Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Oct 1963, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 10, 1963 BUILT IT HIMSELF Elmer Noddin of Hartland, he used it to fly to Moncton pilot. since 1957, is shown at ,NB., took 2% years to build to visit his daughter, Mrs. McEwen's airfield near | this 14-pound biplane. Then Robert Hicks. Mr. Noddin, a Moncton. ~ RECREATION REVIEW Basketball League Underway On Oct. 16 BOWMANVILLE -- Men's)cated on Ontario street, High School. A four-team league|fish. There is als a Junior sec the Town League Basketba!l will/fourth Monday of each month|Typewriting, Beginners' Dress- ogee next Wednesday,/at 8.00 p.m. The Club is open|making, Advanced Dressmaking| 16 at the Bowmanville|to anyone interested in tropical|(Thursday night) --. Bowman-| -\ville High School, Wednesday |{°r best work done by one nut has been organized. Listed be-|tion of the Club, Visitors are|night 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Class low are the teams and their/welcome to all meetings. Presi- : dent Mr. D, Syer, next meeting|ster at Bowmanville High Schoo] | Tuesday, Oct. 8, or Thurs-| day, Oct. 10. Fee $5.00 for a : rae. ADULT SWIMMING -- Boys|24-week course, For further mages mag Thackeray Mill; Pool, every|formation contact Mr. L, Lucas | Tatton Co-op, practice times. McQUEENS -- E. Rose, D,/Oct. 28. Martin, L. Coverly, T. Fairey, R. Wallace, J. Lunn, D. McCul-|_ AL lough, B. Deyell, D. Harvey, R,|2'@ining School Lane, J. Markell. T STEPHENS --T. Dadson, King, J. Stainton, B. Willis, J. Allin, H. Rowe, B. Coughlin, J. struction for beginners more advanced classes. burne, J. Moorcraft. HOOPERS -- J. Fowler, T./for non-residents Pearson, L. Hamilton, Jack| week course, Reid, F. Cowle, T. Black, S. Snowden, B, Marjerrison, G for a Tighe, B. Copeland, R. Pollard.|\Community Centre, 2nd Tues- CORONATION -- D. Seto, J.lday each month at 8.00 p.m Seto, N, Buwalda, D. Welsh,|This group is Trim, T. Wright, R. McComb,/Tuesday, Oct, 8. B. Colwell, Jim Reid. CHORAL SOCIETY On th tien uesenese*Y,| manville Town Hall, Monday Stephens; 8.00 p.m. Hoopers|/"!ghts at 8.00 p.m. For men vs_ Coronation. Mr. Hugh Martin. on (Tuesday evening 7.00 to 10.00/Principal, Bowmanville High! B jp.m., starting October 8. In-|School, at 623-5834. '| and Thel,, . classes are under the direction|Lions Centre, Wednesday 3.30| Archer, J. Mason, F. Swine-| [September 25. Bowmanville ecidente song g4op| Ballet, Tap and Baton Twirling. | ten-| Fee 75 cents per lesson. Under the leadership of Miss Irenie Harvey. There are still a num-|yery worthwhile SENIOR CITIZENS -- Lions ber of openings in these classes. how to adjust the equipment} SQUARE DANCING -- Lions DANCING AND BATON |Community Centre, Wednesday 7 } roup sponsored by/at 8.15 p.m. This is a recreation M. Richards, E. Wildman, C.|Club 15. First meeting will bej activity that husband and wife| can enjoy. Classes for begin- ners. Instructor, W. Carey. -- Bow- -- Store. 4 Instruction in| club Achievament Day Plow Section WMANVILLE the 1963) Dutham and Northumberiend) featured by the local organiza-| tion. 'A total of 22 contestants plowed, The judge was Win Timbers ties. The placing was as 'o!. lows: { Auld, Peeceroida ah eld, 5 Frank Tinney, Cobourg RR -- Quantrill, Elizabeth. ville. 10-inch mounted -- Peter New. |ton, Cobourg RR 4. |_ 12-inch mounted -- Don Budd, Port Hope RR 1; Bruce Eagle- son, Cobourg RR 4. | Tractors -- 4-furrow--Wallace| Buttar, Gores Landing, | Beginners -- 'Morley Philip, Cobourg RR 4; John Maughan, | Cold Springs; Miles Jackson,| Gores Landing; David Buttar,| jGores Landing; Bruce Buttar,| \Cobourg RR 1. Juniors, 18 to 21--Don Tinney, Cobourg RR 6; Paul Macklin, Cobourg RR 4; Howard Mutton. |Bowmanville RR 4; Gerald |Klopper, Bowmanville RR 1. 