CHAMBER MEMBERS HOLD GOLF DAY for the evening was Wally Crouter of CFRB, Toronto. Mr. Crouter is seen at left as he was welcomed by Bill Selby, right, chairman, social day at the Oshawa Golf Club. The day's program concluded with a banquet in the golf club dining room, Guest speaker More than 50 members of the Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce took part in the Cham- ber's Fall Golf Day held Mon- 10 Members Are Inducted She Oshawa Cines -- By Jaycees | | 3ECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1963 PAGE NINE The growth of the Oshawa). Junior Chamber of Commerce) 9777" received a boost Monday eve-| ning. | The local group of young businessmen saw an addition to the organization at a dinner, meeting at Hotel Genosha. Ten) new members were inducted by William Tynkaluk, president of District No. 5, j The newly inducted Jaycees are as follows: Kin Dillane, Doug Snider, William Camp- bell, Rick Wyatt, Graham Mac- Millan, Bob Holmes, Brian Simpson, John Perry, Andy Lyons and Rolly Boulet. President Tynkaluk welcomed the new Jaycees and spoke on the Junior Chamber movement. He emphasized the. qualities which were needed to make the Jaycee a useful member of the movement and of the com-) munity. : | The visiting speaker outlined) « the history of the Junior Cham-| ber since the formation of No. 5 District and the hopes for the| future, The new members of the chamber were also wel- comed by Vic Brooks to their| \first meeting and _ induction| events, for the Chamber. At |ceremonies. | centre looking on is Chamber | | Members of the Oshawa Vice-president Ken Crone, who | Fire Department ¢onduct- Taylor Group mew pumper unit which has been delivered to the depart- ment, Mounted on a GMC chassis, with a LaFrance body and pump, the truck will pump 625 gallons of water a minute. The new equipment, OSHAWA FIRE DEPARTMENT TESTS NEW PUMPER which replaces a 1951 model, cost $17,888, --Oshawa Times Photo GM Scholarship Won By Oshawa Student Limited, Frigidaire| of Canada, General activities, and the development Industries of a sense of responsibility and Products \leadership form the basi decision on scholarship winners. General Motors of Canada to- day announced the names of 28 students from all parts of Can- ada who will receive scholar-|- ~The amount of the award is|/Acceptance Corporation. ships under the annual Generallestablished according to the| Students applying for aid Motors Scholarship Program.|help the student needs in pro- under the General Motors Schol- One of the scholarships -has vidins for tuition fees, living ex-|zrship Program do so by asking been awarded to Miss Monica|penses, books and transporta-|for applications from the regis- Ann Connolly, 300 Athol street/tion, and incidental expenses, |trars of the following universi- east, Oshawa, who will study at) If a scholarship wsner gradu-|ties; ks, the University of Western On-/ates before the four-year term,) The University of Toronto; tario. lfails to meet university stand-|The University of Western On- There are 100 students cur-jards, or drops out, his scholar- tario; Queens University; The s of the!Motors Diesel, Motors Holding), «a AneiAney ? lof Canada and General Motors| Wil! commence Friday, Oct. 25, rently receiving part of $1,200,000 donated since the|ship is awarded to another stu-| } the! dent for the balance of the four-|University of Manitoba; The University of Montreal; The 1955-56 academic year by GMjyear term. Three of this year's|University of British Columbia; | in aid of universities and their) scholarships Apart from these, 25 new schol- Scholarships range in value to/arships are created each year. students. the student from $200 to $2,000) and can be renewed each year|ship Program was established in for a total of four years depend-|1955 by the six GM companies ing on academic record. Each of the 14 universities Motors of Canada, participating in the program re-| ' eeives an annual grant from) General Motors equivalent to) | dhe students' tuition charges, , the minimum being $500 for each student enrolled under the| rogram. | . Students of all provinces are) | eligible and the choice of uni-| versity is entirely in the hands) of the student, except that the| university must be one of the! § | 14 participating. The selection of| scholarship winners and the| the university and depends on/ the students' needs, : : * Such things as the applicant's high school