a ca an eta rea ee rene ae Eee a a Times, W Midday, Gciaver 15, 3 Colleges Pesticide OTTAWA (CP) -- Research funds are "going begging in Canada for studies of the resi- dues left in soils and vegetation by insect-and-pest-killing chem- icals, the Commons food and drugs committee was told Tues- day. "There is research money available from the chemical in- dustry that is going begging be- cause this is an area that the universities and colleges just aren't going into," said Dr. Henry Hurtig, a senior officer of the federal agriculture de- partment's research branch. Ignore Study government has tried to encour- age the provinces to take an in- terest in residues which may build up to a danger level. Fed- eral grants for testing programs were available but so far only Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba had taken advantage of them. Dr. Hurtig and a group of agriculture department officials testified in the Commons com- mittee's continuing study of the hazards of food contamination \'rom insecticides and pesticides and of the safety and costs of drugs. Burrard) that the dangers of misuse of insecticides outweigh benefits from them, Dr. Robert Glen, chief of the department's research branch, said it is dif- ficult to legislate against mis- use. BAN NOT WARRANTED He did not think the risks of misuse so great:as to warrant outright probibition, Mr. Bas'ord suggested a pub- lic index of pesticides and insec- ticides including their toxic ef- fects, antidotes, uses and pos- sible side effects. W. S,-McLeod, supervisor of the department's pesticide unit, said such an index has been prepared but large sums of money and a big staff would be required to publish, distribute and maintain. it. Dr. Hurtig said agriculture extension specialists have been asking for such a published in- dex. The United States main-|ing surveys of radiation ane Gerald W>Raldwin (PC=) Criminal Code should stipulate Peace River) suggested that the| N Oo Split in CL: ! it is the duty. of pesticide or in-| a pon ® ensure 'against | i armful use. nas Over SIU Cleanup SUGGESTS LICENCE | Dr. P, B. Rynard (PC--Sim- coe East) suggested that com- mercial use of these chemicals be licensed to provide protec- tion to the public against mis- use. He also urged studies on their effects on men and ani- mals. A Mr. McLeod Said a committee now is examining whether there is a problem in the e'fects of the chemicals on fertility and other functions. No published evidence indicated they inter- fered with reproduction. | Wallace Nesbitt (PC -- Ox- ford) proposed a national test- ing program to determine amounts of residues, conducted on a regular basis like continu- 'OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana- dian Labor Congress expects support from its major affiliates in any Great Lakes showdown with the AFL-CIO over - the maverick ,Seafarers' Interna- tional Union of Canada, reliable sources say. Union officials here are con- fident that no major CLC affil- iate will bréak ranks and line up on the side of AFL-CIO Pres- ident George Meany in support of the SIU. Some Canadian sections of in- ternational unions, however, may take a neutral position--do- ing nothing for or against the two central labor bodies in their dispute over how to clean up lawlessness in the SIU, that the CLC's public pledge of co-operation with the govern- ment under any temporary trus- teeship over the SIU was en- dorsed by the 21-member execu- tive council last week. The council, inner cabinet of: Canadian srganized 'abor, in- cludes the top leaders form most of the key national and in- ternational unions in Canada. LAW PASSED Legislation to empower the government to name three trus- tees to take over management and control of the SIU and four other unions was passed by the Commons Friday. It was given first reading in the Senate Tues- day, with debate scheduled to start today. Ge Cs {Soviet Union sepavatay 'will U-wuvict \ceitalaly be disappointed." i A Chinese ie¢ader was\. 2 speaking in answer to questions j Not Rid To 'put in the course of an inier- By THE CANADIAN PRESS : : lview he gave to Gera'd Long,| Kirkland Minerals' Corpora- general manager of Reuters|tion Ltd., 114 cents a share in -- 2. Enemy-Premier :<«: agency, who saw him Fri-/escrowed shares of Berkeley | day. Mines Ltd., on the basis of on PEKING (Reuters) -- Pre- Asked whether differences be-|share of PB for By! 4 mier Chou En-oai has declared|tween the Chinese Communistishares of Kirkland Minerals that those who think they migh:/Party and the leadership of the/held, Oct. 30, record Oct. 21. use differences between the Chi.