17 and under -- Bruce Allin, Newcastle RR 2; Hugh Allin, |Newcastle RR 2; Neil Allin, }Orono RR 1; Ray Westington,) /Gores Landing; Eric May.) Cobourg RR 6. | Horse Plow -- Fred Bowman, | Gores Landing. | The Esso cheque for $15. for |best work by a mounted plow! went to Bruce Allin who also ART CLASS -- Woodworking,|W0" the T. Eaton Trophy for |best land by contestant under The Simpson-Sears silver tray) lbefore in competitive plowing es wT start Wednesday, Oct. 16. Regi-| ¥28 won by Morley Philip. Local farm dealers who sup-| ported the prize list by dona-| itions were: Jack Reid, Massey- Wilson, New| Holland and Ford; Allen Haré. ware; Baxter, Shell Oil; Brown of Texaco; and MclIntosh| tractor | we:' conducted by Messrs. Gibb and/ Watson o! the Department of! Agriculture. Match work in learning} Northumbérland 4-H for the best of plowing with the jleast of power. >, Among the group present| jwere Honorary Presidents| \I. W..Larmer and Percy Good-| jing. District Director Howard| Henry and Secretary Ralph) FIGURE SKATING -- Bow-|Banbury were pleased with the |manville Memorial and women who like to sing. | every Thursday, 4.00 to red po . oe Wednesday, Oct, 23, 7.00 p. |The Society is now casting for|p.m. Figure skating lessons for|terest can be kept. Coronation LE Molt 8.00 pm their Spring Operetta "The/|boys and girls. Classes start on| at the first session. Instruc- tress:: Miss Barbara Anne Aren.a,|plowing match and feel that it) present in-| ~~ = Stephens vs McQueens. |Mikado',' under the direction of| November 7. You may eeu S P] = | Skunks Plague | a. LADIES ~ A number of young ladies ; -- have signified their interest in|group is made up of all the in- forming a ladies basketball|terested mother of children team or league. Those interest-|playing Minor Hockey in Bow- ed in playing basketball should|/manville and meets every 4th get in touch with the Recreation| Tuesday at the Lions Commimn- " Office at 623-3379, Ext. 6. ity Centre 2.00 p.m. If you have If a league is formed men's|a boy who will be rules will be played. Minor Hockey this season and If sufficient interest is shown|are interested in atending these we will try to make arrange-/meetings Please feel free to HOCKEY MOTHERS -- This;Smith. Fee $8.00 for 20 weeks.| | 'MOVIE CLUB -- Lions Cen- |tre, 2nd Thursday each month jat 7.30 p.m. For further infor- jmation contact Mrs. G. Thrash- jer, president. Centre, ist and 3rd Thursday each month at 7.45 p.m. The purpose of this group is to get ments for a place to play. Anjcome. Next meeting, Tuesday,|people interested in all phases ~~» invitation has been extended to|October 22. President Mrs. W.|of dramatics. For information ~~ enter a team in the Peterbor-|/Simpson. 'contact Mrs. Jean Sheridan, = whewaicn MEMORIAL PARK' ASSOCIA. CHILDREN'S SKATING --|TION -- This group is made up| TEEN TOWN -- Lions Cen- president. Bowmanville; | Walk In Pairs BOWMANVILLE (Staff) playing) DRAMA WORKSHOP'-- Lions| Skunks. Bowmanville is} | Plagued, infested and overrun| j with the black and white striped) jlittle stinkers. They have torn up lawns.| They have fought duels in gar-| dens, One Liberty street resi- dent reported eight of them on his front lawn at one time. So far no one has reported a} At Bowmanville Memoriallof citizens who are interested|tre, every other Friday, 8.30)run-in with the peculiar fighting) Arena every Monday afternoon|in the development of Memor-|P.m. For teenagers of Bowman- from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. This ac-jial Park. Meets the 2nd Tues-|Ville and surrounding district. tivity is open to children seven|day of each month at Mémorial| Dance to the latest records and years of age and under who|Park Club House, at 7.30 p.m,|/Suest bands. The next dance is mechanism of the little animal. | One irate citizen is reported to} have stoned one to death. Police have reported them) in| wish to have an opportunity to|with Mrs. V. Jeffery, president,|scheduled for Friday, Oct. 18. * learn to skate. Parents are wel-| va Bae: ". come to skate along with their, MEN'S BASKETBALL children. Fee $2.00 for 20 ses-/Bowmanville High School, Wed- sions starting Monday, Novem-/esday night, 7.00 to 9.30 p.m. ow ber 4. : AQUARIUM SOCIETY © wwe Meets at the Hobby Centre lo-' president. - K. Hooper Wins = URW Presidency BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Ken Hooper has won them ail so far. Tuesday he increased his winning streak with a three-vote victory over Don Kemp for the presidency of Local 189 of the © United Rubber Workers. Mr, Kemp had been undefeat- © ed in five-straight elections until © the Hooper victory. ; Mr. Hooper has been employ- ed with the Goodyear Company 16. For further information con-| --jtact Mr. Ted Dadson, league) | 1963, Registrations will be ac-| *\games, tumbling and volleyball.