Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Oct 1963, p. 8

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' 3 ry OSHA' October 21, 1963 ss DS inion Annual.on work with the Pr : y turn must be removed with a/, Bic dewonindera Brame ort Holy Trinity Auxiliary Hosts {indiss ind the Church's: com ' Prompt Action is First grease solvent after uae. ra i oblige My dec otha re a sefienad Sr Saati i blems. In her clo: re: S ° may To Oshawa Deanery WA Rally 1>iotson'remindea"the w. In Home Run On Stains with & clear grease" such seis' ty tee some eee a snscinoe: seaman sabia aes serve same way, a an can cee eee Pee ee eee othe cg nate called to love and serve. TORONTO (CF) -- A singie| i enperiment' faruer,Send|be brushed off after It sbeorbe nual comeeaers a the Oshawa ote a litany and prayers They were urged to look for stain need not always. mear| he garment for dry cleaning, |the stain. ; Deanery of the Woman's Aux-|for the afternoon session were hay SS Emp et dry cleaning for unwashabk| 'The wrong treatment may gfe ycto ge a: | Mary dhe Angcan Church olsondncied ty he Ral Desh wa nt ont per gudance Me we eg, alae and ate He imp, Ta oa ae | Canada, held at Holy y verend S. J. @ lof young people. Her challe..ge i " Wines to remove. many|224 water, rub on the at f Church, Osha Wednes-|Whitb and other stains on 5 Tub on the stain and" ) wa, on de was 'How are we helping others dothes con often' be : Hot water also sets MAaNy|allow to dry before brushing. day October r 9. Mrs. Pepper presided for the/to help themselves'? b oNou| tains and should never be usedl oft. Continue this treatment as.' At the opening of the morning|business session. | Mimeogra- y prompt and correct a in attempts to remove any of . m session, the Reverend Leonard|phed reports of the branches|BOOKS FOR STUDY at home. unknown cause. -- i yore Pe, at Ware administered communion|were reviewed. Representati-| Mrs. Roger Priestman of Wil- gerne economists in the Un- tk patina te eerie ob color, ' " | to 102 WA members and clergy.|yes were present from Ajax,|lowdale, chairman of the Edu- tario agriculture department] 10° clazed paper oevatlea stains should be ye ee « The sermon was. given by thelBlackstock, Brooklin, Dunbar-jcation Department, told of the have drawn up strict -ules for' re on I sheataad sit a poy knife and then' - Reverend Ronald De Corneille,|ton, Oshawa, Pickering, Port|books for study during the year, successful stain removal. voto' taey ke' used. effectively ene eee, y chairman of the committee on|perry, Uxbridge and Whitby. |and the lending library available The most important is. to re-|COUOn MOY Oe oh orease staine (eens Sitter the water dries c the'Christian approach to the to branches on a three month move the stain quickly--betore ut Ge e ose Kony can be removed with perchlor | : Jewish people, for the Diocese of|GIRLS' DEPARTMENT period basis, and also of new it dries, if possible. ogg Bene n Lenene er en ge ae a Toronto. a ¢ Bt ae books on display. But never try to remove alvin. pene To remove chewing gum from Mrs. Clinton Nickerson, pres-|Board, ik Chal pg 'a Mrs. A. H. Elder, of Scarbor- stain without first experimenting|"® S taka bk garments, rub with ice cubes 4 ident of Holy Trinity Church Gi Deo so rages Mrs C. ough, chairman of Deaneries, on a seam or other inconspicu- a oe Me hw until the gum rolls in balls. i rye A ara welcomed] * W Oia of I 'ine Chair.