Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Oct 1963, p. 7

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WEEK'S REVIEW. UK., European Leaders By CARMAN CUMMING Lord Home sutceeds Mac- millan 7 SIU threatens protest Algeria - Morocco border fares : In Europe, the old order was changing. It came. dramatically in London Fritay as Queen Eliz- abeth drove to the bedside of ailing Prime Minister Mac- millan, accepted his resigna- tion and called on the Earl of Home to form a new govern- ment, In Bonn, years of political infighting ended quietly as Konrad Adenauer, 87, turned over the chancellorship Wed- nesday to portly economist Ludwig Erhard. Erhard, 66-year-old guiding genius of West Germany's economic boom, took over the leadership despite long-held opposition from his chief. FINAL TRIUMPH By contrast, Macmillan en- gineered a final triumph in picking his successor as Br:t- ain's prime minister. In hospital suffering from a prostate and bladder ailment, the 69-year-old prime minister nevertheless managed to bring Lord Home's name to the forefront over strong LUDWIG ERHARD party support for R. A. Butler --the man Macmillan himself defeated for the leadership in 1 Home, a 60-year-old Scottish peer who achieved quick prominence when he was named forcign secreiary three years ago, was expected to relinquish his ancient title and stand for a seat in the Com- mons, -- TO LEAVE SHIPS In Canada, more trouble. on the Great Lakes loomed as the Senate gave final reading Thursday to government leg- islation imposing a trusteeship on five maritime unions. Members of the Seafarers' International Union, main tar- get of the government action, began leaving their ships Fri- day in preparation for a pro- test march on Ottawa Mon- day. The trusteeship issue has aroused considerable crit- icism in U.S. labor and gov- ernmental circles and last weekend led to taut relations between Ottawa and Wash- ington. Prime Minister Pearson and President Kennedy discussed the issue Saturday in a tele- phone conversation that was described as "straightforward and candid but cordial." BACK TO WORK On the St. Lawrence, mean- while 3,800 1on gshoremen went back to work in the busy harbors of Montrael, Quebec City and Trois-Rivieres. They ended a 10-day strike by accepting a three-year con- tract giving them a pay raise of 10 cents an hour, Wheat for Russia started pouring into the holds of freighters again and Pearson announced that the big shipment promised to Russia would be delivered on time. SOME IMPROVEMENT While Canada-U.S. relations continued to be disturbed by the lakes issue and disagree- ment over wheat marketing policies, there were some signs of a north-south thaw. In Washington, Interior Sec- retary Udall suggested Tues- day that the two countries create a huge pool of their ' resources to achieve maxi- mum production efficiency. He said the concept could be applied to cross-border trade in hydro and nuclear power as well as coal and petroleum products. -ada's Change Last Monday, a U.S. official disclosed that the Canadian external affairs department representative to Washington to discuss the wheat-selling disagreement. The U.S. protested to Can- ada earlier that Canada was in effect pegging world wheat prices by selling at a fixed price for delivery over an ex- tended period. Later in the week Industry Minister C. M. Drury trav- elled to Washington to ex- plain why Canada wants a bigger part of the North American auto market. After 'friendly' talks with U.S. officials, he told a press conference Thursday night the policy is designed to increase Canada's share of U.S. mar- ket growth--not to reduce im- ports from the U.S. of auto parts and components, - CLASH ON BORDER Algeria's President Ahmed Ben Bella turned from one crisis to another this week as an undeclared border war with Morocco broke' out on the heels of a rebellion by Alger- ian Berber tribesmen. The border fighting in the Sahara continued through the week amid conflicting reports that peace talks were or were not in progress. The Berbers, meanwhile, took advantage of the clash to renew a campaign of terror in the Kabylie Mountains of Al- geria after their revolt ap- peared to have been quashed. OUTER SPACE PACT The U.S. and the Soviet Un- ion formally agreed Thursday to keep weapons of mass de- struction out of space. Their agreement was em- bodies in a resolution agreed on by the two big powers and passed unanimously by the UN General Assembly. It was considered the first real step forward following East-West agreement last summer on a partial nuclear