0 can b tc in 0 eR eee Weeken d ii asn icc nat -- "iar eumms\ Wagi Leader Wed bien with @ hall Of eRe Chiiar tl spend . Negesick, Dietes also of Osh- I 'B eee Jordan and his wife were- Of Accidents att 2ttresere;| In 'Bloodletting' arrie insrogary office sn 4 g ; |bruises at Bowmanville Memor-| LONDON (Reuters)\.-- The|crowds bombarded them with 1g t n 0O Ss Bowmanville OPP reported ajial Hospital and released. He|Ptide of British Nazi /Leader tani stink bombs and bits of 1 b f minor acci-. Mr. Sevink was uninjured. He a Bee mud. ; arge number o r Bech said the Richards car careened|Cln Jordan fell heavily and -- caesar ones PICKERING -- Two Picker-| Police were combing a wide dents over the weekend. They across the road and then rolled|@ropped a spray of' poses Sun- CLEAN ing children who became lost\area when the children were|were called out to eight sep-lover on its roof before the col-|day night as a crowd of dem- while hunting for milkweed spotted walking under a No. 401 arate mishaps in one of the|jision, onstrating youths greeted the f st. pods were picked up by police High brid t Chi h busiest weekends of the year. newlyweds here. orn or about 5 p.m. Saturday as they/*8hway ODridge a urch' rhe only serious injury re- 2 The incident occurred as the ton eng a plodded home after spending 33|street on their way home. Mr. ceived was by Gordo~ Dodd of Three Die 6 Hurt couple --.married Saturday--ar- "Your "72 hours in bushland southeast of/Hannah said the children appar-|Park road, Oshawa, on High- . rived in London for a Nordicl PHONE here, ently slept by some bushes Fri-jway 115 near Gaines Service In Montreal Crash "bloodletting" ceremony and Outside of being tired, hun-|day night, Station late Sunday night. : gry and dirty, Michael Cadieux,) The young wanderers got their) He suffered fractures to both MONTREAL (CP) -- Three ] , \ 7/12, and his sister, Linda, 10, /teet wet in a winding stream injlegs in the mishap and was persons were at arid ' alk HOCKEY : _ |were none the worse for theirlthe bush, Then they took off|taken to Oshawa General Hos-| others injured in.a collision Sun- _jadventure. They attended Sun-!their shoes and lost them. They|pital. There were three cars in- Gay between a police ambulance ||day school yesterday. | =. \found some old boots and were|volved in the collision. Policelang a car at 4 northend Mont. only Aeegpme Pig Berane wearing these when picked up. reported only minor damage to|:eal intersection. 0.H.A. 5 I ; is foster fa all of them. Linda apparently left their|, Michael told his foster father all 0 , _ Dead are Real Letourneau,| -- JUNIOR "A" HOCKEY schoolbooks at. the side of the|Me knew where he was Saturday, It is believed that Dodd wasiog 'his wife Marcelle 24, and road when they entered the|after noticing a man playingjout of his car at the time ofit oui; Letourneau. 65, all of St. % , NIAGARA FALLS bush in search of pods after golf at the Duffins Creek Golf|the crash. Drivers of the other Paul L'Ermite, Que. ; . Rolaas vem y Club, a mile from|cars ere Thomas A. Wright, : . F leaving for school Friday morn-|and Country Club, m/|Ca x Police said the ambulancell 23am 'his home. 46 Wellington street, Bowman- : ; ; ville and Jack Bryson, 31 King was taking three boys injured in FLYERS ing. The children said they ate a 'ootball game at nearby Jarry apples and 5 cents worth of GRIFFITH WINS street west, Bowmanville, Park 'to hospital when the two TONIGHT candy Michael had bought on, SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) The only other accident of alyehicles crashed. his way to school. Weiterweight champion Emile non-minor nature occurred Sat- vs -- emaauet ~~~ |Griffith scored a split 10-round|urday night just west of the 30 DAYS OVERSEAS | MON., OCT. z OSHAWA i ax | decisi E i ; Bowmanville town line on High- tarded