Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Oct 1963, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, October 19, 1963 32--Articler for Sale CHILD'S toy tracior, doll crib, man's blue ring, never ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING coffee percolator, liquor cabinet Wher' gissses, Marcon! portable TV, also old coins, 725-2621. GIRLS' wintel-fali coats, 10; jacket, 12; boy's Jacket, 14; Lady's fall coat, 14. After 5 725-3058. set, ie 3 Ht r child as quickly Individual néme in an Birth . assified Department, give ing the name, and we will rth Notice in the next edition. Fs Ju: o38 ob is} q the (Continued from Page 15) chrome, _ 60-inch Bm' telephone. 725-1024. TCH table. After 5 p. $65; '|32---Articles For Sale MATCHED set of diamond wedding rings, "loriginal price $250. Wi.| take $125 or best offer. T 7-359. FORCED TO SELL. New furniture, ap pliances, Due fo 1964 styles arriving. Your gain our loss, no warehouse available. Five-piece chrome suites, $29.88; three- some with $168.88; three-piece bed: double dressers, tilt mirrors, $88.88 up; washing machine with pump, $98.88 with 'trade. All above new merchandise, |good selection of used ranges, refriger- ators, televisions, Honest Cal's, King Street, 728-9191. ANTIQUE GUN WANTED Oshawa 725-8183. LADY'S black coat (imitation Persian Lamb) size 18-20. 154 Colborne Street | suite, Also} pr} TWIN beds, double bed, $45; Frigidaire refrigerator, COMING EVENTS In City $60; range, $45; space heater, $15. Call 725-9329. BINGO, Ti regular games; 3 $25, FREEZER Marquette, 18 cubic months old. Asking $250. Apply borne Street East. GUN 30-30 Winchester, with case, new, $75. Call after 4 p.m, 725-7292. 33--Market Basket feet. 10) 463 Col- like) ¢ 'wenty : lackpots; 1 $100 jackpot. If they do not bg in the numbers consolation prize will be awarded, Every Friday night, 8 p.m. at Memorial Park Clubhouse, Liberty treet South, Bowmanville. RUMMAGE Sale at CRA, Tuesday, Oc- tober 22, af 1.30 p.m. the ind District Diabetic Mothers TAYLOR Raspberry canes, $5 per hun- dred. All kinds vegetables, Hallowe'en pumpkins; also garden mums, Wholesale: ices. Townsend's Market, east side No. 12 Highway, 2% miles north Whitby. RUMMAGE Sale, St. George's Parish; Hall, Centre Street, Tuesday, 10.30 a.m. October 22. Tues., Oct. 22nd Progressive Conservative Women's Association of Oshawa Meeting 8 p.m. W.C.A. LIONS BINGO Wednesday, Oct. 23rd 8:00 P.M. JUBILE PAVILION Watch Tuesday's Paper cele aaeieuen corporate profits and a pace in automobile output and sales indicated new pep in the U.S. economy this week. A rising flood of reports on July-September business earn- ings pointed to a new peak level for the third quarter, com- fortably above the $26,800,000,- 000 annual rate chalked up in the April-June period. Automakers moved toward DRESSED chickens, ready for the freez- er, average 3¥2 Ibs, $1 each. Orders over $10 delivered free. Dial 623-5125. TOMATOES, $1 per bu: own, bring containers. Sacks, Thorntons Corners house south of Hydro sub station 07 West side. - shel, pick you! Apply William South, first STUDENTS A super value, approxi. mately 630 sheets of leiter size paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 111 Dundas Street West. ONE HAND-CARVED table, five chairs. Full price, $75. Complete dining room $15. (668-4680. WINTER potatoes for sale, store in your typing! own home or at mine. Telephone Whitby [tt ee neuen roe eIRE APPLES. Macintosh and Snows, $1.00 and up per bushel. Bring your own contain- ers. Thickson Ri North, half-mile north of Taunton Road West, Agloma Orchards. 7 | BINGO, Eastview Park, Tuesday, 2 p.m. RU Sale on Monday, October 21, at 1.30 a.m. at CRA. Auspices of the Lend-A-Hand Club. monthly Euchre Wednesday, 8.15. High izes, refreshments. Admis- score $5. Pri sion 50c. Nearly New Sale Thur., Oct. 24 1:30 p.m. KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE B, F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, television. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. IN MEMORIAM WEDDING dress, pure white satin, full length, tace appliqued, overskirt of deep unpressed pleats. Jewelled crown, veil. COOPER -- In loving of Cooper, who passed away October W5) Keep him, Jesus, In thy keeping, 'Ti we reach that shining shore, Then, © Master, let us have him And love him as we did e. --Ever remembered by wife Margaret, sons Donald and William. memory a dear husband and father, Byard ay Top for wedding cake, Com- plete, only $150. Call 728-5886. BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pi "s '|Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll- cators, chequewriters, comptometers, three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equip- ment, 137 Brock South' Wi APPLES, Mcintosh, $1.75 per bushel and down, Bring own containers. Nick Bul- dyke, south-west corner farm, between Oshawa and Whitby, and Highway 401 and Thi Road, CARROTS $1 per bushel; Spanish onions, $2.50, bushels only; cooking onions, $1.50 per bushel. W. Eymann, V2 mile east of Nichols Garage, Courtice. Go north to first corner. APPLES, Mcintosh, Cortland, Delicious and Spys. $1.00 per bushel and up. Glen- osha Farms, Townline North, ¥2_ mile south of Taunton, Telephone 728-6908. 34--Lost and Found PIANO, upright, Lindsey, r: LOST a hunting jacket, khaki, vicinity 109 Colborne St. W. Sponsored by the Kinette Club of Oshawa WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO-MONDAY, OCT. 21st Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. 53 and 58 1--$150 Jackpot (Must Go) Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20 GAMES $20 and 5 SPECIAL GAMES at $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA the 800,000-mark in the assem- bling of cars in October, a rec- ord. Sales in the first third of the month kept pace. The 262,- 756 units marketed were the ge in history for the pe- Ward's automotive reports said it appeared fourth-quarter sales would eclipse last year's record. The gross national product, the dollar sum of all goods and services produced, jumped in the third quarter to an annual The Federal Reserve Boards' index of industrial production for September resumed its climb and personal income, at an annual rate of $466,400,000,-/) 000 rose for a seventh straight month, Although their earnings fig- ures aren't out yet, Chrysler and General Motors shares pushed to record levels on the strength of booming car sales. NOTE OF DISCORD A note of discord was struck in the predominantly rosy pic- ture by suggestions from Treas- ury Secretary Douglas and others of trouble ahead for, business--possibly in 1964--un- less Congress cuts taxes. Dillon said he wasn't predict- ing a recesion but that a let- down might develop without the stimulus of a tax cut. He appeared before the sen- ate finance committee as that CANADIAN BUSINESS Oshawa Liberal Women's Auxiliary ANNUAL MEETING Mon. Oct. 21, 8 P.M. Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. EAST AT FAREWELL FREE -- ADMISSION -- FREE Dull Week In Stock Markets Increased Auto Output Bolsters U.S. Economy NEW YORK er reg = hish of $587,000,000,000, a new group buckled down to work on administration-backed ° 000,000,000 tax - reduction -- last month by the an increase, partly out of a strengthening demand from auto-makers. A key stock market indicator, the Dow-Jones industrial aver- age, bobbed to new peaks as investors res to good profit statements. U.S. airlines in other important pedir ' Trans - World Airlines and Pan-American World Airways called off a proposal to merge into the biggest U.S. air trans- port system. Legal difficulties were -_ Bren og delay in a start o! rings ern- ment regulators. = The ge age 3 age of the supersonic trans being Atlantie or less, ry of or ders for 27 of the 1,500-miles- an-hour craft to be built in the U.S. but now only in the draw- ing-board stage. In another the _ Civil Aeronautics Board stepped into a domestic rate-cutting squab- ble involving. nearly all major Rec-Room. Y.W.C.A. FILMS BY DR, CLAUDE VIPOND EVERYONE WELCOME BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, OCT. 19th 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4---$40 Jackpots to go 1--$150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted BINGO U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, OCT. 19th 7:30 P.M. 