real es- tate firms and insurance com- panies indicated steady busi- ness with some vacancies for additional staff. The local office continued to meet employers' requests in most occupations. However, job opportunities where some short- ages of qualified applicants oc- curred included the following -- Family Seek Expect Harbor Chairman Pet Feline The oddest cat in Oshawa is missing . . And. a 12- -year-old schoolboy can't stay away from the door -- hoping that the cat will come back soon, For Chu, .a two-year-old black and grey Siamese is an epilep- ic. He must have special pills wice a day and he has been gone since Wednesday. Mrs. Murial Morris, 112 Kings- dale drive, Oshawa, Chu's own- er and her youngest son, John, ear that unless he gets the pills p very soon he may die. Why is Chu the oddest cat in town? Besides being epileptic Ihe has big blue cross eyes and a cute crook in his tail. Mrs, Morris said Friday: "We are really worried about Chu. John is always going to the door hoping for his return, He is very upset. "I suppose Chu is the oddest ca' for miles around, He could not be mistaken." Charge of break and enter at the Club Loreley, Dean avenue, laid against Scott also brought a plea of guilty. His Worship re- manded the two accused until Nov. 15 for sentence and a pre- electronic and chemical engin- eers, phsyical therapists, dieti- tians, nurses, salesmen, weld- ers, electricians, tool and die makers, compositors, TV ser- Place 2 Men 'To Be Appointed Soon OTTAWA (Special) -- A gov-,"In view of his excellent ser- ernment announcement about|Vice to that commission as its the appointment of a chairman chairman for the past three ear' for the Oshawa Harbor Commis-|""'s:. ig not \be ceasiuaiie sion is expected to be made Mr. Starr wants to know the shortly, it was learned here|reason. today. He is also asking if anyone A spokesman for the Depart-|else has been appointed to fill ment of Transport said that a the vacancy and if so, for the reply to a question placed on/date and number of the order the Commons' order paper by|in council making the appoint- Michael Starr, Conservative|ment. He also is asking that if MP for Ontario, is now being|no appointment has been made, rep for Tr rt Minis- what are the names of the ter George Mcliraith. people being considered for the Mr. Starr has asked if the position, who has recommended Minister intends to reappoint|them and when the names of S. Jackson of Oshawa as a The department spokesman" pointed out Friday that such appointments are strictly the. prerogative of the government and that answers to Mr. Starr's questions are being prepared: for Mr, Mcliraith. Answers té questions on the order paper are provided each Monday and Wednesday but there is no re-: quirement as to how soon.such,, answers have to be made. Xo Indications from some sours' ces are that Mr. Jackson may not be appointed and that the. prospective aj were) point member of 'the - commission, in his place; Assault Charge Is Remanded Mrs. Myra Olive Ciphery, RR 1, Washago, was remanded until Nov. 6 on a charge of assault causing bodily harm at Oshawa Magistrate's Court Friday. (OCVI Reporter) 'rl P. almerston avenue, Whitby, and Friday night whee she dragged By MARTIN SINGLETON vice and repairmen, waitresses and housekeepers. jsentence report. On Probation A comparison of applicants A further charge of POsseS-} 4 ian described by Crown Edward Arthur Rose, 767 Phil- lip Murray avenue, were both remanded until Nov. 15 on her man to the Sadie Hawkins' Dance. sion laid against Howard was) charges of newspaper theft. Sadie Hawkins' Dance Success right, O'Neill eight, Central two, They didn't make-the convert. Terry Keys, the-O'Neill terback, was neared but ke: playing. In the last two Central got a touchdown O'Neill's 25-yard line. They didn't try the = ee PI eS onal ae? i registered for employment atiremanded until Nov. 8. the Oshawa office shows a total of 5,865 at the end of October. This included 4,210 males and 1,655 females. This compares with 4,965 males and 1,760 fe- males at the end of Septem- ber and a total of 4,726 at the lend of October of last year. E. Whitby Sets Nomination Court Assesses Two Penalties A suspended driver, who drove|? wrong way on a one-wa street, was fined at Magistrate's Court Friday. William Melville Taylor, 