T WH TBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel. 668-3703 FACED SEVEN CHARGES Accused Gets To Think About Crime Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn Tuesday morning wanted. time to think about punishment for a youth and at the same time give the youth time to think about his crimes. Jack Warner Heib, 19, RR 2, Whitby, was remanded a week in custody to appear before His Worship for sentence on seven charges next Tuesday morning. Heib was charged with drunk driving (reduced to impaired driving and a conviction regis- tered) failing to remain at the Mr, Affleck said witnesses, stated the accused ran into the rear end of an eastbound ve- hicle causing an estimated $250 damage and $200 to the vehicle he was driving, He said Heib continued his eastbound travel after the col¥sion, KNOWN TO POLICE Cpl. Ernest Stoneman, of the Whitby Town Police Depart- ment said the accused, who is 19, is well-known to him as a police officer and he smelled strongly of alcohol Oct. 8 when he investigated an accident) from which resulted the drunk; driving charge. Pickering Township Police) scene of an accident, obtaining liquor while a minor, driving an| unsafe motor vehicle, tw counts of failing to file proof of insurance and failing to notify|Constable L. Watson told the} the Department of Transport|court he stopped the accused, of the transfer of a motor/driving a motorcycle on High- vehicle. way 2, July 11 and requested 7 an insurance certificate. THES plested. .gutiy to the The officer testified the ac- failing to remain, minor obtain-| cused showed him an owner- ing and. one insurance count ship registered in the name = charges. He pleaded not guilty/2" Page "gg ' Og pgs e to the remaining counts. said Heib to' im fe pur- Crown Attorney W. Bruce chased the vehicle three days} Affleck told the court the ac- | Previous. cused was involved in an acci-/GIVEN TIME dent Sept. 12, on the Third con-| Constable Watson said he cession, which caused an esti--gave the accused until July 16 mated mated $450 t total damage. jbring proof of insurance into abit neme me ten ne |police headquarters at Dunbar- Ph Ch jton. He wer a co ws ci the oc n 00k 2 ony eque. |Heib had 'ot ons nts the sta Bought Car And 'A Months Ition, The same evidence applied} An Oshawa youth who gave a $300 cheque as a down payment} to failing to notify the Depart-| returned . the for a used car on a Friday and! following day and took back his car following} Time a disagreement with his father. Cpl. Stoneman told the court he was on foot patrol at the four corners Oct. 8 when he noticed the accused stagger into' a car parked on Brock street north. STRUCK PARKED CAR When he entered the vehicle Cpl. Stoneman said, the ac- cused had difficulty in starting|° the car and when he did, the officer said it backed up and struck a car parked behind it, |pushing it back approximately /10 feet. According to the officer, the laccused was in no condition to be driving a motor vehicle at the time. He said the car was in terrible shape, the driver's door and both back doors being tied with a rope, the brakes were nil, the front seat broken away from the floor and being held in place with a prop and the side could be pulled almost, off the vehicle. His Worship after hearing) Heib's record dating back to 11961 and including charges rang- ing from vagrancy to driving while under suspension, causing a disturbance and joy riding, for which he is still on sus- pended sentence, said he want- ed time to think about a sen- tence before he handed one down. You might do the same thing |Worship added. WHITBY PERSONALS ment of transfer of a motor |vehicle charge. Heib said he motorcycle the then returned the car on Mon-! day was sentenced yesterday to four months in jail for fraud.) Lloyd William Bandy 19, of French street, Oshawa, who pleaded not guilty, had made an agreement with Seaway Motors) in Whitby to purchase a 1958) model used car and had made} part payment with a $300.) Two Peterborough youths who cheque. stole $20 from a service station He had taken the car on Fri-|to get something to eat, were day, July 19 and returned it|each given a year probation and Monday, July 21. ordered to make restitution, by Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck|Magistrate H. W. Jermyn in introduced evidence that Bandy|Whitby Court Tuesday. had knowingly given the sales-| Edward Gordon Sparks, 21, man at Seaway Motors a worth-/RR 1, Peterborough, and Clar- ue, as the accused hadjence Michael Reilly, 18, also of y taken it a joy ride and had returned it. Possession