Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Oct 1963, p. 7

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AFTER-FIVE GLAMOR The new length gowns for receptions, dances and the theatre will be featured in "Flight into Fashion" the styles fashion-conscious wom- en will be seeking for the coming social season. The parade of fashions for around the clock' is being presented under the auspices of the Evening Chapter of the Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa General Hospital, next Tues- day and Wednesday evenings at St. Gregory's auditorium. The models, left to right, are Mrs, R. J. Murphy, Mrs. D. E, Sager and Mrs, J. H. Perry, members of the chap- ter. --Oshawa Times Photo |CRA building with Miss Vera UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES - HUMORESQUE CLUB The Humoresque Club of the Blind held its first fall meeting on Thursday. evening at Siblock presiding. The meeting was opened by the singing of the club song and a Bible verse for the blind and the roll was called. The cor- respondence was read by Mrs. Charles Lovell, as the secretary Mrs, James McConnell is ill in the hospital. A treasury report was read by Mrs. Lovell and all the standing committees re- ported. One minute's silence was held in memory of the Reverend Dr. George Telford, chairman of Oshawa Advisory Board, CNIB, Mr, Walter Simmons, retired Field Secretary of the CNIB and Mrs. E, Hall, a former member. White Cane Week is from February 2 to 8, 1964. The ma- terial for White Cane Week must be ordered by October 14. the Time to See'. The theme is "Your Sight -- It's Importance -- It's Usefulness to the Blind". The next meeting will be a Hallowe'en masquerade party. Re'reshments were served by Lionettes Mrs. Jack Anderson and Mrs. Edwin Wellman, as- sisted by Lions Harold Phillips and Jack Anderson. SA HOME LEAGUE The meeting opened with the singing of song "There Shall be Showers of. Blessing', very ap- The slogan this year is "'Take|p EVENING Mr. and Mrs. Gary Arden Copeland, the former Julia Moira Crossan, were. united in marriage in Northminster United Chuceh recently. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Loe ipa. and Mrs. James Forbes Cros- san, Oshawa, and the bride- groom is the son of Mrs. Ar- den Copeland, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Copeland. ~--Aldsworth Photography propriate for this time of the year, when everything around speaks of God's goodness. A welcome was given by Mrs. Major Fred Lewis. Mrs. Thomas Salisbury prayed on behalf of the sick and shut-ins, a chorus followed, '"'Count Your Bless- ings". Mrs. George Beard read the minutes. Mrs. Frank Buller led the de- tional period, which was Trousseau Tea Honor Marilyn E. Fletcher Miss Marilyn Eleanor Fiet- cher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Fletcher, has been the guest of honor at many pre- nuptial showers and _ parties. Miss Fletcher will become the bride of Ronald William Ellis, gon of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wil- Ham Ellis, Scarborough, tomor- row afternoon, in Centre Street United Church. Mrs. Percy G. Fletcher en- tertained at a trousseau tea for her daughter at her home in Oshawa, and was assisted by Mrs. C. William Ellis, mother of the future bridegroom. To receive, the mother of the bride-to-be wore a delphinium blue dress of French wool broadcloth with a corsage of pink carnations. Mrs. Ellis chose a black silk faille sheath and also wore a pink carna- tion corsage. Miss Fletcher wore a: two-piece dress of teal blue silk shantung and chose a corsage of deeper pink carna- tions. Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. George Craft, grand- mother of the prospective bride- groom and Mrs, Howard Will- son, great-aunt of the future bride. In the evening Mrs. Al- bert Ellis and Mrs, J. Bert Wood, aunts of the future bride- groom and bride, were pouring tea. Those serving in the afternoon were Mrs. Victor Wright and Miss Sandra Ott, both of Toron- to, and Miss Lynn Powell and Mrs. William Horton of. Osh- awa; in the evening were Miss Jane Hall, Miss Joan Woolever and Miss Joan Gibbons of To- ronto and Mrs, William Vander- linde of Oshawa. Co-ordinators were Miss Lloye Fletcher and Mrs. Donald Wood, cousins of the future bride. Displaying the gifts and trous- seau were Miss Marylou Ellis, Mrs. Raymond Letheren and Mrs. Robert Gemmill, all mem- bers of the wedding party. At- tending to the guest book were Mrs. Kenneth Murray, the. fu- ture bridegroom's sister and Miss Grace Vanderlinde, who will be the flower girl. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Powell opened their home on Thick- son's road, to Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher's mixed bridge friends and their families. Mrs. Mere- dith Moffatt and Mrs. Carl Bradley were the co-hostesses, of the pot-luck supper, after which an electric pop-up toaster and other pantry shelf items were presented to the couple. The rest of the evening was spent playing cards. ° A miscellaneous shower was held by the ladies of Centre Street United Church at the home of Mrs, Earl James, with Miss Mattie Petre and Mrs. Reuben Broadbent assisting her. Mrs, Gerald Byers and Mrs. David Sweeney held a miscel- laneous shower, which was at- tended by friends of the future bride and bridegroom, at Mrs. Byers' home in Toronto, A presentation of a pair of boudoir lamps was made to the bridal couple, by Mrs. Donald Crothers and Mrs. John Hunter on behalf of the former neigh- bors of the bride-to-be. Miss Fletcher's mother's ed. opened with the song, "To God And Showers LODGES AND SOCIETIES bridge group invited the bride- to-be to play bridge, at 'the home of Mrs. William Edwards, | where they later presented the] guest of honor with 10 pieces of her chosen crystal, and each member gave a home preserve to the future bride's pantry. Mrs. Raymond Letheren, cou-} sin of the bride-to-be, opened} her Toronto home for a bath-| room shower, which was at-| tended by the relatives of both the future bride and _bride- groom. Mrs. William Horton, school friend of Miss Fletcher, held a miscellaneous shower from the former school and church friends of the bride-to-be, at the home of Mrs Horton's mother, Mrs. Gerald Greig, who assist- Miss Joan Woolever was the hostess at a miscellaneous shower for the nursing class- mates of the future bride, class of 1961, Toronto East General Hospital. The shower was held at the home of Mrs. Samuel Woolever in Willowdale, who as- sisted the hostess along with Miss Jane Hall. Following the rehearsal to- night, the wedding party will be entertained by the future bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. William Ellis, Scarbor- Melt butter of fat without browning by placing it in a cup and melting it over hot water, rather than over direct heat. SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Cook wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Ann, to Mr. Robert Henry Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, all of Osh- awa. The wedding is to take place Friday, November 15, 1963, at 7.00 p.m. in Harmony Road United Church. ENGAGEMENT Mr. Earl Clark wishes to an- nounce the engagement of his daughter, Vivian Virginia, to Robert Douglas Boissoin, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boissoin, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place at St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church, Saturday, November 9, 1953, at 11.00 a.m. IN THE FAMILY Abigail Adams, wife of U.S. president John Adams, was the mother of John Quincy Adams Sister Rutters and her com- mittee. PYTHIAN SISTERS The meeting opened with MEC Ann Holt presiding. Flags were presented by Sis- ter Marie Lavender and S'stcr M. Northey. Twenty members attended the meeting. Cancer and Red Cross work is continuing under Sis- ters Feasby and Shields. The sisters were all in favor of a. donation to Hillsdale Manor, as news of the bazaar \.as received too late for the meeting. The mystery prize was won by MEC Ann Holt. Sister L. Clarke gave a good report on her visit to Samia Temple. GC visits here next month, No- vember 12. Refreshments were served by HADASSAH The Piyah Chapter of Hadas- sah held its first meeting of the season at Beth Zion Synagogue with Mrs. Irving Hyman as the new president, Mrs. Menachim Kutziner opened the meeting with prayer. the Scripture from Psalm 95. SM Be the Glory", followed by prayer by Mrs. William