AG Fatt i GPP alt ast. aah Hath A EA oe TIT ee RR Bam ke SAS eetapien * THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 19,1963 3 COLLEGIATE TIMES Cheerleaders 'Music Classes Enjoy Aida By RUTH ANNE TAVES jreports the opera was very de- (OCCI Reporter) tailed and full of beautiful and Central Collegiate Institute|enchanging colors and scenery, has settled down for the. fallland the music was splendid. term to hard work (supposedly).| The story was a romantic one) A good sign of this is the teach-|based on a princess. and a@ poor, |® Attend Rally ers' warning that exams pried Ao i Mare. Pde ag | Rt Burlin gton See ase tai' Tenokegiving Roads Rhadames loved ' 4 : a : a awa' ow that anksgiving| Rhadames. adames é Z j Des;: our last holiday until] both of them but in the end|@ . ' es ye s j '| By pod ohh aa Christmas, is over, we had all/found his true love in Aida : better do our homework and However, they did not live "hap- | McLaughlin Collegiate's cheer study like good students should.|pily ever after'. Instead they _ leaders participated in a cheer- Remember, Nov, 20 comes died together in a dungeon. The Hlieafier's Gonvedtioa in: Burling: closer every day! opera was enjoyed by all the beggeditiong Over 70 schools were repre- sented at this meeting. Those On Thursday, Oct. 10, the) students. whg took part from MCVi were: Grade 12 music classes at Cen-| : : es A tral went to O'Keefe Centre to FIRE PREVENTION one Lynda Parsons, Lorna Williams, Heather Ross, Gloria Parry, * Aida" . Fire Prevention Week -- 7 A eoctne, " and|carried over to this week when other drivers transported the|the sirens were heard heading ae students in their cars. From alljfor Central Tuesday at 10:2¢ Nancy Bevan, Pat Griffin and Mrs. Blight. : We hope that with. their newly-acquired talent and our a.m, The'fire alarm rang in the M school and everyone filed ou' Track t great school spirit, McLaughlin can look forward to many vic- Showing Is casually, looking at the firemen tories. Creditable in their regalia. After ten min utes, we returned to classes -- out excitement for the da) : A drama and theatre club has appeared within the past few By CAROLYN CLARK weeks, It plans not only to pro- (OCVI Reporter) duce plays but also to sponsor Names of ONeil's, Senators tips fo te Crest Thess, ™* Students Watch By MARTIN SINGLETON were released this week. Their asy evening, Oct if, Car vies (OCVI Reporter) ; Our track team at O'Neill made a good showing in the track meet at Moira High) School last Saturday, Oct, 12. duties include studying bills}, y The Enemy of the People E ll 0 was seen, but at the time of this aKC@ ent pera t Six schools competed in the passed by gee + is The following will hod Sena-|" °" . ; 8 | A x é .{writing, no details of the trip Greg. Bell' Linda Beatty, Linda| Have been released. By SUSAN USHER Broadbent, Barbara Burr, Bren-| Another recent event at Mc- (MCVI Minister of Publications) id: "M net ich was: considered to Laughlin was a giant pep rally.) About 40 McLaughlin Col-|5¢ton who said: anhood, meet which was : holarship, is the first aim of be an extremely difficult one, Cheerleaders, music and danc-|jegiate and Vocational Institute|** van ip, 1s requiring top physical condition. students and teachers travelled|¢ducation". In every race, each contestant ran one-quarter of a mile then /|dan Calder, Rosemary Sea er, ici Oe Ea Bick ing contributed to providing fun maux, Russell Dobbins, Brodejfor all. Jim Pearse introducd/to the O'Keefe Centre in TorontolepESH TALENT Featherstone, Laity Gannon,|the junior and senior teams and/}riday, Oct. 4, to watch a per-| Fresh talent has taken over waited until his team mate ranj!t Carol Gardner, Linda Thomp-|it was A ge ini a our|formance of Guiseppe Verdi's|the GAA this year, and alread the same distance. This proce-| pictures. son; ' pea yi a . ae a pase 'Aida"'. evidence of originality has dure continued until the Tracing seyy, PINS Karen 'Toppings, Rosematy| eae Mn