Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1963, p. 25

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27--Real Estate for Sele _|27--Real Estate for Sele SIX-ROOM brick, two storey. three-piece $900 "BOWN DOWN for six for ba down. |9alow, two rooms to be tf ith, oil 1, 1 . Apply 2 aheun AUrEae. $1800 down. ocre of land. on townline south, close 10/27 --Ree@l Estate For Sale LARGE Lor, Schoo! ane city bus, ey et gg home for 725-0303, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. brick reet, 12 ACRES, Township of Migr for sele, on good road, $4,500, Slane dal an cane '27--Real Estate For Sole five-room bungalow with THE OSHAWK TIMES, Thuradey, Gcteber 24,1963 25 28--Real Estate Wanted exceptionaily beautiful,\CASH buyer wants home, one rom serese, Mis King Cost, Passes " a ast. b with (gre, roun lat L- Aang. aH FLASH be Arthur Weinburgers 7 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD WANTED ) IMMEDIATELY | ovo 4 ?. so.ano00 Fe. NEEDS -- LISTINGS 17--Male Help Wanted |23--Wanted To Rent 126--Rooms For Rent (27----Real Estate For Sale ! |FURNISHED bedroom, avilable for, wapLe GROVE four-room _bungalow,| od DOWN, room ment want Son repiiee t vieaee clean ct. oon sa trates 'hod peg ine gentleman. Quiet home. Apply 160 Wil- bathroom, Va acre of iand. Newly plast-three large bedrooms, very close to sep pany orgs bisque oy West Mill 282-6821 mediate possession. 7 Telephone 725-3013. liam Street East. ered. idea! for retired couple. Bowmen: pa and public schools, house is in im- ambitious. Please ca |\BURNISHED bedroom, a shift worker we "ek |ville 623-2869. Full price $12,900, ns ee For appointment fe see call George|>, le with one child./come, gentleman, abstainer, adults' : agg ia enn wines oe peg Tae Nn tpcessalan TTS), Cabin 2. No cooking. Telephone 723-9815 or gee BALDWIN STREET very cl S| Koornneet, 723-2859 er Joseph Bosco, fully decorated, th room =F 1K! Realtor, 728-7377. tion' ability, inifgtive and|BARN TO RENT by month or year, in|Gladstone Avenue. ngalow with large lot and private dri "ee rahe with Buck forms, $100./Oshawa or district. Apply Box 406, Osh- @goms, furnished, centrally located, | ba pyblic school and Donevan fii SACRIFICE 28 iat Price es this' weekly to start. State full particulars in ewa Times. ________|clean. Apply after six. 168 Arthur Street./asking $12,500. with $3,000. down, 5¥2 age -- z ont omy ferme "Gan first letter. References required. WritelwanteD to rent @ oarege @pp |per cent NHA mortgage, For appoint-|ii?*'rankine 728-5123, Bolahood Brothers, Box 210, Oshawa Times. "16 ft, Yo store a Boat, Telephone) '27--Real | Estate for Sole |ment fo see call Ossie Martin, Ne. fae sale, hot water heating, MAN required for Farm implement Dis- TWO- OR ¢ THREE- room $7,500. cash. 725-4117. 99,900. IMMEDIATE ive \ox 382, Oshawa. Phone Nisa pa acd "Gal Doves 0. ee etna | We Will Sell Your Home fealtor, 723-439 $1,000. DOWN. Six-room bungalow, ¢ cor- or take it in trade on 6 new home to be built or in ex- ner lot, very good buy. Carries ine rent. Telephone Mrs. Cotterell, RU 91153, change on a different type of home, Wa ANTED™ "three-room apartment, by young couple with two caildren. South west area preferred. Telephone 728-9594. COUPLE DESIRES 'room apartment or! house. Preferaby north of King, west of if course. mone | JosepH Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. a tea HEY Sect RIO Se ee OM PRO alg kc. ; tive. Tire | PRIVATE SALE -- One lot, 200 ft. x 75 jan Cadillac, Streets, $15,700. All Survey) Wm. McBrien Ltd [DELUXE "bungalow, five rooms. ft, with all services, very scenic view, W. Schatzrmann 2i:?