of the vehicle) would have had to have been rime a car onto a Sunoco Sta- the accused's name before ajtion on Brock street and had ease of fraud had taken place) \told the attendant that it would but since it hadn't then there| not go. Was no case of fraud. | While one of them had dis- "T am not condoning him for|tracted the attendant, by asking what he has done, it is a de-|him to show him a car that plorable thing but I. don't feel|was for sale for $50 on the lot that there is a case of fraud|behind the gas station the other here," he concluded. |took $20 from the till. Magistrate H. W. Jermyn did; Both left saying they were not agree and sentenced Bandy going to the Ontario Hospital to to four months in jail. look for employment. BROCK WHITBY IN COLOR Stole Money For Food Youths Admit the charge, Eviience showed they had Evening Show at 7:30 Only Saturday Matinee 1:30 GEORGE STEVENS" PRODUCTION Feature Starts at 7:40 as LESLIE LYNNTON FON FERBER om ELIZABETH TAYLOR, ROCK HUDSON 'JAMES DEAN FOR THIS ATTRACTION--ONE SHOW Peterborough pleaded guilty to P | | meeting, Marg McDonald are co-conven- ers for the 'Open House and Tea" to be held Sunday, October 20, when all.parishioners of St. John the Evangelist Church are invited to visit the newly erect- ed Rectory, visits will be from 2.30 until 5 p.m. ident of CWL will be assisted by the following ladies in con- ducting tours: Mrs. J. King, Mrs. G. Carter, Mrs. H. Bar- doel, Mrs. H. Augustus, Mrs. A. Miller, Mrs. P Ottenbrite, Mrs C. Parise, Mrs. J, Corrigan, Mrs. F. Canzi, Mrs. P. Mc- Daniel, Mrs, C. Daigle and Mrs Kaiser. Pouring tea will be . Mrs. James Heffering, Mrs. A. C. \"seemed to take it as a ioke"'.| ae THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 16,1963 5 He said Smith was one of the MAGISTRATE DETERMINED =1 boys who seemed to think his remarks were a joke. Constable Watson said he did man-Bob. Turner, an eight-year changed iis mma aad will port fo Buffalo of the American League. Turner plaved for Mon. TURNER REPORTS BUFFALO (AP) -- Defence- Court Rulings Won't Be Ignored Magistrate Harry W, Jermyn|known to him to have criminal is determined Ontario County|records in a Pickering Township courts will not be taken lightly. restaurant Sept. 7. His Worship proved his point . Tuesday morning when he sen- Constable L. Watson said he tenced 18-year-old Peter Smith,/Saw the accused at a Bay of Frenchman's Bay to four| Ridges teen dance Sept. 27. He months in the county jail after|said the accused was talking to the accused appeared before other boys known to have crim- ina! records. not speak to the accused at the teen dance. His Worship told Smith he did not seem to appreciate what the court had done for him. He inted out probation is no joke and must be adhered to at the risk of giving up one's social life. Magistrate Jermyn claimed veteran of the National Hockey League who decided he did not want to play in the minors, has SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery. Daily PHONE 668-4341 Canadiens from 1955 to 1961 before he was traded Chicago Black Hawks. eres ALUMINUM | ees || © SHOWER ENCLOSURES all work fully courts in this county will not be made laughing stocks of at any- one's expense, He added people |granted probation for a year. jhim on a breach of probation \charge. Smith was sentenced to the jail term on a charge of being 'tin when he spoke to the group who may be eligible for proba- tion may have to suffer at the hands of those who do not ad- here to the court's order, Accoring to Constable Mar- the accused was with, the boys a found-in during a liquor raid. He was sentenced to jail on the charge for which he had been given suspended sentence and Ontario County Probation Of-! ficer James Mitchell told the court the accused had been seen in company with others on pro- bation, known to have criminai records and had been seen out- side his home after his 12 mid- night curfew. | Applications Are Invited For A Man To Supervise The Caretakers and Maintenance -of the Whitby Public Schools Please state experience, education, age and salary expected. Written | plainly marked "APPLICATION" will be received until October 21st at 4:00 P.M. by:-- SALE SHOP-SAVE THIS WEEK Rubber, Insulated Basket.Weave | lin jail for the next week His} (NEIL McNEIL| | | Mrs. M. V. Mallon and Mrs. | Mrs, Desmond Newman, pres- His Worship imposed the mid- night curfew when he placed the accused on suspended sen- tence earlier this year. The Secretary-Treasurer Whitby Public School Board, 1125 Athol St., Whitby, Ontario. Pickering Township Constable Donald Martin told the court he saw the accused, in company) with a group of other boys| O.H.A. | Junior Hockey TORONTO RED BRAND OF BEEF 1. Shank Beef- stewing lean mince . Round Steak Roasts or cube steaks Rump Roast . Sirloin Tip Roast ORDER NOW FOR DELIVERY THIS MONTH AT + Sirloin » Flank Duck Flank- 2 VS mie . Wing WHITBY (90 to 135 Lb, Average Wt.) WEEKEND BUYS For Your Freezer HIND QUARTER Steaks Steak- Stew, Mock Mince . Porterhouse Steak - T-Bone Steak to Aged 4 weeks - cut to your specifications, DUNLOPS dass Hin ste FRESH BEEF TENDERLOIN Ib. 1.49 WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA . 104 Lupin Drive Froughton-Thompson Meats Blair Park Plaza WHITBY -- PHONE 668-4633 Shell Holder Hunting Vests Reg. 6.95 CLEAROUT 3.97 Chest-High WADERS Made in Canada. 19.95 Oe 23.50. 20% OFF y LEAROUT ..... ALL DEER RIFLES IN STOCK Hunting BOOTS 9.97 CHAIRS Reg, 12.95 2 PRICE 6.97 Full. lace, steel arch. Reg. 12.95 CLEAROUT .. Reversible All. Leather HUNTING | HOCKEY GLOVES COATS Made in Canada; 4 rolls, safety thumb, fibre cuff, Humphry cloth to red we size, Reg. 15.95. CLEAR- duck. Reg. 19, a 9. 97 23.95. Clearout Limited Quantities (without motors) ALL % PRICE Tropical Fish Specials @ Neon Tetrans 3 for @ Zebras 99¢ @ Fancy Guppies a Red-Toiled SHARK. 4 BQ ( Reg. 4.95. Special Us < Complete FILTRATION SYSTEM. Includes pum p, filter set, motor, filter, tub- nt dat tia, 8.85 charcoal. SPECIAL HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS ALL AT GREAT SAVINGS SPORTSMAN'S CORNER 103 BYRON STREET SOUTH 1 Block West of 4 Corners. Open Fri. till 9 p.m. Skates Sharpened New and Used ELDON Racing Car Sets Complete with transformer, oval track, 2 cars. Reg. 22.50 1 9,97 SPECIAL .... Use Our Ley-Awey Plan For Skate Christmas Exchange @ WHITBY'S LARGEST SELECTION OF QUALITY TOYS Thur. Oct. 17 Game Time:-- 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION Smith, Mrs. L. Ruest, Mrs. Des- mond Newman, Mrs. Gregory Carter, Mrs, J. C. McGee and Mrs. Austin of Toronto, mother of Father L. J. Austin. Mrs. Mary Forrester, 118 |John street east, has returned |home from the Oshawa General |Hospital. Her friends wish her a) |complete recovery, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rousseau ==|spent Thanksgiving weekend. in SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE| 121 BROCK ST. N. 668-8361 | Montreal. | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mac- |Pherson of Belleville were re- |cent visitors at the home of Mr. }and Mrs. Charles Stone, RR 1, |Pickering. With their house) guests they visited friends in} Clarksburg. Mrs. Robert Brown, 414 Mas-| son street, Oshawa, is opening} her home to Castle Chapter Jr. Alumnae of Ontario Ladies Col- lege members for their monthly n Wednesday October) One-Stop DECORATING Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Draperies © Broadioom and Rugs © C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes @ Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre EACH EVENING--STARTING 7:30 115 BROCK ST. NORTH #8" ARNOLD' FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Phone 668-5862 JUST Pl ol FOUR CORNERS -- Sat. 'til 6 p.m. FRESH YOUNG PORK seeP= 39% ir | 49% 49: FRESH COUNTRY SAUSA LEAN BUTT ROAST LEG SLICED BREAKFAST FRESH CUT SIRLOIN OR WING STEAKS 75: GE PORK CHOPS BACON RIB STEAKS u, 29° u. 90° oo LB. 65° | SPECIAL |] doz. . | M-2 | Every piece diff- srent.1-Ib, box . . Ronson BEAUTY TRIO "TO BE ON THE SAFESIDE <- DEAL WITH NORTHSIDE" NOW ay NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER @Dod HAIR DRYERS It combs dry, hood dries, and brush dries. pPeciai... 19.99 All Popular Brands Cigarettes PER CARTON 3.07 Schick Stainless Steel BLADES Reg. 5 for 79c. Sylvania FLASH BULBS Mm .. 1.49 'samc wae Neilson's CHOCOLATES 1.19 Foxe's Imported GLAZED MINTS & FRUIT DROPS} Silver Bell ALARM CLOCKS fully guoronteed. THE STEAL OF 2,49 | . ae | die 916 BROCK ST. The New Home for Dodge SALES and SERVICE -- and -- §7- VALIANT fHi-CHRYSLER AND DODGE TRUCKS "To Be On The Safe Side -- Deal With Northside" NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER - 4 Dodge NORTH-WHITBY POLARA TWO-DOOR HARDTOP @ Home of the "Dependables" -- USED CARS @ Complete Service Facilities For All Chrysier- Built Products ... and All Other Makes! @ Complete Chrysler Product Parts and Accessories Centre... . 'All Other Makes Also Available, "Clean Across Canada" B-A "88" & "98" Gas OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. SATURDAYS 'TIL 6:00 P.M. -- PHONE - 668-3368 WHITBY LIMITED JUST SOUTH OF 3RD CONN. (Rossland Rd) J cai