Kolodzie, "Tar. After the bus trip to Toronto,|shown through. The Hallowe'en was completed. cas | The GAA had another meeting Vous, Meyuane Golisten, ey » "a /everyone enjoyed dinner andjdance, better known as the In the junior section, aii. week and decided to sell chael Greene, Gordon Hall,/24") ._|then took their places in the|"Black Cat Ball" has been pve ron foteeie. Pape ribbons and pins, as usual, and Keep in mind two up-coming/theatre to watch the production|taken over by the GAA in the OF car aeclilea teat to investigate other means for events -- the Sadie Hawkins/hy the Canadian Opera Com-|organization stage. At the same The junior division was a four-|'4ising money. The cheerlead- : mile race and OCVI's Steve|@ts' uniforms were paid for and I guess they did help our team Carolyn Baron, Gisselle Ollig,| Dance and exams. pany. ime, boys mre' # eee Sen Raseus aed Friday when Central seniors Gary Legree, Carolyn MacDon-) Everyone agreed it was mag-|Vague, unconcerned air, while va oe eee lbeat Donevan 13 to 0. The Volleyball ald, Jane MacDonald, Sue Mac-! Donald, Brian Morris, Susan nificently mounted and capably|in their own 5 are performed and it may be saidjoccupied with the morbid The intermediate race saw . f i 4 teams played again on Friday each boy running 12 quarters, againdl Mt asieniie, C St " By CAROLYN CLARK Pearse, Michele Peter, Bob that everyone enjoyed the|thought: "Who would ever go total race being six miles. we a Central received two new stu- bara Elliot, Elaine Gulliver, pete es sate and variegated garbs are fore- ; games. School spirit shown by tion of two males to our O'Neill the looks of their log books. A icaptain, with five points while Remember fellows, the up- ] : OCVI banner at all the games. 2 : ; Miller, captain; Judy McLean, make the waving easier. Reed, Joanne Rundle, Glenn Sacks, Ann Stiles and Bob Wil- opera. with me--masks or no masks?" The possible solution is to ob- Grant Osborne and Jim Peel dents thi 'eeek the on Tues ran second in this division, In Re g T Bo day and one on Wednesday. wo Ys oln Two inter-form volleyball Margaret Hopper, Suzanne Jef- 'ery, Sharyn Kent, Jane Law-|games were played Wednesday cast. Price of admission will be 35 cents with an athletic card a cheerleading squad, They are gy Peg ot Pity ny 16, all poe ont = eet og i 11B was paced by Pat Roughly,|Grant Osborne and Jim Peel. y, . » €@il/provided the extra push that who also scored five points. coming paper drive--the camp- 4 7 ' O'Neill may be faced with a fire at Camp Samac this Satur- Jane Lawrence, Janice Tierney, P ved pbsogelh fee next scheduled game is Carol Gardner, Marg Neil and severe teacher shortage if the First Exam Is Set For Nov. 20 By GIBB McKAY ment of Hallowe'en and the pro- (DCI Reporter) longed agony of settling down. Topical conversation, more ap- propriately named "corridor Dae Te yg tong al controversy", has lately been|iowered in the school narrowed down to three main/@xtent through of groupings, exams, commence-|YOU may count ps: lowi i ment and Hallowe'en (not table will bring out the necessarily in onder of popular-jasm, presently squelched, ity or importance). in time for With about 34 school days be-|'ins cand. festi hind us this year, it is esti- mated that there are even few- er days ahead until the halls of Donevan will be filled with that old examination atmosphere. The season's opener (better known as D-Day) has been set as Nov, 20, this giving us only two weeks in which to study, when you consider the excite- i? = ell if HERSHEL STEMEROFF Senators Rre Named - At O'Neill | mencement for season has been and all wishing to a make a note of this the evening free. Apart from the diplomas, scholarships, and other scholarly symbols to be presented, it has been rumor- ed that athletic bars may also be distributed at that time. This, we feel, would win the assured approval of Ernest Thompson ver. New Prefects were appointed last week and they are Georg« Bolotenko, Connie