%metertints te, on tens haan "ee R 'elephone 728-7551; evenings) . Realtor 1566 EXPERIENCED ONLY 725-2987. TRUCK DRIVERS SHIPPERS FORK-LIFT OPERATORS Call for appointment 8 A.M, te 5.P.M. ATT. JEAN GRILLS 728-4688 Simcoe. Telephone 728-3235 after 4.30. WANTED -- two or "three clean reoms | with refrigerator, stove, $60-$70 month- ly, young working couple; 723-4188 after 4 24- -Houses For Rent FIVE-ROOM bungalow, newly decorated inside and out. Lot surrounding home ideat for children, close to schools, $115 ree Dial Whitby 668-2925. | '25--Apartments $75. FOUR-ROOM, self-contained, one- bedroom apartment, new stove and re-) frigerator, close to Gowntown Available) December |. Telephone 725-4569 ARTHUR STREET -- Two rooms, bath, ground floor. Private, heated. Immediate' possession. Telephone Whitby 668-2361, or} 723-2925, UPPER DUPLEX, centrally located. Bus- ness woman preferred. Telephone before; 6 p.m. 725-1843. Evenings 723-7792. BARRIE AVENUE -- Three-room apart-| ment. Partly furnished or unfurnished | Available November 1. Centrally located. | 25-6695 THREE-ROOM fiat, furnished. very | tral, well heated, three-piece bath adults. Telephone 723-3078. CLEAN, considerate young man to share apartment with another gentleman. Non-| smoker and abstainer. Christian atmos phere. Telephone 723-259) MONTRAVE Avenue, 219, bedroom apartment, range, and drapes. $100 monthly address DUPLEX, off Hillcroft Street, 20-foot liv ed . kitchen, dinett EXPERIENCED Tove and. refrigerator. Parking. Adults SALESMAN | Genscan REQUIRED ground floor, boards, new Sandran, Permanent position, salary, bonus, profit sharing, pension, phone 723-3078 THREE -ROOM apartment, main floor! poid vacotion, group ond life insurance tove and refrigerator, TV outlet, posses- "Requirements: Age 22 to 35, sion November 1}. Adults, please. Tele phone 723-3266. neat appearance, previous Governor 'Mansions selling experience BASEMENT APARTMENT -- We want an aggres APARTMENTS east district, unfurnished or furnished. Business people phone 725-7928. dustrious young man. willing 2 'hedioom ovoilable to apply 'himself and pro- November gress, with one of the world's - largest manufacturers. Apply | Telephone Days 725-2162 Evenings 728-6922 THE DIPLOMAT W. FERTILE New luxurious apartments Conrtolled entrance, modern STORES lobby. Air conditioned halls with broadloom. Laundry room 190 KING ST... E. on 'each floor. Apply 340 725-6566 Marland Apartment 111. or Phone 728-4283 20--Room and Board ARTHUR STREET, 332 -- Room end board, near north General Motors. Single beds, good board. 728-2433. ROOM AND BOARD for labor men, two Call 728- 1544 double rooms, parking, 260 Athol Street po 26--Rooms For Rent ROOM AND BOARD for quiet "gentleman. Willing te share room. good A bddabicnad |RITSON ROAD SOUTH, 134 --- One iarge| five-day week. Telephone 728- 'furnished room to share, suit two gentie- AND BOARD for = ate: 'Close to South MEN'S WEAR STORE REQUIRES PERSONABLE YOUNG MAN For Full Time Position Write stating age, education and phone number to BOX 209 OSHAWA TIMES Apt. 5. Two refrigerator, Apply above' very central built-in' cup Tele duplex heavy duty, basement South-| partially! only. Tele-! ive, in suite Ist Regency Towers One two bedroom apart. ment refrigerator, drapes. Laundry facilities, etc stove room, very ~ Nassau Queen's Hotel, 67 North. Telephone 723-7912. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home Call between 5 and 7 pm. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | 18--Male or Female Help Wanted Simcoe General epotigmen.| , heated rooms, TV) Duplate and Pediars. Telephone 723-9220. showers. Recsonacie rates. Telephone' ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, wil) 2274! ing to share room with other rah single! |TWO FURNISHED rooms, bedroom and! beds, laundry done, lunch packed,|kitchen. Suit couple only, Parking. Cen-/ Home cooked meals and television. Teie-|tral. Apply 99 Elgin Street East. Phone 728-9523. __|PERNHILL BLVD.--One furnished bed-' ROOM or room and board. for gentleman, room, private home, near Shopping) ample parking. Apply 410. King Street Centre -_ Telephone 728-1370. ! East. DREW STREET -- Furnished cles ROOM AND BO. for one or two giris, room and kitchen with refrigerator 'and! home gftesg Telephone after $ p.m., range. 