academic record, participation in extra-curricular Lift Licence * amount of each award is set by| | Tite University of Saskatche- wan; The University of 'Alberta: | The University of New Bruns- wick; Laval University; McGill] Miniversity; Memorial Univer-| sity, Newfoundland; Dalhousie) |University; and McMaster Uni- were so awarded. | The General Motors Scholar- General loperating in Canada: | | McKinnon| versity. | Exercise In conjunction with an army; exercise named 'Cry Havoc', lithe Ontario County Emergency |Measures Organization wi 11 \stage a "Mutual Support Exer- \cise Oct. 26 and 27, Only the lmore senior officials will be involved. It is expected approx- imately 200 men and 40 vehicles! | will take part. The exercise will i|be held concurrently with the lsector headquarters in Peter- :|borough, '| The exercise will test, develop) land publicize the Uxbridge EMO jplan and activate the Uxbridge | Head- Plans __ EMO ans mext meeting at 8 p.m. Nov. 4. area sub headquarters. il |quarters of the exercise in this F rOne Year farea will be at the Uxbridge 0 MASTER'S DEGREE District, High pant. hg bar i | bri i sei A. collision with two parked At the fall convocation of beige pened pp Herp cars brought William Ru-| the University of New Bruns- | headquarters, dolph Babich, 41, of 321 Pacific) Wick held recently in Fred- | On Oct. 26 the EMO workers oh inte Oshawa Magis-| ericton, New Brunswick, a de- |will commence their duties at ee Court Monday on a| 8tee of Master of Arts was po and control charge. conferred upon Daniel Francis Babich entered a plea of not! Crozier, scn of Mr. and Mrs. guilty to the charge before| J. A. (Bert) Brown of 213 ' Magistrate F. S. Ebbs Wellington street, Whitby. A Sgt. D. Wood testified that| graduate of Whitby District | will be held in the school yard |down will be at 5.30 a.m. follow- led by a conference at the Us was chairman for the banquet. , ed tests at the Oshawa Har- --Oshawa Times Photo. | bor Monday afternoon on a | Twelve members of the Tay- Progrening Well cect jlor Group topped the polf*in | F or Two Months It was reported at a meeting/election of General Motors dele- of the Sunnyside Park Neigh-|gates to the Ontario Federation| borhood Association that work|of Labor Convention. The ballot} Going in his front door and on the new building is progress-|was held recently at the UAW ieaving by the back door did not ing well. The building is now al-|Hall. The results of the election| help Radosiv Blacanin to escape most ready for winter use. The|/were announced today by Steve!a driving conviction. furnace is being installed. |Melnichuk, chairman of the| Dances for the young people Local 222 election committee. unlawfully driving while dis- 1 : : - The successful candidates and/qualified. He appeared Monday ith a masquerade with John the vote they received -- are: bs Oshawa Magistrate's Court Thornton and his committee as|«}jyghie' Armstrong, 332; Tom|before His Worship F. S. Ebbs. conveners. _,.._|Simmons, 295; Lloyd Clarke,)The court heard a statement A door-to-door fund raising) 289: Don Powless, 278; Vic Wil-|by Constable D. F. Edwards canvass has been started. It\son, 262; Roy Vaillancourt, 260;|which said that he checked the hon foihb dos sogion es he oe John Malcolm, 249; Bob Ma-'Blacanin vehicle on Sept. 19. ne. y I ake S-\guire, 247; Amby Ferren, 239; | icer' tated sible the completion of the new|wes Gierucki, 233; John Sel te ea ad an ars clubhouse. Those not contacted ojair, 226 and Harley Steeves,|an operator's 'licence and when are askéd to call or send doua- oe ; tons ~tomthepranident;=Geta teas asked to produce one drove with Vallee or the treasurer, G Price. It was announced the weekly euchre parties will be resumed s soon as the heat is con- nected. The association learned the|Brisbois, 157; Al pee wee girls' team is selling|John Beers, 146; tickets to help finance the'126; Bill Stacey, 126; Ted Mur- '\eiected to attend the convention|old street, were Joe Cassar and Steveland left by the back door. Melnichuk, | The unsuccessful GM candi- Dionne, | Blacanin was' charged wtih [county jail. purchase of new sweaters. |phy, 125; George Young, 125; Anyone interested in coaching|Jim Danchuk, 118; D. Phillips, the pee wee hockey team is|114; Bill Davis, 113; Harold Mut- asked to contact John Calder. iter 113; Vie Kononow, GROWS SOFTWOODS Commercially valuable The association will hold its Casimer Lesnick, 31. land. soft- 