tinnhene can he won. But he ts/Communist terror campaign, THE : OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 18,1963 5 ay LONDON SNAPSHOTS |Malaria Cure [Yenzuela Fights rgsieshirion oc ef nimes, Trace 9 poem for Lat, tune or Tai inWVenexuels: or elagwhere guard 'strategic buildings and\America. Re deplored cuts in| will be little more "than the alm Cc Drug Cuts ollege Endowed ; R ed W " h D d bag oo aque Sarge oa peel ott. some old sections of the U.S. foreign aid by Congress.|most $400,000,000 annually that/ Cancer Growth S With Deeds joitcrieate by an |oa heals dare "lugs, be wag oe lean TOKYO (Reuters)--A drug) Venezuela is a country jface these problems is deci-jbeen both ruler and revolution- i By Car Magnate j2y Goi at. Se) ier tatadat Saw [te 5 adetanganr, expresses cont | lana and rheumatism has] mest has 'cme. svipe | He stopped, cinched bonb| Betancourt dlscusted Veneism national elecions wil be] TRUE... TURBULENT... TREMENDOUS! : 'ive in unism and i M. MANTYRE HOOD British Railways have. with-[proved remarkably effective in} with both comm carred hands togetber and|zuelan and inter - American|held on schedule Dec, 1 ard 2 " 8 to _Jarawn the steamer which made|@rtesting cancer growth in hu-| right dictatorship. Under thought for a moment. problems in an interview withinew government will take office METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, Romulo Betancourts March presents THe NEW Osha Times (mans, according to a group of lead- ve Press % es Oshawa Times | neltiert "aeavel agents and hotel-|Japanese research scientists. | ership it has staved off the Pri ado cdg ge yy se i a aetee hee . " automobile empire founder wholiers say that these excursions Announcement of the discov-| excesses of both extremes. | A stocky, dynamic man who|DEPLORES AID CUTS ' M UT NY Oxtort ame (Folkestone Council has protest-|hibit cancer 'and prolong life by| mew election, Its problems |ezucla 4% years. 'To iceep it go-lfor courage, honesty, idealism|American governments in 2 ge a in a ail injed to British tae dig Th ejan indirect means instead of at-| and progress--and the prob- ing he has fought Communists!ang a stir cons of Pittias. U.S. - supported Alliance for b This was rer'en estate of over|railway chiets say that the yltacking cancer cells themseives| lems facing Latia America and right-wing terrorists alike.| The red scars on his hands = BOUNTY $9,460,000, on which ' ider a replacement\was made Tuesday by Ikuro} as a whole--are discussed |He has built schools, homes andicame from burns he su'fered|] NOW OPEN Guty of $7,273,000 had to be|vessel until the future of a Kimura, a lecturer in the med-| im this exclusive interview {hospitals and introduced land|in 1960 in a bomb attack that CONTINENTAL 4 ee SiG . ak, sts to colleges, business col-|council is considering inviting a Daily intravenous injections; By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER and to diversify industry andirorists, backed by the Trujillo eanet, idiatives and former|private company to include thejof the drug chloroquine, con-| CARACAS (AP) -- Romulo agriculture. dictatorship then ruling the Do- 'cs tts fe: See SEE IT TODAY! fervants, Lord Nuflield direct-|town in its regular no-passport|tinued for two months or longer,/Betancourt | jabbed brown Today, nearing the end of his|minican Republic. Betancourt|l Finnish Seune Ph. 728-2460 || FEATURE: 1:30 - 4:45 - 8:00 ed that his trustees shou!d hold|sailings, But this plan will re- wiped out pains and other symp-|leather desk cover with hislelected term, Betancourt is ob-\was an implacable enemy Of| ame iatieeaes the whole of his money and the|quire the blessing of British|toms of cancer, especially of|stubby forefinger and spoke in|viously convinced that Vene-|rightist Trujillo just as he is an jege". He also left his former Latin America is real, but we The Navy, Army ard, Air|could be used continuously over 24 ' Py A saa Thames, to Force Institute, known, to alla ong period without "od hie prego pret i mains MUSIC STUDIOS ; who served in the armed forces] effects, tt occasional sight rade # 4 : ; Os eto to the atu S.Srga egg, 20 enna ae are slicent ed el) OUT pr id that it RKSCRE supply cars to the thousands of|'estival said that it was an out-lantiquated structures of Latin ms mn awe ie peau perviciaie who are expected standing success. American economies, HER RIVAL,..HURLINe HIM TO ; ee aneeilie House, Bark |to take up the offer to buy The 1964 program is expected| 'The effort in this decade to THE EDGE OF SPACE...PREEZING ; ' Is The Time To Enroll For ing road, Canning Town, has a|t2em and pay over a period of to include similar events; HER LOVE ON THE EDGE OF Time! fir who went to Spain on holiday|interested in car ownership. Paul's Cathedral and the Guild PARLOUR q brought back a corkscrew for|Some units have up to 1000 cars. Me Ses ae ae 15 KING ST. £.,0SHAWA : \ } rT 4 LESSONS Mr. Moore, the Pub's. land-| The new scheme by which a 7 9. 