'Quiet. Please phone 725-0803. Whitby 668- 5 HAROLD Street, furnished | ROOM AN ay > BOARD for single man.|quiet. Telephone 723-4728. Quiet home. Lunches packed. Shift work- LARGE housekeeping room for two will-| er welcome. Telephone anytime. 725-4346. 'ing to share, near North GM, $8. each! ROOM AND BOARD for | gentlemen. |per week. Telephone 728-7283. Single beds or share. Close to south WARM, comfortable room, suit gentie-| giant, Pediars and Duplate. Telephone!man, sleeping accommodation only. Ap-| 723-2625 ply 177 Athol Street East. SUMMER STREET, 136 -- furnished) 22--Offices, Stores, S Storage housekeeping room, single bed. Home WAREHOUSE space for rent, 3000 feet, privileges. Parking, 723-1435. two floors, truck level loading, $75 per ROOM, "suitable" Yor nurses, ~ willing "to! month. Apply Mackie's Van and Storage'share, housekeeping privileges, close to. Ltd., 477 Bloor West. hospital, North GM, and downtown.| STORE FOR LEASE -- downtown King, Apply 57 Colborne Street East. | Street, 21 ff. by 75 ft., $250. monthly, FURNISHED room. Apply 62 Soi 9 R. Vickery, 728-9571; evenings Street or telephone 725-2198. SIMCOE NORTH -- Furnished room Share bath t. Close to h tT 23-- Wanted To Rent prodhg 720578 Close to hospita' ele WANTED -- two-bedroom apartment, in| ROOMS, $3. $ Oshawa, va, immediately. Telephone 728-2162 per. week URGENT! Two-bedroom apartment, du- plex or house in Oshawa or Whitby, by young couple with two children. 725-2602 18--Male or Female Help Wanted ATTENTION! Senior high school dents, $50. weekly, just working stu- two hours per evening. Pleasant work. Appli- cant must have use of @ car. Write Box 311, Oshawa Times. FULL- and PART-TIME help at Jamaica Oasis Restaurant. Good work- ng conditions, end wages. Apply in per- son. One mile north of Newcastle on Highway 115. TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA OF SOUTH DARLINGTON SUPPLY TEACHERS NEEDED the At the present time we have a permanent staff of 46 teachers and require qualified teachers for supply . work. Please write stating experience and grades pre- ferred to D. POWELL Supervising Principal, Hamtpon, Ont or Call Hampton 263-2401 before 4 p.m WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- Furnished room with two HOUBS of family fun 1 wv | piece bathroorn, in quiet home. Private en- you own a boat. To fad taal ohne aa tra @. Close to transportation. 668-4762./ wide selection turn to classification 32 ws AMBRE ECE SS SIRES a «Sana Ft in t DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, whale favally 'will be glad you did baa | alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting « ' ~ specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. FOR SALE -- 19 GMC Z-ton -t two-wheel | jtrailers. Electric ranges, space heaters,| SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on|Frigidaires; new and used furniture. We} calls. Walter pb 204 Chestnut Street/buy, sell and trade. Goold's Furniture, West, Whitby. 668-2563. 215 Dundas East, Whitby, 668-5481 | FOR SALE: Four-speed record player good condition, reasonably priced. Tele-| phone 668-4491 WANTEO -- Would like to contac) s any. person holding Dominion contest ticket reen J. Please telephone 655-3033 Brook- FREE STORAGE with spring tune-up Outboa:d motors and Lawnmowers WILDE RENTAL SALES AND SERVICE WHITBY 668-3226 GENTLEMAN; requires | housekeeping! Herat or small apartment in Whitby, some: age room and parking space. H, Smith, Brosk!in, . S., and $8. per night, $10.