|SP0ke on behalf of the specail ous part of a garment to be ton per soy ylene,/Scrape off.as much of the gum ' 08 behalf ieee Junio =e BA 1 [appeals for mission work, and CONVENER sure the appearance of the faa ee cae a aca iad area | 2s Possible with a dull knife and 1 the an a and WA members. |™an 0 th SReran t pric the collection of the day was ric will not be chan; ee or won they arealthen sponge with turpentine: or { told of the program for youthivoteq paztly to the Anglican, Mrs. John Melnychuk is the | Familiar stain removers such|@0d then sponge again with the| nerchlorethylene. ; 1 MISSIONARY SPEAKER of all ages, beginning with the ' t cleaning fluid. Congress Fund, and partly for} convener of this year's St. |@8 lorethylene, alcohol, { Miss Marie Foerstel, who hadjlittle helpers at time of Bap- equipment fox: a domestic Gatnies al & acetic acid, AMYL a Because inks differ so much { been a missionary in Japan for|tism, on to the junior group,|<cience room to be used in train-| OCTTUde's Fall Bazaar, ronal) 'salts of lemon and|in composition, it is sometimes Ronald W. penis fe five omy Regd en guest ~ oacegetd ig Bia ing the Ordinand's wives in| SPonsored by the Catholic |pieaches such as javel water 'y to try several meth. CHIROPRACTC bog r during morning ses-/lary gers. DIspayY-| Uganda. Women's League of the jand hydrogen peroxide must be|ods of stain removal, the home H H A Sponion) : " lcum powder or pow- { The work of training Kinder-|Hobson spoke of 'Christian'|of Whitby installed the new Of- Pate Bn | . "I'm having a birth- Frank Lambert, Whitby, and /garten teachers, the Sanitorium|Social service, pointing out|ficers: ed bg Me aac eres at Benn the water nor the to find out how you can day!" One year old today is mrs. Jack Melley, Oshawa, {and clinic for TB patients, andjthat this was by no means a] president -- Mrs. Regmald|---- : bh 5 : 'JUST BETWEEN Rita Beverley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lambert, Elgin street east. Her grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. OURSELVES. ..' and Mrs. E. Mepham of Whit- by is her great grandmother. --Azzopardi Studio | |Blind School at Gifu, its Braille » \Library and printing press, also . Having recently returned) to Canada within the last year, she spoke of her experiences as a parish worker in Nagano, and of the continuing growth of. the missionary work in Japan dur- of the student boys Centre. at Nagoya, where young men learn to study, discuss, worship and learn the ways of Christ. many other phases of Christian work were mentioned. Miss Foerstel spoke of the joy she had had in being a parish wor- ker, first having learned their UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES CENTRE STREET UCW Unit 2 The regular meeting of Unit 2, Centre Street UCW was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Gra- ham. The devotional period was led by Mrs. Arthur Magee, her the noted writer and author, Margret Applegarth. The real | meaning of favorite hymns and prayer were also given by Mrs. Magee. Mrs, Aubrey Weeks, the pres- ident, presided over the busi- language, and then working in their parish activities and shar- ing their interests and lives. She reminded her audience that Japan is a land with mat- erial blessings equal to ours, but only one-half million of the 90 million population are Chris- tian. She considered it a privilege to have been able to serve ed were attractively dressed life-like dolls in uniform repres- enting the different branches. The great need for a program to attract, teach and help youth was stressed for each church, Mrs. G. E. Hobson of Toronto, chairman of the Social Depart- ment was the guest speaker for the afternoon session. She was intorduced by Mrs. A.H. Elder, chairman of ~Deaneries. . Mrs. new service to mankind, and referred to the Acts of the Ap- ostles when the first recorded Christian service was adminis- tered to widows. She told of the distribution of the Pakistan embroideries, which is a means of helping the women of Pakis- tan, as well as acquiring beau- tiful embroidered work for their]; own homes. Mention was made of the many established Church social