Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1963, p. 21

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Fane {HE HIT HOME RUN BUT Koufax Fans oe aepecrs rourax Woeld Series e e. 2 A While His Mates 223 "=es.. Facts, Figures» i are chers Tom Tresh 0 it on 2-0. Not this guy. | } ' the New York Yankees would "That curve fell right off' the By THE ASSOCIATED, PRESS: rather face than Sandy Kou- fax. table on the outside comer. |Los Amg (N) His two-run homer in the 1 @ minute, he's back to two |New York (A) Pound Ford E arl eigth inning Wednesday ac- and two on the count and now First Game, Wednesday, Oct 2 é counted for all the New York I'm jooking for a breaking |) 041 000 000-- 5 90 runs in a 5-2 loss to Los An- ball and I'm leaning in. Sohe | Koufax aid Rosaliors: Ford, oe, = : P geles Dodgers in the opener NEW YORK (AP)--The un-jseventh Series opener, lasted, Sandy, who said he felt) 9, the World Series. But tosh busts a fast ball past me on /wiiliams (6), Hamilton (9) and derrated Dodgers of Los Ange-|just five innings, during which|weak" in the early innings, horerey the inside and out I go. E. Howard, W -- Koufax. b = les, the object of new respect,|he was tagged 'or eight of thel«tireq" in the Bet: ined peg oi sgrecaps omg el "He doesn't seem blazing Ford. HRs: LA -- Rosebovo suddenly found themselves|Dodgers' nine hits, and all their and "a litt 'i a ' noiiior ' fast," Tresh continued, "The |NYK--Tresh. f slight favorites today to win the|runs. e..weax agen 8 ' fast ball I hit for the home | FINANCIAL FIGURES World Series following their) The big hit was a three-run the end after regaining some of}. "'He has. to have the best run seemed easy, But that | First. Game stunning 5-2 triumph over|homer by John Roseboro, thelhis. strength, had a couple of curve ball I've ever seen," happens. When you hit it, it | Net receipts--$490,259.11 Whitey Ford and the New York/lefthanded hitting catcher. anxious moments but weathered| S#id Tresh. seems easy. When you don't. | saemensisiones: s share -- $73, mei in Wednesday's! Other key hits were Frank'the storm each time. ; ed second time I was up, ad it eke hard." 598.87 Howard's gigantic 460 - foot; Both managers -- sai had him 2-0. He's a fast ball After Koufax, would the The Yankees still ruled 714-to-| double that opened the four-run|would use the yet eg pitcher, you think, sol was Dodgers' second - game Heve Your Suit Styled 5 favorites to win today own second inning and Bill Skow-|the second game. Dick Trace-| 00king for a fast ball. He starter, Johnny Podres, have and Tailored by young ~ cca cong Pag ron's first of two singies that)wski, who replaced the injured threw me a curve ball the to look easy to the Yanks? S rusigg: tb ded outed Prog drove in. the first run of the|Ken McMullen, will continue at| likes of which I never saw "I'd be hard to hit your AM ROTISH igs case: B iegroe - game. Skowron's second hit, in|sccond base, where he excelled before. Maybe some pitchers' mother if you hadn't seen her | 7 KING ST. EAST ao 'ee Bedeers th i1-to-10) the third, knocked in the final|Wednesday, with Jim Gilliam| threw @ curve that might pitch," answered Tresh. From A Lerge Selection of choice to take the whole ball|'™ pict at third. | Fine British: Woollens of wax. The Yankees had been a pre-Series 744-to-5 pick. Sandy Koufax changed all that with one of the finest pitch- ing performances in series' his- a The 27-year-old Brooklyn- southpaw established a aries' strikeout record by fan- ning 15 Yankees as he held the