| 114 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-3338 A TERRIFIC BUY INDEED, 6 room ranch bungalow with attached garage on Cochrane Street Whitby, Brick and Stone Construction, storms and screens, close to public and separate schools. ONLY $15,248.00 full price with $2,500.00 down and one NHA mortgage carries for $86.00 monthly, principal and interest AND ANOTHER ONE, older stucco house on Dundos Street' West plus two. extra lots, each 60 x 125 ft. Good Investment opportunity. Ask- ing $18,000.00 with terms arranged lots on Ne 12 surveyed 10 acre highway, 10 acres plus 8 room house near Blackstock, $10,000.00 with very good terms Call now and ask for Mrs Helen Simpson at 668-3338 or 725-7420 or Bill Schatz mann evenings 668-3253 METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King Sstreet East Dial 728-4678 SUBURBAN GEM $13,500 only $1,867 down----for this lovely 6 room bungalow only 3 years old and situated on a iovely large lot featuring 3 bedrooms hollywood kitchen--4 piece tiled bath and a large living room for suburban living and city conveniences you will love this home. Call Don't miss out on this value THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Just listed at only $14,300 end worth much more than the asking price. Here is a delightful side split level home 5/2 rooms with 3 large bedrooms and 20 x 11 ft, finished rec room. Entire home beautifully decorated and broadloomed stairs have wrought iron handrail. This is the award winning home for landscaping in the area Terraces, patio and barbecue ore well worth your inspec- tion. Be sure you see this home tonight and get your offer in before it's too late. Call right now DON'T MISS.OUT Selection of a choice lot in Golfview Heights as these new homes by S, Jackson & Son are always in démand. Prices start ot $13,695 on these lovely new bungalows. Don't be left out, choose your fot and take advantage of the Winter Works programme now while low down payments con work for you OOK! Only $4,000 for a 63' x 114' lot on paved road with all services paid--Act now! and start building tomorrow. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Ken Hann Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Barriage Joe Maga with now! 3 bedroom bungelow in ex- cellent condition. L shaped living room with dining area. Four piece ceramic tile bath. Good kitchen with breakfast area. Finished room in base- ment Recreation room roughed in, Storms = and screens all around. Nicely landscaped Income home solid brick Well insulated divided into two self contoined apart- ments, Oil Hot'Water Hest- ing. Very cleon, Older home on quiet street. Large living room with fire- place. Separate dining room. Finished receration room Three bedrooms. New oil furnace on lovely treed lot. 81' x 132 CALL MRS. LEE 668.4949 BOWMAN & GIBSON 145 Brock St .S., Whitby 668-5823 JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville, Phone 623-3950 97 Acre HIGHWAY FARM 2 barns; brick home with all modern conveniences. Asking $26,000. Terms 50 Acre farm. Good , pond; 7 room home, Si Mee ernized. Asking price $12 000. Terms 130 Acres near with large stream 000. Terms 112 Acre' farm paved, commuting distance Oshawa Large barns; 7 room home Asking $20,000 90 Acre HIGHWAY FARM with good buildings, stream etc. Price and terms arranged with house and Newtonville, Terms lackstock Price $7,- on 32 Acres barn north Price $6,500 31 Acres, partly orchard with house and barn, locat- ed west of Newcastle. Ask- ing $27,000. Terms. 100 Acre farm with house and barn. Good soil. Asking $11,000 with $3,000 down. 6% Acres with 8 room house and small barn, located north of Port Hope. Asking $7,000. Easy terms. 10 Acres with 8 room brick home, all modern conveni- ences. Only $4,000 down 100 Acres with small house and barn, 2 streams on pro- perty. Asking $5,500. Terms 16 Acres with 6 room house Price $6,000 with $2,000 down 230 Acres past stream. Price $2,000 down After hours call Donald Mountjoy Idso Wiersma Guy LeBlanc John M. Sandy ure farm with $7,000 with 623-3614 Orono 1649 623-3715 725-8010 FOR A MILLION DOLLAR View, see this brick bungalow on Grandview South overlooking the city. This lovely three bedroom home has mony extras, built in. TV, electric stove anc fridge, broadioom, drapes, etc. Also has walkout basement, attached gorage with electric door, extra large lot 75 by 200 ft. Asking only $14,900. with $3,000 down. Evenings call 725-3412 CARL OLSEN, REALTOR 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 | GRASS NEEDS CUTTING Sure the grass has been let go and the steps need fixing -- but then you have a first class three bedroom bungalow. Nearly new ---this home has a seventeen. foot kitchen -- ample cupboards and closets -- partly finished rec room and a large fenced lot. Nipigon St. -- close to schools and bus. List price $13,900.00 WILSON REALTOR Terms. 