Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Oct 1963, p. 7

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MARRIED IN In St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Church, Toronto, re- cently Giovanni Ianiri and Theresa Nave, both of Osh; awa, exchanged nuptial vows, Review Activities Duke Of Edinburgh! H&S Association The activities of the Duke of Edinburgh Home and School Association were resumed in September with a busy schedule. On Monday, Thursday, and Friday the mothers of Mrs. Helen Richardson's, Miss Mar- garet. Patterson's and Miss Sylvia Gaskell's Grade 1's were invited to the school in order that the curriculum could be ex- plained to them, including a summary of the unit system and| © how it would affect their child. At this time the mothers were F welcomed by the Home and); -- School Executive and served tea, Also, on Thursday, Septem 19, the mothers of Mrs, G McBeth's and Mrs, Eileen Mor- ris' Kindergarten classes were entertained at a tea. The moth- ers were welcomed by Mr. Kel- vin James, School Principal, Mrs. Walter Kuch, President of the Association and the respec- tive class teachers. Mr. James informed the mothers that kin- dergarten was certainly not a waste of time but a preparation for reading and number work. This was followed by a taik ber J. a8 ERS This handsome baby boy, John Roy Shepel, was only bs teh THE FAMILY T _|They would be required to fur- »|nish you with character refer- -jences written by a clergyman, | |a neighbor and an employer, - |terviewing bureau in your home CREE: REASURE Cadillac avenue south, and baby brother of nine-year-old |Gypsy, *iwidow who was willing to buy '|desperately for companionship '|you could perform a marvelous sist Dear Ann: That letter from the midle-aged, rich herself a husband started me thinking. I know you don't believe in lonely hearts clubs, and neither do I. But since you hear from so many fine people who yearn service by helping these lonely people find one another. Of course you would have to screen the applicants carefully. You might even set up an in- so you could personally meet these people. in a non-commer- cial setting and then decide which individuals should be brought together. You could match people ac- cording to religion, educational background, interests and so on. Think of the lives you could Match-Makings Playing With Fire Both my son and daughter have made unfortunate mar- as he is concerned they are dead. I am not apologizing for my children, Ann, They were of legal age when they botched up their lives, but that is their business and they are paying for their mistakes. My husband will not permit our children to come to our believe' in a ji riages. My husband says so far|! 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Getober 7, 1963 7 jinx? "A certain|I don't believe in "jintes--but corner in our town seems tojpecause you nave « iia ou = have a curse on it. There havejand you always will have. been more accidents at that Ome place than anywhere else in the city. AVERTS CRISIS ' ! COPENHAGEN, Denmark I've had two minor accidents f at this corner and both acci-|AP) -- Socialist Premier Jens dents have me baffled. The cor-|Otto Krag has bowed to de- pod . well we -" Bg are|mands from Liberals in his co- stop signs on both sides. Once} g)jti ernment ran the stop sign although ve cody . Frew large oe I've xnown for years that there|ring further increases in prices is a sign there. Another time/and profits. The premier's I was daydreaming and bumped|sion Thursday night averted into the car ahead. government crisis that could I don't believe in jinxes yet|Mave resulted in an early elec how do you explain this? --|tion. KOOKY KATE Dear Kook: Avoid that cor- mer. Not because it is jinxed-- home and he says I am being disloyal to him when I visit them in their homes. He be- comes furious when he hears me talking to one of them on the phone. I love my children, im 'spite of the failures, and my grandchildren are a source of continuing pleasure. I couldn't bear tv put them out of my life.|® New cup of coffee with CALL 726-5623 SasT This problem has d con- siderable friction between my husband and me. Please express your views. --_OHIO MOTHER Dear Mother: If your husband doesn't wish to see his children, that's his business, But he has They all agree it's CHOCOLATE by the school nurse, Miss Esther Matheson, who told the mothers that the aim of the school health i program was not to just con- Vera and seven - year - old Peter, | --Aldsworth Photography | six months old when this pic- ture was taken, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shepel, |sider the physical health but lalso the mental and emotional health of each child, The school nut'se must work closely with the teachers as she depended) very much on their observa-| tions. The nurse must do rapid classroom inspections for com- municable and skin diseases.| Pinal A The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Luigi Nave and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Angelo Ianiri, all of Oshawa,--Mary's Studio She also has a conference with| each teacher and discusses each|Phi, held at the home of Mrs. LODGES AND SOCIETIES BETA SIGMA PHI jhere in Oshawa and Mrs. Percy) (Ontario Gamma Epsilon Chap.)