Flegel, Doris Chromej. Janet Hubar, Sophic Taratuta, Val Puntus, Frank Dalidowicz, Diane Gagnon and Rosalind Coe. The Reserves are David Riley, Jim Dendergest, \Sandra Fry and Sharron Gra- ham. The school pictures, taken at the beginning of the year, are back and the most popular say- ing is "Save me a picture of you". On top of this, the grad photos are all taken now and most of the grads are broke from paying for both sets of ea a ELEANOR COULTE: school life, and they would appreciate suggestions for news items which will appear weekly on the Collegiate Times page. Oshawa Times Photos. Girl Pupils Try Football BY ELEANOR COULTER (OCVI Reporter) We hope O'Neill's newly-for- med female football team can live up to the impressive record of wins by their male counter. CAROLYN CLARK Hershel Stemero'f, Roberta Rogan, Carolyn Clark and El- eanor Cculter, their school re- porters. These students are working hard to inform fellow students of ail aspects of ROBERTA ROGAN STUDENTS AT O'NEILL Collegiate and Vocational In- stitute should make an effort to meet Bernice Dupuis, Mar- tin Singleton, Leslie Burden, ROVER-RANGER NEWS this year George Crusader Crew Fetes Bride the eight-mile senior race, Larry 1 3 Hicks and Brian Grierson each|They were black and white kit- tens who had strayed into the ran 16 quarters to tak . place in' this Sonar "eane school. The first one was found] SRS CRUSADER gratulations to our track team|to belong to Dave Hanna, a| The wedding bells are ringing on this fine exhibition. Grade 13 student, and the other|all over the crew today. Our Closer to home, it has been|has not yet found an owner. It/former Chief Petty Officer) announced that parliament will|Was kept in Room 111 all day/Gwen Otto is a blushing bride begin a "brother and sister'|Wednesday and by now should|today, and we're all out. to pro- program for Grade 9 students.|be speaking fluently in Latin as|vide a Guard of Honor. [his A Grade 12 student will meet/that is our Latin teacher, Missjhas really provided some ex:| with a Grade 9 class once a) Sissons' form room. |citement since we are ail 50) week to discuss any problems| closely acquainted with both the and school life in general. CITY AND bride, and also the groom who is a member of one of the local Rover crews. On Oct. 7° we provided a shower -- a surprise and every- 175 FILE APPEALS thing even! She got al lsoris uf Approximately 175 Uxbridge goodies. Cans without labels, Township taxpayers have filed|°@ke mixes, preserves, and var- appeals against their 1964 as- sessments. This is probably the largest number of appeals ever made against assessment in any outdoor bugs were off ona ramble this past weekend and it is not hard to figure out where the moans and groans are com- on. These House committee mem- bers are responsible to the Deputy Prime Minister and must be on duty on days which parliament sits. Other parliamentary appoint- son. Sergeants-at-Arms are Michael Evans, Hilts and Doug Reeson. _ pba date bag be certain House Committee appoint- out? tee begge sistotly pata 4 ments were announced as fol- peel y lows: Christine Branton, Bar- . Cheerleaders |.St",, 4, suze dance is to be a masq la: uncanny rence, Joanne Loos, Hugh Mac-|!_ the girls' gymnasium at Py nats Gare po eee Bora peog ing from. These fearless adven-|P@™'s- Donald, Deborah MacMillan, pacing ang and Vocation- - (OCVI) turers were Skip. Corneal, Tom| Last Friday, at Kinsmen Stad-|Margaret Neal, Mary Southwell, nbn An A br tea Abthorpe, Jim Gazdik, andjjym, our junior and senior foot-|Leslie Townsend, Cheri Turner, In the first game, a contest ce " oe Skip's son Clayton, I guess they}, 41," 4 both their|Leslie Walters and Wendy Wil- between 11A and 11B, the score/male spectators at footba really enjoyed themselves, from|D2! squads won eir| was 15-7 in favor of 11A. Thatjgames may be due to the addi- ' | form was paced by Pam Miller, ws hands were mustered in the den| : Rumor has it that not only Alumni $ onsors to scrub oc the pth nd ang| spurred our teams to victory. The second game saw 11E de-jour junior and senior football): Pp to leave them spotless. | Now a new attempt to heigh- feat 11D to the tune of 24-4. Sue|teams will make it to COSSA, Vi it Ti i We received our fireplace|ten school spirit has been tried,|ees are: Chief Justice -- Dan Fleming scored 18 points for the/but also O'Neill's newly-formed 1Sl oO eens | 'Itc: (2 Thin -- Roy|wWinning team. Top scorer for|"powder puff'? squad. grate and screen, next on the\Green beanies and pennants Hilts; Government Whip oy ig " Pi sqi agenda we hope to obtain cur-|sporting the school name, are|Fleming; Opposition Whip --|11D was Cheryl Turner with two) We hope to see Patti Andrew tains, furniture and cupboards. |now available. Attached to the|"@rsha Marks. points. and* Sharon Kent flying the pennants are wooden sticks to Players for 11A are: Pam About 20 McLaughlin Col- legiate and Vocational Institute' Grade 12 and 13 students visit- ed Queen's University in K:ng- ston last week. has made a in for many of the seniors, I can assure you, because nothing is as stimulating as batting bird at your opposition's head. ious other tokens of our lack of faith in her culimary talents. That night was our first forma! uniformed meeting at Guide The group toured the univer- sity and campus plus many in- teresting historical sites, Some one year in the township. FINE FOUND-INS \t House for were pleased to be able to chris- the year and we en it in such a pleasant way. day evening -- Oshawa Rover Round Table Oct. 30. One last thing we must keep in mind, fei- Tuesday, Oct. 22, at Kinsmen Stadium and everyone should Pupils Ask Leslie Townsend. Players for 11B are: Pat Roughly, captain; practice of having staff mem- bers judge Grade 10 pies does- n't stop soon. In reviewing our senior and junior football teams, it appears that we have one win and Gail Knipe, Carolyn Faint, Pam Vipond, Nancy Pearse and Car- olyn Clark, Members of the 11C team are: Susan Fleming, Barbara Burr, Karen Grey, Kathie Hamilton, Rose Conlin and Patty Andrews. Players- for 11D are: Gloria Brockman, Shirley Clark, Darla Young, Janet Hopkins, Cheryl Turner and Sharon Crowells. More Tours By LESLIE BURDEN (OCVI Reporter) More university tours for sen: ior students is one of the 16 points contained in the speech from the Throne which was heard at the first session of the 55th Parliament of O'Neill Col- legiate and Vocational Institute try to support it, beanies or noi. Our first session of parliament was opened last Wednesday, Oct. 16. New senators, form representatives and house com- mitttée members were sworn in as well as members of pari- iament, along with the new cabinet and the opposition. Our year book, Acta Ludi, is off to an early start with the of the male students also inves- tigated the residences before the football game in the afternoon. Everyone enjoyed. the yisit to Queen's which was organized by the Queen's Alumni Association in Oshawa in co-operation with the teachers. lows, and that is the upcoming activity called Operation: "Skip- per Joe", So we expect ail members of our crew to think ahead and plan for this exciting activity. In doing so remember the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have do unto you, But do it first." So until we {drop anchor in this fair port two losses. We can be proud of the efforts these boys are out for the name of Donevan. The question remains to be : "Is it not worthier to do one's best and fail than to do nothing and succeed?" We at Donevan think so. Arthur Bruce Campbell, 32 McGregor street and Daniel M. Sallows, 63 King street west, Bowmanville' were each fined $10 and costs at Magistrate's Court Friday. Both men were charged with being found in a This past Monday being Thanksgiving we had no meet- ing but we'll really be down to business this coming week. Classes will be starting im earn- est. Our numbers have in- creased a great deal