NEWSMAN ATTACKED | Bandaged newsman John rkey of the National roadcasting Company talks fe Rep. William S. Broom- Id, left, Michigan Republi- nm, and. U.S. Ambassador flenry Cabot Lodge, right, at the Saigon airport Sunday. Sharkey told of being attack- ed and beaten by Vietnamese plainclothes police after wit- nessing the burning of a Bud- dhist monk. Broomfield and several other congressmen of ] ; |duced shows, 4 |than it did before the strike ; |threat. The decrease felt by our S|members so far this year is the House Foreign Affairs Committee arrived in Saigon for a three-day study of prob- lems between South Viet Nam and the United States. --AP Wirephoto Be Latin American Trouble Outline By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Here in capsule form is a tune of troubles afflicting ions of Latin America: J sArgentina: President Arturo of going soft on followers - ousted ex - dictator Juan nm. Dr. Arturo Illia, slightly igft-of-centre country doctor, as- mes. the presidency Oct. 12 m President Jose Maria ido, who was appointed by military to serve as interim vernment head. 'Peru: Military ousted presi- dent Manuel Prado July 18, 1962 just as his six-year term neared the end. Army leaders charged the election of his successor 's ire was aimed at Victor of the Popular Action Party, was elected. He was sworn in July 28. Ecuador: High4iving Carlos Julio Arosemena was ousted as president July 11, 1963 by mili- tary leaders who branded him a drunk and sympathizer with Communists. A four-man mili- Trouble also is brewing in: Brazil: This largest of the Latin-American nations is bas- ically in deep economic and financial troubles. Leftists, threatening strikes, demand higher wages. Right-wing pres- sure appears aimed at the removal of Presidnt Joao Gou- lart, once an outspoken leftist who now calls himself a mode- rate, Opponents charge he is Amn z AL LAA TORONTO (CP) -- The Asso- ciation of Canadain Television and Radio Artists' board of di- = a meeting Sunday, said the Canadian Broadcasitng Corporation. failed, to keep its promise to expand the proportion of its budget spent in Canada on Canadian performers. ee A statement by ACTRA said the CBC spends nearly five) times more on shows imported from the United States and Eng- land than it does on locally pro- The report says that proposed| strike action, threatened last summer by the union's 2,000 members, w: avoided when the CBC gave /assurance the au- tumn schedule would show more Canadian programming. | Marcel Franco, general sec- retary of the ACTRA said: "Instead, the CBC is spending even less on Canadians now > i. a MID 4 1 aps Ubu Canadian Content phons Ouimet, CBC president and chairman of the board, has yet to sign the agreement ne- gotiated months ago on the basis of which the ACTRA called off its strike. The association also was dis- couraged at the closing of one of the CBC's two English-lang- uage radio stations in Toronto-- CJBC, It is slated to be con- verted into a French-language outlet early next year. Mr. Francq said: "We are most anxious to have a French-language radio sta- tion in this area and see such stations established in other cen- tres such as Windsor, Fort Wil- liam and North Bay, which have a large French-speaking population. But we protest the converting of this station, the CBC's only Toronto outlet that ip "woncerned wih local affairs, It doesn't solve the need for French-language radio in Tor- onto." more than $150,000 below last year. There has been a serious breach of faith." Mr. Francq claimed that Al- FIND AGED BUNS Charred buns in a stone oven dating to 200 AD have been found by archeologists on Helgo Island, Sweden. incapable of guiding the nation through economic stri'e. Gou- lart is seeking a 30-day state of siege. tary junta headed by navy Capt. Ramon Castro Jijon, assumed control. Dominican Republic: Presi-| dent Juan Bosch was removed) Sept. 25, 1963 by military lead- ers who blamed him for eco nomic chaos and softness to ward Communists and followers of Cuba's Fidel Castro. A mil- tary junta took control but set up provisional civilian adminis- trotion pending new elections. Honduras: Predawn military strike unseated president Ra- re re was but the mili- ul Haya de la Torre, leftist non-Communist head of the erican ar. Revolv Alliance. On June 9, 1003, w elections were held and rnando Belaunde Terry, head mon Villeda Morales on charges of Communist infiltration, ad- ninistrative chaos and political unrest Oct. 3, 1963. Col. Osvaldo Lopez Arellano proclaimed him- SMART WOMEN ... hove their carpets ond uphol- stery cleaned 'The Safe Wey' by DURACLEAN 728-8518 self provisional president. | ! You can buy miracles And you can buy them from your local pharmacists. 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