[S0Viet Communist party are) ngacteod's Ltd., six per cent r k likely to have an e.fect on state "i nese ana Soviet Communist par- parm Bary between ihe two! eng tps cents, Nov. 15, ties to deal with China and the pete yy ol hs ee 'We don't The Overlan id Exotess Ld. OAL if ' fd. 15 ts, ee, cations in government circles in|, "Of course, there are serious aot i. eons, ae Ottawa that a new effort at try-\isputes of _ pri between ing to work out a non-govern-/9Ur two parties, and cn some mental settlemen of the mari-|questions the Soviet side fas) _ ime problem may be forthcom-|carried these disagreements Tibet, located to the northeast ing. over into state relations. . . .|0° India, has an average alti- U.S. Labor Secretary Willard) "Some people may haye|tude of 15,000 feet above sea Wirtz has been in touch fre-|thoughts of using Sino.- Soviet|level. quently with Canadian Labor|differences to deal -with 'China Minister Allan MacEachen injarid the Soviet Un.on separ-jof aggression oceurs against the wake of a Canada-U.S. up-jately. Those with such ideasjany socialist country this would roar last week Over the situa-|will certainly be disappointed.|be an. act of aggression against DIVIDENDS | HIGH COUNTRY In reply to asuggestion 'hernltainell one at great expense. fallout. The view is based on the fact' _ EATON'S in OSHAWA CANADA-WIDE SPECIAL PURCHASE! 'GALLET' WATCHES Dr. Hurtig said the federal Meanwhile, there were indi-|tion, "On the contrary, if any actithe whole socialist camp." A. Reg. 52.50! Men's 21 jewel water and dust resistant:watch with "shatter- proof crystal. Luminous dots and hands, case the colour of gold. Also available in stainless steel case. EATON Special Price, E. Reg. 85.00! Self winding, thin model, 25 jewel "Swiss movement watch, water and dust resistant, mod- ern dial, case the colour of gold, also available in all stainless steel case. EATON Special Price, each ... (Not IMlustrated); J. Reg. 49.75! A 23 jewel Swiss movement watch in case the colour of white or yellow gold, with stainless steel back. Dainty suede strap. Price, oct NOT suede strap. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 515. K. Reg. 47.50! Women's 21 jewel Swiss movement wate; in case the colour of yellow gold. Stainless steel back, narrow black Price, each 20s 1D B. Reg. 65.00! A self winding 25 jewel watch, water and dust resistant, "shatter-proof'"' crystal, case the col- our of gold, stainless steel back. Also available with black or champaigne EATON Special Price, each 32.50 F. Reg. 195.00! 18K yellow gold case, thin modern styling, water and dust resistant, "shater - proof' crystal Modern dial, 25 jewel Swiss move- spot Special Price, each 97.50 L. Reg. 95.00! Modern watch for women, with Swiss 23 jewel movement, 14K yellow gold modern dial. EATON Special Price, each . 41.50 jewel Swiss gold case, cose, dial,» and suede strap. Price, each .. PHONE 725-7373 M. Reg. 95.00! A 23 movement watch in a 14K yellow with modern narrow black 41.50 EATON Special C. Reg. 69.50! Calendar self-winding 25 jewel, water and dust resistant. Case the colour of gold, stainless steel back. "'Shatter-proof" crystal. Leather ore Special Price, each 34.75 G. Reg. 69.50! Diver's watch. -- 21 jewel Swiss movement watch with ex- cellent water resistant qualities, Stain- less steel case, luminous dots and hands. Modern black dial, sweep sec- ond hand. 34 75 EATON' Special Price, each 2 N. Reg. 99.50! Women's watch, 23 jewel with Swiss movement, in 14K white or yellow gold case Modern dial. EATON ial hg hs. ; 49,15 Price each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 515 P. Reg. 57.50! Nurses' or women's sport watch. Water and dust resistant. .uminous dots and hands, gold colour case, stain- less steel back. 21 jewel Swiss movement. EATON Special 28.75 D.-Reg. 95.00! 14K yellow gold case, stainless steel back, 25 jewel swiss movement. Water and dust resistant, with "shatter-proof"' crystal. Modern coven Special Price, each 47.50 H. Reg. 45.00! Women's 17 jewel watch in gold colour case, stainless steel back, Swiss movement, with blue or gilt arabic figures. EATON Special Price, each. 22.50 Q. Reg. 72.50! Self-winding nurses' watch, 21 jewel Swiss movement, water and dust resistant. Luminous dots and' hands, gold colour case, stainless steel back. EATON Special Price, each 36.25 All watches are shock-resistant and have lifetime guaranteed mainsprings. All are covered y the EATON Guarantee "GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED". PHONE 725-7373 Special Purchase! Your beautiful jewellery deserves safekeeping in one 'of these simulated leather jewel cases with rayon-satin lining and a handsome gold-colour print in a heraldic design on the top. The 19-compartment tray is designed to lift easily out to reveal all your jewellery at once. Pastel blue, ivory or soft pink, - Approx. 12 x 8 x 3%". 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