test ban. There was new East-West trouble over West Berlin, how- ever, as Soviet troops held up temporarily two Western con- voys en route to the isolated " 'THE BRIDAL PAIR pre ng PS TN ENT tg Toning tS m | Use of Make-Up | And Hair Coloring Is Demonstrated Recently: about 450 women gathered in the UAWA Halil for the 'Boulevard of Beauty," sponsored by the Alumnae Asso- ciation, Oshawa General Hos- pital School of Nursing. Miss Marie Marlow introduced the sv Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 guest, the internationally fam- ous hair-stylist, Mr. Paul De Ryhe of Quebec City. Fifteen local models were ushered in by Miss Carolyn Allen. A demonstration of make- up pointed out the difference 'in make-up for daytime and evening wear. Entertainment at intermis- sion was provided by pupils of Lillian Mae Marsh School Dancing as follows: Tap dance, Rickey MacDonald; 'Don't +\Marry Me," Joelle Hubner; Gaetane Hubner; Shimmey Bon Bon Denise Caron; Trolly Song, Bonnie Cameron; Chop Suey, Alice Killen; Spanish tap, Rickey MacDonald; Hawaiian tap, Joelle Hubner, Gaetane Hubner, | Door prizes were won by} Miss Higgs, and Mrs. L. Gilbert, Mrs. A. McMurtry and Mrs. K, R. Wagg. 5 BB ek niin bits tits i CLEANING UP LONDON (CP)--Sydney New-) man, Canadian-born director of; BBC television drama, says .. bad language will be eliminated --Aldsworth Photography THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, October 19,1963 7 Meet Teachers, Grade Mothers At Introductory H&S Meeting The Gertrude Colpus School auditorium was filled to capa- city for the first Home and School meeting of the school term. The president, Mrs. G. A. Wandless, welcomed the teach- ers, parents and a_ special guest, Mrs. Nicholas Lakas, vice-president of Oshawa and District Home and School Coun- cil, Mr. Lawrence Millson intro- duced another guest, Miss Christine Riedler, winner of the Public Speaking Contest at Gertrude Colpus School in con nection with the Community Chest Drive. She chose as her topic "The Canadian National Institute for the Blind." Many interesting facts were pointed out in her speech pertaining to | Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon. Wedding in Christ Church Unites Joan Yvonne Richards, daugh-| The maid of honor was Miss ter of Mr, and Mrs, Charles|Barbara McClelland, Peterbor-| Wesley Richards, was united in|ough, sister of the bridegroom, marriage to William James Me-|and the other attendants were Clelland, son of Mr. and Mrs,/Mrs. Daniel Gray and Miss John McClelland, all of Oshawa,|Gloria Glide, both of Oshawa, last Saturday, October 12, injand Miss Glenda Cochrane, Christ Memorial Church. Raglan, They wore identical, The officiating clergyman was|S!eeveless gowns of grotto pink hobagigniony with bec pooh fit- ; i |te odices, oval necklines. in marriage by her whey were topped with bolero jjackets featuring fly-away open i alia: ' backs. Their headdresses were tran, Thad a fitted bodice with Wedding band circlets matching an oval neckline and_ elbow-| Le : length sleeves. Around the neck-|70S¢84ys of white shasta ape be line and down the front were anthemums with deep pink cen- lace appliques beaded with seed tres, pearls. A pearl wedding cake| The best man was Mr. James design headdress held an elbow-| McCabe, Oshawa, amd the ush- length bouffant veil of tulle il-|efs were Mr. Richard Fry and lusion, She carried a cascade of deep pink roses and stephanotis,|Tonto and Mr. Seis eet P Oshawa. Given father, the bride wore a white peau de soie, full-length gown Donald Clark, city. The holdup of a U.S. con- voy last weekend and a Brit- ish convoy Wednesday was seen by some officials as part of a new campaign of harass- ment on the West Berlin life- line. World Briefs: The Vatican ecumenical council .voted Tuesday to extead use of ls cal languages to the sacra- ments, retaining Lajin only for the heart of Roman Catholic rites. Canada's Liberal gov- ernment defeated two non- confidence motions by com- fortable margins in the House of Commons Tuesday night: . . . The government reported Thursday that Can- unemployment figure had hit its lowest point in four years. . . . President Tito of Communist Yugoslavia re- ceived a cordial but restrained reception on a visit to Wash- ington Thursday, WEEK IN ONTARIO About. 