110;|woods grow on 60 per cent of Hank Ryerse, 47;: Ed Reid, 42;|Canada's vast productive forest ROTARY HONORS CHEST PARTICIPANTS "tions, not previously acknowl- 11.30 p.m. An army conference} | | \bridge Fair Grounds at 7.30 a...) jat 3.30 p.m. On Sunday stand) he was patrolling on Simcoe street on the evening of Aug. 3. when he heard a crash. The officer said that he saw an accident had occurred at Sim-| coe and Athols streets and, on investigation, found that a vehicle driven south by the accused had run into a parked car which in turn had struck a third parked car. Babich, "smelled like distillery", Sgt. Wood testified He added that he could get no sense from him. Sgt. A. Alexander testified that ne was on desk du'y when Babich was brought into the station and that, "the man was drunk." The next witness, Thomas Gray, 51 Colbourne street, and father-in-law of the accused, said that he was a passenger in the vehicle at the time of the accident and did no member who. was driving. Henry Dimark of Newcastle, another passenger in the vehicle, said that the first car striek appear-| veterans ed to be hacking out from the curb and the Babich vehicle swerved when the driver anplicd the brekes. Rabich 'conf'rmed Dimark's testimony when he took the stand Actine Crown Attorney George Bovehen told the court the aoclke? rar woes immobile and the not in the Criver was "eh'cle High School, Mr. Crozier re- | During the exercise a sub} a W.! re- |" 320 years Toronto; ceived his Bachelor of Arts |headquarters operated by a mo-| degree from UNB in 1961. o y ' | : ' |bile radio set with S. Wotton as) After lecturing at the Univer- | exercise director will be at Port| sity of British Columbia for |Perry. Other mobile units will] the 1962-63 academic y 1, |be stationed at the EMO head- Mr. Crozier is now an assis- |quarters in Oshawa and at Ux.| tant professor of English at | bridge. Acadia University, Wolfville, | Others expected to take part Nova Scotia. are Reeve W. E. Martyn of Ux- Ss ae |bridge, Reeve N. Hogg, Ux- |bridge Township; Reeve w.! |Gould, Uxbridge Town; Mayor} |Kydd, Uxbridge; Reeve F. Hock- ley, Scott Township; Chief of Police, L. Ellenberger; J. Reid, R. Rodman and J, R. Cameron. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishos to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays today: Rita MacDonald, 273 Trent street and Garnet Tate, 1153 Cloverdale street. Phone 723-3474, Wolf Mauls Child In Animal Park G. H. Jones, Leaside and. MOOSE JAW, Sask. (CP)--A Jones, Scarborough father engaged in a 30-second Ross Strike, QC, chair- tug-of-war with a. woif that Hydro Honors 10 Retirees Ten veteran members of On-, tario Hydro's Central Region staff who retire this year are| being honored for their effec- tive work and long service at a dinner of the Central Region Club Friday, Oct. 25, at the} ay Ho'el, Toronto. The combined service of the} retiring staff members totals} or an average of} 2 years each, The Hydro! come from various sectors of Central Region. | They are: T. Blackhall, Wes- ton; W.: F. Manuel, Oshawa; D. J. Croskery, Toronto; J, L Raham, Richmond Hill; A Chenery, Mount Dennis; P. S. Gibbon, Brampton, J. N. Lucas, D. M. Chamney, To- some ronto; J. D WwW a Mavistrate Ebbs found man of Ontario Hydro, will be snatched the hand of his five- Babich guilty on the lesser'the principal speaker at the\year-old son and pulled the charge of impaired driving. [dinner and will convey the ap- youngster's arm through a wire Mr. Boychyn told His Woré preciation of the Commission to|mesh surrounding the wolf pen shin. the accused .man_ had\the ten. retiring Central Rezion|at the wild animal park here. served one month for drunk|Hydro veterans for their long,, The boy, Dean Miller of Stel- driving in 1960. faithful, service. Region Mana-|cam, Sask., 17 miles southeast "The 1960 sentence did notiger, Adam S, Smith, also will|/of Moose Jaw, was reported in teach him a lesson, "His Wor-|pay tribute to the lengthy,|good condition in hospital Mon- hin said before sentencingjeffective service of the vet-day with severe hand and lower Rabich to one month in the/jerans. J. A. Sulker, President of|arm lacerations and torn finger county jail amd suspension of|the Central Region Club will|tendons. He was expected to be his driver's licence for one year.