these past place where drunkenness was/few weeks so there'll be quite a permitted. Crown Attorney|hit of preliminary instruction to| Bruce Affleck said that the|be given. Anyone else interested Chicken Buffet Huge Success A mst successful chicken buffet was held Friday night at the farm home of .Sam Hol- 'led Band To Compete In Music Festival At the monthly meeting o* the McLaughlin Collegiate and Vo- cational Institute music council, the subject of the Kiwanis Music Festival was introduced. It was decided that the school band will compete in the fes- tival. : It was also annoypeed at this meeting that musi¢ awards will be presented to those who earn- ed them at the band banquet Dec. 7. Plumber Has Close Call A J. Foley Plumbing and Heating Company employee had a close call early Friday afternoon. Wallace Penney, 34, of 91 Cabot street, was working in the basement of the Royal Bank of Canada, Bond and Simcoe streets. While he was drilling a hole in concrete with an electric drill, it is believed the drill touched a water pipe. Penney, working on a step ladder, grasped the pipe to push it out of the way and "every- bet went black," he told pol- _ ice, He was taken to Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital where he was ex- amined, treated and released. HIT AND RUN In a hit-run accident Friday night an estimated $175 dam- age was done to a car owned ov Paul Collins, Baldwin street Oshawa. The car was parked of the north 'side ef Richmond street west. About 3.30 Friday a'ternoon an estimated $50 damage was done to two cars involved in an intersection collision at Har- mony road south and Taylor avenue. Drivers were Duncan McColl, Rowe street, and Peggy E, Goodwin, Simcoe street south both of Oshawa. About 2.15 p.m. Friday a two) ear collision in the northeast} corner of the Oshawa Shopping| Centre did an estimated $140) damage to cars driven by Mary) Paczesny, Chadburn street, end Violet McNab, Glencairn| otreet. | year. HAD NO LICENCE the fine with two weeks to pay. TAX UNPAID Fashions in Living Ltd., RR 2, \Whitby, was fined $200 and 'costs at Oshawa Magistrate's Court Friday. The company Tax after withholding $164.55 in income tax from the federal government. The money was taken from employees' wages as income tax, FALSE ALARM The Oshawa Fire Department answered a false alarm from the Oshawa General Hospital Friday morning. During the day the department responded to three ambulance calls. CELESTIAL SHOWER This section of Ontario Sun. day night will be subjected to a shower of meteorites. There is no need to panic as the par- ticles of matter will be 20 to 50 miles out in space. If skies are should see about 25 meteorites an hour as the earth passes through the formation known az Orionids. Meteorites are quite visible to the eye and when the earth passes through the cloud, the best time to see jthem would be between 11 p.m Sunday and-2 a.m. Monday in the south-western sky. HARBOR BUSY | Oshawa Harbor is experienc- jing its busiest period of the jyear today. This morning two large vessels were in the har- bor basin while a third was moored in the ship channel waiting to enter. clear residents of the area) charges arose out of an incident) in joining is welcome to come} at a Central Park Boulevard) and visit us at 7.00: p.m. on| north house on June 29 this! Monday evenings in the Ranger A $50 and costs fine was|awa Sea Rovers hada very suc- levied on Ronald Al'an King, bon pr ge opening oe gig sed I i 'sitheir new den and we wisi Hoan feldes. : The ap riya them the best of luck in their told that the accused's car was|new quarters. Also the Annual! gipst pace -- Barnesville, maidens|Copper Cliff, Armstrong 118 checked at Simcoe and Bond|Sea Cadet Wiener Roast was streets on Sept. 22 and that he|greatly enjoyed -- except by was unable to produce a licence.