services in Toronto, and of the help given through them to newcomers, transients, and The Reverend John Osborne of Christ Church, Oshawa, voic- ed appreciation to the women of Holy Trinity Church for their hospitality and noon luncheon. pressed thanks and apprecia- tion to the clergy, Diocesan of- ficers, speakers, and the organ- ist for the day, Mr. Thomas Fitches. The Reverend S. A. Armstong church. The bazaar is to be held this Thursday evening in St. Gertrude's auditorium. Items of interest will be the be on sale; on apron table; a mystery table; a bake table and a tea noom. time the different departments carefully tested because they' remove the color from many fabrics. The home economists, recom- mend using all stain removers ' : ; ; "General Store" where nome- |sparingly.. Many applica- ing the past 100 years. She toldjand the WA can provide this| Mrs. R. A. Williams of Holy ' of the work being done at the|program for all ages. Trinity Church, Oshawa, ex-| made jellies and pickles will = are: better: than .one long If the origin of a stain is un- known, try to remove it only with cool water and cleaning flu'd or an absorbent powder such as corn. starch, fuller's economists say. @ Rheumatism Ink from a ball point pen can|| @ Migraine Headaches be removed by sponging with acetone or banana oil which in! syatena aos Hier Pepper -- Church of Holy Trin- ity, Ajax; vice president --Mrs. F. W. Wotton, St. George's Me- morial Church. Oshawa; _secre- tary -- Mrs. George MacGregor, St. George's Memorial Church, Oshawa; little helpers secre- tary Mrs. John Osborne, Christ Church, Oshawa; Jun- ior girls auxiliary secretary -- Mrs. D. S. Wilson, Christ Church Oshawa. An invitation to the Church of the Ascension at Port Perry the elderly. She also told of a was accepted for a meeting on WANTED COINS COINS FREE -- NO OBLIGATION -- Trial Lesson Will Prove We are buying over 5,000 different Canadian end U.S. Coins in Nice Condition. SAMPLE CANADIAN COINS WANTED You Can Learn Speed writins ; ir ag ' 3 29, at which Penn Nickles Dim Quorte: Halves Dollers " t by Mo-|ess part of the meeting. Mrs.|Christ in this way, and asked|Panel discussion at the Dom-'Tuesday, October ennys ig j poe youd Broo works of|Ace Abbott gave the treasurer's|continued support' by prayer 1858 1858 1858 All All 1935 abc SHORTHAND report. Mrs. William Noble gave/for all the newly formed chur- 1891 1875-H_ 1872-H Victorie _Victorie 1936 You EARN FASTER because the secretary's report in the ab-|ches which are. now being car- They all agree it's + bo a" kg 1870 1937 j ' sence of Mrs. Claude Flewwel-iried on by Japanese of first seas" oat ° to 1938 You LEARN FASTER ling. Mrs. Leonard Rogers gave|and second generation of Chris- 3 1923-1925 Hi PP Hedy Ha] el ay my Christ. ey introducing Miss Foerstel CHOCO LAT i925 4 1908 baad esd peek Y ey h tage ONE HOUR Gis mas cards, Calls had been|mrs.'H. G. Watts, president of ™ bicon DAY to that IN ONLY A made to the sick and shut-ins and cards had been sent. A rummage sale was planned 'lfor October 22. The Christmas the Toronto~Diocesan Board, stated that Miss Foerstel had been a dedicated and devoted missionary in Japan, highly For Deliciousness and Energy! Uncirculated Rolls--Mint Sets--Proof Like Coins SAMPLE U.S. COINS Please Do Not Clean gga SHORT pe re mage 9 et the our choice of glamour posi - Faakion, Advertising, Publishing etc, -- with SPEEDWRITING, abe Sho. 100 King St. E. 728-5156 | : 4 ' reviously unsu with symbol systems, fg et eA og Cord ede com maa teen tere sprog wma | Lh mpm: Und corre nop a ber 4, with a pot luck supper at|worked and lived. She had been|{ For delicious Hot Choco- 1857 186318691875 T911-S-- 1924-p GUARANT "SED COURSE ~ you only . 4 ' :|honored- -by them, before she : 1858. 