| BEGINNERS' BATON AND) |DANCING--Lions Centre, Sat-| jurday mornings 9.00 a.m. to! Starts on Wednesday, October|1.00 p.m. Under the direction| of Mrs. Shirley Fowler. JUNIOR BOWLING -- Every| Saturday, morning and after-| Liberty Bowl. Under} the direction of Mr. Harold Ben-| nett. Session started on Septem-| jber 21. j | MINOR HOCKEY -- Every| Saturday morning Memorial! Arena, starting, Saturday, Nov. 2. Teams for Atom under 10, Pee Wee uncer 12, Bantam un-| der 14, Midget under 16, Ju- venile under 18 as of August 1,| cepted on October 15 and 16 at the Lions Community Centre. Girls' Saturday Morning Gym Class -- Open to girls 7 to 13) inclusive. These classes offer) an interesting and healthful pro-| gram of exercises, active Register at Bowmanville H_ g hi! School on Saturday, November! 9 walking down King street pairs, oblivious to any tg et strollers. The area around the Police Station on Temperance] street and beside the Museum, | are breeding grounds. The skunks arrived in July| and have multiplied rapidly, ac- cording to Constable Department. "I have had close to 50 calls from people asking what to do," he said, "'but I have to tell them that there is nothing I know to do about them." | He attributed the large num-| ber of skunks in town this year to the preponderance of the ani- |mal's favorite food, the White Grub. | The White Grub is the larva| stage of the June Beetle. The} beetle has a life cycle of three | years and this year it is in its) larva stage.) Phony $10 Bills Found In Trenton | THANKSGIVING SALE VISIT US AND SEE WHY PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER ON AND MORE TO SAVE AT CASHWAY LUMBER 4'x J RANDOM "VEED" "2 LARGE STOCKS! ALL PRICES --_--_-------------- OCTOBER 16th. SATURDAYS TILL 5 CLOSED MONDAY OCTO- BER 14th REMEMBER Suet. GOODS ONLY! TARIO DRIVE UP TO 250 MILES beget MAHOGANY PLYWOOD PANELLING JUST OFF THE S.S. "KUNIKAWA MARU" FROM THE FAR EAST--8,000 SHEETS WHICH WILL GO QUICKLY! AJAX YARD ON THOMPSON ROAD JUST OFF HIGHWAY NO. 401 PHONE 942-1221 BROOKLIN YARD CORNER HIGHWAYS No. 7 and No, 12 PHONE 655-3313 STORE HOURS , MON. TO FRI. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- SAT. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. KEEP WARM THIS WINTER--COOL NEXT SUMMER INSULATION SAtts o" 90 SQ. FEET ' 97 PER CTN. 60 SQ. FEET v7 3 PER CTN. EACH Smeller lots just 20¢ ¢ carton extra BIG 5 CUBIC FOOT BAGS BAGGED LOOSE WOOL =e "0S OF 50 OR MORE IN SMALLER LOTS 94¢ KEEP WARM THIS WINTER = 2 COOL NEXT SUMMER =} 'et w "CLEARING CHAIN LINK FIRST GRADE FULL SIZ 18" x 20x 7" STAINLESS STEEL SINKS | 3," 42" PER 100 FT. ROLL T BAR POSTS 84c COMPLETE WITH STRAINER 4" x 4" CEDAR 17 2c FT. In lots ef 10 cartons of more 9/10¢ FIRST GRADE 9" x 9" VINYLFLEX VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE in lots of 1 to 9 cartons 8c per tile Other stock Vinyl Asbestos tile from 934 PER TILE SPRUCE PARTITION STUDS 2x4--7 39e NO, 1 SOLID CORE CHIPBOARD BIFOLD DOORS 2'0" x 6'6" $7.88 CANADA'S Quality DOOR Fully PRE- FRAMED RRR HHH HH HH HH HH ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS $49.95 ca. (2'-6" x 6'6") GUARANTEED UNTIL 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY PEN DAILY 8 A.M, TO 6P.M. i a Rugged Z-bar doors. Storms, screens, closer, windchain and all hardware included. Other Stock Sizes $21.75 * * ALUMIN + COMBINATION x * Free Measuring Instructions} Available c ENTRE BAR STYLE HEAVY DUTY UM x *« JUST ee per square foot eee enna 66 PER SHEET In crate lots of approx. 