|Bradley explained the meaning Mrs. Harold Ball, president,|of certain symbols pertaining to presided over the semi-monthly| the sorority meeting of the Ontario Gamme| Mrs. Kenneth Young reporte Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigmalon the recent bake sale held i di n no right to demand that yo For Deliciousness and Energy! change.--J.L.P, | | Dear J.L.P.: It sure could | ay. eiyet -- mages 24 change lives all right--includ-| Don't invite the children to} ing mine, All I need is a lonely | YOUr home when: your husband h-arts operation in my own|!S Present, but go to their! Kemie: |homes when you wish and| Playing cupid for strangers |20Ve all, don't allow ship ty" can be dangerous, vicious bus-\"@"t to impose his will on you. | iness, and I don't care what| Dear Aan Landers: Do youl high sounding, respectable| . 7 | name you give it. Obviously there are mamy decent people who are lonely but I would not risk subjecting them to the op- For delicious Hot Choco- late just heat... and for added pleasure beat with mixer before serving. Electrolysis UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES NORTHMINSTER UCW |with the quilting may do so any (Unit 3) Monday starting at 9 a.m. in The first meeting of the falljthe .church hall. The _ last season of Unit 3 of the UCW of|part of the study book (Hong Northminster Church was held|Kong) was taken by Mrs, Wilbur recently in the Ladies Lounge|Down. Mrs. Jack Klein and Mrs. pupil in the class, and in this! John Matthews, Ross mount way, learns of any condition! street, that needs attention, Miss Math-| \{rs_ Robert Moulds received eson went on to say that vision|the Ritual of Welcome from Mrs. ~ tests were done in Kindergart) Harold Ball, who also extended Grades 1, 4, and 8 and on all/g welcome to the guests of the fhe Oshawa Shopping Centre. It was decided that a Hal- lowe'en party be held November 9 Mrs. Ray Crossley, was speaker for the evening having |children wearing glasses. Hear-/eyening: Miss Patricia. Quinn,|the program titled "Your Day jing tests were done in Kinder-\Mrs. Arthur Meddings and Mrs.|Socially". She spoke on the ori- jportunistic, unscrupulous char- jacters. whose lives are so messed up they must. seek friendships with strangers, Thi "getting people together" jthrough the column pitch igs/ |made dozens of times every| |week and it will continue to get| Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair, Over 15 Years' Experience , By? MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe ot the Genoshe Hotel, Oct. 7, 8, 9%. \ y y Zi "~~ 1) ye) Vdea Lary dhe, MALE U Y AIRY PR with Mrs. Victor Cubbitt pre- siding. Mrs. Wilfred Anthony gave the secretary's report and Mrs. R. J. Cordick the treas- urer's report. The devotions were led by Mrs, Frank Baker and Mrs. Roy Martin. Mrs. Donald Scott gave a report of her visit to the First Ivy Lea Conference which was held by the United Church Women September 20, 21, 22, the theme being "The Christian Woman and the World'. Mrs. S. Gedge gave an interesting talk of her trip to England and the continent and showed us some pictures. Plams were discussed for the Fall Fair which takes place No- vember 6, Everybody was urged to work hard and make the 1963 Fair the best ever. Refreshments were served by period pees. marred eee garten, Grades 1, 2, 5, and 8. If | : ja child's hearing did not seem GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD {all it should be after several) There was a good attendance|tests, then the parents were con- at the Guild meeting and onejtacted. TB testing was done in visitor was welcomed by the|Kindergarten as this was the] president, Mrs. Robert Behm, /first time the child bad left who presided. Miss Margoti/home and close friends. It was Knox read the minutes and Mrs.|also done in Grade 8 because of W. F. Marshall gave the treas-|very rapid growth in adoles- urer's report. cence, Another part of the pro-| The celebration of the Guild's| gram was the re-inforcing of im-| 35th anniversary has been|munization shots at 3 and 5 and changed to the 3rd of Novem-/from then on every 5 years, The ber; plans were completed. Mrs.|nurse also pointed out that chil- R. MacKenzie is the only active|dren who were returning to charter' member. school after confinement with A bazaar is planned for No-lmumps, measles, German vember 15, the time to be from|measles and chicken pox could 4 to 8 o'cloc' and a salad plate|be passed by the principal but is to be served. Mrs. Marshall,|those returning after whooping Mrs.Behm and Mrs. Steffen|cough and various skin diseases will help at Hillsdale Manor this}must be passed by the nurse. | Mrs. Frank Baker and her com-} mittee. | ALBERT STREET UCW Unit . , « 3) The first fall meeting of Unit 3 of Albert Street UCW was held recently in the Sunday school hall. | The business was conducted! by the president, Mrs. Jack Klein. Mrs, Lawson Parks read the) minutes and ten members an- swered the roll call. Mrs. Parks also read a letter of thanks from a sick and shut-in member who had received a plant; also re- ported on the sunshime box fi- nances. Mrs, Andrew