26% KING ST. EAST 725-6588 14 Frank St. HORBRULEE HUNT CLUB Consisting of 100 acres hardwood with small private lake. A-! deer country, also good duck and partridge shooting. The lake is creek and spring fed with brook and speckled. trout. A-1 for re- stocking. Camp sleeps 8 to 10 is insulated, 'oil heated, fully equipped including spring-filled mattresses Accessible All Year Round Hound Deg trained for hunting deer, onteed. Rifle, Savage 303. bear and coon, fully guar For Further Details Write H. N. STOREY 60 WILLIAM STREET NORTH LINDSAY, ONTARIO CENTRAL WHITBY Attractive six room bungalow with attached garage, sit- uated near rink and shopping plaza finished recreation room with natural fireplace nicely landscaped . lot. BROOKLIN $9500 Two bedrooms, dining room, oil furnace, glassed-in sun- porch, nice lot on good street close to shopping, terms. This very successful business just north of Brooklin is of- fered for sale due to diss- olution of partnership. This business is and has been very successful. It is ideol for operation by two families Showing, arranged through Doug Andrews R.R, 1, Brook- lin PHONE 655-3195 J. A. Willoughby AND SON LIMITED, REALTOR GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 JUST THE HOME for the re tired couple, 2 bedroom brick bungalow on Mary Street. Lorge living roam, family size kitchen and 2 lovely bedrooms. "Hedged bock yard with garden. Full price $12,500 DUNDAS STREET EAST in Whitby 2 bedroom brick attached garage. Large bright kitchen with eating areo, Good sized _ broadioomed living room. Recreation room facilities. Paved drive WALK DOWNTOWN from this 2 storey brick home lo cated on a 37 x/105 ft. lot with taxes less than $200.00 3 bedroom upstairs with lots of closet space. Modern kit- chen, separate dining room and the full price is only $10,500 APARTMENT BUILDING with 5 suités-- including re- frigerator and stove in each. Attractive brick building in on excellent residential areo close to all facilities, This property is worth an inspec- tion. EXCELLENT LOCATION 2 storey home with large liv- ing and dining room. with notural fireplace Bright family room. Hot water oil heating. Two large bedrooms and 4 pc. tiled bath up- stairs. Facilities for another bedroom down. In the best of condition throughout. This home won't last long call today FULL PRICE - $8,900 4 room bungalow on a good sized lot with fruit trees and garage. Hardwood and lino leum floors. Modern kitchen SNACK BAR AND VARIETY STORE -- on a Main street in Oshawa with full fine of equipment and 5 room apartment Asking only $6,900 RITSON RD. NORTH -- 5 room bungalow with 3 room basement apartment with pri- vate bath and entrance. At tached garage' and paved drive. The price has been re- duced as the owner is an- xious to sell KENNETH STREET Close to north General Motors -- 5 room 1% storey brick with garage. Home in tip top condition. Full price $10,- 900. FULL PRICE $15,300 -- 5 room brick and stone' bun- galow with 22 ft. living room featuring redwood pan- elling. Large kitchen with built in stove and oven.'High walkout basement. Located just west of Oshawa in an area of fine homes 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNG ALOW on a street of well kept homes. Close to bus, schools and store. Large tiv- ing and dining room. Walk- out basement and paved drive. Carries for $93.00 Per month including taxes. TRULLS RD. NORTH -- Va- cant lot with 232 ft. front- age Wooded. Can be divided into two lots. Full price $4,500 FARM Full price a 000. for 141 acres just 3 miles .from Lindsay right on Highway 7. 