674 Simcoe street south, entered pleas of guilty to a charge of driving while under suspension and a further charge of driving the wrong way on a. one-way street. The offences occurred Oct. 6 when the accused was checked by a police officer on Albert street. Magistrate F. S. Ebbs im- posed a $50 fine plus costs on the suspension offence and $10 and cost on the lesser charge. Scarboro Girl Wins Award A certificate of merit was p~?sented recently by the Scar- borough Fire Department to Susan Landon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Landon, 14 Bendale boulevard, Scarbor- ough. The award was for out- standing achievement in the re- cent Fire Prevention Parade. It is the second award won by the child this year. Last spring she won a bicycle for the best essay on fire preven- tion. Susan is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Landon, 458 Adelaide avenue west, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jackson, 359 Masson street. day, Nov. 21. 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. held on Saturdays. on Saturday, Dec. 7. |placed on suspended sentence East Whitby Township Coun- cil, at a recent meeting, passed a bylaw providing for the hold- ing of the annual nomination meeting at Columbus on Thurs- Nominations will be received by Township Clerk George Farncomb between 7,30 and 8.30 p.m. If an election is necessary it will be held Monday, Dec, 2. The polls will be open between At its October meeting the Mara Township Council passed a bylaw providing for the hold- ing of its nomination meeting on Friday, Nov. 29. The elec- tion, if required, will be held Monday, Dec. 9. Elections in the township were previously For the benefit of non-resi- dent cottage owners, the town- ship will hold an advance poll Attorney Bruce Affleck as, 'a respected man who betrayed a trust with his employer', was at Magistrate's Court Friday. Edgar Frederick Tremble, 41, of 531 Ritson road north, was placed on suspended sentence and probation for two years by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs after he entered a plea of guilty to a theft charge. John Cornelis Dingler, 26, of Jarvis street, was charged with Tremble with theft and a sec- ond count of possession. All charges were laid in connection with goods stolen from an Osh- awa company during a_ two- year period. The court was told that the accused Tremble was prepared to make restitution totalling $2,973 to a bonding company which had taken the losses. His Worship noted that Dingler had stolen in company with Trem- ble who was his superior. Dingler was also placed on suspended sentence and proba- tion for two years on the condi- tion that he made restitution for the goods stolen. STAGES EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS William Michaud, and inter- . nationally known Oshawa art- ist, who teaches art at O'Neil ings at Hotel Genosha. Mr Michaud is shown chatting with Sandra and Jo-Anne Rumpel, daughters of Mr. and Collegiate and Vocational In- stitute, Friday opened a one- man exhibition of his paint Mrs. Martin Rumpel, 512 Wil- son road south about one of the 50 paintings on display. 4 |lundi passe. i /d'eleves d'etre presents a la pro- siclub. "fis se recontreront tous j|lundis de chaque mois. Lundi Robert G. Parish, 1036 Ravine road, Aime J. Ethier, 178 Valen- cia road, Manuel Stolar, 1441 Evangeline drive and Stanley Czerniak, 820 Sylvia street, were all remanded until Nov. 27 on charges of newspaper theft. Magistrate F. §. Ebbs author- ized the issue of a bench war- rant for Cary A. Copeland, 110 Park road south, also charged with the offence. William Sacks, 8 King street west, was remanded until Nov. 6 on two charges of failing to obey bylaws requiring fumiga- tion of premises. Blake Chese- borough, 674 Simcoe street south, was also remanded until Noy. 4 on a charge of assault causing bodily harm. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to residents of Osh- awa and district who are celebrating their birthdays this weekend. Among those celebrating today is Paul Harding, 310 Arthur street. German Club Holds Meeting By BERNICE DUPUIS (OCVI Reporter) La premiere reunion du club allemand a eu lieu (took place) M. Carter presidait. Comme Vassistance n'etait pas nom- breuse, M. Carter et les mem- bres du club ont decide que la prochaine reunion aura lieu (will take place) un mercredi au lieu (instead of) d'un lundi pour donner la chance a plus chaine assemblee, qui aura lieu (will. take place) le treize no- vembre. Tous les eleves de la onziem, la douziemee et Ja treizieme an- nes peuvent faire parti de ce les deuxiemes et quatriemes| prochain les clubs francais, jun- ior et senior, se recontreront. Cette annee il n'y a pas de club intermediaire et par con- sequence 'les neuvieme et dix- ieme annees ne peuvent pas -- Oshawa Times Photo jing camps have been author- Much preparation by the dec- orations committee and good student participation made the dance a great success. The junior football team lost to Centrdl on Wednesday, which put our team out of the running' for the COSSA championship. Central and O'Neill scored two kickbacks each for a score of 2:to 2, then O'Neill's Ken Top- ping ran.25 yards on'a roll-out Hunt Camp Bids Closed LINDSAY -- No more appli- cations are being accepted for hunt camps in the Lindsay dis- trict, Arthur Walroth, district forester, said today. He said the department of lands and forests has been forced to take this action be- cause applications for estab- lishment of hunt camps have reached the saturation point. The few remaining Crown areas on which camps have not been authorized are being re- served for public hunting, Mr. Walroth said, Hunters in whose names exist- convert, but ran it for. two points, ™ final score was Central O'Neill 8. The senior game also was Jost as it ran into two overtime periods with the final. score bei ing 28:20. for Central. - I feel sure that e and teacher in a, every student proud of these teams and mané agers, and we should like ta commend them on a very suce cessful season. The O'Neill track team is also doing a fine. job against fo the. Senior Divison, Catan in the or Hicks came fifth; in the Intere mediate Division Grant Osborne garnered a second; in the Junior Division Steve Warburton placed first and Mike St, fourth. O'Neill was in third place out of seven in the Junior Section, pond the Senior and Intermediate tion had individual runners, so. they did not place. The next meet will be held this Saturday (the Ontario Championship) at Woodbridge; Last meet until spring. We wish all our cross-country runners luck in this important race. © Send Youth To: Boys' School Magistrate F, S. Ebbs sen tended a 16-year-old youth on} ized by land-use permit, and whose camps have been erect- ed in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit, may of course continue to re- apply annually to have' their permits renewed. Mr. Walroth recalled that dur- ing the 1930s hunt camps were few in this district and those occupying them enjoyed almost unlimited hunting territory. Driver Is Fined On 2 Charges Fernand Sylvio Belcourt, 25, of 583 Ritson road south, was fined a total of $60 and costs on two driving offences at Oshawa Police Court Friday. Belcourt entered pleas of guilty to a charge of driving while under suspension and speeding. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said that the accused was checked Oct. 8 by a police officer on Stevenson noad and as a result of investigations the charges were laid. Magistrate F. §. Ebbs fined Belcourt $50 and costs on the trate's Court Friday. William Potter, of College ave: enue, appeared before His wwor-? ship on one charge of break, ! enter and theft; one charge of + break, ' enter with ititent; 13! charges of theft and fl charges | : of attempted theft, At the Oct. 26 hearing of the ; charges Crown Attorney Bruce! Affleck said that the offences } were committed between Oct, + 7 and Oct. 17. Most of the thefts */ were from automobiles while ; ' two homes and a business of- } fice were also entered. His Worship sent the accused | to a training school for one year ; definite and six months indefin- ! ite of the charge of break, enter ' and th eft; the same term of } sentence to be served concur + rently on the break, enter with ! intent charge; three months + concurrent on each charge of ' theft and three months concurs faine parti de ce club, rent on each charge of attempt- ed theft. t suspension charge and $10 and costs for speeding. 26 charges at Oshawa Magis-+ meanness emnsmrseatiantaas asaaeracs=

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