|those who got wet, but they did Magistrate F. S. Ebbs imposed/get the boats in for the win:er were fined under the Income} Room at Guide House. again, on behalf of the crew 1 /bid you adieu. "SIR. ERNEST" formation of the committee. It is hoped that early preparation will increase sales. Wednesday. The speech, which was pre- pared by the cabinet and Chief Justice Dan Hilts, consisted of From the reports the 8th Osh- WOODBINE ENTRIES so the evening was constructive in some way. (That's not tuo) cheering a thought when you're! suffering from a severe cold/ though.) Our Ranger Song Book is well on its way now but it's going to be something if it's finished by the deadline date. I mean it takes a little while to copy out some five hundred songs -- and that's only in the one section; there are two more parts to go! Writer's cramp here we conie. Now I must get back to my confetti throwing. HOPALONG 8TH OSHAWA (TED FRIEND) ROVER SEA SCOUT CREW Ahoy Mates! Once more 1 welcome you aboard our fair ship to listen to the moans and groans of our hail and hearty crew. The hail and hearty crew I am not too sure of, but tie moans and groans I am without a doubt very sure of. It seems that a few of our TO WELCOME MEMBERS The Oshawa Junior Chamber o: Commerce, at its Monday night meeting in Hotel Genosha, will initiate about 12 new mem- bers. Special guests at the meet- ing will be William Tynkaluk, of the Toronto Junior Board of Trade, Jaycee district president and Alex Oakley; of Oshawa, well known Olympic walker. "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN FUEL OIL for automatic delivery by our metered trucks Phone DX OIL CO, 668-3341 REACH OF ALL" GERROW | FUNERAL | CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 MONDAY, OCT, 21, 1963 (foaled in Canada). Purse $2100 for 2 year-olds, 7 furlongs. Vaicutta, No Boy 115 Tag Day, Gordon 118 Tell Anna, No Boy 115 Miss Peanuts, No Boy 115 Mr. Bellachop, No Boy 118 Marina Maid, Leblanc 115 Minnie Haw Haw, No Boy 115 Kralover, Armstrong 118 Turkey Joe, Bohenko 118 Glenscot Miss, Walsh. X110 SECOND RACE -- Harney, $2500 claim- ing. Purse $1800 for 3-year-olds, 7 fur- fongs. Prince Beau G!, Rasmussen 113 Gardens Win, Armstrong (A)109 Cluny Miss, Harrison 108 Espalaris, Walsh X106 Jeannie Doo, No Boy 106 Guiding Wave, Leblanc 10? Maple Lov, No Boy 111} Robust Girl, No Boy 120 Tagdonnell, No Boy 11! Argo Bound, Walsh X108 South Shore, Robinson (B)108 Blue Shutter, Fitzsimmons 106 Also Eligible: Select Chic, Gordon 108; Tarpon Run, Walsh X108; Plaisir, McComb 113; Artista, No Boy 110; Qual- ity Lad, Armstrong (A)111; Belle Ange, Robinson (B)110. A--Garden City Stable and F. A. Sherman entry B--Rosedale Stabile and Viscount Hardinge entry THIRD RACE -- Braedalbane, mald- ens (foaled in Canada). Purse $2100 for 2year-olds, 7 furlongs. Esprit Gai, Remillard 118 City Boy, Armstrong 118 King City, Fitzsimmons 118 Pencil Sketch, No Boy 118 Regal Fashion, Terry 115 All Seasons, Walsh X113 Mr. Flirt, Leblance 118 Xalapa Curry, Stadnuk 118 Pot O Doe, Smith 118 Fair Clyme, No Boy 115 FOURTH RACE Dwight, $2500 claiming. Purse $1900 for 3-year-olds and up, 1 mile, Vil Swear, Leblanc 108 Oshawa 2nd, No Boy 123 Plin, Leblanc 116 |Malucina, Gordon 112 Last Dividend, Walsh X110 Swampscott. No Boy 116 Toronto Street, No Boy 111 Warferd, Walsh X107 Buc Fever, Smith 116 Brierama, Parsons XXX103 FIFTH RACE -- "Barnaget" $7500 Claiming Purse $2300 for three-year-olds and up. 7 Furs. New Member, Walsh X118 Winsmanship, No Boy 117 Bala Roman, Fitzsimmons 120 Credit Curb, Lanoway 112 Quintain, Rasmussen 118 QUINELLA BETTING SIXTH RACE -- "Champlain Plate" Allowances. Purse $2600 for two-year- olds. 1 Mile. Haid Caesar, Lanoway 115 Corinthian, No Boy 110 Full Honors, Wick 110 Master Matt H, Dittfach 108 2 Rustic Gentleman, Bohenko (A) 110 Marathon Runner, Walsh (A) X103 Boy Lost, McComb 115 Forest Rover, Fitzsimmons 116 Careless Kate, Walsh XX105 A-Windfields Farm entry SEVENTH RACE -- "Fairbank Stakes Handicap, Purse $10,000 added for three- year-olds, 1 % miles Sound Stage, Leblanc (A) (121 Etimota, No Boy 114 Johns Champ, Walsh 