112 acres of bush and the rest is all level workable land. Good sized barn and 9 room brick home with 5 bedrooms. This is one of several farms we have in the district. Call today for more information Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Roy Flintoff Irene Brown Steve Zurbe Dick Young Siblock GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. $. Jean Peacock Lleyd Corson Steve Englert Lucas Peacock Tony Leon Manitius : | BROOKLIN DAIRY CREME For full particulars call 723-1121 | | Two Storey Brick Home Beautifully' Kept 3 BEDROOM HOME in north east district for client with $1500.00 DOWN. KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 We have cash customers waiting for homes. Call now os we need Homes Urgently. JOSEPH BOSCO $1500. DOWN REALTORS Heovy advertising uses up Nistings RAST", With our bi force of we have "BUYERS" waiting for many kinds of Properties, Vacant Lands, Homes, In- Immediate Possession, PHONE 728-7377 STREAM AND WOODS on 100 acres, less than hour from Oshawa. Notural Parkland setting for your fu- ture retirement or. retreat home. Buy 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100 acres for $140 per acre. Down payment and terms arranged 10 ACRE Scenic building lot north west from Columbus. Only one left in this desirable area, Priced ot $3200, Terms arranged. JUST NORTH of No. 7 High- way 5 miles East of Peter- borough. House on scenic lot, with an extra building lot next door. Priced for handy man at $5,000. with $500 down PRIVATE SALE Enjoy rearyord summer breezes in the shade of lorge trees on o professionally land- scaped lot with flagstone rear patio end front walk. Attached garage with paved drive. The living room hes a stone fireploce, picture win- dows overlooking ond open- ing onto the attached patio, three bedrooms with double closets, bathroom with vanity, dining room with pic- ture windows, compact family kitchen, large panelled re- creation room in finished basement. Close to churches, public, separate and high schools. Extras Phone 725-3170 NORTH SHORE private SALE REALTY LTD. WHITBY 112 Simcoe St. North $16,300 Telephone 725- 3568 ATTRACTIVE por apices) COTTAGE STYLE S. D. HYMAN 3 BEDROOM REAL ESTATE BRICK HOME LIMITED In Whitby's better residential di Eorly Am de- 323 King Street West on teas brick tite: 728-6286 place and panelled wall in Le room, i tel tiled athroom and broedloomed BUILDING LOTS hall. Extras include photo- Prepoid lots, fully serviced grophic darkroom and high asking as low as $60.00 per foot, Builders terms. Only a few left, Call Doug Gower. boerd fenced lot. --_-- 668-4862 N.H.A, RESALE Just listed Exceptionally $500 WINTER WORKS clean home, only 5 years old, carries for $96.00 a month BONUS with one mortgage at 6%. Call Les Hell $ ? AO $750 Full down payment on a new DOWN TO ONE 6%% NHA MTGE. five room brick bungolow aluminum siding. Hot water loaded with extras. Order now oil heat, garage, large kit- sind gg et your choice of fave tie one le ue colours oa iowa 0) . ' chen. Hurry for this bargain. | ur word McCabe hebd 'Gnd electric. clook (20 sodded front and reor large 1 Mr, Drumm right now | pgs Be Fh eat | SUNKEN LIVING ROOM | This ranch bungalow with lots--cerries $99 monthly $13,900 FULL PRICE | ottached onions iecotad ai interest, principal and toxes. 5% room brick bungalow. | deep lot has sliding glass ora down -- 3. bedroom Family size kitchen with built | doors leading out to the patio. 1290. in. stove ond oven. Home in | Must be seen. Coll Tom Tar- $612 down -- 3 bedroom and spotless condition. One N.H rant. oe. mi giae A. mortgage at 6% with | $792 Aeaae Re pou: monthly payments of only | split 1¥2 boths. $14,940. Located in Whitby--All ser- $99 including toxes. Be sure 4 ' to inspect this excellent buy, attached garage and roughed ees nel phage ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728- in fireplace. Asking $4,000 $123. | West Hill. Only a few avail- |: Son with bre martgnge, Goll able at the prices. B COURTCRipy | "rere