children at Ajax. A one-|decision Saturday night over ym gh-| day circuit will clock an esti-| middleweight contender Jose) Way 2, (OCT. Ist -- MAR. Ist) 8 P.M. GENERALS Imated 1,250 miles. In 1962, the|Gonzalez"of Puerto. Rico in aj It involved cars driven by | | : cpl ' $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT \fleet consumed 42,000 gallons of|non-title bout. Griffith received|Harry Richards of Oshawa and FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL lgas and insurance payments are|the votes. of two of the three of-|Bert Sevink of Oshawa. The (OSHAWA) | BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA 7 i "ess of $3,000 year, |ficials. The third scored the'Richards car was termed a CPL. CALLAGHAN SHOWS POSTER TO BONNIE BARLOW, 10, ORONO in rg ye of there in|fight a draw. \ rata stack wea ioe Guanaae io) PHONE 728-6201 --(Oshawa Times Photo) the company staff of drivers |g } siaies eee Sees _ \which numbers 24 full-time em-| ha ployees and several spare men. Prizes Awarded Mr. Beer will continue to drive} | us ompany on charter trips, a kind of "bus- At Safety Meet Sold By Beer ssi é J Rural Bus Lines Ltd, of ORONO (Staff) -- Safety be-;prizes for the Annual Rural pougham Gwtied aid 'onshated| THREE TIMES A WEEK gins with the individual, and is|Safety Competition. There were} Donald Beer for fifteen|--- THEN YoU SHOULD BUY WR ropar! see a ibili arent|423 posters enterd in this year's|>Y ag Pag ogee Boy ot te pr in about 1.800 that| Years, has _ been ge No Mell ts oo thd ra Durhap: County Rural Satety/were ra S oe si wil S tticially take over|Teke gentle-acting Nt... Nature's last Friday. |schools throughout the County. | sacle 7 | ' ; MCA Robert 'Counten at the| A second . competition ror | the ~~ ir cin e or eT cates wel Traffic Safety Office of the OPP|group display posters was WOM | uses in. 1948. "One want north| an all-vegetable laxative. For over posh rela vd oy aru an ee hg seen rd to the Claremont Continuation|70 years, Nt has been giving folks ee aioe a ve . wareeh of thin, final entries|SChool and the other served the| pleasant, effective relief overnight. He urged that parents take/by Cpl. Callaghan. rence oe broad WM tonight... time out to instruct their chil-| "All of these are excellent," y ; tomorrow alright! dren on the subject and pointed schools. sev | Helps you feel better out that "example was the best/ve) a ssage. llie $, r -separate| ... and look better! ee laeey sate dabilizy SS es its| schools and 'one school for re-| REGULAR CHOCOLATE COATED + JUNIORS operating c o! vay ; . -- oo Ea ER and farm vehicles the most im-} In the competition for indi- portant factor in insuring safety| vidual posters twenty winners| MY WIFE'S SO NICE TO COME HOME TO on the road. jwere chosen, The Junior Divi- : The Council met to distribute |sion included students in Grades| + SINCE SHE FOUND RELIEF 1 to 4 and in the Senior Division, | : FROM Grades 5 to 8. A School Sports winvrs ERVE _., At Port Peny ih Ss OQ IT By MRS. C. H. REESOR § (Gary Kirton, Port Hope; Brian| PORT PERRY -- Port Perry| Peck, ol Ps Mi j i : eld day|Sproule, Port Hope; Stephen ogy Taco pt se Barrie, Bowmanville; Joyce! WITH DR. CHASE'S Winners were: Westervelt, Port Hope; Karen} i 'Senior Boy Champion. Larry | Schoonderbeek, Enniskillen; | HERVE FOOD ' Davidson; runner-up, Gran t/Sally Staples, Newcastle; Bruce ee a Tummonds. Tranmer, Port Hope. . eee ie sal Intermediate Boy Champion,| Senior Division: Judy Gortor . h "So nice to come home to'--that's what my husban Bill Draper; runner-up, Bob|port Hope; Bilt McCrecry, Port, f\ Waqg@h | Wt Micmcrantourstgenet cam ge nervous trouble Hunter. |Hope- Jane Hunt, Port Hope; | It's a grand thrill to be feeling just right--to find reliet Junior Boy Champion, Arnold/Anita Wells, Port Hope: Janice from tension-ridden days and restles6 wakefU! nights--to : runners- 1 r ic Sia lek get away from those jumpy irritable'tense feelings that Heayn; . uP, Dale Beare Pethick, Port Hope; Susan Long we call 'Nerve Fatigue'. es great, to have theceound "Sealer Gist Champion. Geraid-|° Hope; Linda Couch, New-. H steady nerves again that go with good health, = ine 'Cooper; runner-up, Judith| par sianler. Port Hone, Coocy| DR. CHASE Nerve Food--FIGHTS Nerve Fatigue In oo Girl Champion, Van Heuvelen, Bowmanville. 