117 Cesca, Harrison (A) 118 Dr, Giddings, Dittfach 123 Brother Leo, Armstrong 118 Bofjac, Fitzsimmons 116° A-Stafford Farms entry EIGHTH RACE -- "Caroline" $2500 Claiming Purse $1900 for three-year-olds and up. 3 mile, Spiit the Loot, Fitzsimmons 120 Sun and Wind, Dittfach 108 Fort Strome, Hale 118 Nearlai, Stadnyk 115 Scoot Joe, Walsh X113 Fiddlestick, No Boy 116 Vee Gee Cee, No Boy 113 Plucky Cresis No Boy 118 Jesrubel, No' Boy 110 Sassie Maid, Lanoway #15 Post Time 1.30 p.m. clear and fast [CONTACT LENSES CONSULTATION by APPOINTMENT Payment plan includes one month trial' period. PHONE 723-4191 F. R. BLACK 0.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH NEW HOME | SPECIALISTS | IMA Real Estate Ltd. TRADES ACCEPTED | 728-6286 323 King St. W. the platforms of both the politi- cal parties which are now dead. I am sure parliament will do its best to pass the important projects contained in the report. The following is one of the most important proposals: "Whereas, in the past years, university tours have proven} ing, a' committee will be re-| established t year as well as Queen's this year. All would trips. get enough credit for their) achievements in sports, a girl| athlete of the year award should| '|be presented. This point is well] taken when one considers the attention paid to our male ath- letes. This seems a good time to re- mind form representatives that if they have not already pre- pared reports of parliamentary happenings for their constitu- ents, they should do so as soon as possible. This is important if they wish to carry out their job satisfactorily. | 4 4 DID YOU KNOW? That Our Services | Includes: Carpet Sales and Service Rugs and Furniture Cleaning Carpet Laying Fringing - Binding - Serging and 4 4 4 Dying Mothproofing - Sizing Walt to Wall Carpet Cleaning in your Home or Office Re-Upholstering é INFORMATION FOR FURTHER 728-468 1-2-3 NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. 174 MARY Sf, -- OSHAWA bY favorite boy to be her date for the Sadie Hawkins Dance, plann- both informative and interest-jed for Friday, Nov, 1, look: into setting,working hard on this project up more of these excursions." |are: Louise Macko, Judy Croth- Some of this year's Grade 13ers, Janice Tierney, Kathy students will remember the trip|Williams, Dan Hilts, to New York University last| Davis, Bev.. Brown, Charlie Pop- the trip tojham and Pamela Vipond. agree on the value of these/like to thank the thoughful, un- identified girl who returned her A second proposal which will|two lost rings to the office Oct.| create interest, I feel, is that,|4]. \ because female athletes do not|-- lingsworth, the Liberal candi- date in Ontario Riding in the Sadie Hawkins '<cex: provincial election. Al- j|most 450 Liberals from all parts Dance P lanned" the riding attended. nis Siblock and John Flegg from Donevan, and Paul Steckley and Ron Nathan from OCVI, made it back to Oshawa in time for classes Thursday morning. Due to the fine warm wea- ther, the event was held for the By CAROLYN CLARK (OCVI Reporter) most part around a bonfire on the front lawn. Mrs. Hollings. Any girl at OCV can ask her Epoch ---- pM ag raigis freshments. , Speeches of greeting were livered by Mrs. Frances Jones Committee members who arelang Dr, Claude Vipond, of Osh- awa and Norman Cafik and John Lay, of Pickering. Heather FOR PREFERRED ATTENTION Carol Brooks of 18B would PAUL 728-9474 Rico EALTOR BUEHLERSs ~ go Oe Tender EAT'N SS 12 KING E. -- 723-3633 SMe Meat Specials! Mon. & Tues. See What $1.00 Will Buy! @ 2 lb. Shoulder LAMB CHOPS @ 2 lb. Shoulder PORK CHOPS @ 2 lb. Sliced SIDE PORK Any of The Above -- For Only .... eX STEAKS SIRLOIN 85: 'WING i Buy your Canada Savings Bonds (Average Yield to maturity 5.03% Per Annum) ; at the Royal Ask. for application form at your nearest branch, 'Buy for cash or by instal- ments. Canada Savi Bonds never fluctuate in 'value, can be. cashed any time for full face value, plus interest. & ROYAL BANK é