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 SNOWBALL--$220. in 56 Nos. -- $20 Con. PLUS $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE REGULAR JACKPOT--$100. in 52 Nos. -- $20 Con. SHARE THE WEALTH GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE NO CHILDREN, PLEASE Free ADMISSION. Free KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5 -- $30 Games; 2 -- $250 Jackpots 20 -- $20 Games JACKPOT NOS. 53 & 51 EARLY BIRD GAMES --EXTRA BUSES-- 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS FAIRVIEW LODGE ANNUAL TEA & BAZAAR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd 2 P.M. lines, in effect decreeing a cool- ing-off period. BAILED FOR ASSAULT REGINA (CP) -- A Regina man Friday was sentenced to six months in jail for assault- ing a United States Negro air- man in an incident d which racial insults were outed. Magistrate E. L. Elliott said ia passing sentence on Michael Patrick Ryan, 24, who was con- victed of an assault charge, that the case was the most despic- able which had come before him in a long time. 651,988 shares compared with 13,904,576 last week. Value was on compared with $44,- 853. On index in Toronto, indus- trials advanced 6.19 to 660.03, base metals 1.94 to 211.96, west- ern oils 1.60 to 122.78, and golds slipped 1.65 to 86.74, In Montreal, industrials traded 691,337 shares oompared with 810,002 and mines 1,985,025 compared with 3,011,241. On index in Montreal, indus- trials rose 0.1 to 127.5, utilities 0.5 to 122.9, banks 0.2 to 125.7, composit 0.2 to 126.5 and pa- pers dipped 0.7 to 116.1. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Holt Road East, Oshawa. Reward. Tele- phone 728-1189. LOST: Wednesday evening, a young large dog, tan and white, part hound, named Yogi, child's pet. Telephone 728-0945. 36--Legal 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted, in my name by anyone on or after this date Tuesday, October 15, 1963 without my written consent. --L. Cheesman By IAN MacKENZIE Canadian Press Staif Writer' It was generally a dull and featureless week on Canadian stock markets, despite the rec- ord advances of the Toronto in- dustrial index. Activity was mostly centred around blue chip issues in a se- lective market. ' Steels did well on the four days the market was open-- Monday Canadian markets were closed for the Thanksgiv- ing weekend--with Steel Com- pany of Canada and Algoma Steel Corporation Ltd. rgister- ing new highs. Canadian steel production has nearly reached the 100 per cent capacity mark, a slight improvement over the previous two weeks. Several other issues , made healthy gains, with Chemcell (1963) Ltd, and Canadian Paci- fic Railways roving popular] investments. CPR has traded steadily since the Russia-Cana-/ dian wheat deal which prom- ises an upsurge of business for the railways. Trading volume for the week was down slightly as specula- tive mines failed to provide their usual impetus. Consolidated Mogul Mines Ltd. reacted healthily to re- ports of good drill results from Ireland. In fact most of the ac- tivity among speculative mines for the past couple of weeks has followed drill reports from across the Atlantic. Gold stocks had a poor week, most issues weakening. Western oils were dull, ex- cept for a sudden spark Tues- day when Sarcee Petroleums Ltd. shot upwards on heavy trading following an offer by Guaranty. Trust Company 0° Canada on behalf of a Calgary