1 TE lord. Now, whenever the "regu-|service man can buy a car, as ed -- to the credit of PHONE 723-7011 Z \) % lars" go on holiday, and spot an|well as a cup o* tea, at the y : Private or Group Lessons Avelleble RENTAL INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE screws are hung in displays|transferred. The buyers have to) § . ' >. : / a =) EAGLES around the bars, they all come|pay a 20 per cent deposit, and 2% f WS eho ae P into use at some time or an-jeight per cent interest yeatly| § : ee : ; s D other. Said Mr. Moore: digg on their unpaid balances. WY : ' é 6 Gey t ® ly, t F is' X, te a Of, {hem at casually' and [ have|PLAN 19¢4 FESTIVAL ra 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH last August, has left most/across the Channel are part ofjery in was believed to be| Now, amid bursts of terror- | At 55 Betancourt has run alspeaks insistently and gestures) Betancourt said wis palbrnef the Oxford Col-|Folkestone's amenities and|the world's {first attempt to in-| ism, it is heading toward a |democratic government in Ven-lrrequently, he has a reputation|gteater participation tn . : ON TH E paid. Channel Tunnel ig resolved. Tojical department of, Okayama with Presideat Betancourt. reforms. i Ege tolnearly killed him. The attack 'Apart from a number of be-jcounteract this, the Folkestone| University, western Japan. e sive MS|was the work of right-wing ter- STEAM B ATH income deriving from it, for|Railways, who own the Folke- the lung or bladder, in almost|bursts of urgent, forceful, Span-|zuela's achievements prove thatjenemy of Cuba's leftist Fidel : i Sta eet See eS me Se ree WILSON & LEE . said. k : : : the general purposes of the col NAAFI TO S CARS Tr nhiee Gat Gleeanin be "The Communist threat in righ' ctatorship in the hem-| In the streets of Caracas a LTD. instalment plan for selling cars Venezuelan president. ' E ; more about $1,500,000 in to service men, More than 300 'We, must combat poverty, : : ' y dealers have been appointed to|mended a repeat of the 1963|poor distribution of wealth and collection of more than 350 cork-|three years or less, through the including the light opera "Yeo- i] : { j N screws from all over "the world,|NAAFI. RCAF men stationed|man of the Guard" at the Tower HALL +) BEAUTY : * He started when a customer|outside towns are particularly of London, and concerts at St. [ 7 unusual corkscrew, they "buy|NAAFI is designed specially for one for the house". Ths some' men serving in Britain, but a> NOW IT'S EASY to qho use the bars also add to the| cars can also be shipped abroad a' . , , ae Ploy « Musicel | collction. Although the cork-|and the monthly payments) [iy mass vaaee , ; y al Instrument FOR BEGINNERS Plans for another Festival of Rony crew for every type of the City of London, to be held next year have been announc-| | @&: a UP GS! p FEATURE TIMES: NEW Ee yaae ne a < The Common Council of the é H is bi a ao ld Sir Kei oseph, minister ity Corporation has agreed to ; | a | Pics 135 - 9:45. LAST housing and local government,| provide $750,000 out of the taxes if : OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. COMPLETE SHOW has made an order designating|to help finance the project. The) \ , ; 9:30 7200 acres of land at Redditch,|committee report which recom- 14 miles south of Birmingham, as a new town. This will pro- vide for a population of 70,000, Do you needa . 1 [ rising to 90,000. At present, Red- re) r' pe con a J -- of posi L : te é 'iy , | iy rs are given a mont fe reckter their protests, and mi 6UNTIL PAYDAY ? are any, a public inqui: wall be held' Redditch niet §=SSO FOR 2 WEEKS 'Council is somewhat alarmed at the magnitude of the minister's COSTS ONLY 47° | scheme, and would have pre- ferred a _-- smaller de- ty : b velopment. NO-PASSPORT TRIPS $50 to $5000 rel Folkestone is worried about the future of its popular no- passport de" '~'08 to Boulogne. SUPERIOR $e - cnn - THIS WEEK "ROMPIN" Ronnie Hawkins and the 17 SIMCOE ST. BN. Hawks "725-6541 Friday, Oct. 18th | dally t $20 p.m. INTRODUCING... persone. "MISS RED FEATHER" | Gnehg IN PERSON Terry Mann of KL-Radio wiil introduce the contestants FEATURING : "the COUNTS FIVE" DRESS - CASUAL FEATURE TIMES -- an. Tonight 7:15 & 9:15 p.m. Saturday 1:40-3:40-7:40-9:40 p.m. SEE YOU... SUNDAY -- 2:45--4:45--6:45--8:50 P.M. Shirley Yues Edword G. Bob McLAINE MONTAND ROBINSON CUMMINGS in the color production "MY GEISHA" WILLIAM HOLDEN -- LILLI PALMER In "The COUNTERFEIT TRAITOR" Discover For Your Added Comfort -- Heaters Now Inetolled -- PERFECTION YYYYYITIVITILILI Ir of sight and sound DOSSSOSSSSCOSEEE OE The Avanti with hondcrafted, transformer powered chassis. AM/FM Radio (Multiplex optional). Garrard automatic changer. "Micro- Track" Ceramic cartridge. Diamond stylus. HLECTROHOME STEREO HI-FI WITH THE DIFFERENCE Never before have you heard such clarity, depth and brilliance! Even familiar recordings have exciting new magic when heard on Electrohome. Orchestral tones are thrillingly rich--never muffled or blurred. Solo instruments sing true and clear, with outstanding brilliance and colour. You must hear it to believe it --just as you must see the superb Deilcraft cabinets to believe how beautiful stereo can bel JSZMRSINMITTE SORA SCE commessvew con. sss se. wn + ~~ Cherney S | It's THB BIG ALE because more people ask for it, open it, serve it, enjoy it, than any FURNITURE \ | other ale in Canada, Open a Molson Export Ale and drink it. We think you'll find the reason for wF-Oo nm yy. © \ opening your second bottle inside the first bottle. If you don't agree, no hard feelings. Night in Canada' MOLSON'S~INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786