Knox, visiting convener, gave her re-, port, The financial report was) read by the treasurer, Mrs. Wil-| liam Yourkevich. The devotions, entitled The Quiet Hour, were led by Mrs. Stewart Tippett, assisted by Mrs. Roy Corbman and Mrs. William Yourkevich. Apron material and pillow | cases were handed out for pre- paration to the fall bazaar tol be held November 14. A new) study book called Christian) Issues in Asia, has been order-) ed, with the first part to be given at the October meeting. Donations were asked for the| Old Fashioned Tea and bake) sale to be held Thursday, Oc-) toher 17. On Tuesday, October 29, pres- byterial meetings are taking place in Newtonville, both after-| noon and evening. Mrs. Klein re- quested that thank-offering en- velopes be returned at next meeting. Anyone wishing to help/ |Several letters were read, that) month. A future project of the) The afternoon closed with tea Guild will be to help supply a0 /peing served by members of the altar and Worship Centre for the pyecytive. - primary class. Mrs. Phillip Fiess and Mrs. Victor Hartwig served refresh-| ments. CALVARY BAPTIST YWMC The first meeting of the Young Women's Mission Circle/ was held at the church, with Mrs. Harry Grant presiding. The meeting opened by sing- "To God Be The Glory", following prayer by Miss Mabel Matheison. Scripture reading) was Psalm 145. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. John Toth. The next meeting will be held) at the home of Mrs. Clifford Trick, 107 Meadow Crescent.) ing CARPET AMY 282 King W. 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE had been received from the missionaries, during the sum- mer months. } Special speaker for the eve-| ning was Miss Marie Arm-| strong, who has been on fur-! lough, and will shortly be re- turning to South Africa. | Miss Armstrong brought a short devotional message and) showed some colored slides of| the area where she works. j Mrs. Grant' thanked the} speaker, and the meeting was! closed by. singing '"'Blest Be the Tie That Binds', LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING Now's the Time to Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 SEWING MACHINE | Tune-up Special 3.99 | FAST SERVICE Oshawa Sewing Centre 329 SIMCOE ST. S$. 728-2391 D.E.A. Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Character, Pre-School, Kinderdance. FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS Audrey MacLean. igin of cutlery and arranging| Mrs. John Matthews, vice-|table settings for formal and president, explained Beta Sigma|informa] dinners. i by asking the questions} The next meeting will be held How did it begin? When? andjat the home of Mrs, Earl Han-| by whom was it started?" Mrs.|nan, Powell road. Anyone in-! Kenneth Young gave a_ brief|terested in attending is asked} outline on the different chapters'to contact a member. It takes minutes... not miracles to make the most of your skin Se ee og eae" NEW! Paradex CONTINUOUS SKIN CARE BY DU BARRY The Paradox Principle is the distinctively different product fo-mulation based on a uniquely balanced biend of 41 oils and moisturizing agents that most closely simulate those present in the healthy young skin. These ingredients go to work instantly to perform their beautifying wonders... providing moisture and lubrication to all skin types. Fora smoother, firmer, fresher look--no single cream can do for your skin what these 3 Paradox essentials do. Paradox Creme Cleanser to purify deep, 2 02, $2.00; 4 oz, $3.00; 8 oz, $5.00 Creme Paradox night-time treatment, 1 oz, $3.75; 2 oz, $6.00 Paradox Moisturizing Lotion, 2 oz, $4.00; 4 oz, $6.00. A SS the same answer--NO! Dear Ann Landers: Do you think parents should children? PHONE 723-4641 | for appointment. on these dotes disown! ot Your STORE or at Your DOOR © NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS THIS SENSATIONAL MONEY-SAVING OFFER DEFINITELY EXPIRES OCT. 31, 1963. Certain Consumers Gas allowances will cease as of October 31st, 1963. With this support withdrawn, the price of this special offer will return to its original $817.00. This is your last chance to save. .« : BUY THIS PACKAGE DEAL NOW and SAVE... .520 SHORGAS LTD. MERCHANDISE SALES ; e Special Offer! IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE NEW & & o THREE STAR RATE REDUCTION * x 3 (IF YOU ARE NOT NOW USING GAS) Shorgas Brings YOU a package deal and Saves YOU $289.00 INFORMATIO at the MASONIC TEMPLE, 91 Centre St. N: 723-7253 WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN! ! Bir: This Week! Delicious Spicy MINCE MEAT PIE with flaky pastry. BANA Special LAYER CAKE With boiled icing ond toasted cocoanut This Week! NA CREAM SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK !! PHONE BAKERY ORDERS -- 725-3421 28 KING ST. E. Du Barry Paradox cosmetics are hypo-allergenic--as free from | allergy-causing ingredients as modern science can make them. PHONE 723-4621 x FORCED AIR FURNACE (Includes 5 Hots, 2 Cold-Airs) (Plus 2 Hot Outlets In B AND WE INSTALL A > RENTAL WATER 1.75 MONTH % YOUR CHOICE OF A THOR GAS DRYER jasement) HEATER ALL FOR OR BEACH GAS RANGE PLUS benefit b Rate. 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