2 Marilyn Fralick; runner-up,' Arianne den Boer. Junior Girl Champion, Eliza- beth Medd; runner-up, Patricia » Aldred. PLOWING MATCH Port Perry High was well represented at the South Ontario . Junior Ploughing match which was held at Brooklin, recently. Among the winners were Kenneth Wilson who won sec- = ond in the competition for boys under 16 years and Robert Fawns who was awarded first » for boys over 16 years of age. NAMED EDITOR Miss Jody Eade, a grade 12 j » Student, has been appointed edi- ; About 'Jennie' -- This little girl is the ward of eve tor of "Hilltop Herald" for the : g ; = ensuing year by the Student yah j Citizen in the Oshawa area. She symbolizes the many Boy 8 icigp amon A Sag beats 4 ; in our community who need our help -- the young, eld in > auditorium o e a : . ; : Port Perry District High School Gy ; / the old, the troubled, the handicapped -- the people on Friday. e student y ; " was well represented and the : Oe we -help through the nineteen health and welfare dance reported to be a huge : y 4 ' success Ce: agencies supported by the FIELD DAY ; f " . Laurels were again brought! Greater Oshawa Community Chest. home to Port Perry from the | recent Inter-School Field Day| which was held af Uxbridge on} Thursday. The local school' stood second in competition with | Brock (standing first), Sutton - and Uxbridge. Medals were awarded to » Larry Davidson, Marilyn Fra-| H H H H | . lick, Elizabeth Medd, and Wil- ® ences ene i rom our on rl u ion » liam Draper. - : * Records were broken by Wil- : : : liam Diamond in the senior boys' high jump; Gail Cottyn, in the intermediate girls' high ittattrss'mws™" "|! Finance your car in advance © Campaign Starls--Od. 16th © Objective $261,800 Young Farmers || with a low-cost termPlan loan : Star At F alr Put yourself in the strongest bargaining position for a new car. . Several Ji Farmer and : Gee ae Gains Come into the Royal first hefore you shop and arrange for the cash 'Ti e ® vp County did very well with their! . H ; ' pee te Soe ree a YOU ll need. Then shop at leisure and buy only when you're good and ld), "ers' Department at Markham) ready. A Royal Bank termPlan loan offers attractive low rates, fast Fair Oct. 3. The following are: : the results. service (often less than 24 hours) and 36-month repayment. No extras lst -- DAvid Hawthorne, : RRO Pe Scaiiiia Baer Yocmers: tnd or hidden charges. And it's life-insured. So--before you shop, see any : real ba Gee can **) J} Royal branch first about a termplan loan for a car, appliance or THIS APPEAL IS SPONSORED BY .. . Aldon Smith, Port Perry Lions' ny other reas ! See aa Chae tn Gee any other reasonable need. Today! "Smith, Port Perry Lions' 4H & Coulter Manufacturing Company Limited, 28 Richmond St. W. = 125-4736 "Grain Club Sate, eae ee ee W. F. Bowden & Son Limited, 54 Burk St., Oshawa 725-5533 "Grain Club; 6th -- Doug Batty 1] 9 Caer aa tre Goat Ge ROYAL BANK Oshawa Dairy Limited, 431 Simcoe St. $., Oshawa 725-47)9 awa Kiwanis 4-H Grain Club; | Oshowa Bronch: $. F, Donnelly Menager og an Norton, Scott 4-H Oshowe, King & Wilson Branch: J. M, Waddell, Manager Consumers' Gas Company, 48 Simeoe St. $:, 723-3468 Spent Gralx Cae ith aes Shorgas Limited, 31 Celina $t., Oshawa 728-944 "Scott Grain Club; llth -- Keith Phoneix, Port Perry Lions' 4-H). ' \ Grain Club; 12th -- Allan Jex, : Brock 4H Grain Club.