32 or 40 pieces 4' x 8' in crate lots $3.04 per sheet Smaller lots add 20c sheet 134" Strictly No. 1 Mahogany DOORS 1-6" $3.78 -- 1-8" $3.96 2'B"x6'6" ony S37 2'-2" $4.56 -- 2'-4" $4.77 2'0" x 676" snl '4.94 2'-8" $5.13 -- 2-10" $5.35 MAHOGANY CUPBOARD PLYWOOD PLATEWOOD CORE 3" x 4' x 8' JUST 31¢ PER SQ. FOOT $9.92 A SHEET %" BIRCH ";2" 9,60] CEILING TILE 12" x 12" PRIMECOAT 12 lots of 10 cartons or more While They Lest EACH 64 pieces to the carton 12" x 12" or 16" x 16" DOUBLECOAT WASHABLE WHITE -- FULL 12" carton 9% In lots of 10 cartons or more. Smaller lots 10 Ve sq. ft. 64 packed te ACCOUSTIC TILE From 12%2¢ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD OR REMODEL NEXT SPRING THE .4 Double Locking action and ¥! iny! weathertite track, ete. 2x4--8 44¢ * ~ in Bowmanville for 18 years and 2'6" $8.88 sg" $17.75 is a lifetime resident of the ™ town. 3 ee He was president of the Bow- ~.. Manville Ratepayers Association before he was elected to Town Council in the 1961 Municipal election. During his almost-two years on Council he has served on committees -- oe The presidency of the Union was the only executive office contested. Jim Coyle and Bill Blakely were returned to their positions as treasurer and secretary by acclamation. Maurice Prout was elected by acclemation to the position of vice-president, vacated by Mr. dlacted wm the cuales: Tres, e com: s: Trus- tees, A. Jakeman, R. Fice, T. JIM COYLE Gould. hee, Bill Colville, Carl Devitt, Executive Board -- Phil Pat-/Ralph Ormiston, Tom Master. trick, Paddy Dolan, Joe Cudda-|son. Those wanting further infor- mation concerning the Recrea- tion Activities or have any re- quest or recommendations for additional programs should call the Recreation Office at 623-3379, Ext. No. 6. Staff Shortage Hits Infant | Forestry Dept. | HALIFAX (CP) -- The fed- eral forestry department, still in its infancy, is faced with a jlack of professional research staff. V. J, Nordin, associate direc- tor of the forest entomolgy and pathology branch at Ottawa, said Wednesday this "dire and |desperate" lack of research per- \sonnel is the most significant jimpediment 'to forestry research \by the department. | Dr. Nordin was a member of |. KINGSTON (CP)--Merchants in southeastern and southwest-i= ern Ontario are being warned to watch for two series of coun- terfeit $10 bills in circulation. lhe RCMP said today 38 of |the bills were recovered from jbanks in Belleville and Trenton |Monday and Tuesday. Other jcounterfeit bills were reported |passed at Owen Sound and| \Orillia. | All bills recovered bear the! serial numbers WD8764652 and {ED9675782, the RCMP said. They believe the issuers will| pass more of the bills in differ- ent centres during the three-day |Thanksgiving weekend, confi- |dent they will not be discovered juntil banks reopen Tuesday. a panel discussing the topic "Is forestry research in Can - equate?" at a technical of the Canadian Institute of For- estry annual meeting here. | He said 160\competent re search men could, receive jm mediate assignments in thefor jestry department./ ~& 2 f A pp, Co AE ssion |™ 30" $10.65 69" $21.35 ANY QUALITY 4.0" $15.75 ARBORITE and FORMICA 26. GRADE Some small sizes even lower. A-1 QUALITY 210 LB. RED OR BROWN GRANITE ASPHALT SHINGLES Now $5.88 14 Other stock colors $6.45 sq. «$8.70 x x EACH In tots of 5 or more. lots add UP TO 50 UNITED INCHES (Width plus Height) 5012 to 70 inches $10.25 701% to 100 inches $12.35 1002 inches and up $14.80 Custom Made To Your Measurements $1 * FROM © | Like A Free Price List? | ' 'THERE IS NO OBLIGATION! /- Just Fill In and Meil To CANADA CASHWAY LUMBER LTD. Write Kiead Office: BOX 330, MALTON NAME ADDRESS L TOWN OR R.R. PLEASE PRINT CAREFULLY, Thank You BUILDING? GET OUR COMPLETE CASH LIST ON ALL MATERIAL FOR EXAMPLE: 2x 4-8' SPRUCE 879-50 $ 4 STANDARD & BTR. GRADE ' STAMPED FOR N.H.A. » > es TAX WILL BE 8% 50 SHEET LOTS APPROVED WATERPROOF WEST. POP. -- SHEATHING -- -- PLYWOOD -- 5/16" x 4' x 8' / "2199.38 va" $3.90 s2. SHEET Add 15¢ sheet on small lots ALL WELDED STEEL 8' x 6'6" GARAGE DOORS lete with all hard $39.70. 8 x 7' $41.90 -- 9' x 7' $47.00

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