group to purchase 1,400,000 of the 3,468,818 outstanding com- mon shares at $1.50 a share. However, company direc- tors urged shareholders not to accept the offer, and the stock slipped back for the remainder of the week. The Foreign Market was quiet, the only spark of interest being a special size transac- tion of a 10,000-shares block of Trans-Mountain Pipe Line. . Volume in Toronto was 10,- OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF WILLIAM H, BADGLEY The memonial service for Wil- tiam Henry Radgley, 45, who died at Piltings Tamited Tues day, Get 1, wea held at the with stool. New key felts, on concert pitch, antique finish, ivory and gold, $285. Cali 6-8 p.m. 725-7001. GIRL'S blue winter coat, size i4, excel- tent condition, original price $40, asking $10. Telephone 728-3783. PIANO, Mason Risch, good condition, rea- sonable. Apply 872 Mary Street or phone 725-1619. é ELECTRIC stove, refrigerator, commercial scale, 18" fan. 723-2563. GO HUNTING with hunting supplies from Dominion Tire! Guns, ammunition, cloth- Do- MILLS -- In memory of a dear hus- band and father, John James, who passed away October 20, 1960. Not a day do we forget you, in our hearts you are always near, God alone knows how we miss you, As it dawns another year. --Wife Grace and family. MILLS -- In loving memory of @ dear father and grandfather, John Mills, who passed away October 20, 1960. We do not forget him, we love him too dearly For his memory to fade from our lives 25 Ibs. Telephone NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of MABEL L. WHITNEY, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Mabel L. Whitney, lote of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of April, 1963, ore hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said de- ceased on or before the 5th day of November, 1963, full porticulars of their claims. Immediately after the said dete the Personal Represent- ative will distribute the as- sets of the said deceased hav- ing regard only to claims of which he shall then have no- tice. Doted at Oshawa this 3rd day of November, 1963, EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, Executor, By his solicitors, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWR, ONTARIO NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MINNIE DAVIS, DECEASED. * All persons having claims against the Estate of Minnie Davis, late of the Town of Whitby, 'in the County of rio, | Married ~ Woman, who died on or about the 2st day of August, 1963, ore hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 15th day of Nov- ember, 1963, full particu- lars of their claims. Imme- diately after the said 'date the assets of the said de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont- yi 3rd day of Octobre Our lips need when our hearts mourn sincerely For grief often dwells where seldom it's seen. --Ever remembered by Bud, Dorothy and grandchildren Lois and David. PURDIE -- In loving memory of . our dear father, William Purdie, who passed away, October 20, 1933. ing, etc. Best prices in town. Try minion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. CABIN cruiser 22-ft. Best offer. Fully equipped. Can be seen at 604 Kent Street, Whitby. CROSLEY 2", television range, 40", Beaver table saw, 8". All in good condition. Telephone 725-7530. Looking back with memories DE-WALT saw 1962 model, Macksaw 700, Upon the path you trod, wood lathe complete with frame, table, We. bless the bours we had with YOU/motor and eight-piece tool set, two ft. And leave the rest with tool rest. Telephone after 4 p.m. 728-8692. by Lily, Jack and Flora. TIRE changer, May type, like new, $95. Ed Rowe, Newtonville. Clark 620. MEMORIALS BOWMANVILLE quality _ evergreens, MARBLE and GRANITE bushes and trees, 100 per cent guaran- 4 teed. Half price sale, October 12, 14 and Designing, Carving, Lettering Installation, Repairs 19th. Bowmanville. 