|preside. + released in two or three days. picture Harold McNeill, direc- tor of Simcoe Hall, congratu- lates Deborah Irwin and Sandy Garvack, winners of the public speaking contests. --Oshawa Times Photos picture Brendan Calder, pres- ident of the Get Together Club, seen presenting a cheque for $500 to Chest Chairman Harold Pierson dur- ing the meeting. In the lower THE WINNERS OF the pub- lic speaking and art contests held in connecticn with the Greater Oshawa Community Chest were honored at the Monday meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, In the upper is | The two Duplate delegates|the officer to his home, 66 Har-|G J, Roberts, principal of Mc- went in the front! After hearing that the accus-|Alex Hill be authorized to at- led had been found guilty on a'tend the meeting of the Council \dates with their vote were: Len|similar charge in Toronto, Ma-|on 149; |gistrate. Ebbs sentenced the ac-)Windsor Oct. 25 and 26, Mrs. Earl Ferguson, |cused to two months in the jective of $261,800 has been con- | | Trustees Challenge Teachers Workshops Value of special workshops,put something over on the!trustees must go to special meet- for teachers and principals was challenged by two trustees of the; Education}teachers who are responsible Oshawa Board of Monday night. At the regular meeting of the committees of the board, Trus- tees Mrs. Margaret Shaw and A. E. O'Neill opposed approvai of several requests for teachers and other board employees to attend special courses meetings. However, a request by and} board." He explained that the meeting in Windsor was for for training children with dis- abilities, "I am only questioning the value of these courses," said Trustee O'Neill. Mrs. Shaw said she chal- lenged Mr, Roberts' remarks, adding: 'I want to see teach- ers in the classrooms where they are doing the most good." ings to learn." "That is a different situation," argued Mrs. Shaw. "When we come onto the board we know nothing of. the job ahead of us. We're novices while teachers are qualified." Earlier in the evening the board granted the following: a request for permission to under- write any de"icit that might be incurred when teachers attend the mental health workshop sponsored by the Canadian Men- Trustee George Drynan told the board that the teachers should not be brought into the discussion 'because ,they are not here to defend themselves." He added that the conduct of the teachers was not in ques- tion, DIFFERENT SITUATION When Mrs. Shaw said she was tired of approving requests for people to go away, . Trustee Mrs. C, C. Lee, chairman of the management committee, said: "Mrs. Shaw, you have said tal Health Association and the Teachers' Federation, to the. limit of $50. A request for William Smith, attendance officer, to attend meetings of the attendance counsellors of Toronto and dis- trict one Friday afternoon of each month for one year, and permission to conduct a princi- pal's workshop, on vattern of a course given in Toronto recent- ly, on Jan, 23 and-24, 1964 with cost of leaders and lunch amounting to $200 to $300. Our Resources Belong To Needy Chrisitans to assist the needy. PRESENTS $500 GHEQUE During the meeting Brendan Calder, president of the Get To- gether Club, presented a eheque for $500 to Harold Pierson, chairman of the Community Ghest executive. Harold McNeill, director of Simcoe Hall, who arranged the Laughlin Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute, that teacher Exceptional Children in Shaw moved that permission be granted. "I'm tired of being unpopu- lar," she stated. VOICES DISAPPOINTMENT Mr. Roberts voiced his dis- appointment at hearing re- marks "that we're trying to Chest Total Is $75,826 Robert Branch, executive sec- retary of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest, announced today that $75,826.50 of the ob- "Our resources belong not to us but to God. All our physical aad mental resources should be devoted to aid the poor and needy", declared Rabbi M. Kut- ziner in an address at the Mon- day luncheon meeting of the Ro- tary Club of Oshawa, Rabbi Kutziner, who is pastor tributed. The list of contribu- edged, follows: Chariton Transport Limited | 250.00) 25.00 Express' Freight Lines Inc. Hanson Transport Company Ltd. Daughters of England, No. 26 Walmsley and Magill Office Equipment Ltd. Dr. W. M. Hallett Mrs. &. Collins Jensen Welding and Steel Supplies Ltd. Maracle Press Limited Miss C. L. Harvey The Monarch Life Assurance Co. Mr. and Mrs, E. V. Lander G. E. Ashcroft (Emp. Can. Imp. Bank of Commerce) 10.00 