Call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712. Approved, exceptionally fine KINGSMERE cgpisatedle | Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. We are proud to list the address of this property 320 Glidden CALL BILL MILLAR Telephone 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estote Ltd HOMES ~ of DISTINCTION offer PAVED DRIVE Until November Ist Plus completely decorated in- terior, built in stoves and ov- ens, hooded fans, storms and screens S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited Telephone 728-6286 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LLOYD A. P, BOLAHOOD, F.R.1. LIST WITH US THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $600. DOWN $9,300. FULL PRICE NIPIGON STREET 2 bedroom home easily con- verted to 3 bedrooms. New SPLIT-LEVEL Sevén room split-level with FOR ACTION CALL MR. "JIMMY" LOVE. 728-5123 LIST WITH US THEN CALL YOUR MOVER * 728-5123 29---A woe ee For Sale ogg motor, 4, custom redle. Telephone Bi Blackstock 986-4971 1983 CHEVROLET andere, m0 oa offer, Also tire, 900 x Telephone Whitby, s08 2000, 195? PLYMOUTH station wagon, excellent body. No rust. Needs brakes. $100 or best offer, After 5 p.m. phone 728-2336, 194) CHEVROLET Bel Alr, radio, white, walls, wheel discs, A-1 condition, $1600.' After 5 p.m. 728-7078. 1940 ROVER, four-speed floor tr sion. 6 cylinder, Snow tires. motor good. wh cent, Whitby, 668- $78. ' U"SHAPE -- 1953 Chevro- {ate Sdoor Bel Me 'ater 7 p.m. apply Ritson Road Ni c Buying A Car?: TRY WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. SINCE 1947 --Top Quality --Lowest Prices --wWritten Guarantee BIG SALE 1962 CHEVROLET BEL AIR One owner. Executive driven. Reduced $2195 . 1962 CHEVROLET HARDTOP One owner new car. condi- tion. Reduced $2395 1961 CHEVROLET HARDTOP One owner. ae i miles Reduced $2095 : 1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN residential area. $2,200. Call Inspect the seven Armstrong | KEITH PETERS Mr. Charles Rankine at 728- homes in this choice location. Realtor 728-7328 5123. | All equipped with built-in $600. DOWN stoves and ovens, low down 103 King Street East Payments and balance on $11,500 FULL PRICE one N.H.A. mortgage. Call 4 year old, 3 bedroom, brick . Glen MacKinnon, bungalow. One mortgage for ee | balance. Call Mr. Charles ? ? TRADE ? ? Ronkine at 728-5123 Yes, we will accept your resent hom r EAST END:LOCATION: | Soun payment ave nee ane down payment on a new one Six room brick bungalow. --Try us. Hollywood kitchen with loads of cupboards. Modern bath with .coloured fixtures and vanity. Large living room with broadioom, Finished recrea- tion room. Monthly payment CARL OLSEN $82 including interest and | principal on one N.H.A REALTOR 723- 1133 | | mortgage. Reasonable down EAST -- $9,500. -- $1,000 ped einal! at fost, call Mr. down for cozy bungalow on 5123. ruikshonks' at 728- scenic double lot, contains large living room, 'extra large kitchen with plenty of cup- boards, two bright bedrooms, good size bathroom with yanity and larger mirror, con- venient utility room for wash- er, and dryer, reasonable taxes, oi] heating. For com- plete information phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133, eve- nings 725-0243. WINDSOR ST. -- Just listed, five rooms red brick, extra large kitchen with lots of cup- boards, bedrooms-three better than ordinary, living room 14 x 16, private drive, lot 50 x 136. Listed at $13,500. will consider attractive offer. For further information. call Wes. Elliott -at 723-1133 evenings 728-0581. RIVERSIDE DRIVE--Six room ranch bungalow, two years old, featuring large bright living room, good size dining room, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath and 2 piece off master bedroom, large landscaped lot. Asking $13,500. with terms. Must be sold. Phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133 evenings 725-0243. PINE AVE. -- Seven. rooms, red brick and stucco, o real large home for the large fam- ily or income use. Living, Dining, kitchen with closed-in