Saun- ders. Mrs. Frank Buller read rs. Ernest Sargeant Senior and Mrs. Christian Osbourn gave their testimonies. The Home League singers jsang "The Lord Is Good", fol- lowed by readings. This part of the service closed with the beau- tiful harvest song, "Come, Ye Thankful People Come" and the chorus "How Great Thou Art". Re'reshments were served at the close. Special Mention -- The bus for the Peterborough Home League Rally will leave the Cit- adel at 9.00 a.m. Monday, Oc- tober 21. MARY ELLIOTT SMITH The monthly meeting of the Mary Elliott Smith Mission Circle of First Baptist Church 'as held in the home of Mrs. Margaret Peterson. The presi- dent, Mrs. Walter Nickerson, opened the meeting with pray- er. Mrs. Arthur Howard was in charge of the devotional period and read the scripture from St. Matthew's Gospel, chapter 11, verses 25 to 31. The secretary and treasurer both; gave reports. | Mrs, Walter Sewell gave a most interesting. topic on "Bol.- via," speaking on the religions Mrs. Edward Glazier, pro- gram chairman, assisted by Mrs. Peter Levine, showed films of interest, Members were reminded to bring in their cartons of clothes for the rum- mage sale to be held October 22 at the Synagogue. Mrs. Jack Appleby and Mrs. Jack Sklar will be in charge. Under the captaincy of Mrs. Bernard Morrison, a masquer- ade dance will be held at the Synagogue, November 9. The meeting closed with the singing of Hatikvah and refresh- ments were served by Mrs. Jack Appleby, Mrs. Bernard Black and Mrs. Oscar Black. ¢ OBTAINS DIPLOMA A graduate of Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, School of Nurs- ing, Miss Margaret Eder, Reg. N. has received her diploma in: Public Health from McGill University, Mont- real. Miss Eder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eder, Fernhill boulevard, is a pub- lic health nurse for Scarbor- who also gained the presidency. ough Board of Health. LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E. Ballet, Tap, A. Acrobatic, Character, Pre-School, Kinderdance. FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS et the MASONIC TEMPLE, 91 Centre St. INFORMATION: 723-7253 and customs of the Indian peo- Iple. Several ladies offered pray- ler for missionaries at home and jabroad. : | The Baptist Women's Day of |Prayer will be held in the} church November 4 with Mrs Walter Nickerson ,and Mrs. Robert Moon, as leaders. Sev- eral members offered to assist them. Mrs. Harold Parrott gave the highlights of the Link and Vis:- tor, The annual fall assembly of the Trent Valley Association| Baptist Church was held re- cently in Peterborough. Mrs. Walter Nickerson gave a most| interesting report of the speak- ers and 'highlights of the meet- ings. Next meeting will be held in the church. Miss Viola Par-) rott will be the guest speaker. The hostess served refresh- ments assisted by Mrs. George Hall. CHRIST CHURCH WA (Naomi Branch) The October meeting of the Naomi Branch of the WA Christ Memorial Church was held at the church recently. Mrs. Stan- ley Lawrence opened the meet- ing with the WA prayer. She \then 'thanked the group for their co-operation in making the night of cards so enjoyable and suc- cessful. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Edward Davies. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. A. E. Powell. Mrs. F. A. Mcllveen, in the Dor- cas report, told of the great need of articles for the Durcas bales for the missionaries in Canada, and asked for volun- teers to knit toques, scarves and mittens Mrs. Stanley Lawrence report- @ BROADLOOM @ SLIP COVERS _@ BAMBOO @ UPHOLSTERING Wemer du Aidwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 18,1963 7 ed on the presidents meeting. A flight to England is being ar- ranged for Deanery members next: June. The date of the Christmas be- zaar will be December 4. The annual corporate com- munion of the WA will be at the 11 a.m. service on Decem- ber 1. Four members volunteered to staff the Tuck Shop at Hillsdale Manor on Thursday. Mrs. Ed- ward Davies, the convener of the Bridge, gave a report on the evening. On Wednesday, October 30, a tea and showing of Pakistani embroidery will be held at the Diocesan Centre in Toronto. Nominations were held for the executive for the coming year. Mrs. Stanley Lawrence clos- ed the meeting with a prayer. A social hour followed with re- freshments being served by Mrs. Alan Hyde, Mrs. Russell Dougherty and Mrs. Donald Lid- diard. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD The monthly meeting of the Women's Guild of St. George's Memorial Church was held in Cowan House. Mrs. L. F. N. Hind presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. W. E. Baker. Mrs. Hind gave special thanks to all those who worked so hard for the suecess of the fall lunch- eon. The minutes were read by Mrs, E. N. Weldon. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Norman Hinds. The Westmount group an- nounced a Hallowe'en night of cards to be held in the Parish) % Hall on October 24. Mrs. F. C, Piper, general con- vener for the Christmas bazaar; announced further plans for the bazaar. Tea was served by the West- mount group. KING STREET U.C.W. The October meeting of the United Church Women was held with Mrs. Douglas Redpath presiding. She called on Mrs. Murton Walter, leader of the Alice Jackson Unit (1) for the devotion; the theme, Thanks- giving and Count Your Bless- ings. Miss Ila Barker read the Scripture, 8th Chapter of Gene- sis, also Luke, 17 Chap. Dates and activities to re- member: Ali day quilting to be held 3rd Wednesday of each month; Delmar bridge and hat show, October 30; October 20, Layman's Sunday; UCW Sun- day, November 24, Rev, L. Honey, speaker; bazaar, No- vember 20. The speaker was Dr. Claud Vipond who gave an interest- ing travelogue of his trip to Malaya and showed maps and colored slides of his work among the natives. The Reverend Wesley - Her- bert thanked Dr. Vipond for the giving of life in Christian ser- vice. The next meeting is Novem- ber 14 at 2 p.m. The Delmar Unit (5) under the leadership of Mrs. Gabriel Lavictoire, served cookies and tea. MISS C A retirement dinner and birthday party was held in the Corvair Room, Hotel Genosha, on Tuesday evening, for Miss Elizabeth Cassie, who recent- ly retired from Bailey Foods. Her co-workers and friends presented her with a purse, and Mrs. Florence Knight was also remembered with a gift. The evening was spent in con- tests, games and entertain- as it slims your waist. DIG THESE SLIM, TRIM STYLES DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR YOU © Trim Fit Tailoring broadens your shoulders > Waist and sleeves are tapered to give you that long lean look. ' ® Rolled button downcollars,backbutton and ox pleat, shirt front placket, as well o- now collar styles, colours and patterns. $5.00 OSHAWA i DUNN'S SHOPPING CENTRE "|Mrs. Robert Byrne; touch-and- , Mr. and Mrs. D. ¢|Beverly _ street; m|Mrs. M. L Morris, Kingsdale | drive; ;|Hamer, Whitby, were the areai ISt. Mary's CWL Gets Ready For Bazaar Final plans for the '"Tree- Lights" bazaar being held on November 18 by the Catholic Women's League,of St. Mary of the People Parish were made at a meeting held recently at Mrs. George King, Rosmere boulevard. Christmas trees and colored lights will set the theme for this annual event. Booth con- veners present for the meeting chaired by co-convener Mrs. William Edwards were, aprons, Mrs, Leonard Weeks, Mrs. Ken- neth McRae, Mrs. Bernard Jones; home baking, Mrs. Wil- son Mapplebeck, Mrs. Carl Meagher; candy, Mrs. Norman Fry, Mrs. Robert Freeman; country store, Mrs, Gordon Ju- benville, Mrs. John Greene; pen- ny fair, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, Mrs. Ronald Gibbs; Religi articles, Mrs. Fred Lawless, take and white elephant, Mrs. Mrs.. Nicholas Pascal, left, convencr, will receive and Mrs. Michael Starr will perform the official opening of the bazaar and fun fair to be held on Sat- urday, October 26, at Dr. Rob-: ert Thornton School under the auspices of the' Home and Schoo! Association, : --Oshawa Times Photos Donald Branch; tea room, Mrs. Harland Williams, Mrs, George Evans, Mrs. Harold Chinn; gro- cery basket, Mrs. Augusta Des- cheemaeker; Bingo, Mrs. Rob- ert Knapp; fish pond, Mrs. Forbes McLaughlin and Mrs. Harry Lack. Executive members of neigh- boring councils of the Catholic Women's League will assist president Mrs, Max Coleman to pour tea. It is expected there will be a hi features, games