American League champions to six hits. Koufax lost his bid for a shut- out when Tommy Tresh cracked an eighth-inning two-run homer with two out. "We haven't seen anyone in our league who compares with him," declared Yankee mana- ger Ralph Houk in high praise. "He was every bit as good as weinee neta lee | 80 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA of flu that hit him last week, overpowered the hard - hitting Yankees, retiring 14 straight : . fa -batters until Elston Howard ; r ) ; ras singled with two out in the ' ' THE RECORD PITCH! His- October 2, 1953, when Carl |fifth. He fanned the first five) Tyg tory in the making -- and acty Erskine of Brooklyn Dodgers aah batters to tie a 18-year- ion galore -- is caught by the fanned 14 of the Yankees in a |° d record held by Mort Cooper ; cameraman in the above pic- World Series tilt. Bright is of the 1944 St. Louis Cardinals. ture. Sandy Koufax, Dodger's seen completing his "follow |TOPS ERSKINE great left-handed pitcher, has through" -- catcher John | The 15 strikeouts topped the just fired the 3rd strike pas: Roseboro has the ball tightly |previous record set by Carl Er- pinch-hitter Harry Bright of clutched in his big mitt and |skine, another Dodger, who the Yankees, to end the first plate umpire Paparella is giv- fanned 14 Yankees in a game in game of the 1963 classic and ing the traditional ou: thrust + rd Raa nak aon set a new World Series record of the right arm, to indicate |P Ts stiri o lodgers f MARCONI of 15 strikeouts. Exactly 10 the strikeout. for a combined total of 25, an- aeenee rom (AP. Wirephoto) other new Series mark, better- er ney ee ee ing the 22 collected by the Car- "Th " dinals and Browns in the 1944 s @ own eat s il MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS "2." ai ] Ford, in a record - making | ; RADIO e . FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile Pace. 2year Tigne 210 1. On at 614 EDT, ae 1 Pp | T i Sore Gl PHONO * im ri ro Be i } Stara "natiers at Pur] Laan. Brow Wo aa ec Amold Palmer To | ion Sein Dawe, 8.70 4.80 3.20 Pool $12.977. Try For More Loot Chief ewkeye. ick eden 6.20 3.50 % ve" 250| SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile Pace (B ~~ Tine 208 35, On ar'? a cor aes ton Rotary Club Purse). year-olds and PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Ar- |: eae, : 'Also: Another Look, Buster Grattan, pg aa oe tet aT dome a nold Palmer's right shoulder aie } CHERNEY'S el gs Lynden Albert and $2500. Purse $400, (7) @. still hurts, but he's going to play UNBEATABLE s 7.508 Symbol, in the $125,000 Whitemarsh open yan Third ouisel Meets 5.20 3.50 PRICE escent rve,olebtnsen Bsf = +m Egg e o eng ote Bs Po ROA VICTOR Seite and. of $1000 i Yes. "Purse $500, ais "| also: Johnny Dale, Joannie Lee, Albert)sition as the year's leading tim. Dat rete, | sere, COTS i queen ms 3 nd a PAID siazo, | money winner. t tube function radi Edimmy Song Ce McCatium ....... 490| Pool $7,778 Guinella, Poot $8,799. The Latrobe, Pa., belter or a e e7 fu , AM io, phonograph with DAILY DOUBLE, 8 and 7. PAID $16.00 hasn'} won any major titles this full fidelity eudio system! Teh ee On at in ROT. SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile Pace. 3 As they say on the tour- . . Alse: Atom Lee, Earl Hanver, Magic|Ye@r-olds and up. Winners of more than y Kay, Delle's Hal ., and Billy Reno. |31000 but not more then $2500 in igesctney trail, Arnie hasn't won any- CHERNEY'S $ @ B.S.R. 4-speed ti end Pool $9022. . Purse $600, ( go|thing but money. Now his lofty UNBEATABLE ni 7. GHligh 'and' Mighty, C'houn 420 3, PRICE stereo changer! ' THIRD RACE -- 1 Mile Pace, 3-year-|4Lynden Mac, Holmes ae status as top cash man is in olds and up. Non-winners of $1000 In 1963. sage Bld --: Ag ay 3.00|jeopardy. Should Jack Nicklaus Purse $500, (7). Tine . take home the $26,000 first @ Eosio: to cerry . . . more picture @ Heavy poset extended range speaker, matched 7-Rodger Hal, McFadden .. 