530 Sudbury employ- ees of Falconbridge Nickel Mines Limited may be laid off Monday following an an- nouncement Thursday by Mines Minister Wardrope that he had been unable to find a solution in discussions with company officials. Mr, Ward- rope said the men might find jobs with two other mining companies hiring in Sudbury and will be able to attend re- training classes during layoff. Premier Robarts Thursday named a five-man team to | represent Ontario on a tech- nical committee that will study integration of the prov- ince's portable pensi For the reception at the UAW |Hall, the bride's mother re- |ceived in a baby blue dress of |lace over taffeta with self hat and a corsage of red roses. The bridegroom's mother assisted, wearing a light champagne sheath of lace over taffeta with a beige turban hat and a cor- sage of yellow roses. For a honeymoon to points west the bride chose a three- Mr. Douglas Luke, both of To- from children's and family-type} itelevision programs heard on Sundays. Newman, formerly of bit off." i the CNIB. Mr. Millson, principal, intro- duced the teaching staff for the Joan Richar ds, W. i McClelland torn: said that some expres-|coming year: Opportunity Class, \sions heard recently "were a|Miss A. Harvie; Kindergarten, Mrs. B. Gawley, Miss B. Grant; PLAN NOVEMBER WEDDING The engagement has been announced of Miss Vivian Vir- ginia Clark, to Mr. Robert Douglas Boissoin, Miss Clark is the daughter of Mr. Earl Clark and Mr. Boissoin is the ~ CONVENER. - On behalf of the Cerebral Palsy Parents' Council, Mrs. John J. Luke is convening the committee organizing a bazaar to be held in Simcoe Street Memorial Hall on Sat- urday, November 16, from 2 to 5 p.m. Proceeds from the sale of novelties and home baking will be devoted to re- quirements in the mewly- School on Bloor street east. acquired Crippled Children's | son of.Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boissoin, all of Oshawa. The wedding will take place Sat- urday, November 9,. 1963, at 11.00 am., in St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church, Grade I, Miss B. Rutherford; Grade I, Mrs. M. Kauffman; Grades I and 2, Mrs _ Solski; Grades I and 2, Mrs. Edmunds; Grade 2, Mrs. G. Rowbottom; Grades 2 and 3, Miss P. Cliff; Grade 33, Mrs. D. Rowe; Grades 3 and 4, Miss J. Cryder- man; Grade 4, Miss L, Wel- banks; Grade 4, Mrs. E. Boyd; Grade 5 ,Mr. L. Marshall; Grade 5, Mr. J. Hinch; Grade 6, Mrs. J Smith; Grade 6, Mr. F. Doner In Mr Millson's remarks he spoke on the Red Feather Cam- paign, the In Service Classes, This happy little girl is Tracy Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gavas, Laur- entian avenue. Tracy, who was three years old Septem- GIRLISH GLEE ber 9, is the granddaughter of ~ Mr. and Mrs, Jack Plumb of London, Ontario, and Mrs. Walter Covyeow, Oshawa. --Venus Home Portraits the Teachers' Institute and the school attendance. Announcements from Council concerning Leadership Training Classes to take place in October, January and March at E .A. Lovell School; Family Life ald Brown, Mrs, and 4, Mrs. Grade 4, Mrs. ford, Mrs. Arthur Dewey, Mrs. Lloyd Martin; Mts. Thompson; Grade 3, Mrs. Ron- John Oke, Mrs. George Wilson; Grades 3 Arthur Craw- Study Course at R. S. Mce- Laughlin Collegiate conducted by Mrs. R. D. H. Heard, and that the association donates $10. per year to the Bursary Fund. Mr. Earl Brown was appoint- James Scott; Brade 5, John Eggleton, Brown, Mrs. Roland Hagerman, Mrs. William Mitchell, Mrs. Donald Smith; Grade 6, Mrs. R Stacey, Mrs. Clark Sheppard, Mrs. Hyle Beal, Mrs, Thomas Grant. Mrs. Bruce ,jed UNICEF Committee Chair- '\tion from the executive that the {\membership fee be $1.00 for a '\family membership will be con- '\tained in the new bylaws. '\room prize was won by Mrs. '|Gawley's Kindergarten class. |bership \the following Grade Mothers for \the coming year: _)mond Mann, Mrs. William Con- 'roy, Mrs, William Drozwick; man. An accepted recommenda-| A question and answer period| took place concerning Home| and School in general, with Mrs. Lakas and Mrs, Wandless an- swering questions. "Home and School is not a social organiza- tion, a money making organiza- Roll call was taken and the |. Mrs. H. W .McClelland, mem- Its main purpose is f chairman, introduced Purpose 2. SOE | toe teachers and parents to study together the problems of the children." It was explained e Opportunity class, Mrs. Gor- don Foreman; Kindergarten, Mrs. John Whitefield, Mrs. Ray- in detail was used for and the facts and figures were given in connec- tion with the Bursary Fund, Grade 1, Mrs. James Ni i tion or a general culture club. | what the $1.00 membership fee! now called the "Home and School Award". It is given each year to any student that has a need of it if he or she is en- tering University or any phase" of higher education, Stanley Russell, gram chairman, thanked Mrs. Lakas