and booths. Mrs, Gordon Mrs, Ronald Gibbs. special visit from Santa Claus in addition to the many fine The hostess served refresh- ments assisted by Mrs. William Edwards, Mrs. Gordon Dignem, Jubenville and PERSONALS Those conducting the Down- town Business Men's Canvass for Community Chest are: Mrs. C. C. Stewart, representing the Mental Health Association; Mrs. Alex McLeese, represent- ing the Christmas Cheer Fund; Mrs. Walter Beath and Mrs. John Hayes, the East Whitby Welfare Council; Mrs. Stephen tion; Mrs, Arnold Greene, the John Howard Society; Fred Dewsbury, the Navy League; Mrs. William Wilson and Mrs. Herbert Schuerman, Army; Mrs. Mrs. Roy Perry, Red Cross; Mrs. J. Haas, the Victorian Order of Nurses; Mrs. Eugene Wotton, the Girl Guide Associa- Mrs. Retarded Children; Mrs. Henry Glecoff, the St. John Ambu- lance; Mrs. D. Dixon and Mrs. E. Bellingham, Salvation Walter Grigo- renko, the Canadian Ukrainian Women's Association, Barvinok Branch; Mrs. J. J. Burns and Ist Oshawa Co. Guides Honor Judy Aylesworth, Gold Corder The 1st Oshawa Girl Guides onored Miss Judith Ayles- worth at their meeting at Guide louse. After the Guides formed their horseshoe, Mrs. H. W. McClel- fand, Captain, introduced Mrs. D. E. Fox, the Division Com- missioner, Mrs, Steven Wotton, Southdale District Commission- er, and Mrs. John Barta, Lieu- tenant. Badges were then presented to the guides who had earned them throughout the year. Guide Judith Aylesworth and her mother were asked to join the horseshoe, Mrs. McClelland gave a brief outline of Judith's guide achievements. Mrs. D. E. Fox presented the gold cord to Mrs. H. R, Aylesworth, who placed the coveted cord on her daughter's arm. Guide Gail Nugent presented) gifts on behalf of the 1st Com- pany of Guides and the Parent Committee. Other gifts were presented to Judith by her fam- ily and friends, Guide Judith Aylesworth then presented Mrs. Wotton McClelland and Mrs. Barta and also the Edward Blake scholarship in Food Chemistry, awarded by the University of Toronto to second year stu- dents, Miss K. E. Hamer won the alumnae scholarship in Modern History and Modern Language and also the "Order of the Sons of Italy of Ontario" i JUDITH AYLESWORTH with small gifts for their untir- ing efforts. A cake) decorated in Girl Guide colors. congratulating Ju- dith, was centered on the tea Mrs.|table: White candles and blue and white chrysanthemums formed the background. A buffet supper was served by candlelight by the Parents' Committee. Campfire was held and sev- eral guide songs were sung. Ten guides, each carrying lighted candles, repeated the Guide Law each represented, and then took her place round the camp- prize in Italian I b, awarded to first year students. fire. The evening closed with Taps. Rajea, the Polish Community; Mrs. William Huxtable, Mrs. James Huxtable and Mrs. John Branch; Captain, Mrs. Walter Branch. The canvass will start October 21. Additional Thanksgiving Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Farrow, Chris- tie avenue, were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Farrow and John; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Farrow, Bev- erley, George, and David; Mr. and Mrs, William Carr and Donald, all of Brighton. Mrs. W. B. Davidson, To- ronto, will. install the officers, and Dr. Claude Vipond will be the guest speaker, showing films of Malaya, when the Osh- awa Liberal Women's Auxil- iary hold its annual meeting at the YWCA. Mr. David Macleod, son of I. Macleod, Miss Margot Morris, daughter of Dr. and and Miss K -E. Hamer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. recipients of Scholarships at Wednesday night's convocation of Victoria College, University of Toronto. Mr. Macleod took. the Heywood Scholarship in English Language and Litera- ture for second year students. Miss Morris won the alumnae scholarship in Food Chemistry Good food dese CANADA'S WIN rves good wine ISTING ELON tf o SCATTERMATS FOAM BACKING FORO TEL PIT LITTLE TIPLE LED Ebb) ik ics inh BS Sih RA, HR a Bie 'Many color combina- tions to choose Approx. Size 18" from. x 25", LIMITED QUANTITY 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PICT S EEN

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