sun porch downstairs, garage and fair size lot. Asking $12,- 000. with $2,000. down or an | OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH | Brick storey and holf with garage, modern kitchen, din- ing room and two bedrooms, new oil furnace. This home con be yours. For a look call Ronald Hetherington 623- 3637 | NORTH WEST DISTRICT - $15,900.00 --- 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 19% ft. living room with open fire- place, pierson type windows, recreation room with fire- place. For more information call Joe Crawford 623-3672. SUBURBAN SPECIAL $12,900 this isa genuine bargain for someone want- ing a home just north of Oshawa City Limits, over 1200 sq. ft. and only 7 years old, large lot 73 x 150. Don't delay cali Earle today 725- 7782. $70,000 DOWN 15' % DOWN Modern Service Station, two houses, 'large grocery store with major food franchise The best of equipment. Will take apartment house in on trade. More particulars by. phoning Mr. Bill Horne? at 728-5123. $19,900 ___SUBURBA N RED AND WHITE OUTLET $10,000 cash, will handle deal including stock. Store long established and is a go- ing concern, excellent mod- ern equipment. This is too good to be true, but there is © seven room modern living quarters included in the $19,- 900. Call Mr. Bill Horner for full details please, at 728- 5123. GRIERSON STREET Patio, finished rec room, Kool Vent awning, fully de- . corated, Home has been oc- cupied by a couple only and is spotless, new heating sys- tem, private drive, property landscaped with beautiful lawns and. trees both front ond baak sn consider low down payme Phone Bilt Ratcliffe 665. 3917 $60. PER MONTH 4 bedrooms, aluminum storms and screens, full price $9,- 900. Call Rolande Tierney 725-7782. HUNTER'S SPECIAL 100 acres of bush Y2. mile off highway north of Madoc, 2 hours drive from Oshawa. Deer and bear. Only $2500. full price, will take trade on home vicinity of Oshawa. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548. $16,500 "RANCHER" Attached garage, fireplace in living room. Connected for fireplace in recreation room Lovely patio, situated on large lot 5 minutes from downtown Oshawa. Only $100 per month including taxes with reasonable down pay- ment. Call Mr. Bill Johnston now, at 728-5123 $12,900 28--Real Estate Wanted offer would be considered. Call Wes. Elliott at 723-1133, evenings 728-058). : CHOICE BUILDING LOT -- on Rossland Rd. W. in an area of fine homes. 90 x 175 ft. Price $3,950. Phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133, eve- hings, 725-0243 299 King St 723-1133 $94 per month including toxes, Schools and Churches only one block away. Large finished recreation room Broadloom in living room. Reasonable down payment. Call Mr. Bill Johnson at 728-5123 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD 101 WANTED Five room bungalow in cen- tral location, or good 1% storey for genuine cash buyer. Call Henry Stinson 723-1133 Evenings 725-0243 CARL: OLSEN REALTOR Simcoe Street North West Open Every Evening One owner. Lady's Car. 160% 'Worrenty. Reduced $1895 1961 RAMBLER CUSTOM One owner. Auto-Matic Six Top Value. Reduced $1745 1960 ENVOY STATION WAGON Finished in frost white and red. 5 New nylon white walls, A-1 throughout. Reduced $825 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Radio ond white walls, clean and reliable. Reduced $875 1957 PONTIAC HARDTOP © Radio, two tone white _ and, chrome discs. A Reduced $795 1957 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP One'Owner, Fully Equipped. Neat As A Pin Reduced $975 1956 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 6 cylinder, standard transmission Top Value. Reduced $695 © 1955 CHEVROLET 2 TON STAKE TRUCK Body and Mechanically A-1 Reduced $475 $$SAVE NOW$$ 1964 RAMBLERS $2389 For a compact Buy See KEN MURRAY -- ED WELLMAN WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. 100 Nonquon Rd. 728-7351 (Continued on Page 26)

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