623-2837. Open Evenings Until 9 REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, 9.2) cubic ft.; Sunshine four-burner electric Oshawa Monument Co. 1435 King Street East 728-3111 range 30°'; kitchen table, 4 chairs: three LOCKE'S FLORISTS piece chesterfield, good condition. Tele- Funeral arrangements and phone after 4 p.m. 725-2673. floral requirements for all 1962 COLEMAN space heater with blow- occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING TRE Frigidaire, i 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30, $40, $50. JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH 50 - 50 CLUB ANNUAL Turkey Supper November 2, 1963 4:30 to 7 P.M. Service and Buffet Style Adults $1.50, Children 75¢ AUTUMN MUSICALE SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH Mon., Oct. 28th 8 P.M. ADMISSION 75c Desserts will be served. (SIMCOE STREET ENTRANCE) _ SUN VALLEY HEIGHTS CO-OP VICTORY DANCE ot ST. GREGORY'S er, Field draft control. Galvanized pipes, elbows. Oil drum with tap. Small cans. 668-4192. CORN PICKER,Allis Chambers, two row mounted, te on WD tractor. Good -- Contact G. A. Laing, GOLFS, Stan Leonard, right handed set, two woods, five irons, . used once, $50. Hi-Fi Stromberg-Carison, $50. Record player, single speed, $5; dresser lamps, $s. Ti 728-7256, Orono N 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 1963 GALE motor, 5 hp, with crulsamatic cep pat a ella tore Ses. 1 FLAT MARKERS In Designs For Any Need 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-1002 728-6627 Office Evenings Handicrafts, stuffed toys, bake table. Many other lovely items will be on display. DINETTE suite, six pieces, arborite tops, girl's bicycie, 20". All articles nearly new. Telephone 728-1112. BOAT 16% ft. cedar strip, hardtop, tilt trailer 1962, 50 hp Mercury. All equip- ment $1,250. Telephone 723-2045. CANOE 16 FT. cedar strip, with paddies, like new, only used twice. Telephone Bowmanville 623-3958. GIRLS coat, size 10, red; also dresser with mirror and table with bookcase ends. Apply 220 Ritson Road South, STOVE, 30" refrigerator, both In good condition. Apply 317 Celina Street. 1962 JOHNSON 28 electric with controls, $395. Telephone 728-5328, COAT, grey Persian lamb, full length, with mink trim, size 18-20. Apply 247 Oshawa Blvd. South. 40" ACME electric stove with w oven, good condition. 4382. MODEL gasoline airplane, skill saw, good Condition, 7-piece chrome kitchen set, 3- piece studio suite. 668-4225 Whitby. COLDSPOT refrigerator, like new, 102 Ib. freezer. Kenmore stove, 30-inch model. 5 hp Viking outboard motor. Owner mov- ing, must sell. 668-8419. 16 MM KEYSTONE movie camera, also 16 mm movie mite sound projector. Tele- phone 728-4976, UPRIGHT piano, completely recondition- ed, $225. Telephone 728-4850. FINDLAY coal and wood stove with shelf. Excellent condition, used two win- ters. Apply 221 Burke Street. TYPEWRITER, one portable, one-stand- ard; electric adding machine; Reming- fon electric calculator; Sunbeam electric shaver. Very reasonable terms, 723-4434, SARGEANTS, 463 Ritson Scuth, hove several hundred settings stainless st cutlery for sale, beiow cost price. + Phone 725-3338, RANGE, General Electric. ST. MARY OF THE PEOPLE PARISH 532 Stevenson Road North FIFTH ANNUAL TURKEY DINNER SUNDAY, OCT. 20th Adults $1.50 Children under 12 years 75¢ ST. JOHN AMBULANCE First Aid Course Commencing TUES., OCT. 22, 1963 At S. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL Oshawa REGISTRATION 7 P.M PHONE 723-1971 from 9 A.M, to 5 P.M Visit MOUNT LAWN io PARK = MEMORIAL GARDENS < A Sanctuary Beoutifully maintained as a tribute to the memory of mony post residents of On- tario County arming Several new gardens recent- . Best offer, Tele- ly orranged with religious stotues throughout, present evidence that not only is Mount Lawn one of the first in Canada but, is now the finest. Very moderote cost plots are available in these new gard- ens. For information or transportation PHONE 723-2633 | Regional Rule Said Shotgun Marriage A Radiant Original SCALED FOR HALF SIZES Armawong Ruweral Home Rr THE OVERBLOUSE -- ele-|sort, choose linen, rayon tex day, Get, 18 gant in vibrant paisley or scroll "--. en ans at King RWeot United Chanel)», + daydinher costa able in 208 : eanaeled Hie SAR leee taler| ne Hewes estan) MeS.11644, 18%), 20%, 2244. Size 16 went wae ia ManWe Bawa Came Painted Pattern A773, Radi. jacket, skirt require 2% ya , lant evrves a graceful scooped/54-inch fabnic; blouse nequires week and clever tab buttoning 1% yards, far the overblouse, Topping the GREER AND KELLY Barristers, & c., Box 131, PORT PERRY, Ontario, Solicitors for the above estate. Prices Drop 'Slightly In z vey : The pailhearers were Rebert Send ONE DOLLAR for Print: NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) An expert in political science says that to combine townships, cities, villages and towns under one local government would be a series of shotgun marriages where both the brides and grooms would be reluctant and resist the union. Dr. Henry Mayo, head of the | political science departm=mt at *the University of Western On- *tario, said Friday the chanccs -of regional government becom- + ing a reality in Ontario, either by local initiative or by provin-|* ; cial leadership, are slim. : He spoke at the annual mect- . ing of the Ontario Associa'ion of > Urben and Rural Municipali- ' ties. ' + He said the history of local { government in Canada shows + that little initiative for any large scale reform has come "from the grass roots. +» Although there has been a * 'widely recognized need for joint planning and despite prodding * for it by the municipal affairs * 'department, Dr. Mayo said there is very little effective joint planning in Ontario or any ' 'other province. He said it does not seem reas- -- for a number of local ' 'authorities to overcome their + feeling of autonomy, vote them- * selves out of existence and . merge into a large unit of gov- ! ernment. electric clock, timer, and warming oven. Good condition, $60. Ve.epn. .. ville 623-2909. ROLL-A-WAY cot with 90 coll pr filled mattress, very good condition, $10, Brown metal double bed and spriag- filled mattress, $12. Telephone 728-7718. GENERAL Electric stove, automatic Clock control, deep well pressure cooker. General Electric washing machine with Pump and daily dipper. 725-7949. TORRID Heat oll burner. 9006 condition, $20. Telephone 728-3492. % GIRLS' and teen-agers' clothes: also acpgheln| men's suits and coats, 19| 9 Condition, assorted sizes. Apply 170 Park Road North. eA PIANO, upright, $65. Good condition. 'elephone 725-5479, or 253 Albert Street. LADY'S biack winter coat, detachable mink fur: collar, size 20%, good condition, 2691. $20. Telephone Whitby 668- VACUUM cleaner repairs, ree Parts, brushes, hoses. Guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. Call anytime 728-0591. SISBARD full size bed, slumberland mat- ress, spring-illed and spring reasonable. Telephone 725-9510. es TELEVISION tower special 40-ff. struc- ture, including all channel antenna, in- Stalled and guaranteed by experts with 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Televi- sion. Telephone 728-6781, all makes. Bond Market By THE CANADIAN PRESS Prices declined slightly in moderate trading on Canadian bond markets this week, Day-to-day money continued easy, trading at between 2% per cent and 2% per cent during the week, The 91-day treasury bills moved to a new low yield of 3.54 per cent in this wecek's tender compared with 3.56 per cent last week. In the municipal -market the City of Montreal came to the markets with a $35,000,000 issue. Early indications were that the issue would sell quickly. The corporate market was easier, as was the provincial market. The Province of Prince |Edward Island entered the mar- |ket with a $20,000,000 issue con- sisting of 20-year 