1864 1870 1876 9125 9265 for results -- not time. FREE 'Trial Lesson \ tae wall be held at tt bee of late just heat . . . and for 1959 186518711877 TSIESagaig MONDAY evening. Day or evening classes. i Mrs. Leonard Goldsmith on No- added pleasure beat with 1860 1866 «1872 +=--:'1878_-- | 1914.5 _1931-D Write, phone or visit for & vember 5 and the 'fall bazaar on 1861 =1867_-- «1873S -:1909-S_ = 1915-$ 1933-D Nation-Wide ' November 29, mixer before serving. ' pelts faa ll our icine Prbtenen Seiial tn Doar 0 Giten, Many Other Cents through Dollars Wanted Bring coins to, or coll Mr, Hughes or Mr, Abetz et the GENOSHA HOTEL PHONE TUESDAY OCT. 22, 10 A.M. to 8 P.M, WED., OCT. 23rd, 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. A presentation of a travelling case was made to the retiring president, Mrs. Leonard Gold- smith, for her loyal and. faith- ful work with Unit 2. All wished Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith a pleas- ant holiday at their winter REGISTER NOW! Classes are Limited Due to Personalized Instruction! ~~ THE-- : Canadian School of Business Ode ak Ov Dacry PL vientted : DR. ELSPETH KAY home in Florida. Contests were QUALITY DAIRY PROD { Magee. and Mrs. Manecll Ger 2. DAYS ONLY... said deca ' oy | i i come us 2 ; ' District Governor Scceaneall vine eareot tay tien: at Your STORE or at Your DOOR in ee ee 728-7081 'Gane ADs 4 Graham, and her committee. To Preside Here ie At Pilot Council \ 'Chairman for Fall Council of District No. 17 Pilot Interna- tional being held in Oshawa, October 26 - 27 will be Dr. Elspeth Kay, Governor of Dis- trict 17. Dr. Kay was born in Edin- _-burgh, and, following gradua- tion with M. B. Ch, B. from Edin- burgh University in 1945 and post-graduate training in the SRN AN eT <A C FASHION THAT GOES UNDER FASHION my é United Kingdom, came to Ot- sad tawa, in 1954 and was certified She! 'in private Poet ¢ ay as nteinanin ou " 1 . BS trim ... or do you a 'Of ihe Ottawa General Hospital oo. Walker's have foundations for all ages and figures.ee sen well ak b cn on the tench - and a veined staff to assist you. Otiawa in the "Department of A Cotton "Daisy Fresh" bra with 2 50 Paediatrics. trim. Sizes 32 to 38. A, B, C cup. bs ; Canadi ctzen in 100 and in 1 was : Long leg. power net pany girdle by "Dey ee tan aeaae en Paediatrics, ; e o Fresh". S. M. L. XL. sizes. ,_ She is a past president of the 8 Contour bra of cotton by "Gothic". AA, A, cere Meee eee i/_* cups in sizes 32 to 38 2.50 tl tt 'aediatri : Fats : te Kay joined. the Pil af "Daisy Fresh" regular power net om. $5 Club of Ottawa in 1958 and in S. M. L. XL sizes. ; 1960-61 she served as president hss a se gate . € Our most popular bra by "Gothic" in white 1 15 wari . 1. Key ei von don ng cotton. AA to D cup. Sizes 30 to 40. of i land anaes at the Ot- "Sarong" junior girdle of power net with jac- : ines te senmetiesla' a quard front panel. To fit waist sizes 24to30. $B the University of Ottawa. ® "Daisy Fresh" long life bra of cotton with | elastic inserts. A to D cup in sizes 32 to 44, $4. "Sarong" long leg panty girdle of Lycrain pro- 1 portioned torso lengths. S. M. L. XL. sizes. $ 1 = "Gothic" cotton bra with 3" band, Cordtex 9 uplift. A to D cup in sizes 32 to 44. 50 "Sarong" hi-waist regular girdle with side _ $10 fay zipper closing. Waist sizes 27 to 38 inaverage : aH and full hip fittings. } | en sagt vt te Also available in long leg panty girdle. $14 ; 4 eee myst Just a sample of themany styles available to suit | i 8 om every type of figure. { PHONE ; y 725-1151 ' co WALKE R's | . ' WARD'S DRY GOODS Pe SHOPPING CENTRE Open Mon. to Sat. 9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. Pri. till 9 P.M. SIMCOE ST. $, AT ATHOL ST. _ AE COT LITE ETE CSA TEARS A ETRE aS erence ceotengoa

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