J. J. English Ww. J. Clark S. J. Stephenson Oshawa Dairy Limited Oshawa Dairy Ltd, Employees Ralph S. Jones of the Beth. Zion Hebrew Con- gregation, Oshawa, spoke at the \club's annual Greater Oshawa 7500] Community Chest Day. Guests 5.00 included the senior and junior public speaking contestants from each of the city's primary schools, with their principals; the winners of the Community Chest Art Contest and officials of the Chest. Basing the theme of his re- marks on the word 'Charity', Rabbi Kutziner quoted the Tal- mud to trace the exhortations Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCallum given to the Jews down through public speaking contest, ane nounced that more than 4,000 primary school pupils from al- most 30 schools had taken part. Sandy Garback, a pupil at C. F, Cannon Public School, who won the senior public Speaking contest and Deborah Irwin, a pupil at St. Philip's Separate School, who won junior contest, gave their winning addresses. TROPHIES PRESENTED The Hénderson Trophy was presented to the senior winner 1Z@ by Rotarian Clarke Hubbell; while Rotarian Geoffrey An- drews presented the W. H. Karn Trophy to the junior winner. _ Nick. Irwin, winner of the sen- ior section of the art con-.est and Barry Sampson, winner of the junior contest, were head table guests. Their prize win- ning paintings were displayed by Robert Branch, executive secretary of the Greater Osh- awa Community Chest. Following the meeting Mur- ray Sparkes, president of the Oshawa 'Kiwanis Club, present- ed each of the winning orators with an order for books. Is Enrolled In Dentistry LOMA. Linda, ~ California -- the centuries to aid the needy. He said it should be consid- ered a duty by all Hebrews and 0 Suburban Motor Freight Inc. Dr. M. L. Morris Mrs. Greta Smith (Emp. Dr. « L. Morris) Mr. E. Marks, QC Dr, L. A. Kane Mr. C. C. McGibbon, QC Dr. J. Dillon RCAF Association Mr. W. B. McCullough Dr. B. D. Doherty Canada Bread Limited Dr. R. Beckett J. Beaupre E. A, Lovell Dr. H. R. Rowsell Dr. S. H. Witzell Simpson Sears Limited Ontario Motor Sales Limited Employees Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 9. A. Willson J. N. Willson Anonymous Dr, C. H. Vipond R. W. Bell Russell Transport Ltd W. J. Pickard Limited Earl C. Smith Inc, Dr. A.C. Edwards Dr. H. M, Sanderson Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Langmaid Queen Mary Lodge, No. 97, LOBA Power Supermarket Limited Total to Date 25.00 $75,826.50 | Robert McDonald Russell, son _jof Mr, and Mrs. Robert M. '|Rusell, Sr., 1177 King street jjeast, Oshawa, has reg'steren as a sophomore in the Loma Linda University of Dentistry, He is one of 212 students registered in the program leading to the Doctor of Dental Surgery de- gree, according to Charies T. Smith, dean/of the School of Dentistry. The 28-yed@r-old student is in his second year of the four- Three Assault Cases Remanded Clifford Peter Godridge, 200 Bond street west, was remand- ed on an assault charge in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Monday. Magistrate F. S. Ebbs set Nov. 18 as the trial date. Russell Milburn, RR 1, Whit- by and Arpdd Marton, 83 Pat- NAMED DIRECTOR Pastor Ray Matthews has recently joined the staff of the Ontario-Quebec Conference of Seventh-day Adventists as church development director. His duties are to assist in fi- nancing, planning and acquir- ing materials for the building ricia avenue, were also remand- ed until Nov. 18 on assault charges. A charge of having illegal possession of a driving permit laid against Larry Mar- tin, 648 Annapolis avenue, was remanded until Nov. 4. Charges of driving while sus- 'lpended and having care and control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated which were laid against Martin were withdrawn. of new. churches. and.denom- inational schools throughout the Conference. Pastor Mat- thews has been preparing for his present position by observ- ing the operation of similar projects in the Michigan Con- ference of Seventh-day Adven- tists. Previous to his present appointment he: has practiced theology in Nova Scotia and year. program and is scheduled to receive his degree in 1966. He has already satisfied the curriculum's pre-admission re- quir: ts attend e at Canadian Union College, Col- lege Heights, Alberta, where he earned the Bachelor of Arts degree and Walla Walla Col- lege, College Place, Washing- ton, where he earned the Mas- Manitoba. ter of Arts degree,