5'4-per-cent debentures offered at $97 to yield 5.50 per cent, $75 up All makes. Fully guaranteed for 3 months, installation in- cluded on washers. Terms can be arranged. Caesarea 986-4926 SNAKE KILLER + *° The mongoose, a small car- "givorous animal found mainly , in India, and rate. kills venomous snakes| CHESTER'S : SERVICE UN DEFERS VOTING UNITED NATIONS (CP)-- The United Nations Genera! As- sembly deadlocked Friday in trying to choose between Com- munist Czechoslovakia and Commonwealth member Malay- sia for a seat on the Security Council, After five inconclusive secret ballots, the 111-nation as- sembly put off further balloting for a week in the hope that pri- ANYTIME CALL COLLECT vate consultations would pro- duce @ compromise. AUDITORIUM Sat., Oct. 19th Time: 8 p.m, to 12 p.m. Dance to the music of BOB TAREAN AND HJS ORCHESTRA Refreshments will be sold. Resume Talks At Ford Motor Plant OAKVILLE (CP)--Ford Mo- tor Company and Local 707 of the United Auto Workers (CLC) resumed talks here Friday in an effort to avoid a repetition of a wildcat strike that crippled production last week. Although no official statement will be made until after Sun- day's mass membership meet- ing, one union executive said negotiations "are gong smoothly."' The company and union will continue their talks today on un- ion grievances of speeded-up production, plant discipline and hiring of assembly-line supervi- sors and production experts from the United States. VESSELS COLLIDE PORTSMOUTH, England (AP)--The Royal Navy subma- rine Porpoise and aircraft car- rier Centaur collided in Ports- mouth harbor Fiday night. Damage was slight. Further Courses Planned to Accommodate Additional Classes FREE TICKETS -- TO THE SPECTACULAR ICE CAPADES OF 1964 At The TORONTO MAPLE LEAF GARDENS November 5 through November 12th lf Your Name Appears Somewhere in today's OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Jeanine, Henald Coeman, Par) rick Gallen, Jack Hawkes, Wa:) liam Hackwood and Pivest) White FUNRRAL OF JOUN JOAKPH GILLEN High region mass Was sung) in Holy Cross Roman Cathelic Church at ® am, today for Joha Joseph Gillen who died at Mit tings Limited Tuesday, Oot 15 The deceased was ih hie 30) year, The mass was dung by Rt Rev, Monsignor P, Coffey, In: ferment Was in St, Gregory's Cemetery, The pallbearera were William Schnegg, William Markus, Movs ley Rorabeck, Jack Klein, Jack Thomas and Alfred Hill, The members of Royal Cana- dian Legion Branch 43, Osh- awa and Branch 402, Millbrook, held a combined service at the funeral home Friday evening. FUNERAL OF JOSEPH W. LAVIOLETTE The funeral service for Joseph Wilfred Laviolette, 671 Park road south, who died Monday, Oct. 14, at the Oshawa General Hospital was held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Ovt. 17, at the Gerrow Funeral Home. Major Fred Lewis of the Sal- vation Army conducted the ser- vices. Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Robert Lavioletie, Carle Fergusoa, Gordon MacDonald, William Collins, Paul Herrington and Boyd Herrington. is Ny jen@es, paneled skirt, it can stay at jateday dinners and olay partics, For daytime wear ih the clly, the jacket is ehaped along easy Chanel lines. The tie ie ample to sew, and earefully sealed for shorter, full- er Heures, Choose double-knit wools, fine tweed or flannel, ottoman, fallle or crepe, For re- ed Pattern A773 to The Oshawa Times, Pattern Department, Oshawa, Ontario, Ontario) resi- dents add 3c sales tax, Please print plainly YOUR NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE. NEXT WEEK -- Watch for a Prominent Designer Pattern by Ben Barrack. FRONT-END ALIGNMENT For on JOHN BEAN "Visualiner" SPECIAL PHONE 728-6221 for eppointment Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service GENERAL 4 TIRE 534 RITSON RD. S. ENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 728-6221

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