and Mrs, Wandless and» outlined the program for next month's meeting. It will deal Mrs. pro- library month. Now's the Time to Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 Mrs. Harley Orser, Mrs. Jack Scammell, 'Mrs. George Breen. Grades 1 and 2, Mrs. Joseph Phillips, Mrs. Robert Stewart, Mrs. Gerhard Sholz; Grade 2, Mrs, Boleslair Buls, Mrs. Clif- ton Topping; Grades 2 and 3, Mrs. Robert Mattis, Mrs. Dale Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. | CHIROPRACTOR @ Rheumatism @ Migraine Headaches 100 King St. E. 728-5156 piece brown suit with a gold pill-box hat and accessories and a corsage of white carnations | with gold centres for travelling. On their return Mr. and Mrs. McClelland will reside at 644 Guests were present at the/ wedding from Toronto, Whitby, | Peterborough, Hampton, Belle- There is @ place for you in business when you heave specialized Busi- ness Training. Yee can get the training you need at OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Our records indicate that there is a ready constant demand for mature women qualified to fill responsible positions, | Thursdays at 8 P.M., This Is Your Invitation to Simcoe street north, Oshawa. | Attend a Series of Lectures Entitled | "The SCIENCE of SUCCESSFUL LIVING" (UNITY'S MODERN APPROACH TO CHRISTIANITY) TO BE HELD ON A beginning Oct. 24th ADELAIDE HOUSE (Y.W.C.A.), 199 Centre St., Oshawa 174 RITSON R -- AND AVE! LECOFF SUPERMARKET OAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT , TILL 10.00 P.M. ATTEND HALF-DAY SESSIONS | Either mornings or afternoons |] 9 to 11:30 a.m. or 1 to 3:30 p:m, the | SEWING MACHINE Tune-up Special 3.99 FAST SERVICE Oshawa Sewing Centre 329 SIMCOE ST. S. 728-2391 1} Choice of up to 5 subjects. Tuition only $20.00 per month START ANY MONDAY Individual Instruction Shorthand - Typewriting - Booke keeping - Dictaphone - Compto- || meter Calculator - Payroll ~ Spelling + Mathematics. Ask for FREE LITERATURE 10 Simcoe St. N., 725-3375 scheme with the proposed fed- er: pension plan, but team chairman Laurence E. Cow- ard said he wasn't optimis- tic about an early agreement. Mr. Robarts also announced | the appointment of Donald H. Morrow, 54, a former Ottawa school principal and a mem- ber of the legislature since 1948, as Speaker of the new Ontario legislature. Mr. Mor- row was first elected in Car- Ottawa West since 1955. Three men were charged with capital murder Friday after gunmen killed Brantford D.E FRIDAYS and LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING A. Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Character, Pre-School, Kinde-dance. SATURDAYS at the MASONIC TEMPLE, 91 Centre St. INFORMATION: 723-7253 shopkeeper Preston Graham, 58, as he struggled to prevent them robbing his store Thurs- | day night. Charged are Ron- | ald Newell, 26, of Brantford and James Smale, 20, and Marvin Dzikowicz, 20, both of no fixed address. Save On Your Milk costs less if you buy the economical half-gallon size. Skim- Homo or Guernsey Gold. "At the Store or At Your Door". Milk Purchases MRS. WALTER BRANCH Travel Consultent DONAL 300 Dundas St. East, Whitby No Matter Where You Want To Go... or How. . . Call SPEAKING ABOUT TRAVEL Teachers and Students Plan Christmas Holidays Now! Séven exciting, fun-filled vacation plans to the warm climates of the south are now available, Escorted BILL IRVINE Former supervisor with Ontario Department of Health, 3 years in Real Estate. trips to such fabulous holiday centres as Miami Beach .. . Fort Lauderdole .. . Jamaice . ssou.... Antigue,.. » . . Bermuda ... Mexico... all for 15 days (Mexico 13 days). Make your plans now. Call Mrs. Walter Branch at 725-1328 or phone direct. EXAMPLE: To Mexico City, Taxco and Acapulco, all expenses .... REAL ESTATE TRAVEL SERVICE Whitby--Oshewo-- Brooklin 668-3304 46 KING WEST FOR USING OUR FAST, STEVE LEHAN 15 years real estate exper- ience. Speaks most central European languages, * in buying, selling, appraising, RALPH H. VIGKERY REALTOR 35 years real estate experience INTRODUCING . . , JERRY BARROW Former real estate broker with 40 yeors experience. zi mortgages end property mon- agement. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU -- CALL US FOR EXPERT ADVICE ON BUYING, SELLING AND FINANCING, ~ RALP H VICKER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA FIVE GOOD REASONS EXPERIENCED EFFICIENT SERVICE INTRODUCING , . . FRANK MEAGHER Former local merchant with 30 years sales experience, INSURANCE PHONE 728-9571 with libraries in keeping with- -

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