7.90 $20 4.10 Forbes, i iain Abe Marteeny .... una Ley te si Mighty Micr@er|money at the Whitemarsh Val- power! te this wnit! :90| Laurie. ley Country Club he would sup- : rvey 1 Pool $14,522. Compact, console cabinet in hand rubbed finish! | plant Palmer at the top of the Sound' a RhYIN™| RIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mlle Pace. ayear-jcash list. ' ° . in oo. AND HT PLAYS ; STEREO RECORDS, TOO! Poo! 8 10,74) < 4 up. Claiming all $2500, Purse) 8). FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile Pace. 3 Pun Swing, Zuk e 40 $99 299 WAS PIONEER ROAD x year-olds and up. Claiming all $1500.|7-Edna's Counsel, Madilt " j Purse $500, (8). #Lynden Anne, Holmes 370|. The first macadam highway 4 fas rene Aula, C'val 1.10 4s 410 Time 209, Off at 1024 EDT. in the United States was built a = w a en iS ....-.. 5.80 4.30| Also: Jimmy Belwyn, Dancer, Melodie|hetween 1791 and 1797 from : f m ELECTROHOM E &Goodwill Johnnie, \ 5.90 b i 4 ; ; Time 209. Of a! 883, EDT. | Selita asta Philadelphia to Lancaster, Pa. ' : cece HO Also: Allen Volo, Chuck Grattan, Wal- 5 : aoe Pride, Boxer's Sister, and Doctor|) NINTH RACE --! Mile Pace. 3-year- g : ; W vr jemon, olds and up. Claiming ali $2500. Purse * i i Pool $11,957. $600, (8). John Ovens; 0.2. t 2-Tim Star, Burrison 21.90 8.50 5.10 d FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile Trot. 3-year-|1-Bye Bye Baldwin, Kingston 3.70 2.90 olds and up. Winners of more than $1000|8-Mighty Creed, Lockhart ..... 3:30 OPTOMETRIST by} ol more than $2300 In 1963. Purse) Time 27. Off at THK EDT. |g BOND ST. £., OSHAWA 3 a shi ; WITH BUILT-IN MULTIPLEX FM RADIO! ). $Frisco Van R., Lockhart 3.90 3.00 2.30} annie, Ginger Reno, and Sloe Gin. 2-Pride's Crossing, Harvey .... 6.30 3.80|Pool $17,510 Total Mutuel Pool $122,236 PH. 723-4811 @ Belenced, 4 specker system 2 4" end 7T-Komoka Queen, Palmer .30| Attendance 2,507 iB 3 ite i ? ff i ai Te aati a i 210 -- Cherney's Unbeatable Price. © Precision-bait Gerrerd "Autostim" ch ATTENTION BOATERS! |¢| ' 1. ane" == 287 SOLD FOR ' @ All parts, (except styl) ere guaranteed by Hlectrohome fer ONE FULL YEART: ENROLL In Courses Offered by THE OSHAWA POWER SQUADRON O STEREO FREE i | , RECORDS 4 "h . PILOTING & SMALL BOAT HANDLING | cece TL . SEAMANSHIP | "Tilt-Out™ . ADVANCED PILOTING ! | STEREO . JUNIOR NAVIGATOR = . ENGINE MAINTENANCE | a $158 aia a CHERNEY'S UNBEATABLE PRICE Courses will be held at the OSHAWA YACHT CLUB on Monday te"s true! You actuolly get Evenings during Fall and Winter months, commencing October heh rad ag i 21st at 8 p.m. . FREE with the purchase of ~ . this fine portable stereo, PLUS! the handsome stand Attend Registration Night ao an. sel ene low, low price! See it MONDAY, OCT. 7th, 8 P.M. : Or ® OSHAWA YACHT CLUB ® Details of courses and modest cost for books and instruction meterials will be explained on Registration Night. It is not necessary to be a boat owner to take these courses, Any man or woman in. Oshawa and District with an interest in safe boating is invited to attend.

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